Spider-Man's Family is Gone & The Avengers are Dead

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a threat stronger than Galactus it all started on a regular day Peter Parker and his wife Mary Jane were catching up with their old friends Luke Cage and Jessica Jones the two super couples were enjoying some pizza when Mary Jane called out to beat her yeah MJ he responded our daughter is on the ceiling again as the littlest Parker May was hanging from the roof smiling down at her parents are you okay with that MJ asked Peter clearly looking for a specific answer I mean May's not gonna fall what's the Worst That Could Happen she could put her hand in the light socket Jessica offered thanks for the input Jess Peter sarcastically shot back but MJ wasn't about to be distracted she told Peter I'd like gravity to be a rule we set in our home finally Peter agreed to get her down but once he did something terrible happened a searing splitting pain ruptured in both Peter and May's Minds as all across the world everyone with a spidey sense felt the same thing they jolted and howled in anticipation of something horrible I'd felt strong Spider Sense Before Peter recounted like when Galactus was approaching the Earth but this was worse so much worse it wasn't like the Devourer of Worlds was coming to eat the planet it it was like he was already taking a bite anything so universally threatening that it could set off all of the world's spider Senses at once is not to be taken lightly across town Moon girl was the first to understand what the Earth was up against as soon as the warning signs appeared she saddled up on devil dinosaur and raced off to the Baxter building to tell the second smartest person in the world what was going on across the mutant Community the strongest telepaths on Earth reached out to one another in order to coordinate a response Charles do you feel it Jean Gray asked her old Mentor I feel a gene Professor X responded a mind has awoken unlike any I felt before of course not all mines think alike and across the ocean the mutant apocalypse felt himself called to these new powerful presence yes he whispered into the wind I hear you of course none of this was known to Peter Parker at the time what's happened Luke asked Spidey all I know is something very very bad is about to happen I need to see Reed and Sue then Peter turned to his wife and their child I want to get you to safety but I don't know where that is Peter told MJ it's okay she said go do what you need to do with that Spider-Man whipped out the open window and into the street at the Baxter building and before Consulting with Mr Fantastic Moon girl had gone straight to his daughter Valeria who was also one of the smartest brains on this planet or any other Valeria needed to show her dad something Moon girl's findings showed that the Tremors aren't consistent with the tectonic plate shifts the Quakes are too short they look like impact Tremors but if it was on the surface they'd know they were being attacked from inside the earth Valeria believed that the world was ending another massive Rumble shook the Eastern Hemisphere then a familiar voice boomed out behind them yes the Watcher said the world is ending this is what I've been watching for the Earth has hours 10 billion years ago he said a living machine was created it was made to protect the universe to stop entropy in its tracks to consume black holes but over Millennia feeding on so much Darkness changed the being corrupted it at its core this machine the unmaker as the Ancients called it was possessed by the overwhelming amounts of Darkness it consumed it turned its considerable Powers towards the destruction of life rather than protecting it eventually its malfunction became too devastating to ignore and The Intergalactic Menace was challenged and beaten by The Living Tribunal but instead of destroying the unmaker and releasing all that Darkness back into the universe the misguided robot was de-powered and imprisoned in the center of a newly forming world and the name of that world Earth but now this long dormant living machine was waking they needed to put it down the thing wondered if they had any idea how we do that the greatest thinkers on Earth put their heads together and decided to face the threat directly an advanced team was assembled that the heroes believed had the raw power to take on whatever threat was lurking deep within the Earth's core the squad consisted of the thing Invisible Woman Doctor Strange Scarlet witch and the vision the fate of the world was depending on them when they first laid eyes on the unmaker the thing put it best when he said oh man Matt's gonna take some clobbering at first the unmaker paid no attention to their arrival it continued to slam its fists into the Earth's mantle shaking entire continents at the surface and endangering millions of lives things were a little better in wakanda thanks to their Nation being built on a Bedrock of vibranium but King t'challa planned to help from Nepal to Canada cities were barely holding their own as the blows from inside the earth grew more and more pronounced underneath the oceans turning way waves a City built at the bottom of the sea found itself being engulfed by the very ocean floor that had supported it for thousands of years Namor watched his kingdom fall that day helpless to save his City in the face of such destruction Heroes across the world came to the front lines to protect everyone they could to save all those in need and to try to keep the crumbling pillars of society standing the thing valiantly threw himself at the unmaker only to be disintegrated where he stood by a laser beam Ben Sue's storm cried out in horror as she watched one of her oldest friends die right in front of her next up came the Scarlet Witch whose reality warping ability seemed perfectly suited to this kind of encounter unfortunately