The Baldur's Gate 3 "Drama" Is Getting WEIRD...

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salutations everybody it is Maddie here today sitting down again to talk about Baldur's Gate 3 which has enjoyed a absolutely tremendous launch don't get it twisted but there's been a bit of drama following it into launch a lot of the fans excitement overshadowed it but now it's grown so much that larion has had to issue a comment and even write the record in a couple of cases with some pretty broad assumptions that I don't think should have ever been made what we're talking about today ladies and gentlemen is not your standard video game release drama which goes like this in the typical cycle game releases game has bugs or quality issues developer issues statement with social media template that they all seem to share then the patch arrives game is better retrospective reviews arrive and now we're at the point in the cycle where six months later it's the game we should have had at launch and the conversation begins Anew with many game releases this year we've seen it play out that way however with Baldur's Gate 3 that's not the case at all in fact the drama is coming from other video game developers now I'm not going to spin it in the way where they're attacking Baldur's Gate 3 and Larry in studio saying how dare you make such an incredible video game that's not the energy here a lot of it is more suggestive and passive but nonetheless I strongly disagree with what these developers are suggesting and I take the side of larrying here so ladies and gentlemen I'll get into the thick of it throughout the whole timeline from July up until right now with the latest comments from larion if you're new here you're into the occasional Baldur's Gate 3 video you're in the right place please consider subscribing we just dropped a 10 Things I wish I knew about Baldur's Gate 3 before playing video we also did our preview we're working on a review we're doing News videos like this we're going to cover the patch when it drops so we're all over it consider subscribing if you like Boulder's Gate three okay let's start off with the thread that I think planted the seed which then grew into a lot of developers kind of speaking out about Baldur's Gate three but first a word from our sponsor the following video is brought to you by enlisted enlisted is a game that I play with the boys a lot on PlayStation station 4 because I'm a sucker for anything World War II related and also the game's legitimately awesome when dark flow software approached me and said hey are you interested in doing a quick little sponsor for this I was like of course I've played the game and I've had a lot of fun with it for those who don't know what enlisted is it is a brand new kind of first person shooter coupling PvP with PVE combat that means that for those of you out there who are like me maybe you've lost your edge with first person shooters you get a chance to feel like you're getting a lot of kills and you can take command of a squad of customizable AI soldiers and fight in these massive battles it also offers multiple campaigns to play through featuring their own unique weapons equipment vehicles from the outskirts of Moscow in 1941 to the heart of Berlin in 1945 you're speaking my language right now and best of all it's free on PC Xbox series X and S and PlayStation 5 as well as the previous generation as I had mentioned what I like about enlisted is that it's approachable for all audiences yet it can actually be kind of tryhard where it matters so there's a very short time to kill which I find very important in Shooters but due to the more realistic movement and Target Rich environment casual players can still have a good time and not feel like you're getting wrenched every two seconds not only that but the campaigns are really varied there's over 100 weapons unique Soldier classes it's a good looking game like it's overall a good time so that should sound great to you and since it does you should go to my link in the description right now download and listed for free on PC Playstation or Xbox and remember there's a free bonus pack for registering using the link down below which includes multiple weapons soldiers and a premium account so shout out to enlisted for sponsoring today's video again none of it really aggressive but really the energy I'm getting here is that Baldur's Gate 3 should not will not and cannot be the standard moving forward don't get your hopes up Gamers and so I'll get into why what some people out there are saying makes sense but also why I strongly disagree with the approach so this is the thread that's kind of the culprit for planting the seed I think and it says like a lot of people I'm deeply excited about with the lovely Folks at Larry and accomplished with Baldur's Gate 3 but I want to gently preemptively push back back against players taking that excitement and using it to apply criticism or a raise standard to RPGs going forward so already you're seeing this sort of before the game release granted there was Early Access but before the game officially releases it's like whoa hold up don't expect that now you saw the Tweet had a million views and a lot of developers had comments on it and from well-known Studios like an animator from blizzard who worked on Diablo 4 saying you're absolutely right even if you look at one of Vince who is the head of laryn Studios touchstones Ultima 7 that's a game that had 12 years of Prior games feeding into it if it were to look at this as a new Benchmark we would need to then focus on creating conditions just like with tears of the Kingdom