I Married Black | Comedy Drama | Full Movie | Interracial Couples

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(gentle music) ♪ We're not the same ♪ ♪ You've got your ways ♪ ♪ And that's okay ♪ ♪ I know I've got mine too ♪ ♪ Be unashamed ♪ ♪ Let's own the difference ♪ ♪ Love has made ♪ ♪ More than the eye can see ♪ ♪ Your way is not my way ♪ ♪ But we've been made to love ♪ ♪ Won't waste any days ♪ ♪ Amazed by love ♪ ♪ Respect yourself ♪ ♪ Means love yourself and others just the same ♪ ♪ No matter what may come our way ♪ ♪ I choose to see skin and the deep ♪ ♪ Another soul ♪ ♪ Stories connecting ♪ ♪ Your way is not my way ♪ ♪ But we've been made to love ♪ ♪ Won't waste my days ♪ ♪ Unamazed by love ♪ ♪ More than the eye can see ♪ ♪ Pure heart shines to beauty ♪ ♪ Differences, many ways ♪ ♪ And it's okay ♪ ♪ We are to celebrate ♪ ♪ Your ways are not my way ♪ ♪ But we've been made to love ♪ ♪ No I won't waste many days ♪ ♪ Unamazed ♪ ♪ Your ways are not my way ♪ ♪ But we've been made to love ♪ ♪ Your ways ♪ - Jill, I just put out the refreshments. - Oh, perfect. You know what? I left the tuna salad in my car, so I'll be right back. Oh hi. Welcome to IMB. I'm Jill. - I'm Steven, hi. - Steven, come on in. I'll introduce you to the rest of the group. Everyone, this is Steven. - [Bob] Hi, Steven. - Hey. - Bob, why don't you show Steven around and I'm get that tuna salad out of my car. - Okay. How are you, Steven? It's really nice to meet you, really. - Good, thanks. Listen, we're just about to get started. Why don't you come and make yourself at home. Grab some of those great refreshments. If I were you though, I would skip the fruit salad. Karen's got 15 cats. - Hello everyone and welcome to IMB. That's the I Married Black group. Where we can openly discuss the challenges of being married to Black people. Now today we have a new member, Steven. - [Group] Hi, Steven. - Hello, hi. Thank you. - Now Steven, why don't you stand on up and just give us a little insight into your BLM. That's Black Loving Marriage. - Hi, I'm Steven Petigrew. And I've been married to my wife now for almost two years. Her name's Jurni. I come from a Republican household, so I didn't grow up around a lot Black people. I met a guy in college, maybe. I digress. I met my wife on a blind date actually. (upbeat music) - So you've never seen her before? - That's why it's called a blind date, genius. - I don't do blind dates, Clay. - Steven, you don't do any dates. You're practically re-virginized. You might as well be a priest. - Seriously, I've had sex this year. - Amy McNally? - What's wrong with Amy? - I know homeless guys that wouldn't touch her. She's unsavory. Don't you want to know what it's like to be with a woman who's actually told somebody no? - Whatever, Clay. I'd at least like to know what she looks like. - We're about to find out. - Hey. - Ooh. - You look beautiful. - Thank you, Clay. Linda, this is my friend Steven. Steven, this is Linda. - Hi, Steven. - Hello. - Hey. - So who's your friend? - Oh, I don't know who she is. Here's my girl Jurni. Jurni, this is Clay and his friend Steven. (upbeat music) - Oh. Hi. - We have to go to the washroom and wash. - Okay great. - Yes, wash. - [Jurni] Take your time. - Well? - He's white. - She's black. - And he's dressed like a bum. - He's attractive though. - He's aight. - I've never dated a black girl before, Clay. - [Clay] She's hot. - Yes, yes, I get it okay. I get it, I get it. She's hot, all right. She's fucking hot. - Aside from looking like a homeless person. - Okay so he's a little under standard of male model. - I don't do male models. - Oh my God, the last guy you dated could have worked at a candle factory he waxed so many times. - Okay you got me. - You know honestly, Clay, I think I'm out of her league. - That's good. - How is that good? - When have you ever had girl that's out of your league give you the time of day? - Jurni, you date jerks. - No, I don't. I don't date jerks. Okay, one. Oh, okay, several. Okay, over a dozen. What do you want from me? - This guy, he'd be so lucky to have you. He would just worship the ground you walk on. - Okay how is he gonna handle all of this? I'm supposed to just settle? - Settling is relative. And what if? - If? What are you? - Okay, big if. But oh my goodness he would just throw all this money at you and could pat him on the head, give him a little hope. - Think about it. She's Linda's wing woman. She's not going anywhere. You've got all night to win her over. And when you do, you might get the chance to nail a Black chick. I've been trying for years. - That's because you're a fucking pig. - A persistent pig. - What if? - What? - What if the stereotypes are true? - Oh. Yeah, so they make up for it orally. - Look I get it, man. You're worried you're not packing enough down there, huh? Come on, man. - [Steven] What? - Not all black dudes are hung like that. Personally I don't have that problem, 'cause you see, I'm above average. The question is Steven, are you average? - Define average. - Oh boy. You better get a dental dam bro. - Clay's a little below average, but I tell ya, my Lord, he eats an amazing snatch. Ooh, he's a snatch snacker. ♪ Snatch snacker ♪ - Please stop talking. - Steven. - Yeah I know, we got introduced. Jurni. - It's been a pleasure meeting you. You are so beautiful. Once I got over the nervousness and got to know her, we started dating and the rest is history. - Wow, Steven. (group applauding) See, we were all nervous going into our relationships, but we ventured forth without fear or judgment and with good intent. Now we all want to hear how it progressed, but first we're gonna listen to some stories from some of our other members. - [Steven] Okay. - Okay? (gentle music) ♪ I'm ready to love you ♪ ♪ For life ♪ ♪ Now's the time ♪ ♪ This the place I give my love ♪ - Hey sweetie. ♪ Now that I've seen your face ♪ ♪ All of those things that used to matter to me ♪ ♪ All seem to fade away ♪ - Jurni. ♪ And the man I used to be ♪ ♪ I don't even know ♪ ♪ I don't even know ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ It was just like a dream ♪ ♪ Revealed to me ♪ - [Steven] Jurni? Sweetie? - Hi. - Hi, sweetie. What was so important? - Oh, I'm ovulating. - Oh wow that sounds really painful. - Tonight is the optimal night for us to get pregnant. - Look, even if you can't get pregnant. - Ah, ah. Don't