X Men 97: Bastion Origin & Powers

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what's going on guys this is Rob and after watching Xmen 97 episode number five I wanted it to be Cassandra Nova but it's some many of you guys pointed out it's probably not Cassandra Nova because cable said he is coming and it wouldn't make any sense to refer to a sentinel as he because the Sentinel is a robot it's neither a man or a woman it might have those features but it's a machine right machines don't have personalities but a lot of you guys also pointed out that in the Life Death episode with storm and Forge there were a boatload of Easter eggs and one of those Easter eggs showed the character of Bastion and this video is going to prove that it is Bastion I had to dig through the memory banks to find this comic so I better see some thanks down in the comments section so this is actually machine man Bastion from 1998 and what it does is it largely centers on a conflict between Bastion and Cable cable trying to prevent Bastion from you know doing his whole thing but this is all going to fit in perfectly with X-Men 97 so once cable is effectively subdued by Bastion what he does is he tells this story right he gives us like these set of events that really go all the way back to Days of Future Past now for those of you guys who are unfamiliar with Days of Future Past I will say how it transpired in X-Men the Animated Series with Bishop is totally different from the comics but the overall gist Remains the Same and we'll make sense of it as we go on but Bastion says the United States government having failed in its mission to neutralize the mutant infestation entrusted the task to the robotic Sentinels who found success where their creators could not most mutants were at last contained but there were those who would not be so easily suppressed Rebels who would not conform to Sentinel rule measures had to be taken and he says to this end a new breed of Sentinel was manufactured the Nimrod Hunter series its purpose to be more accurate more efficient more deadly even the X-Men of that era lost most of their number before the might of these newly constructed engines of Destruction proving the role of the Renegade Mutant hero to be most suicidal in nature so he's referencing Days of Future Past in Marvel Comics the way the Days of Future Past transpired is that you had mystique and her Brotherhood of evil mutants who assassinated Senator Robert Kelly Mora MC tager and professor Charles Xavier they did that in order to prove the point that mutants were not to be trifled with you got the exact opposite that what happened is Congress tried to pass the mutant registration act but because mutants are considered sovereign citizens of the United States it was deemed by the US Supreme Court that the mutant registration act infringed on their civil liberties so it was struck down what ended up happening instead is the United States government basically restarted The Sentinel program and handed the whole thing over to Steven Lang no relation to Scott Lang the nature of Sentinels is they started with bevard tras he was defeated Steven Lane took over and those are the Sentinels that you're the most familiar with following that Days of Future Past just transpired every superhero operating in North America Fantastic 4 Avengers The Whole Nine Yards the X-Men they were either killed or captured and inhibitor cers were slapped on their necks in order to prevent them from being able to use their powers and then they were just thrown into internment camps just waiting for execution and that was it but the Nimrod senel that he's referring to to is the idea that there were some mutants out there that managed to evade captivity and given the level of power that they had that they could easily overcome virtually any number of Sentinels so the Nimrod series was designed for the purpose of being able to not only sense what a mutant's power is but to automatically develop counter measures to those powers and then neutralize the mutant threat and so that's why he says but those Intrepid mutants were as unrelenting as their Modern Age counterparts and sought to send one of their members back into the past in hopes of preventing the future from coming into being now of course what he's talking about here is the ending to Days of Future Past that Rachel Summers who is the daughter of Jean Gray and cyclops from that Days of Future Past future that she sent the mind of Katy Pride into the past to keep Days of Future Past from happening so a lot of instances of the word past the bigger Point here is that because the Days of Future Past timeline was the guaranteed future by preventing it that future now just became an alternate reality because it was stopped it's how Marvel solved the issue of like the Paradox right how do you stop a future that doesn't happen and so following that you got a story that was actually called Days of Future present where as far as Rachel Summers was concerned she didn't realize she was now in an alternate reality and so for her the future just kept going on Days of Future Past never ended so she travels back to the present day what happens is Nimrod follows her back and that's how you get Nimrod in the modern era in Marvel Comics but this is what bastion's referencing he says having lived in the future yourself you are aware of how entirely possible it is for