The Avengers Kill Kang's Wife in Every Timeline

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who is Kang the Conqueror Kang 30xxce Kang was once an 18 year old kid called Nathaniel Richards born in the peaceful 31st Century it was a Utopia to most people but to Nathaniel it was boring at best and traumatizing at worst Nathaniel was severely bullied and they ended up cutting his throat almost killing him with a present like that is it any Wonder Nate was more interested in the past his world was dull or hostile history was much more exciting his journey truly begins when he discovers the ruins of an ancient castle buried beneath a modern industrial plant Nate sneaks into the area on his hoverbike jumping from a great height into Adventure he lands in a once luxurious room that is now covered in dust Nathaniel stands there for a second this was once the home of his distant ancestor Dr Doom a monument to him still dominates the room Nate quickly turns his attention to the ancient books even as the statue's eyes start to Glow this is one of the infamous Doom bots still functioning after all this time the doomb jump down toward a terrified Nathaniel Nate begs the doombot to stop trying to explain himself to it but before Doom's metal fist can kill him an energy blast destroys the robot Kang the Conqueror has arrived to save his past self blasting the doombot's head away before sending it back in time Nathaniel is surprised at this strange man's arrival and Kang isn't really honest at first he's disappointed with his younger self Nathaniel was all about studying history while Kang is more interested in making history still Nathaniel's ambition is enough to win Kang's approval and he starts to explain himself he is Nate from the future he's traveled through time and conquered entire planets but that took a lot of hard work and many many losses King is here to teach his younger self how to do better Kang opens up a portal into another time and offers Nate the chance to join him to learn from him to become Kang ahead of schedule later on our young king would wonder if he'd still go with his older self if he knew what would come later the answer was yes yes he would he hated his world enough that anything would be better but that is wrong in timelines where Kang does explain what's to come young Nathaniel rejects him and tries to become an Avenger he even calls himself iron lad but in his timeline Nathaniel Richards follows his older self through the portal the first step on the path to becoming Kang Kang 65 million BCE they emerged to a beautiful sunset pterodactyls and sauropods roaming the peaceful Wilderness Nate is odd but Kang stays on task the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs will hit Earth one year from now young Nathaniel doesn't believe he can become his future self in so little time but Kang reassures him time means nothing to them this year of training was brutal but transformative Kang sharpened all of Nathaniel's physical skills King shares his knowledge of time with Nathaniel even taking his younger self to some of their past defeat in order to show him how to do better the two grow closer though Nate starts to see flaws in his mentor his drunkenness his bitterness and his regrets one night Kang takes them to a distant future where they see a woman gun down one Kang calls rivona angry and drunk King yells at Nate after they return to the Past making him swear never to fall in love Nathaniel agrees but breaks that promise very quickly after shooting a massive T-Rex he stumbled across a primitive Huntress Audi the two are Charmed by each other holding hands this moment had meaning for both of them Audi leads Nate back to her village where he receives the blessing of their Elder the lasting peace who marks him with paid for his heroism in slaying a beast and saving a life come Nightfall Nathaniel dances with him he learns their Legends these people are fully aware of the coming asteroid that will wipe them out they just don't care they enjoy the present the space between the Stars that's life to them but Nate can save them he's a time traveler the young boy runs back to Kang excited by his Discovery he assumes Kane couldn't have known about this civilization and tells him excitedly about these humans their culture and myths the space between Stars King daughters to himself he'd heard that line before the Conqueror gets angry with Nate ordering his younger self to forget the sentimentality but Nathaniel for the first time says no Kings got Tech and experience but he's a failure Nate should be doing his own thing if time means nothing to them why can't Nathaniel save the people he loves from the asteroid Kang slaps him to the ground for saying that Nate tries to argue determined that he will rescue these people no boy you did not Nathaniel Richards is forced to watch as his older self annihilates this peaceful Village Kang is trying to teach him a lesson he's shocked distraught and upset but one final emotion beats all the others hatred he thought he was finally free but he's just been locked into a different cage the cage is Kane his future his beliefs and his failures he needs to do things differently or he'll end up like this monster for the last few months of that final Year Nate pretends to study Kang's lessons but instead he plots Revenge come doomsday he knocks King out with some drugged alcohol stealing his suit and leaving his mentor to Die For the First Time Nathaniel Richards is truly master of his own destiny escaping the Cretaceous Era by his own skill thanks to this stolen time travel suit but in the end the joke is on Nate he ends up in the Empire of Rama tut the identity his future self used before he became Kang he cannot Escape his own future Kang 2518 BC Nathaniel does his best to fight Rama Tut's minions grabbing one of their glowing staves and striking back but his suit is broken and they outnumber him badly in no time at all one of the soldiers has a blade at his throat but a well-armed stranger comes to his Aid Moon Knight one chosen long before Mark spector's time the two escape with Nate grateful but worried realizing what time he's ended up in Nathaniel tries to tell the Moon Knight there's nothing they can do against Rama Tut Nate's got a broken suit and the Pharaoh has a well-equipped army it's not close to even but Moon Knight brings Nate to her God konshu and gives