Wanda creates reality and the unmaker destroys it the weapon simply unmade Wanda the vision launched himself without Mercy at the thing that had just killed his beloved and actually managed to buy them valuable time phasing himself into the unmaker's head gave Dr Strange just enough time to concoct a new plan under the protection of the invisible women's force fields strange opened a portal to a particular Dimension a dimension where no electronic waves had ever spanned an entire plane with an unending unrelenting pulse emanating through it an EMP grenade for the whole world finally the unmaker's attention had been earned the Colossal machine flailed out of Doctor Strange hoping to put a quick end to his Antics it succeeded partially its metal spikes pure Sue Shields brutally impelling Doctor Strange as he casts his spell but as the unmaker killed Doctor Strange the EMP did what it needed to do set upon by an entire realm of anti-electronic waves the unmaker's robotic body slowed to a stop its plug was pulled and the world destroying robot fell dormant once again as Steven strange bled out that day he looked to sue storm then one final spell crossed his hands as he conjured another portal this time for The Invisible Woman alone live Sue strange told her and pushed her through the portal to the surface saving her life but with strange dead Spider-Man tells us the portal stayed open the constant EMP wave grew and encompassed the entire planet and Beyond sending the earth into darkness above the oceans shield helicarriers with no functioning thrusters plummeted into the Seas men in iron suits fell from the skies somewhere Scott Lang became permanently three stories tall life support failed and artificial life ended back in New York Spider-Man's web shooters gave out just as he was racing across the collapsing City to get to his wife and child I never should have left them he remembers as he crashed to the ground with a sickening thump when Peter arrived Jessica Jones and Luke Cage were still at the scene racing to evacuate civilians according to them MJ was helping the last people evacuate when the building came down Peter begged the two to help him as he limped towards the rubble and started digging desperately the three Heroes tore through the scattered bricks and beams as they tried to uncover Spider-Man's family but when Peter pulled the final board from from the pile of Carnage what was awaiting him was something he never would have expected it was May Parker Standing Tall holding a boulder up from collapsing on her mother and Others May joyfully babbled as Peter's face appeared before her MJ joked relief washing over her hey there Mary Jane Peter replied tears of joy streaming down his face flashing forward to an older Spider-Man although the world as they knew had ended seven years ago its Heroes managed to salvage what remained and built a new world they could be proud of but now in the worldwide electronic Wasteland that was left there was a power vacuum ripe for the taking the apocalypse had started but it was far from over as our narrator Spider-Man recounts the first days of picking up the pieces of civilization after the unmaker's demise were messy people were scared and grieving and their fear and hurt turned into anger there were wars fought over borders resources and ideologies it was chaos and not only that between the initial earthquakes the loss of power and the wars Peter estimated States billions of lives were lost but with time and after the world had a chance to come to terms with its new reality a new rallying cry could be heard the heroes of the world regrouped once more to try to heal their herding Planet it doesn't have to be like this they told the world and miraculously the world listened across the planet Humanity watched as its Heroes put themselves in the middle of the fighting in order to get their fellow man to listen there's another way they shouted from the rooftops and whispered from The Dungeons forget your Barren wastelands Spidey tells us after the fall of our civilization came something better this was especially true for Peter who now had ample time to spend parenting and training the growing May Parker now a young girl with spider powers all her own the large swathes of the planet had now become far more dangerous than they were before what was left of humanity sheltered from the darkness together Peter explains free from the technological Marvels the planet once enjoyed Moore was asked of its super-powered Community than ever before telepaths living all across the globe have now linked up with one another to provide Humanity with some small form of interplanetary communication those retired Heroes who now lived in small communities used their powers to protect those towns and communes from outside threats wakanda served as this new world's capital city and information Hub helmed by none other than Black Panther in the vibranium city under t'challa's rule dozens of the world's brightest Minds came together and reimagined what the world could be dark ages of the Marvel Universe back in the forest of New England Spider-Man had helped his own post of apocalyptic Community built a massive alarm system of interwoven webs throughout the forest any minor interference in one strand causes reverberations to Cascade throughout the network tonight a strand snapped without warning on the edges of the wood where foggy Nelson asks from its perch Atop The Watchtower his best friend Daredevil answers they're heading for the southwest corner of the city considering who we have there that's the worst place to be a bloodthirsty creature of the night indeed a frighteningly impressive Advanced team has already been dispatched to deal with whatever threat has entered their borders blade would ask his companions what it was they charged out into the night werewolves x-23 responds flanks by both honey