meanwhile our man Josh Sawyer even chimed in saying great thread the conditions under which Baldur's Gate 3 was made are atypical this is in no way a slight against the game or the people working on it who are clearly passionate and talented having the foundation set and the funding to build things on your your own terms is in valuable now again don't take it like Josh Sawyer is getting out of pocket here and he's getting all Angry he said right here just a couple days ago I'll probably stream some Baldur's Gate three later in the day if I can stop Panic induce crying and pinch and vomiting over how good it is with the time at which he will be live so that is where the seed was planted lots of developers known and not so well known chiming in saying yeah Baldur's Gate 3 cannot be the standard because of its atypical game development environment but the conversation didn't stop there it's like all right whatever you say guys it picked up once more when IGN posted what I thought was a great video was hosted by Dustin lagari who is also a great Xbox content creator might I shout out and it was there that he said pretty much that good you're uncomfortable we're glad we want to see better games from you we want to see you take more time to make things Baldur's Gate 3 was made in six years with a pretty generous Early Access window and that fan feedback is completely invaluable there's no understating that I mentioned it before even covering this stuff that it's clear the Early Access period helped larion and guided themselves with good design Direction how do you earn something like that well they kick-started not only Divinity original sin 1 but Divinity original sin 2 and they were successful both times so when you have that built-in fan trust that built-in fan relationship in a sense yeah it's atypical but they're not the first company to have successful kickstarters and then try to fund something themselves so we even get developers saying something like this developers aren't panicking about new expectations everything I've seen has been related to questioning the sustainability of making titles this large Baldur's Gate 3 was in development for six years involved a team of 400 plus and had funding from one of the largest IPS out there meanwhile another individual in the games industry said please please please put some thought into it before you Proclaim this is what AAA should be moving forward six years and 400 plus people with insane funding due to the IP have given Baldur's Gate 3 a big boost it's truly unrealistic to expect this on a regular basis and in that sense to some degree I hear what we're trying to establish here yo six years that's a lot it's funny because Xbox has been out here for a while now saying the times of three to four year development Cycles is over bring on five six and sometimes even seven because game development's getting more complicated there's a lot more money being poured into it and teams are growing to me when I see 400 plus for what larian's delivering that's actually kind of small that's not a tiny team by any stretch of the imagination but there are AAA teams way bigger like Ubisoft employs upwards of 20 000 people I don't want to hear that 400 plus people is absolutely insane and honestly with how long games are in development for I don't want to hear that six years is really that crazy either because I think when you start that way is it daunting absolutely and I think with corporate overhead which a lot of these developers face that is where the conflict is and that is why a lot of developers are saying it's unrealistic probably because as creatives we'd love to do these things but when you have people investing money into these games to make them a reality that's not going to be that long of a leash at the end of the day and before long if it's six years and you're still pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into a game eventually that leash is gonna get tugged and they'll be like what are we spending our money on why isn't this out right now that's where corporate overhead clashes with what we covered with larion where they have a CEO at the top who prioritizes the quality of the game and I'm not just saying that in a quick YouTuber kind of Jad mentality that's literally what he said himself that this is something that as a leader he's uniquely positioned as someone who's involved in the creation of the gameplay where he can make these kind of big budget decisions on what would be cool for the game and they're just lucky to have that type of CEO now I think we've seen the benefit of having hardcore Gamers or people who love video games in leadership positions I look at someone like Phil Spencer I know some people are going to lose their mind over that but point being I look at someone like him who clearly with his investment in Xbox it really paid dividends for what they're doing now they just wouldn't be as competitive without him granted that's a much more corporate structure I'm not going to give Xbox all that much love but point being you can see what happens when someone cares about the product as much as they care about the bottom line it goes a long way so yes larian is at the benefit of a leader who has been there at the ground level and who is one of the co-founders and cares deeply about the end result sometimes more in the extra Pocket Change but it also helps that larion did not abide by what our typical game release standards with your microtransactions your in-game stores and so on and so forth for it to be free all of that they're being rewarded for it I don't see why that couldn't be the