The Banshees of Inisherin is incredible.

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hi I'm Kaden and today we're going to be talking about the banshees of in airan my sister has been asking me to make a video about why I love this movie so much and I'm going to I'm finally getting around to it now so just a brief synopsis of the movie if you haven't seen it yet which I highly recommend you go and watch it okay so basically the movie follows pck and colum when colum suddenly decides that he no longer wants to be friends with pck and this ends pck in a spiral where he has to figure out well what did I do what went wrong what about me has suddenly made you change his mind is something wrong with you because for me nothing has changed and he bothers colum so much to the point that colum tells him for every time you bother me I'm going to cut off one of my fingers and give it to you and colum is a fiddle player so you would think that P be like oh well I've got to stop talking to him because if he cuts off all his fingers he's not going to be able to do his favorite thing anymore music he's not going to be able to play his violin but it's eating away at him and so he keeps bothering him and keeps bothering him keeps bothering him and it just unravels from there so yeah that's basically what it's about it's in my top five favorite movies so I'm just going to rant about it I think the characters are so well written and you really grow to understand them especially Paul Rick I think he is such he's such a good character and Colin frell does such a wonderful job at portraying this kind of [Music] weird a socially [Music] awkward guy who's just a little bit naive and thinks very thinks of things as very black and white when in reality they're not but the character's so relatable I think his story is something anyone can relate to about losing a friend that you didn't to lose and just the confusion it brings and trying to understand what the other person means then we've got the guy who plays Callum Sunny Larry I can't remember his name gleon I know was his last name but he does a wonderful job even though you feel bad for Paul Rick to lose his best friend you to a certain extent you understand where colum is coming from and his desire to want to play music and really create something more meaningful out of his life than what he has so far I at least can understand the drive that he has for for if he can't create this music then he might as well just cut off his fingers you know if he can't do this it's just not worth it he kind of goes about cutting off pck in a very R in in a in a mean way but I think even his reasoning is understandable especially as an artist and then of course we've got Barry kogan and his storyline with his with the small role he has in the movie he brings so much to it his character is another one that people can really relate to his the abuse from his father and him not being able to fall in love or have anyone love him well there goes that dream and then of course there's a sister sh on who who's also just another deeply relatable character to I think a lot of people you know she's this older sister she's this protective girl who feels like she needs to protect her little brother pck from from everyone where she's kind of held back on her own life because she feels she needs to be there for him to take care of him but she makes this remarkable Journey where she decides to finally leave and that it's her time to finally do what she wants to do and I think that's a story a lot of people can relate to where they feel tied down by certain elements of their lives where they can't where they don't feel like they can go and do the things they want to do so she's a great role model if you're stuck and her actress does an amazing job as well the scenes where the scenes where P keeps bringing the donkey in the house he so they're they're so funny to me they're such a good time I think all the characters have an extremely relatable story line and it's all trade very realistically and in a way that even if you don't relate you can still understand why they act the way they do and then of course the very best character of is Jenny that donkey brings so much to the movie oh my gosh that donkey is wonderful and so is mine the second thing I love about this movie is the setting everyone in my life knows I'm strangely obsessed with the country of Ireland and I think it's so pretty I think the the small island life they're living and just the Civil the Irish Civil War that was going on when the movie takes placed and how you can hear the bombing how you can hear the fighting from another Shore and I just think it's it's so beautiful and that you couldn't have you couldn't have made this movie in any other place you you couldn't have made this movie anywhere else and had the same sort of feeling that it gives you the sense of of just them being in their own this weird bubble where they're separated from everything else but they can still get a little bit a little bit they can hear the sounds of other things and I think this the cinematography the way they film the movie really adds to the setting and this feeling of mystical like loneliness where everyone's kind of alone and they're trying to figure things out for themselves on this tiny little island where everyone knows them it really just the the where they are and the way it's film just really elevates the whole the whole thing and the nice slow pace of the movie people will complain that movies are too long they they need to be too long blah blah blah blah blah really understand why people say that for a lot of movies like I've said that for movies but I think the slow pace and the slow nature of this movie it just adds to it and it it elevates the the the small like scale I guess the Tiny Town this the just the small friendship it's just it it keeps it grounded how slow paced it is and even though it's slow paced I don't really get bored I I find all the characters interesting and everything interesting I think the slow pace just adds to it the next thing I love about this movie is the story a story about friendship and relationships is not very unique a ton of movies are made about relationships between people but I think the way this story goes about it is in it's such a unique way of looking at friendship and and people and the thing people will do to make prove a point and even though the story mostly revolves around this friendship a lot of it's about growth and character growth and growing into the person you once were into who you are now and becoming better learning learning more about yourself and the way you handle things like Siobhan goes on her journey into the big city and colum loses his fingers and his house gets burnt down but it's all grounded in this where nothing feels extreme nothing feels like seriously like it all feels reasonable even though burning someone's house down could never truly be reasonable you kind of are rooting for him somehow I completely forgot to mention how this movie is hilarious not only is it about growth and losing relationships and whatnot it's actually hilarious and so funny the the the humor lies in the ab in just how absurd it is and just it's so funny and so good and such a good time but it's also heartbreaking and and I don't know it's just so much fun they told me at the post office to try to find out student fadin from mRNA yeah a telegram came for you from your mommy my mommy is no longer with us not your mommy sorry say your mommy your auntie yeah your auntie it's about your daddy what about daddy uh Bread Van crashed into him the Bread Van yeah they said you'd best hurry home to him lest you should die all alone die or get worse all alone this is impossible it's not impossible red Vans crash into people all the time I know that tell me mommy died anyways that was just my little rant and ramble about this movie and how much I love it and if you disagree with me I don't care you're not going to change my opinion it's fine that you have your own opinion keep it to yourself unless you agree with me anyways thanks so much for watching make sure to smash that like button and subscribe and check out my art account on Instagram at art period Caden bye-bye
Channel: kayden
Views: 234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ExBxX2i1hWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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