one with the proper technology to Traverse the streams of time Nimrod on the trail of this fugitive X-Man found itself in a remote past where Sentinels had not yet usurped Authority from the homo sapiens with your kind moving about unchecked in effect nimrod's past is our present right because Days of Future Past happened some number of decades into the future and so he says Nimrod had no alternative but to fulfill its original directive that and no other but the history of these man-made Sentinels begins not at the onset of the next millennium but rather toward the final days of this one and this is where we start getting into X-Men 97 because what you'll notice is a lot of what's being talked about here is really the basis for X-Men the Animated Series Master Mold the Sentinels Nimrod in that cartoon the whole nine yards what he says here is Homo Sapien Superior humans born with superhuman traits had risen to the genetic Forefront of humanity and along with them came the precursor of all Sentinels that were to follow the master mold even then its simple cybernetic mind reasoned that it was Humanity itself which stood in the way of the purging of mutant hun and so the master mold defied the plans of its own Creator the late Dr Bolivar tras and that's exactly what happened in the comics right that was adapted to X-Men the Animated Series do you remember in the show where you had the scene with bolivard tras where Master Mold wanted to replace TR brain with a computer and tr's like no no no no you know you're supposed to be going after mutants and master mold says that's illogical mutants are humans and so he wanted to attack everybody that's exactly how it played out in the comics right so it's like a onetoone adaptation almost and so Bastion says but the original Master Mold nearly set a precedent that would recur in subsequent series when it rebelled against the original programming and determined to bring about the complete and utter subjugation of the far too tolerant humans with its Army of nons sentients it was only the intervention of the original team of X-Men that halted that first insurgence of automatons now what's being referenced here is the first time or really the first few times that the X-Men ever fought Sentinels in Marvel Comics which was largely during the era of like Stan Lee and Jack Kirby when they were creating the X-Men Stan Lee Jack Kirby Roy Thomas Gary Friedrich Arnold Drake so on and so forth but basically everything before Chris Claremont came on as writer if you understand the significance of his time and taking over the X-Men in the mid1 1970s but Bastion goes on to say there were a number of subsequent mutant hunting Endeavors culminating in a project spearheaded by a government scientist named Steven Lang in which in allnew all different group of X-Men battled a new series of Sentinels manufactured to simulate an earlier version of their own team Lang was believed to have sacrificed his human life in the service of the greater good though his well-intentioned plans were to meet with failure in the end this is the fight that the X-Men had that led to the original Phoenix Saga and what I mean by that is again referencing project Wide Awake here which I don't think was referenced in X-Men the Animated Series but is certainly going to be something that you'll likely see over the course of the first season going to the end of X-Men 97 project wi awake was just a massive government program right contain and control mutant threats span multiple presidencies governmental intelligence organizations state and local sheriff's offices the whole nine yards but where bolar tras had been defeated by the original X-Men and Marvel his entire Sentinel program was taken away by the federal government and handed over to Steven Lang and Steven Lang developed the modern Sentinels that you're the most familiar with that's what this is referencing here and so Bastion goes on to say when a man dies his dreams die along with him but the machine the machine can live on as if Immortal and the unremitting assault was resumed Nimrod found that the timeline he traveled back into in his attempt to eliminate the threat of the modern day X-Men was an interesting one indeed events had long since begun to Herald the inevitable reality from whence he came events that led to the dawn of a newly fashioned mastermold housing the brain ingrams of the nowos Steven Lang whose defeat at the hands of Iceman and the angel a small faction of the original X-Men and the gamma eradiated Behemoth known as the Hulk was but another minor setback in the inevitable scheme of things resistance as always proves futile in the end now something that I do want to specify here as we kind of go through the rest of this that in effect Bastion had essentially taken over a character by the name of Aaron stack also known as Machin man he's literally a robot that desires to be human and in some ways has achieved a lot of success in doing so but that's basically the guy that you see like attacking cable right that looks like a human with a purple suit that's AAR in stack is really all it is so you'll notice that but that's not really overly significant here I would however invite you to look at the fight between cable and Aaron stack as what would likely be events that transpire when we get the whole explanatory episode in X-Men 97 that Aaron stack would likely be