badger and Elsa Bloodstone after coding their weapons with silver and sharpening their wooden Stakes this positively bloodthirsty team of four had no trouble finding their prey no sooner had they walked into the woods than the werewolves and vampires poured out of the darkness towards the heroes valiantly the four fought to protect their home but while the fight rage nearby a darkened cave repurposes a laboratory saw Tony Stark working the night away pepper pots entered with a joke as screams and howls echoed through the cavern walls but soon a hissing from the mouth of the cave began to grow louder and louder a lone Vampire having split off from its pack stepped from the Shadows Stark it whispered as its dead eyes found their target but after revealing itself a patriotic Shield took its head from its shoulders you'd think a brilliant inventor would invent a door Captain America chastised his old friend as he walked into the flickering Fire Light Steve apologized to Tony about the vampire bits as the two shook hands Pepper would greet him too with the pleasantries out of the way cap got down to business he wanted to know how Tony was doing with his study of alchemy as it turns out Tony managed to turn some lead into gold he'd even offer some but Gap was surprised to see his old friend so content but Steve's face turned dark when he told the happy couple of his recent travels to a Europe ruled by Iron Fist they need help tone me can we take a walk walking out into the fresh night air the two ex-avengers talked about the world they left behind Captain America expected him to miss electricity more believing that he'd feel held back Tony then admitted that he does miss it he lies awake at night creating things in his mind machines that could transform the world but will never be switched on Tony leveled his gaze at his old teammate questioning if this was a recruitment for war cap assured him that it wasn't he had another solution in mind there's something I need to show you cap said ominously as the two came to a clearing when they turned the corner apocalypse and Dracula stood before him flanked by a number of the vampire King's most powerful henchmen hello Iron Man apocalypse growled through a smile apocalypse Tony erupted when he saw the villains on Instinct Iron Man left into action removing a small device from his belt he launched the grenade into the air where it exploded in a flash of light disintegrating Dracula's goons before they could react you've always been too good at killing Stark Dracula snarled as he dashed behind Tony lifting him by the neck from the ground cap Tony cried get Dracula off me you know but Steve's eyes went cold as he looked up at the struggling Tony no the First Avenger said before cracking Stark's skull with his shield at full force Tony collapsed to the floor as The Star-Spangled Visage of Captain America slowly melted away to reveal Mystique standing in his place she'd confirmed the success of their objective as a teleportation Circle began sparking up around the super villains and their Newfound hostage well done Mystique apocalypse affirmed before with one last crackle the bandits disappeared Into Thin Air when Tony Stark's eyes opened again he was in Europe kneeling at the feet of Apocalypse the Elder mutant Overlord your mind is beyond human Stark apocalypse boomed down to him I thought mutants were the only species worth preserving but I see now I thought too narrowly good for you Tony joked desperately you shall work for me apocalypse told Iron Man forcefully sorry I've always had a firm rule about not working for people who have slaves building statues Tony spats scathingly but apocalypse seemed unbothered by Stark's reluctance he'd share his belief that a stagnant World yields no progress as he led Tony through his compound it is time to evolve again apocalypse promised as he walked Tony into his Grand laboratory inside Tony's throbbing head spun as he saw the super Geniuses iron heart and Mr Fantastic working tirelessly on a huge machine that seemed to be producing energy we thought you were dead Tony exclaimed what are you doing everything I can to help Enzo ball Noor Reed said not looking away from his work Tony wondered if they were being threatened before Reed cut him off no we are being given a chance how have you done this Tony demanded of Apocalypse instantly answering his own query this was a faraday cage immune to the constant EMP but every cage Tony had tried to build had failed because he'd need something equally as strong to repel it some thing apocalypse smiled no someone Tony looked up to see none other than Magneto chained within the apex of the cage his considerable Powers being hijacked and used to keep the contraption viable apocalypse then called killgrave over ordering him to take Tony's mind kilgrave agreed before reaching out and seeding his own will inside of starks ensuring that yet another of the world's brightest Minds would be focused on achieving apocalypse's master plan I touched the mind of a being more powerful than a god apocalypse said as he walked off leaving Tony to his Newfound work I want that power you're going to help me wake the unmaker Tony Stark while you wait for more here's another end of the world story where King Thanos turns the Hulk into his pets
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 465,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider man, peter parker, avengers, marvel comics, spider man dark ages, avengers dark ages, marvel dark ages, marvel comics dark ages, dark ages marvel comics, marvel dark ages comic, miles morales, spider man comic, marvel dark ages #1, marvel dark ages issue 1, marvel, dark ages marvel, plot armor comics, plot armor comics spider man, dark ages full story, comics
Id: R3Nxu-Ipilo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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