jinx it. - I'm just saying I'm not mad at all this practice. - Well, you bring that little thing here. - It's not little, Jurni. It's fair. - It's cute. - Yes, babe, every man wants their penis called cute. - It's a monster. - I'll take that lie. - And I'll take this. - Oh wow. Oh my God you're like a penis genie. - [Jurni] Watch me make it disappear. - Oh my God. - So how was your day? - It was great, thank you. - Well I don't see how, since you had stay so late. - Oh. Yeah, yeah. Well it was great despite that. - Aw, poor baby. So, Linda says that if I'm on top I'll have a girl. - Oh, I love this even more. I get to be lazy while conceiving. - I think we should swing for a boy. - Oh damn it. Oh Jurni, I promised my mom I was going to have a daughter. - I don't want to talk about your mom when we're having sex. - Oh sorry, I wanted a daughter. ♪ For life ♪ ♪ For life ♪ ♪ Your love ♪ - Oh wow, feels like you just stole my life force. - That's that ill-nana. - I guess. I mean, I don't know if it's ill any. Listen, Sue stayed with John and John has herpes okay. I mean, I'm not going anywhere. - What? Fool, my pussy ain't sick. You know what? You really need to bone up on your urban dictionary. - Okay. - I'm gonna go get some water. - Can you... - I'm gonna get you a Gatorade and some vitamin E 'cause you have work to do. - Okay. - [Jurni] I'll be right back. - All right, babe. (phone beeping) Who in the hell is texting me? This late. Oh no, it's my mom. Oh my God. Seriously mom? Oh, that's horrible. Oh no. - [Jurni] Steven, baby is everything okay? - No. My mom just sent me a text and she said that Buddy has cancer. - Oh my God, what stage? - It's terminal. They give him like a month, maybe two. - Wait. Do I know Buddy? - Yes of course. He's my dog. I can't believe that you don't remember his name. Look babe, I really need to go to see him. - Seriously? - What do you mean? - Nothing. Do you want me to go with you? - No, you don't have to. I'll get Clay to ride with me. He loved Buddy. - Well good, now while you're at your parents, can you confirm if they can come to our house for the Fourth of July? - I'll ask them if they can make it. - Hm, okay. - Okay? What does that mean? - What does what mean? - Your hm okay. - Nothing. - Jurni, your nothing sounds like something. - It's just real funny that we can always go to their house but they can never come to ours. - That's because they live in Indiana and that drive is absolutely... - Okay for us but not for them? - Jurni, they're fucking old. Look, sweetie, I'm sorry. I promise they'll be here for the Fourth of July. - Okay, we'll see. - Is your brother gonna be here? - Of course, why? - Just curious. Crap. - Did you say something? - [Steven] No. You ready for round two? - Uh uh, no. Me and my sick pussy are gonna take a rain check. (upbeat music) - She's pressing the issue. She wants my dad and mom to come up for the Fourth of July and her brother is gonna be there. I don't want my parents to have to deal with him and his friend. Crap. I'm tired of this blame shit. Like I owned slaves or I am the man. I just want to things to be normal, Clay. - You you had every opportunity to marry a white girl. - Seriously? - I mean this wouldn't be an issue. - You hooked us up. - Me? I just asked Linda if she had a friend she could bring to the date for you. - You're the one that told me to go for it. - To get laid. I wanted you to get your Black card, Steven. Just sex, okay. I didn't tell you to go full on Robin Thicke. - I love her, Clay. - I know you do. I've loved a lot of women. But when you marry Black, you marry a Black problems. You've seen these reality shows, they're ghetto. You did this to yourself. - Thanks, Clay. - I'm just saying, man. When have you ever hung out with any Black people? In your whole life? Before getting married you met her brother, you met his friends, you met her friends. You knew what you were getting into. - Look, her brother means well. - He means well? Blaming us for causing all their problems? They need to take responsibility and stop blaming the white man. - Clay, not all of them are like that. - How do you know? Are you sure? - Jurni isn't. - Have you talked with her about any Black matters whatsoever? - She brings it up. - And what do you say? - Nothing, I let her vent. - You don't have an opinion of your own on any of this? - No, she hasn't asked. - Oh. I see, Steven. I see what's going on here. I'm here and she's not. Am I right? I'm going with you to your parents' house 'cause you don't want to bring her there. - I'm not stopping her, Clay. - You're not inviting her either. I'm sure she'd want to go. - Look, dad has strong opinions about the football situation. - Yeah, I know he does. He's like Mr. Conservative. - True. I'm shocked he doesn't have a Trump tattoo myself. - How do you feel about this whole Colin Kaepernick thing? - It's not my place to say. - Okay. Is your mom cooking? - I hope so. It'd be nice to have some home cooked meals. - Why? You getting a little sick of collard greens and cornbread over there? - Dude. - [Clay] What? - That was so racist. - Aw, come on. It was not. It was funny. I'm a lot of things but I'm not a racist. I'm opinionated. I'm a little prejudiced. I know I look like a complete douche bag and that's fine, but I'm not a racist. - Okay, well what's the difference? - The difference. The difference is I'm not holding anybody back. I'm not burning crosses in people's yards. I'm not calling the cops on these people. I mean, if they wanna have their own television shows and get their own bank loans, that's fine with me. Do I think some of them are a little wild? And does it annoy me, yeah. If I see a group of them walking towards me on the street, I'll cross the street. I'm not racist. These are just my opinions. I never hurt anybody, Steven. - Okay. - It's just how I feel. So anyway, how's that group going? - Fantastic. It's helping me out a lot. - [Clay] And they have free coffee? - No, I had to pay a dollar. - What the fuck? - [Steven] Tell me about it. (upbeat music) And when I first met Jurni, we began dating. (hand knocking) - What you want? - Hello. Hello, I'm looking for Jurni Ford? - Looking for what? - Well I'm her... - Oh wait. No, you here to put the TV on the wall right? Hey Jurni, you got this white boy here to put this TV on your wall. - [Jurni] What? - Come on in, man. Yo, I