replaced by Bishop or potentially even Forge so that's just something to keep in the back of your head as we kind of go through the rest of this but Bastion says how ironic it was that Nimrod the Omega in the Sentinel series should find its Destiny linked with that of the original the alpha Sentinel the master mold because that is what occurred when Hunter found himself being assimilated into the resurrected mastermold which Lain dormant until the moment of physical contact with his automated antecedent now this all actually took place in Uncanny X-Men 247 I want to say 247 or 274 but I want to say it's 247 but he says in what was to be its first and final conflict with the X-Men this master mold nrod amalgam found itself wrenched through a pan-dimensional portal created by a mystical amulet referred to as the siege perilous because of its unnatural synthesis with its far-flung future descendant the master mold deemed itself a mutant and thereby self-destructed as it was swept up by the amulet Vortex winds but before they could completely disperse its inorganic systems had already begun reintegrating into something else something entirely different according to the occult lore of this world any and all who cross the boundaries of this Siege Paralis are said to be judged by the higher powers of the universe and then returned to the Earth in harmonic fashion for the mastermold for Nimrod for the first and last in a nearly indect line of synthetic intellects it meant being stripped of all artificiality the machine was made flush this is in effect the origin of Bastion now what does all this mean so the idea here is that in the old Uncanny X-Men comic right which I will say I think is 247 that basically master mold and Nimrod had literally merged and they looked dope right it looked really really cool but what all the X-Men and everybody had realize is they couldn't overcome the power of master mold and Nimrod so as a followup to a story called The Fall of the mutants they invoked The Siege perilous what does that mean so you guys know how right now now in X-Men 97 you have Forge in storm and the arrival of the adversary that is a whole story in Marvel right like it is the fall of the mutants the quote unquote death of the X-Men the way it played out is that the adversary is just this demonic being who's astronomically powerful and was almost successful in conquering the Earth and even potentially Conquering the universe although that was more theorized than anything else What it Took was Forge using the Essences of the X-Men and meline prior to essentially send the adversary back into to its portal but the X-Men were essentially killed off what you ended up getting is the X-Men receiving The Siege perilous as an artifact literally an amulet that if they ever got tired of being superheroes they could pass through it normally The Siege perilous is like the size of a necklace right like something that you see around somebody's neck but when it's used it can grow to like varying sizes when you pass through the siege perilous as ambiguous as it is you really are quote unquote judged by the universe's higher powers you never really get an explanation anything more than that but the big takeaway is that when you come out of the siege perilous your life is effectively restarted but it happens in different ways some people remember their past others don't but you start off with like a new job and a whole new career and all that kind of stuff right so to give you perspective here imagine like at the end of Spider-Man no way home instead of Doctor Strange casting a spell that made everybody forget who Peter Parker was he just like was given the siege perilous by doctor strange and then it opened to a giant Portal Peter walked through it and the next thing he knows he's in an apartment in Manhattan that looks like trash That's How The Siege perilous works right by all standards of measurement and so following this Bastion was taken in by a woman named Rose and while he didn't know his own past while he didn't realize that he's a combination of master mold and Nimrod combined into one he still says she reached out to him like a mother to a son where there were no foundations new groundwork was late where there had been no home one was now provided where there had been no love there was now a spark but even love would not Stave off what was to come even love cannot Shield a man from the harsh realities of the world he would view the reports that were televised nightly he would read the headlines for himself the media's message was unmistakable the threat posed by homo Superior by mutants was far greater than their genetic forbears had ever imagined right humanity is basically who he's talking about mutants were more dangerous than anybody ever considered the message touched upon something very deep within the man making him resonate with an emotion that he had not learned from Rose a feeling that made him want to take desperate action eventually he could bear it no longer and realizing that Rose's future was no longer tied to his own he left her side sacrificing everything he had gained now this is where we also kind of start diving back into X-Men 97 because while forge's history in that show is very very ambiguous what we do know is that he was part of a special government program tked with the purpose of essentially containing and controlling mutants he