him some encouraging words even revealing her face and name ravona at her prompting Nathaniel takes some time to reflect even if Rama Tut comes before Kang he's still Kang part of Nathaniel's cage the thing he wants to break so badly resolve to reject his future self and prove himself a hero Nathaniel reforges his broken armor into a new form ready to wage war against his future self with his technology and moon Knight's knowledge of the time they're able to blow up airships before running away Nate and ravona start to fall for each other growing closer as they fight against Rama tops but just as they are about to finally kiss Rama Tut's Flying Fortress Sphinx find them the pair are brought before the pharaoh who enslaves them both with his technology stripping rivona's mind and Free Will away while he turns Nate into a new Scarlet Centurion Nate LED Rama Tut's armies into battle against an invading Force the mutant King apocalypse and his minions the battle was bloody and left Nathaniel almost broken but the pain was enough to overcome the mind control the Centurion pulls himself across the desert desperate to have his revenge on Rama taught but Nate's too late his other self has been defeated by The Fantastic Four rivona the woman he loved is dead there's nothing left for him here but he has one final option an ally who can help him gain Vengeance on Rama Tut apocalypse the mutant King agrees to help putting Nate in stasis in a coffin Nathaniel knows the date of Kang's next defeat so for 4 000 years he lies there plotting his revenge on his future self this time it's not Rama Tut he'll be fighting but a real Kang and he's ready Kang Golden Age of Heroes The Avengers face Kang and his golden UFO in a massive brawl with a US military backing them up while Nathaniel sneaks aboard as the battle reaches its Climax and Kang teleports back aboard the time ship ready to escape from Earth's Mightiest Heroes Nathaniel Richards is waiting for him gun pointed Kang takes this ambushed pretty well he's more surprised that Nate has gotten here as he points out in the original version of his origin Ken was an adult when he first started adventuring through time this King has a different history from the Nathaniel we're following Nate doesn't care about that detail though he's got this whole Ambush planned out he'll kill Kang take this ship replace Rama Tut then free ravona live a better life this finally gets a reaction from Kang he snaps at Nate pointing out how insane this is if this King does go on to train Nathaniel killing him here will cause a massive Paradox potentially shattering the time stream Nate does not care about that possibility but before he can pull the trigger the pair are interrupted despite Victor Von Doom Dr Doom has traveled back in time to kill Kang due to arguments between them that haven't happened yet from either Kang's or Nathaniel's perspective having two of Kang selves at one point according to Doom makes this the perfect chance to get rid of the Conqueror once and for all both of them want to destroy Kang but since Nate seemingly grows into Kang there's no way Doom's letting him out either this is going to turn into a three-way brawl fast Kang's shocks Doom with his ship's defenses diving for cover and taking pot shots at Nay with his pistol that blast is not enough to keep Doom down though using his magic he blasted Kane Thinking quickly Nate offers his future self a deal they should work together to take Doom down he can offer King knowledge of the future all of his pass defeats everything that's coming from his perspective Kang agrees matching his Force wheel technology with Nathaniel's to freeze Doom in place and cast him out into the time stream happy that he came out ahead Kang orders Nate to follow him but his younger self still has the gun and his feelings have not changed and so with blast after blast into the body of the man he hates Nathaniel Richards kills Kang the Conqueror it's weird that this has happened more than once and no this does not unravel the time stream Kang wasn't wrong about the potential for a paradox but time travel in the Marvel universe doesn't always work that way sometimes events are fixed in place but more often time travel ends up creating a Divergent timeline a parallel universe where things turn out differently with someone like Nathaniel Richards whose story involves so much time travel let's just say there are a lot of kangs in the Multiverse but finally free of his predecessor Nate tries to complete his plan he travels back to Egypt replacing the ramatud he fought also he could let ravona live but now he's the Conqueror she spent so long trying to fight Nate doesn't use his mind wiping device on her instead he sent her to a hidden Sanctuary he planned to go back for her after he won the war but that distraction ruined him between apocalypse and the Fantastic Four Nathaniel lost just like Kang had the timeline did not change light Kang Nate is forced to flee through time he emerges into a desolate future future Beyond even his own origin point but the biggest surprise is the woman waiting there for him rivona Kang 4086 CE not the same rivona he left of course but she looks identical and has the same name the two share in the violence of a world beset by War taking down a tyrant known as Arboles together they seem to share that same relationship Nate had known in Egypt fighting together against a great evil and enjoying one another's company but Nathaniel sees this era as something they could simply leave an exciting few weeks he can enjoy before traveling to a better time to ravona this is her life and Nate's attachment to her a woman who'd never met him before this battle is unnerving so she slams him into the ground and leaves Nathaniel Richards in the dust walking away after all Nate had done to try and be reunited with ravona this was the last straw once again he Embraces his fate just as Kanga taught him Nate raises an Army on this burned out version of Earth conquering it piece by piece with his knowledge of Forgotten technology those who wouldn't bow to him were blown away by beam rifles for the first time Nathaniel Richards is truly winning he's the one in control even if that means he has to grind other people's lives into dust that's not a feeling Nate will give up anytime soon eventually Nathaniel finds a massive structure when he already knew about the neurokinetic