standard it's just a bigger risk but game development's always been a massive risk let's get into what larian had to say about all this because I don't like to always just talk about what people are saying to me that's uninteresting content but I set all of that up because now you get to see Larry have to go around and defend themselves for making a really good game and I know again a lot of these developers and people working within the industry are not attacking larion I'm never gonna frame it that way but it is getting a bit ridiculous when they got to issue statements like this what funding or in response to another tweet we showed small detail I believe it's publicly known that wizard of the coast who's the holder of the Baldur's Gate IP didn't fund balder's gate 3. we paid for the privilege of creating a game with this IP what you'll notice is as I said earlier Divinity original sin 1 Divinity original sin 2 they had a combined 60 000 plus backers over on Kickstarter okay and when you look at something like Baldur's Gate 3 you may notice something's missing crowdfunding they did it themselves with that war chest that they had gained through Divinity and then they did An Early Access release that was really good good and a lot of people bid on and they continue to give feedback and provide updates and continue on and so on and so forth and here we are now in a sense it is atypical because as they continue to have money poured into their pocket they were able to iterate and develop but that's the benefit of what I like to call small business style interactions it's why when I started my game I did not start a team to make a big bold crazy Studio of hundreds of people it's like I want a team no bigger than 15. and I want to make cool games that are under constraints because then when you're limited you have to be Innovative and that's where your best work comes out however larian's founder svenbink had to issue a statement about this in an interview with PC Gamer titled Larry and founder responds to debate over Baldur's Gate 3 raising the bar for RPG sayings this is video games standards just die every day asked about the debate agreed that Baldur's Gate 3 could have only come about under certain circumstances obviously yeah if you're a 50-man studio or a 10-man studio you shouldn't try to make a game like Boulder's Gate 3 he said but he questioned the reality of the standards being argued over the problem I have is with the use of the word standards being said this is video games standards just die every day things get reinvented new things appear all the time when I was starting out at the industry Assassin's Creed set the new standard it was over nobody could make games like Assassin's Creed there was too much budget behind it that was going to be the future everybody had to consolidate blah blah blah that didn't marginalize in video games there's so much free space to explore still in the creative tree that's a fantastic example might I add because I do remember as a teenager that was the Zeitgeist like oh my God we've never seen anything quite like this who's gonna top Ubisoft with open worlds and now a lot of people do Ubisoft style open worlds to the point where it got so tedious that people turn their back on Ubisoft that's how common the template was so so I think over time Baldur's Gate 3 will have that influence what I think is getting twisted here is that game developers are coming out here saying no no don't expect any of this right off the rip don't expect six years to be calm and don't expect all this manpower to be common and all this funding which has now been disproved to be common don't expect any of that but what fans are just trying to say is we're looking at standards in the terms of quality of release developer communication iteration when you see what Divinity original sin 1 is two is and how yes these are all working in the same engine and how those elements carried into three there is truth in that that a lot of what's been given birth to invalders Gate 3 is because of the constant iteration a couple of games ago and that first game dropping in 2014. that's not the gig keep anyone and say like hey if you weren't there in 2014 with divinity original sin one you can enjoy the fruits of larian's Labor no not at all it's just more so to say that yes there is truth that as you iterate upon your systems you can build games with them what I mean by that is like I'll use myself as an example and I don't want to go too far because I don't want to get all hoity-toity about my game Development Career because I'm relatively new to it in the scheme of things and I think it's just best I don't sound off too much but the idea is like right now my team's working on game one but as we're building systems for game one we're looking at those as sort of like verticals and saying how can we expand upon this for game two how can we use this system here to make a completely different game and a completely different genre that's kind of what happens is it directly translatable no not necessarily but it gives you that head start and it's why you typically see game one is systems that aren't as deep but you see them in the sequels heavily iterated upon because they already exist so the content building comes a bit quicker that's what's happening here with larian right because Baldur's Gate 3 was built in the same engine as what you see in in Divinity original sin 2. point being though is they've had time to iterate develop that technology and it's why they probably were able to focus a lot of their assets time energy money on the presentation the way the camera