said come on. Standing at the door all scary and stuff. Come on. Damn dork standing there looking scary. Jurni, why the hell you call me to come put this TV up and you called the white boy from Best Buy? That's the dork she called. - Jared, when you get out? You get any foot longs while you were in jail? - Best Buy? I didn't call Best Buy. Oh, he's not from Best Buy. Hi, Steven. - [Steven] Hey. - Wait, wait, what? - [Jurni] Oh snap. I forgot we were supposed to link for lunch today. - [Steven] Yeah. - Jurni, who the hell is this? - [Jurni] Oh. Steven, this is my brother Bronze. Bronze, Steven. And that's his friend, Zeke, over there. - Her ex. - Oh whatever. Hey, I'm just gonna freshen up, change, and I'll be ready in two shakes of a lamb's tail. That cool? You can make yourself at home. - Zeke? - The name is Mustafa. Zeke is my slave name, colonizer. - Sorry, Mufasa. - Did he just call me a "Lion King" character? - He did. - The name is Mustafa, Jared. - Oh, got it. Mustafa. And. Bronze? - Yeah. - And where does that name come from? - I won a bronze metal in the Olympics for boxing. I'm known for knocking people the hell out. - Beats ass. - [Bronze] Mm-hm. - Thank you for that. Your service? - Nigga, I wasn't in no Army. Now how the hell you meet my sister? - We met at a bar. It was a blind date. - Blind date? Blind date with a Black woman? No, it ain't funny. You trying to put your little pencil in my sister? - No. - Trying to stick your pink pecker in the pool of life? - No. - What, you gay? - No. - Well then, lower your tone. And just say you're trying to hit it. - Well not, at this present moment. - You packing? - Excuse me? - You fart? - No. - I ain't stuttered, Jared. Are you packing? Sisters don't do smurf pee-pee. - Define smurf pee-pee. - Listen here you little white boy. That's my sister we talking about, not some God damned sex slave. Her name ain't Halle Berry. You not Billy Bob and this not "Monsters Ball". - And the only reason Halle got with that dude 'cause it was in the script. She'd a never got with a guy named Billy Bob in real life. - Didn't Halle marry a white guy? - Shut your damn mouth. Everybody get their death threat. It's not 'cause you some quirky, pasty white boy. - Not for me. It's 'cause you're white. - [Jurni] I'm ready. - This our business. Don't you say nothing. Snitches get stitches. - For acting like bitches. - And I wouldn't want to have stitches. - I'm ready. You ready to go? - You have no idea. Get me outta here. I'm so uncomfortable. - What? - Is my TV gonna be up by the time I get back? - Of course. - It's not gonna have any left over screws this time, is it? - Jurni, why you bringing up old stuff? Just let me be great. Go on. - Okay. Bye Zeke. - The name is Mustafa, Queen. Zeke is a white name. - Negro, your mama named you. - 'Cause of the white man. - Bye. - She just got herself a white man. - She's light skinned and he's white, just imagine if they had kids together. They'd be see through. - If she had a child with you it'd be Simba. - [Mustafa] Ah, that's what we on? (upbeat music) - Steven, that is horrible. - Yep. - Loving Black can be tough at times. That was really tough. Now is this Bronze? Is he locked up? - No, he owns a custom car garage. - Well, give it time. Well, that concludes this week's meeting. And next week we'll be discussing wedding etiquette. How to fake The Electric Slide. - Awesome. - Have a great week. Thank you. - [Steven] Thank you bye, bye. - Take care. (upbeat music) - Hey, bud. - Hey, whats up man? - How many have you had? - This is my second. - Can I have a vodka tonic, please? So what's this a pity party or some kind of hard day at work something? - Neither. - Okay. Well, how's that I'm unhappy I married a Black person group going? - It's all right. I mean, I feel like all we do is just sit around in a circle and complain the whole time. - Yeah, that's what they do. - It seems. - If it's not Black Lives Matters, it's this Kaepernick thing. It's always something. I tried to go down to Macy's today just to buy some V-necks, maybe a turtleneck I don't know. I couldn't even get in. They had the whole place blocked off. What is that? - I hear you. - You know. What are you even doing here? It's Wednesday. You never come here on Wednesday? - Yeah well, Jurni's brother is coming to get her car. - He doesn't have a car? - Actually he does. He's got a few. He's just gonna be working on hers. - He's a back alley mechanic? - No, he owns a custom car garage. - Cool. Wait, it's legal? - As far as I know. - Yeah, him. He's here all the time. He's like the pied-piper for Blacks or something. Maybe he could help you out. Maybe he could teach you how to talk gangster. - Clay, you're nuts. - I know. Hey you know how to make a Mr. Fuck Up? All right. (upbeat music) - I don't know. He's just been acting real strange lately. - Okay, white guy strange, man strange, Steven strange? What the hell is so funny? - Right? - Dr. Strange. Steven Strange from the Avengers. No? My bad, acting strange, continue. - I guess just Steven strange. Shut up, Zeke. - What? - Look he's always been a squirrely white dude. - That's because you threatened him. - He told you that? - Stitches. - Don't say anything. I promised I wouldn't tell y'all. - I threaten everybody so I don't give a damn. - That's true. He threatened me two times on the way over here. - You know what, Jurni? A real nigga would have gotten over it by now. That goes to show you yo man is uncomfortable being around brothers. - I don't agree. He's always been comfortable around me. - That's because you gave him some of your kitty-cat, which I'm still vexed about. - You? Seriously I'm trying to figure out why you didn't get with me? - Negro, please. We had one date in college and in that time, I had chicks coming to my classes, showing up to my dorm talking about, here you do his laundry. - Didn't I tell you stay away from my sister? - This is about Steven, focus. As you were saying? - Anyway, Steven is good to me. He doesn't cheat or lie. - I don't lie anymore. - Okay look, Jurni, I can understand you just stepping outside the box, dating a white boy, but to marry one, come on now. - Why, 'cause he's white? - No, it's not because he's white. Okay, I have white friends. It's just there's something disingenuous about that dude. - Oh shit. You're putting that degree to use tonight, ain't