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you guys are not going to believe this plane rock has cancer hey guys today is august 12th here's an update on my hair after i shaved all of it off for a live stream so right now i'm not considered bald anymore but when i was bald kinda i realized there were a lot of advantages of being bald [Music] before i begin i want to apologize for the lack of vlogs on this channel since most of my vlogs relied on traveling and since i can't do that right now that explains it i try to do a part two of hunting for river treasure while i walk down a dried up river and see if there's anything interesting in the dried up river but the most interesting thing i found on that run was a flashlight so yeah looks like i had to make my own content by shaving my head completely bold so yeah the bald experience i realize there's a lot of advantages of being bald let me show you some first of all i've realized that i won't get helmet hair anymore no matter how long i ride for and for are you nerds out there you won't get vr headset hair anymore which yes is a thing and of course no bed head even after you take a shower being bald also makes it slightly easier to put on a mask at least for me anyway because i had these annoying bangs of hair on my side which i had to ravel the mask through the same goes for my glasses i no longer have to worry about putting them under the bangs on the side of my head they just slide on easily now by the way you probably noticed already don't buy this brand of glasses especially from sam's club they're columbia and one of the most expensive glasses in the store and one day when i got the shower and picked these up this thing fell off completely for no good reason so yeah you may have noticed how i fixed it don't know if i'll be replacing these anytime soon anyway more advantages of being bald the wind from an open window when you're driving your car feels good on your bald scalp air conditioning feels the same way also am i the only one that does this and the obvious you don't have to use shampoo or at least use as much of it save that money you don't have to wait for your hair to dry or blow dry it only for it to be a frizzled mess after it dries also for me it's so empowering for me to not have to comb it since almost every time i go on vacation i forget to pack a comb usually when i forget the comb i find the nearest fast food restaurant and ask for a fork i don't know why i'm too cheap to buy a second comb to keep in my suitcase but yeah no worries of that anymore mostly since i can't travel anymore another pretty obvious one no hair and face this applied to me before i shaved my head off since i couldn't get a haircut and the hair came really close to touching my eyeball this probably only applies to me also but when i go a few hours without washing my hair the hair on the front of my head just clumps up and you get that stupid greasy barcode look that i hate not a problem now my hair will still look the same even if i go days without showering oh wait oh no i'm turning to a melee player ugh you don't want to become that my bald head at the beginning was also fun to feel and it still kinda is now you can do this all day and it won't get messed up unlike long hair which is very easily messed up also if you're looking to save more money and give yourself a self haircut just shaving it all off would be the easiest haircut you can give yourself obviously i mean i did all this by looking at a webcam stream on my laptop that had a slight delay barbershops don't want people to be easily able to cut their own hair and also when you're done showering there's no hair in the hair trap that you have to clean out and there won't be any hair clogging your drain even with my hair this long i still notice no hair in the hair trap and that concludes all the advantages i noticed from going bald but now i have a list of cons from going bold this con list is actually really short and the problems in this list aren't that big of a problem for one thing you can feel the sun beat down on your head harder but that's not a problem if you wear a hat or stay inside most of the time like i do along with everybody else and these problems don't apply if you go completely bald i didn't i only shaved down as far as the hair clippers would let me go i didn't wax or anything but yeah that one millimeter of stubble caused some slight problems for example it's slightly harder to put on a shirt because that stubble catches onto that shirt and that stubble catches onto your pillow when you're sleeping so yeah you can't really slide around that easily same goes when you're drying your bald head with a towel that towel gets caught onto that stubble right now it's not as big as a problem for me since it's slightly grown out so yeah that's not a huge issue also the number one disadvantage of going bald is looks this problem probably only applies to me since i have an online presence but people were shocked when i shaved my head completely bald since i had the same long hair in years of video so this was a big change to them and i got roasted for it because do you know how many bald characters there are just look at some of these egregious replies to my tweet after i came out as bald so disrespectful we get it there's a lot of bald characters in our media and that's all the advantages and disadvantages of going bald so what do you guys think did i miss any pros or cons of being bald tell me in the comments down below there are definitely way more advantages of going bald so i recommend going bald no matter if you're male or female will i keep on going bald every time i get a haircut probably not honestly the only reason that i don't want to stay bald is because i'm just too used to my long black hair and so that thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and i'll see you guys later bald i mean bye
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 900,414
Rating: 4.9403954 out of 5
Keywords: BALD, no hair, hair, plainrock124, plainrockvlogs, shave, shave head, experience, bald advantages, shampoo, pros and cons, barber, barber shop, comb, hairdryer, vlog, conditioner, going bald, haircut, hair clippers
Id: XVqc0ZyM694
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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