Armory it's what Kang used to build his armor and what would be the heart of his time ship now it's his turn after this long road Nathaniel Richards for the first time truly becomes Kang may all fear his name his time ship now built Kang steps away from this era he's powerful all of time is his to fight and Conquer he destroys the Knights of the Round Table conquers the cosmotions and turns their world into factories to fuel his War Machine he takes down immortus another version of himself he has Queen Leandra by the throat in one hand and a scroll in the other with time at his command it feels like there's no force that can really challenge Kang everyone seems aesthetic to him that feeling of control grows boring Kang 4185 CE King returns to an earth almost entirely under his control there's only one free Kingdom left and Kang wants to take it down himself hoping that this will get him excited again but he's met with a surprise the rebel leader princess rivona rensslayer Kang thinks at first that this is the same woman who left him a century ago but no this is the original ravona the one king had seen die when he was just Nathanael and now he's the one standing in front of her three versions of ravona somehow the same at heart stretched across time Kang doesn't understand but his love isn't gone for the first time in a long while he follows the lessons of the prior King trying to avoid his mistakes instead of fighting the final Kingdom Kang orders his forces to step back he plans to arrest the general baltag who murdered rivona in the original version of events Tang will forsake his Empire he'll make himself a hero to try and win her heart but nothing changes ball tag breaks through the guards and shoots ravona all the same she lies dying in Kang's arms while the Conqueror cries at his side his own past self-watches this moment the cage is Kang for all Nathaniel Richards had tried to escape his identity he'd only made it more certain but he still has knowledge of the actions of his predecessor he can still try new ideas and to save rivona he absolutely will Kang end of time on a block of rock at the End of Time Kang built chronopolis a perfect Golden City with treasures from across time that would stand as a monument to his glory from here he would save ravona calling to mind some words of hers word that Audi had shared with him so long ago Kane bids his true love to live forever in the moments between the stars in one great moment Kang injects ravona rentslayer into the very fabric of time versions of her would be born throughout history now Kang has infinite opportunities to save her he's cheated time itself at least that was the plan there are indeed an infinite number of ravonas one became a judge working for the time variance Authority one is even an ancestor of his a clone of Valeria Richards shaped into the role by doctor do but they always avoid Kang or reject him his own variants have better luck the Moon Knight loves Nathaniel another prefers immortus Kang keeps pushing through defeat after defeat finally feeling a twitch of Hope at the possibility of one ravona surviving until he feels her sword at his back within chronopolis's control room rivona has worked out what he's done and she's furious with Kang she thought he was a good man but he took her and created this strange Infinity to try and win her Kang tries to convince her that this was all done out of love but eventually rejects her contents to dispose of another failure but this time it's ravona who turns the tables on Kang even mortally wounded her powers are enough to blow up chronopolis ending Kang's strange rescue operation once and for overall for years after this Kang falls through time this was supposed to be an escape but the aftershocks of chronopolis's Destruction keep him shifting from year to year Conquest is only a dream this is when he takes to drinking trying to forget his woes he considers ending it all but is convinced time itself won't let him Escape so easily but then Tang realizes there's only one way forward and it's back at the start Kang back to the future he appears again in the castle of Doctor Doom only this time he's on the other side of this exchange Kang sees Nathaniel Richards so infuriatingly proud he doesn't understand everything that's coming but Kang will make him understand he'll wipe that smug grin off Nate's face still Kang won't repeat the mistakes of the monster who made him that was another Kang some discarded variant of the time stream he'll teach Nathaniel what he knows but spare him the trauma that the original King put him through things will be better this time right but they won't of course they won't there was no other Kang this is a closed loop a fixed moment of predestination Kang traveled and travels back to create himself to torment himself only when he's standing in the ashes of the village he burned to the ground does Kang finally remember the space between the Stars the Elder of this Village the one who had blessed him so long ago the lasting peace that was rivona even after the fall of chronopolis Kang had been given one last chance to save her if he'd just listened to his younger self and engaged with the locals he might have realized it instead he killed her he's no master of time no conqueror he's many years older than the boy he's training but Kang feels just as young just as much of a fool the cage is Kang the older Nathaniel Richards lets his younger self assume he's drunk he lets him steal his suit and start down the same path he did he has a spare anyway and as the blazing hot asteroid covers the earth in fire Kang sits and thinks never ever love unless it's our video totally explaining Kang you all definitely love that one
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 309,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kang the conqueror, kang, kang dynasty, who is kang the conqueror, he who remains, kang the conqueror he who remains, kang the conqueror marvel, kang comics, how many kangs are there, kang variants, kang war, how strong is kang, kang origin story, kang origin, kang comics explained, kang comic orgin, kang backstory, kang marvel, marvel comics, avengers kang dynasty, marvel, kang the conqueror origin, kang explained, plot armor comics, plot armor comics kang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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