David Grusch on Joe Rogan: Aliens Created Humans?

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if these things that we're experiencing are the natural progression of what happens when you do Seed Life on planet or you do accelerate biological life you do have some sort of a genetic intervention where you take this thing that it has emerging intelligence and you accelerate it and that that thing will in turn with all of its desire for Innovation and creativity and also all of its desire to control resources and and have power and have influence that it will eventually lead to the creation of what we're seeing that these things are the next stage of this process and that maybe we're dealing with one form of that next stage but there's another stage that's a million years more advanced than that that's far superior that doesn't even have a biological limitation in terms of physical space that it exists completely in some other undetect detectable realm that is not no longer no longer thinks about biological limitations of life and death and and communication it exists completely in some other space that that's what these things are and that I I always wonder when there's a crash or when there's a body or when there's a this that like and people saying well what if they're so Advanced why are they crashing well hold on which version are we looking at we're we're not saying there's one thing that's visiting us if there's one thing that's visiting us and we know where this one thing is we could say oh well that thing it deals with a completely different solar system that's not as vulnerable it doesn't have asteroid clouds it doesn't have all these different things where it's like it doesn't have a a planet that has super volcanoes maybe life evolved in a more stable environment and it allowed it to get to a far greater technological level but not the ultimate yeah we might be testing the extent of their adaptability and like I said are they crashing by accident right Mission failure or on purpose right well just think about communication just are communication used to be you had to get in front of someone and they had to talk to them so you had to know their language you had to either non-verbal or verbal communication you had to figure out a way to say things to them that's no longer the case obviously with this new uh Android operating system it translates but also the fact that you could have a [ __ ] FaceTime call with someone in Japan right now and you instantaneously can communicate back and forth which is insane that's a vast distance but for us it's like stupid it's like yeah easy vast distance and instantaneous that's like pong you know that's uh that's a morse code that's like it's very primitive in terms of what if you physically can be in these places instantaneous yeah and why why would we assume that that's not eventually going to be on the menu yeah and of course friend of mine Eric Weinstein certainly spouses we don't even have the right theoretical Frameworks right now you know he get he he has his own geometric Unity Theory and he's way smarter than I he's too smart he has some his he's got some unique theories himself about where all the stuff is coming from and uh it's it's all very very very interesting and intriguing but also makes sense all of it makes sense including being visited you know I had this conversation with Neil degrass Tyson he's like why would they be interested in us I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking about we're super interested yeah Neil I mean obviously he's a fine science Communicator kind of the success of or successor of kind of the Carl s kind of I think Carl was a little bit more openminded yeah I like Carl better by I'm more of a fan wish he was still alive I love to smoke weed that guy he was really into weed oh really yeah really really into it I have a theory that the universe itself is God I think that's like what I was talking about with the you know multi-dimensional Creator creating universes yeah I think we have a very limited idea of when we say God when God created the heavens and like right right but what is what what are we saying I think it's the universe itself I think it's one thing and that this one thing it seeks to create these things that continually push the envelopes and may be Gods themselves eventually I think if you extrapolate from our ability versus the ability of an amoeba and you continue to move that along what does that do well it's going to be able to create universes there's already been theoretical papers that have been written about the creation of other things like black holes other things like a universe the like what what is involved in the creation of a universe what is involved in the Big Bang can that be replicated well not now but if AI becomes sentient and AI eventually makes far greater versions of itself if it keeps doing that like what are the limits of its potential creates a simulated environment IND you can't tell the difference between that and regular life well maybe because there is no difference maybe that is what I mean that's the theory of simulation theater yeah simulation Theory yeah familiar and that that is a possibility cuz uh the universe seems like a little too perfect it's a little strange very created to me so just like we're in the goldilock zone perfect temperature like it's how about the Big Bang itself like what what happened something smaller than the head of a pin for for no known reason becomes everything yeah okay and what's the universe expanding into it's like a quantum foam or whatever the heck the latest theory is that's like Beyond me and then it perhaps just retracts back down to that infinitely small thing and then expands again and that this is an endless cycle and that we're just so limited because of our biological limitation our life and death is such a small little tiny blip it's so minuscule in terms of just the overall known life of the universe and then you have the James web telescope that's you know there's people that question the actual length of time that occurred between the big bang and now that maybe it might be far longer and there's people like Brian keing that say that's not that's not correct it's just a a lack of understanding of what we understand currently about the of galaxies these yeah because I mean obviously the length of the the age of the universe keeps on getting older and older and a lot of that's because of the the Doppler fit Doppler shift right the red shift as the galaxies are accelerating away you know we can calculate what the what what their origin Point probably was and how long it took for them to speed up like that right so and only based on our current understanding yes which is obviously at least fairly Limited in terms of what's its potential is well yeah like we still don't quite understand the origin of the Moon the Moon is at the right location that causes solar and lunar eclipses it's like the right apparent uh size to block out the sun it's like super weird same thing with like Mars we're not sure like what happened there where Mars you know had some probable life on it either a protoplanet hit it or there was some kind of impact that vaporized stuff and like who knows yeah who knows and this is just this little tiny neighborhood that we're looking at it's like we are in our backyard hard looking for evidence of like life in Africa you know I mean you're not going to figure it out here there's so there's just we're just looking at such a small scale in terms of what we could potentially discover or potentially observe yeah
Channel: Dr Brian Keating
Views: 923,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr Brian Keating, into the impossible, brian keating, cosmology, Big Bang, Experimental cosmology, Brain Keating, Into the impossible Podcast, Scientific interviews, Scientific podcasts, Brain keating, Cosmology podcast, Space discovery, Eric Wienstein, Physics, Science, Joe Rogan, David Grusch, JRE, eric weinstein, eric wienstein, david grusch joe rogan 2065 full episode, ufo david grusch, bob lazar, ufo disclosure, david grush, david grusch joe rogan 2065, tucker carlson
Id: fRDLugwutyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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