you? - She got you on that one. My bad, continue. Carry on. - Did you talk to him about his family not coming to your crib? - Mm-hm, yep. - And what did he say? - They are coming for the Fourth, so there. Why you keep laughing? - Oh that wasn't 'cause it was funny, that's sarcasm. - [Jurni] Really? - Come on, Jurni, it's been a year and a half. They've never been here. - All right they've never been here and how many times have you been to their house? - I don't know, a few. - Were there ever any Black people there when you went? - Gotcha. - No, but they live in rural Indiana. - Our point. - Now either they're scared of Black people or they just don't like being around us. Which one is it? - Neither. They have never mistreated me in any way. - Are you dumb? You're Stevie's Black wife slash sex slave. - Ooh, ooh, or exotic. - Or his phase. - Or not like the rest. - Stop it, stop it. Now see I would expect that behavior from him 'cause he's ignorant, but really from you big bro? - Which is why I'm keeping it real with you 'cause you're my sister. - So what? You want me out here dating liars, thieves, bums? - [Bronze] Stevie's a damn liar. What are you talking about? - Hey Jurni, did he vote for Trump? - I don't know. - [Bronze] Really, Jurni? - I didn't ask. - So with all the police shootings, Black lives stuff. - What he say? - I mean, I talked about it. - Did he have an opinion? - He saw me watching it on the TV. - Jurni, Jurni, Jurni. Stop beating around the bush and answer the God damn question, which is what did he say? - He just said, that's messed up a lot. - Wow. - You know lying and not telling the truth is like the same thing, right? Where's your keys at, man? - Really, that's how you gonna do me, big bro? - Yes, because you're in denial and it's pissing me off. - [Jurni] They're over there by the door. - Okay, look, if you really want to know the truth about he feel, here's what you do. Go to his Facebook page. Look at all his posts, but also make sure. Shut up. You look at the pictures, all right. - [Jurni] Okay and what's that gonna prove? - You so open. Just pay attention. - [Jurni] Okay, hey baby. How you doing? - Hey, what is going on here? - [Jurni] Nothing, baby. - So Jurni, your car should be ready in like two days. - Cool, cool. - Cool and maybe you could send your little hubby here to pick it up. I mean that wouldn't be a problem, right Steven Strange? - Well that's cool. That's fine. It's cool. - [Mustafa] Black Lives Matter. - [Jurni] Just bye. See y'all later. Have a good day. - [Bronze] Black lives matter, Steven Strange. - [Mustafa] You ever see "The Avenger"? That's some good stuff. Come on, man. - What did I do now? - Nothing. You want a sandwich? - No, no. Thank you. Why do those two guys hate me so much? - They don't hate you. They don't like you but they don't hate you. - That's my point. And I have done absolutely nothing to either one of them. - Sometimes it's not what you do that people see. It's the things you don't do. - Thank you, Yoda. - [Jurni] Look, I need you to pick up my car up from my brother's shop on Wednesday. - Why me, Jurni? - [Jurni] 'Cause you work for yourself. - Touche. (bright music) - Hey. - Hey boo. - What you doing? You looking at crookedcocks.com again? - Whatever, that's you with your nasty ass. - Girl, I don't know what it is about that Moana hook. Drives me crazy. - No, it hurts. - Hurts so good. What you doing about lunch today? - I brought my lunch today. - You got enough for two? - I guess. - Love you. - Whatever. You know, I'm claiming you on my taxes this year. Hey. - Hey girl, you got my lunch? - [Jurni] Are you busy? - No, not really. - [Jurni] Can you come to my office for a second? I need your opinion on something. - Sure. - Okay. Now look at my Facebook page compared to Steven's Facebook and tell me what you see wrong. - Well. - Am I tripping? He has like no pictures of me on his Facebook page. - Well. - In fact, his relationship status doesn't even say married. - Yeah, I noticed that. - So you think he's cheating? - No, I don't think he's cheating. - Well, what then? - Nothing. I think you're over thinking that's all. - What do you know? - What do you mean. - You suck at lying. Your eyes get all squinty. - Girl, I'm Asian. I don't even know how to feel about that comment. - Spill it. - There is nothing to spill. - Linda. I'm pregnant. If something's wrong with my marriage, I need to know. (upbeat music) - [Carl] Are you Steven? - Yeah. (upbeat music) - Just gonna put you into the system here. Make sure the ride's all coordinated and we will be on our way. Hey. How's it going, man? What's going on? - It goes. - Yeah, we're going. - Hey. - Hey? - Hey, this is weird. - Yeah, it's getting a little weird right now, bud. A little too close for comfort there. - Well, I know you. You go to Bar Louie for after work drinks. - Yeah, you go up there? - Yeah, I've been there a few times and I've seen you there. I've been wanting to talk to you. - Bud, you know I appreciate the compliment and all. I'm flattered by it, but I don't do the whole two pee-pee thing, man. Two guys. - What? No, no. I'm not gay. You just seemed to be really cool and you have a lot of friends. - Well you know yes. Some of the boys get together up there once a week or so, get away from the wives and kind of have a couple. - Right. - [Carl] Yeah. - Wives. Yeah, I have wife stress, too. Look, maybe I could come by, have a drink, meet your guys. - I guess, sure. - [Steven] Thanks, buddy. - Yeah. (upbeat music) - This your stop, right? - [Customer] Look, the motherfucker still go in reverse when I put it in drive. - But you came here for wiper blades, man. - [Customer] Well that ain't fix it? - Thank you very much. - Of course it didn't fix it. Yo, white boy, you lost? Ain't no Banana Republic around here, man. - Just don't make eye contact and they will... - [Egg] You looking for something, Jared? - Why does everybody call me that? I'm looking for my brother-in-law, Bronze. - (laughs) Get the fuck out of here. Oh, you're serious? - [Steven] Yeah. - All right, well peep this brother-in-law. We got a strict cellphone policy around here, bro. So I need you to run that before you enter. Yeah, that right there. - [Steven] Okay, I'll get this back when I leave, right? - Sure, I'll call you. - Okay. - All right, come on. Hey Bronze. This white dude say he's your