pulls in the bioware-like quality of the conversations and so on and so forth of course dumping budget into Voice work that type of stuff they were able to do because of how much they invested in Divinity original sin one and two so keep that kind of stuff in mind but let's continue on with what swan had to say here to the extent that standards do exist found it strange that developers from larger Studios would be concerned about boundary pushing pointing specifically to the new creative possibilities that technological advancements can enable as for RPGs in particular he noted that it doesn't take an enormous game like Baldur's Gate 3 to change the genre disco Elysium changed standards on the fly with a small team right said that's a completely different standard now there's so many games that change standards to the point that there's no standards was my thing but I think you should always strive to evolve especially in this medium which is different than other media in the sense that technological Evolution has always been a big part of it there's always been Innovation but at the same time it doesn't require massive technological Evolution to do something crazy and cool and different than what anybody else has done before I mean this is why people are rallying behind this dude because he's pointing out the clear hypocrisy right here and again I don't usually like to make these types of videos because it feels like I'm just pointing at people's statements and going look I didn't say that myself but look at the smart thing they said but like straight up he's just taking the words out of her mouth and putting it perfectly it's like yo we're not telling developers to go spend five billion dollars on a game if you got a team of 50 and we're asking for another Baldur's Gate 3 style experience from you no people are smart in the games industry we're able to scale our expectations based off your team to a degree are we gonna expect AAA level quality from a small team no however that's what you present at first like I think of No Man's sky like this Indie team presenting AAA level expansiveness in the Galaxy then people's expectations Scale based off what you're shooting for what your goals what your vision is it doesn't mean that every single RPG coming out right now is going to be suddenly looked at with Baldur's Gate 3 lenses we're looking at it from quality we're looking at it from Choice structure we're looking at it from respecting the choice being made we're looking at it from character creator we're looking at it from Voice work we're looking at it from all these different angles it's not just hey make big game spend lots money no it's like we just want a quality RPG that's all the only company I think that will come under the microscope is BioWare and that's because a lot of what we see here in Baldur's Gate 3 is a lot of what we used to see from BioWare and if BioWare shows up and they're a shadow of their former selves and they're not delivering what we're typically used to seeing from them then yeah I I do expect a lot of blowback and a lot of pointing to Baldur's Gate 3 saying hey look look what they did why aren't we getting that type of experience from you after all this time right because for example Dragon Age has been in the oven for a long time that's where I think it'll happen but for the most part I think with Starfield delivers it's not going to be one of those conversations unless you're in the very toxic Fanboy section of the conversation which is comparing these two it's really just taking a look at it and saying a star field a quality game when it comes to space exploration did it achieve that well enough it's not hey did it do what Baldur's Gate 3 did that's not what people are asking for and I just feel like preemptively almost anxiously getting ahead of things and that expectation level trying to dampen it is a bad luck in my opinion like it's just not good because because for me I think as a creative I know it's eventually the business realities kick in trust me I'm funding my own game I know business realities kick in however there is the ability to dream and again when you're limited you have to innovate you have to be smart on how you decide where funding goes on what makes your game special and sometimes you get that right like you see with Boulders gate three and sometimes you get it wrong but anyway that's enough for me and my soapbox here I just wanted to deliver some thoughts on the drama going around and of course see what all of you think what do you think of what's going on right now with Larry and Boulder Skate 3 what some developers are saying versus what swan had to say and overall the corrections that had to be issued regarding funding let me know down below I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts other than that follow me on Twitter follow me on Instagram those links are in the description down below and a big thank you to all the patrons all the members who continue to support the heck out of the content here stay sexy stay active I love you whoa first
Channel: MrMattyPlays
Views: 169,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 drama, baldurs gate 3 developer reaction, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 impressions, baldurs gate 3 preview, baldurs gate 3 breakdown, baldurs gate review, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 bear, mrmattyplays, mrmattyplays baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tutorial, baldurs gate 3 tricks
Id: qhDAFuIn07A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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