was part of project Wide Awake even if he didn't fully understand what he was doing that's what he was part of he didn't really grasp the full Echelon of it and it makes sense because project Wide Awake was highly compartmentalized things like weapons plus were part of project wide awake but what Bastion did in striking out into the world with this intense anti-mutant sentiment which was really more a result of his programming effectively manifesting again is he started making allies guys like Gren Creed who were staunchly anti- mutant you remember Gren Creed from X-Men the Animated Series the guy who led the Friends of Humanity these were the kind of people that Bastion was associating with you see how all of this can literally just bookend to X-Men the Animated Series Bastion has been here the entire time he's been the one manipulating behind the scenes the entire time we just never realized it until right now with X-Men 97 and specifically the Life Death episode that we saw with storm and Forge and all the little Easter eggs and so what he says here is he says each player is required to bring something to a partnership the man had no fortune for him there was little more than the unfathomable nightmares that haunted him night after night nightmares that began to reveal a higher calling a greater purpose a destiny that would one day be made manifest day after day he would observe the nameless faceless masses as they went about their worthless routines apparently unconcerned about the mutant horde that would eventually rise up to annihilate them but he knew what mankind could not he was special Superior to all of them and now it would be his duty to be their Shepherd the Wolves after all were lurking but his was a knowledge that would also bring power knowledge enough to create the detailed technical blueprints that would be submitted to Gren cre the information that the man brought with him plans for a more advanced breed of Sentinels which would be able to Stamp Out mutant kind forever was soon utilized by a division of government technicians who began to build a new master mold taking the man's theories and Concepts and advancing them now let's take this and apply it to X-Men 97 we have not gotten an explanation for how the Friends of Humanity were able to reverse engineer Sentinels you could just say Bastion was the guy behind it you see how it all ties together man I told you this video was going to prove that Bastion is the guy man like he's the dude now what he says is the day that the man took the name Bastion was one of great import for symbolically he was just that Humanity's last stronghold against an undeniable enemy there were others the handicapped who came to the clinic seeking seemingly miraculous remedies who sacrificed their lives never knowing the truth though something far greater than truth was about to be bestowed upon them so it was cable that the feeble were reborn as Prime Sentinels Composites of man and Metal crude when compared to myself but suitable nonetheless for the agenda which lay ahead operation Zero Tolerance was the war that would have rid mankind of homo sapien Superior for all time but as in the beginning the humans made the same mistakes on this occasion the populace judged my actions as severely as it had when the master mold first defied bevar Trask so long ago I was arrested and led away in shackles the government pulled the plug so literally this just kind of outlines the entire story of basion how he got to where he is what it is that he's been doing but when you start looking at this and you start applying it not just to X-Men 97 but X-Men the Animated Series when it comes to like the Sentinel program when it comes to the Friends of Humanity all these different groups barring the few instances right what was it time fugitives when Gren Creed had Allied himself with apocalypse not knowing that it was apocalypse outside of a few things like that it makes perfect sense that Bastion is the guy operating behind the scenes he's the reason why the Friends of Humanity had learned to reverse engineer Sentinel technology he was the one that was spearheading the project that Forge was a part of and creating collar based on Advanced futuristic technology that could shut down mutant powers that could deactivate mutant Powers suppress them the whole nine yards right like this has all been Bastion the entire time so let me know what you guys think down in the comments section is this credible does it like solidify because if you have any other questions I want to hear them right I want to know what they are but with that being said guys we're going to bring this to an end thank you all for watching and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 219,636
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Keywords: x-men 97 episode 5, x men 97 episode 5, x men 97 episode 5 explained, x-men 97 recap, x-men 97, x-men 97 reaction, x-men 97 ending explained, x men 97 episode 5 breakdown, x-men 97 episode 5 explained, x-men 97 spoilers, x men 97, x men 97 mutant massacre, xmen 97, ending explained, x-men 97 breakdown, Comics Explained, Marvel Studios, Marvel Comics, comics explained, x men 97 comics explained, x-men 97 comics explained, Bastion, Bastion Marvel Comics, Bastion X Men 97
Id: vX7qrA0eUvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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