brother-in-law, man. - Rob Kardashian. What's up, man? - At least I'm not Jared. - Unfortunately, God has a sense of humor. - Hey, Bronze. Is your sister's car ready yet? - Didn't I say it was gonna be ready today? Of course it's ready. - Okay so, where do... - Keys are in my office on the desk. The car is parked around the back. Go get 'em. - Go inside? - Yes, just go inside. - [Steven] Are you sure? - Bruh, what you please go get the damn... - Okay, I'm going inside. - What? - Yeah, bro. Django is in there. - I know. - This is about to be fun. - He 'bout to tear his ass up. - Oh nice. This is a beauty. (dog barking) Okay, okay. Nice doggy. Nice doggy. Doggies love me and I love doggies. (dog barking) Okay, maybe not. Oh shit I gotta pee. I gotta pee so bad. What am I gonna do? I'll call Bronze. Oh dammit. (dog barking) I wasn't cursing at you, doggy, I promise. I'm not cursing at you. - He does not like being called Doggy. His name is Django. Django, sit. - Django? - Yeah. - Who names their dog Django? - Nigga, I do. You got a problem with it? He's a black dog owned by a black man with a black name and he don't take white people BS. - And he's a bad motherfucker. - Very. - Django killed white people. - I know. - So you guys can't see that you guys are racist? You call me a corny white boy, a soft white boy, a weak white boy, a dork, and Jared. - So telling the truth is being racist? I mean, you are corny. You are weak. You are soft. - You are a white boy. - But I don't look like Jared. - That's very debatable, bro. (dog barking) Look, look see. Django don't agree with your hypothesis, man. - You are really working that degree. - Thank you, my brother. - [Carl] James? - Oh, government name? Blasphemy. - Carl Macon. What's up, man? - What's up, bro? - Man, you good? - Yeah, man. Is this your shit? - Yeah man, it's mine. - What's up, Carl? How you been, man? - Pretty good. How 'bout yourself, Zeke? What's up? - Mustafa. I go by Mustafa now. - Oh you went full Wakanda, huh? - What you doing over here in the hood, man? - Just I'm out Ubering him. You left your keys in the car, man. (dog barking) - Aye look, please go before Django tie your ass up. Bye. - Thank you for the keys. Goodbye. Hey, can I get my cellphone back please? I need to text my wife. - Here, man. Here's your cellphone. You can delete all those selfies, too, okay. - Thank you. Thanks. I just need to text my wife. Thank you. - So wait. That's why you stopped dating Clay? - Yeah, he's a racist. He kept calling me Lin. He would spell it L-I-N. When I asked him to stop, he's like oh, I don't know any Asian girls got a problem being called Lin. - Seriously? - Yeah, I wanted to choke him, but he likes that during sex and I didn't wanna reward him. - But that doesn't mean that Steven... - [Linda] No, it doesn't mean that Steven is. - But he hangs with him though. - Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's also. - Is that why his parents won't come visit? - Well. - Wait a minute. Am I birthing a little colonizer? - Well. - Well what? - Oh, that's all I got. Sweetie, you have to talk to him. - And say what? Hey, are you a racist? - Well. - I'm a kill you. - It's what you want to know, isn't it? - Yeah, it just. Just doesn't make any sense. If he's a racist, why would he marry me? - $100 question. Right. If he felt this way, why would he be marrying you? I'm sure all of this means nothing. - Yeah, it better not. - Lisa, you're gorgeous. We have to get out together. Me and you seriously. It's fun to have a few drinks with everybody and stuff, but you know I'm thinking maybe me and you sometime. We can just kind of go out on like a planned night. - Hey. - That's it. That's all I'm asking. - [Steven] Hey. - We're doing this again? - No, I need to talk to you. - What's up? - Well, Bronze. - Okay. - Can I buy you guys a drink? - Yeah, we'd love one. Why not? - Listen, how do you know Bronze and Mustafa? - James? Heck man, he trained at my uncle's gym round the clock preparing for the Olympics. And Zeke. Well, I mean heck, if you know James, you get Zeke with him. - Apparently. - Yeah, those two guys, man. They don't seem too fond of you. - You noticed? - Yeah man, it's pretty apparent. - Listen, this is why I'm here. This is why I wanna talk to you. I'm trying to figure out... - Figure out? - What's your secret? - What secret? - With Bronze. - What do you mean, man? I'm not getting it. I don't follow you at all. - Yo Carl, my man. - Tommy, what's up? Hey, what's going on? - What's up? - Goodness god, it's great to see you. - Yeah, same here, man. How's your uncle? - He's good, man. He's you know getting a little up there in age. Talks a lot more. - Oh yeah, the usual, huh? - Yeah. - You tell that guy I said what's up. - 100%, man. You gotta swing by the gym sometime, man. He'd love to see you. - He's still up there, huh? - Yeah, every Tuesday and Thursday. Man, the old fighters like you guys, man. God, he loved you guys. Gotta get up there. - I'm a do that, okay. - Yeah, 100%. - You enjoy your night. - You too, man. - Good seeing you. - Great to see you. God, it's good to see that guy. It's been awhile. Where were we, man? What's up? - [Steven] Right there. - [Carl] Right where? - I need to know how you get Black people to like you. - What? - Yeah, like that guy and Bronze and Mustafa. I mean, what's your secret to getting the Blacks to like you? I mean, I love my wife, and I don't wanna lose her, but fuck it. I mean, this whole Black thing. I don't fucking get it. - Jesus, man. This is ridiculous, man. You're coming over to talk to me about this. - Sit down. Sit down, please, please, please. - This is ridiculous, man. You're coming to me for this? - What did I say? Did I say something wrong? I mean no disrespect. - No disrespect? You just basically disrespected everyone around us and I'm starting to take offense to it, man. Not cool. - I mean, you just seem to be really, really, really comfortable around them. And shit, all I want is for them to like me. - Jesus, them. Them? That's how you're referring to? Them? You gotta quit seeing your them as them, man. Just people. That's all they are. Just hang out. Jesus, just like us. Dude, be yourself, man. - I love my wife, okay. I just need a lot of help. I mean, I even joined a group called, I Married Black. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we meet once a week to learn about Black people, so that we can hopefully help you know save our marriages. - A group to learn about Black people? My god, what's going on with you? Every one of you guys in that group is fucked in the head. Jesus, man. Get it together. - What did I do wrong? - Having meetings. You know what, man? Outside of that whole group, you don't love your wife. - We are so sorry for your loss. This morning we know that this is your first interview and that this is a very hard morning for you. Thank you so much for being with us. Mrs. Castile, have you seen that video that we just played of this incident? - What are you watching? - No, I haven't looked at the video because I know it's... - [Steven] I'm gonna grab a soda from the kitchen. You want one? - Nope. I cannot believe they're faulting him for getting shot. I mean, he had a conceal and carry. He told the officer. He shot that man in front of his daughter. That poor baby will never be the same. - Yep. Look babe, is there anything to eat in the kitchen? - Are you okay? - Yeah, why you asking? - I don't know. You seem frustrated. - I'm not. I'm just tired of watching the news. I mean, this same shit is on the news all the time. - This shit? - Yeah, this shit. Something weird, something strange. Black this. White person did this. It's frustrating as hell, Jurni. - I could see that. I'm tired of it, too. - I mean, how are all the white people to blame? - What? Are you making this about you? - How is this not about me, Jurni? I have to deal with Black shit all the time. If I don't hear it from your brother, I hear it from Mustafa or I hear it from somebody else. When do I get to catch a fucking break? - Wow. Seriously? You act like these men asked to be shot. - I know they didn't, Jurni, but shit I didn't shoot them. - I know you didn't shoot them. - You know what else really pisses me off, Jurni? Is that this shit is on every fucking channel. - You know what? You're a selfish ass. - Jurni. - [Mrs. Castile] I basically think that these things are happening because there is no checks. - Jurni. Look. I'm sorry. I love you very much. I just want us to be good. I don't want us to be mad. Are we good, babe? My mom and dad will be here for the Fourth of July. Babe. - Okay. - Come on, man. You know what? Why you keep running? - 'Cause he keeps hitting me. - [Bronze] You said you wanted to workout with me right? - I was talking about training me. I didn't sign up for no assault and battery. Why you keep laughing? - [Man] Tag team. Uh oh. - Stop complaining, man. - [Carl] Big brawling Bronze. - What's up bro? - [Mustafa] Goddamn it. - [Carl] Zeke, turn around and duck, bro. - Yeah it easy for you to say from there. - What's up, bro? You came to see your uncle? - Nah, man. I was actually, I'm here to see you. - [Bronze] Oh yeah, what's up? You gotta cover your face. - Why? So you can hit them into my face? Ow. - That dude that picked up your sister's car, man. Are they dating? - Nah, unfortunately that's my brother-in-law. - Your sister is married to that dude? - Yeah. - How long they been married? - Longer than I would like. - You know, man. The guy tracks me down. He asks me, get this. How do I get Black people to like me? - [Man] Damn, Zeke. - [Mustafa] Why you talking to him, man? - [Bronze] My fault, my fault. - [Mustafa] Why you keep talking? Man, get these gloves off me. - Hey, come on, man. Hey, we just gonna have to find you a new. Aye, come on now. I ain't gonna hold you up. You know me better than that. You all right, man? - He said what? - [Carl] Man, I don't know, man. Where did your sister meet this clown? - She met him after she left the lame Anthony. He got her at a vulnerable moment. But what are you saying? - He ain't right for Jurni. - I know he a racist. - No, man. I'm not saying he's a racist. He's kind of like the majority of most white people I know. Reading articles, see something on TV. - Ignorant, racist. All the same thing. - [Carl] Yeah, pretty much, man. Exactly. - Just gotta get Jurni to see that. - Yeah, well. - Come on, man. Would you just gon' and say it, Carl? Spit it out. - Man, I don't wanna be the one getting stitches, man. - Carl, Carl, you talking about my sister. If you don't give me the inside, you will get the stitches. Talk to me. What's up? - Well this guy, man. He's part of this support group called I Married Black. - You're kidding me, right? - [Carl] Nah, man. Nah. - I mean to think they have a group like that. - [Carl] I don't get it. - What the hell they talk about? - Man, I don't have a clue, but I'll tell you what, man. I Googled the location. I mean, we can swing through there if you want to. - Yeah, man. - I'm sorry, man, you know. I had to tell you. I couldn't keep it on my chest any longer, dude. - Why the hell would you be talking to Mr. Anger Management while he whooping on my ass? - I thought you were a thug. That's what he used to sing in high school all the time. - That was a Trick Daddy song. Which your idiot ass. - Shut up, man. Go get in the shower. - You shut up. - Always complaining talking about you wanna workout. - [Mustafa] I did workout. - I want a boy. - Not me. I want a girl. A little mini me. - Yeah, but with a boy you never have to open another door. Oh, and they fight the raccoons in the backyard. - But then I'll have another toilet hole missing machine in my home. Not good. - Business idea. Dick funnels. Dunnels. We can make them look like elephant trunks. - I really have to stop talking to you. You're a mess. (phone beeping) Wait. Hold up a sec. - What's up? - This is Bronze texting me telling me he wants me to meet him after work for some reason. - You wanna rain check on the Macy's run? - No, we can go after. It shouldn't take too long. - Okay. Ooh, is that fine ass Mustafa gonna be there? - Girl, I told you about that fool. - Oh I know but every since he changed his name, it makes him seem so much more sexy. He's like all out of Wakanda or something. - He aight. Anyway, let's get ready to go. - Dude, I think you bust my lip. Look. - Man, shut up before I bust the top one. - Dude, you hit me in the face, man. You was hitting me hard. - It's boxing. What the hell you expect? - We can't go to LA Fitness? Just do some pushups? - He's training. - Train me with something. Quit using my head as a damn workout. You look like Jerry. - What's up, Zeke? - What's up, girl? - Big brawler. Carl, what's up? - Jurni, what's happening? - Okay. - Hey, Mustafa. Hey. - I was with the boys at the gym. Just had to see what's up. - Okay cool. So what's up, big brawler? What's going on with you? - You know where your husband at? - Yeah, he said he was working late. - Working late, huh? - Yeah. - It's on you, Bronze. - Nah, he in this building. - Doing what? - I don't know. Go see. - He's not cheating, is he? - Go see. - Something you might wanna check out. - You stay with me. - Just go. - Listen to him. He's right. - I'll be here. I'll wait for you. - How you been? - Good, how are you? You looking nice. ♪ I guess your love ♪ ♪ Isn't colorblind ♪ ♪ You don't love with your heart ♪ ♪ You only love with your eyes ♪ ♪ And it's a tragedy because ♪ ♪ No matter how genuine the love ♪ ♪ You still can't see ♪ ♪ You can't see ♪ ♪ The preconceived ideas ♪ ♪ They only ♪ - Been really mad at me because I promised her my parents are gonna be there for the Fourth of July and they're not gonna be there. - That's tough. - What the hell is this? - [Jill] Oh, hello. Who might you be? This is a closed group meeting. - What the hell is this, Steven? - I can explain. - I'm not talking to you. Steven, you're in a group discussing what it's like to be married to someone Black? - [Steven] Jurni. - Seriously? So being married to me is so bad 'cause I'm Black? So bad that you gotta sit in a circle with strangers instead of talking to me like our vows say? - Call the police. - Jurni, it's not like that. I promise you. - You should be ashamed of yourself. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. You all act like you're not difficult. You all are inflexible and you expect the world, every race to conform to you and your way of thinking. - Jurni, I'm here because I love you and I want to understand you. - Oh, you don't love me. How are you learning about me while you're talking to other people who aren't me? Love is about learning that person and accepting their differences and flaws. Not sitting in a circle complaining. You enjoy your meeting. - Jurni, wait. - You know the sad part is. If you treat me this way, how could you truly love and embrace your own child? - Child? Jurni. - So he bust my lip. - Can we help you guys? - Here we go. - Can you help us? Guess I'll take a double cheeseburger and some fries if y'all taking orders. You want something? - Hey, let's just move on, huh? - Yo man, we're waiting on somebody. - Officers please, we're just waiting on a couple of friends to come out. We'll be out of your way as soon as possible. Soon as they exit we're gone. - All right, as soon as they arrive, y'all need to vacate the premises. - Yes, sir. - Let me take my cell phone out 'cause this shit right here. - Sir, there's no need for foul language, okay. - Jurni, wait. - Steven, you're such a liar. - Hey, yo, yo. Yo, yo, yo. Get your goddamn hands off my sister. - Bronze, just leave it alone. - Do you need medical assistance? - Hey don't grab her. She's pregnant. She's pregnant. - He didn't do anything. - Give me your hands. Stand back. - [Jurni] He didn't do anything. - [Cop] Shut the hell up, sir. - [Bronze] Give me a second while I allow y'all to cuff me. Now I put my hands behind my back. Weak ass niggas. - Be quiet, LeBron. You're under arrest. - Watch your damn mouth, man. Weak as hell. - Are you all right? - I'm fine. - Is he all right? You have to be kidding me. - That man just assaulted him. - We're gonna do this right now? Really? Y'all don't see the white privilege is being had right now? He grabbed his sister. And like any brother would do, he defended his sister, but he's the one locked up right now? Not because he hurt him. Not because he pushed him. But for the same fact that all of you and our beloved police perceive my friend as a threat because he's a Black man. But if he put his hands on a white woman, god forbid you would be losing it right now. Officer, over here. Officer, over here. You have the wrong person. Oh but it's okay to see him in cuffs right now, huh? You're gonna go home tonight. You're gonna pretend like this wasn't about race. Like this wasn't about color. Like this wasn't about the pigmentation of your skin, but that's exactly what it is. Jurni, let's go. Let's get out of here. You guys are unbelievable. - Jurni. Jurni, wait. - Punk ass. - Come on, let's just go inside. - [Steven] Bronze. - You bailed me out? - It's the least I can do since this was all my fault. - Yup. - Bronze, look. Can we talk? - For what? You are who I thought you were. - No, I'm not. - Yes, you are, and for some reason my sister love your dirty draws, but I can see right through you, Steven. You see you have this preconceived idea of Black people right? Which is why you go to these meet up groups, so you can try to talk about how hard it is to be with one. Right? - [Steven] You're wrong. - Excuse me? - You're wrong. I go to those meetings because I love your sister and I want to understand her. - What the hell make you think that's so different than what white people been doing all the time? - [Steven] What are you talking about? - You go to white people to try to understand Black people. Right? When you could've just asked me, Jurni, or hell even Mustafa for that matter. Sound almost like Hollywood, bro. They make all these damn Black movies about Black people but yet don't want a Black man to make it. Then the government. They enforce all these got damn laws in our community that affects us, but nobody came to talk to us. We ain't gonna talk about these got damn police over here. They come work in our communities. Don't understand us. They ain't met us outside the internet. But these the people you go to to try to understand Black people. You have Black family now, Steven. Do you understand that? - I do. - [Bronze] Do you really? - I do. - You understand why I stepped in tonight? - Yes, Bronze, because you were protecting your sister. - I wasn't just protecting my sister from you, Steven. I know you wouldn't hurt her. But they would. They don't have a problem killing a Black woman or a Black child. See you don't get it, bro. What happened tonight was not just about me. You about to have a baby with a Black woman. Meaning what happened to me can and will happen to your child if stuff don't change, which is why we have to protect our women as well as our children. This is your got damn America. With your flag. Your National Anthem. We ain't got no justice or no freedom. So it don't mean a got damn thing to us. We don't bother y'all. Bro, y'all come messing with us. Then wanna make it seem like we the ones that's in the wrong. You about to have a Black baby, boy. And what happened with all this hate in this world, your child will not be exempt from it. Now you take that back to your got damn group. - Bronze, for the record, I wouldn't let them or anybody hurt Jurni or my child either. (upbeat music) - [Jurni] Is that good? - [Man] That's good. Thank you. - You're welcome. - [Man] All right. - Can I get you anything, sweetie? Jurni. - You good, Egg? - [Egg] Oh I'm cool, honey, thanks. - Okay. - Jurni. Seriously? You're still not talking to me? I'm sorry. Baby, please. - Don't call me baby. In fact, the only reason why I'm still here is because half my family couldn't get their money on their airfare. And let's not forget, your family didn't even show up. - Babe, we can fix this. - Fix what, Steven? You being a bigot? - I'm not a bigot. - Did you vote for Trump? How do you feel about Philando Castile, hm? See, that's what I thought. - Jurni. (upbeat music) - Is there a basketball court around here? - Yeah. Actually, there is. There's one right down the street. Why, did you guys wanna play basketball? - Yeah. Trying to go hoop. - Okay. Excuse me, Bronze. - [Bronze] What? - Do you wanna come play basketball with me? - You know I'll tell you what I wanna do, Steven. I wanna knock you the hell out. That's what I wanna do. - Bronze, I'm trying to change. - Bronze, I'm trying to change. Come on, let's let the nigga change. Come on, man. Let's go hoop. ♪ Yeah what you bitch niggas say ♪ (upbeat music) - And then eat chicken. - [Jurni] Exactly. - It's like weird. It's wrong. - What in the hell? - Hey girl, you know that sports is the only thing that transcends race. - [Jurni] I guess. (upbeat music) - All right man, you gotta hook me up with some white girls, but I want one of them anomaly white girls. One with a big ole fat booty like a sister. They can have some braids. I'm with cool with that but you know what I'm saying. I really want the blonde type of... - Excuse me one second. - Hey man, I'm trying to get him to hook me up with some white girls. - [Man] Again? - Hey everyone, real quick. I just wanna thank everybody for coming to our Fourth of July family barbecue. Most importantly, I wanna thank God for bringing us all together to this beautiful weather. To this amazing barbecue. And also for my beautiful wife. Jurni, I'm so happy that I married you. And I really want this to help change America. But Jurni has every right and every reason to leave me and to take our child with her. It's understandable. I mean, how can I be that amazing father and that amazing husband when all I am is just caught up on race? I have a lot of people to blame for this. As you can see my birth family is not here. But you all are my real family. And I am not... - Let me stop you right there. I see what you're trying to do and I commend you but. God Steven, I wanna be loved by somebody that sees me not my color. I don't want our child to have to grow up worried about race, especially from their family. Now I know that they'll have to deal with that out in the world and I hate that, but I refuse to compound the situation by trying to make it work at our baby's expense. I just can't. - Hey, y'all. How you doing? This is my date Africa. Africa, everybody. - [Linda] So we gotta talk. - Yeah, I know right. (upbeat music) - Hi, Daddy. - Hi, sweetheart. How are you? - [Elise] Good. - Good, good. Hi, Jurni. - Hey, Steven. - You look beautiful as usual. - Thank you. So is Elise spending the night? - I don't know. Baby, do you wanna sleep at Daddy's house tonight? - Yes. Wait, where are we going? - You sound just like mommy. It's a surprise. - Okay. - You can sleep at Daddy's tonight. - Okay. - Give Mommy a hug goodbye. - Tight squeeze. Okay, be good. Okay, babe? - Okay. - Alrighty. Have fun. - [Elise] I will. - [Jurni] I love you. - [Elise] Love you, too. (upbeat music) - [Steven] Since you're getting older, there's some things that you need to know and I want us to see them together. (bright music) ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ We're not the same ♪ ♪ You've got your ways ♪ ♪ And that's okay ♪ ♪ I know I've got mine too ♪ ♪ Be unashamed ♪ ♪ Let's own the difference ♪ ♪ Love has made ♪ ♪ More than the eye can see ♪ ♪ Your way is not my way ♪ ♪ But we've been made to love ♪ ♪ Won't waste any days ♪ ♪ Amazed ♪ ♪ By love ♪ - [Linda] I don't know any Asian woman that doesn't like try to fly. - It's a fucking mosquito. - [Man] Did you kill it? - No. - Hell you want? - [Steven] Hello. Hello, I'm looking for. - [Man] Wait until they say action. - They're filming now. - [Man] Yeah, we're filming the whole time. - I am not gonna walk out of here with no shoes. It is ridiculous. Even if they're expensive shoes. - Wait a second. I know you. How you doing? Long time. - [Man] Hold, take a minute. Take a minute. - Can you feed that to me? - [Woman] How long they been married? - No. - Call the police. - Hey look, man, we on set. Let's get it cracking. - [Director] All right. Camera rolling. - [Man] Rolling sound. - Hey girl, I gotta talk to you. - [Bronze] No damn sense, man. - Be quiet, LeBron. ♪ Differences many ways ♪ ♪ And it's okay ♪ ♪ We are to celebrate ♪ ♪ Your ways are not my way ♪ ♪ But we been made ♪ ♪ To love ♪ ♪ No I won't waste ♪ ♪ You'll be dazed ♪ ♪ Unamazed ♪ ♪ Your ways ♪ ♪ Not my way ♪ ♪ But we been made ♪ ♪ To love ♪ ♪ No ways ♪ ♪ Days ♪ ♪ Unamazed ♪ ♪ By love ♪ ♪ Oh unamazed ♪ ♪ By love ♪ (upbeat music)
Channel: Stash - Black Stories
Views: 20,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elliott V Porter, Tubi, Tubi movies, Tubi full movies, Tubi top movies, Tubi black movies, BET, BET movies, BET full movies, BET top movies, BET black movies, Black cinema, Black cinema movies, Black cinema full movies, Black, Comedy, Drama, Full Movie, interracial, couple, relationship, love, passion, marriage, wedding, Politics, struggles, Rollywood International Festival, Chicago, Dramedy, family, racism
Id: fGo0rlgpVXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 37sec (4777 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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