The Assassin's Creed Iceberg Explained

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u/BrunoHM & u/DudeSoul, I’m not sure if either of you are a part of the humble cell here, but I thought you should be made aware your works were featured in this video too!

For anyone looking for that iceberg or my takes on just over half of the points, here’s those links:

The Iceberg Main Sub Discussion

54 random entries explained by YFNM

72 explained

George Washington’s Cryptogram

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IMHOZen1 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
stealthing your way through many Paramount events in history Assassin's Creed depicts the hidden war between the Assassins who wish to spread knowledge and freedom and the Templars who wish to cease control upon Humanity to instill lasting World Peace since 2007 assassin's creators captivated many with his dazzling story intertwining real-life figures and events through the use of the virtual reality machine the Animus allowing the modern world to see past events that have been skewed throughout time projecting the true events in a digital virtual world the overwhelming success of the original Assassin's Creed game has led to over a dozen games being released with games like Mirage still yet to come many novels have also been written Comics have been issued and even a feature film has been adapted due to the overwhelming success of Assassin's Creed part of what makes Assassin's Creed so alluring is the many Secrets being unmasked during our adventure both in the digital reality and the evolved physical world abstergo Industries the modern depiction of the temples is one of the largest companies in the world and still ever present in their battle with the Assassins racing through memories of their ancestors to locate powerful artifacts known as the apples of Eden in order to control or guard the world many sacred and Assassin's Creed are very complex to both understand and discover while there are still some that are yet to be solved an iceberg chart is a way of presenting these Mysteries theories and little-known facts ordering them to the more popular theories are located at the top of the iceberg and as you travel deeper below the iceberg the more obscure mind-boggling and perhaps even outlandish the Mysteries become today we'll be attempting to sink our teeth into a complete Assassin's Creed Iceberg covering many aspects of the franchise we'll actually be discussing my favorite points from three icebergs that can be found on the internet the earliest aspect Under Our Guest today is one created by dude soul back in 2020 and the second aspect that we're examining is Bruno hm's Iceberg of mysteries this definitely had the name that caught my attention and the final Iceberg we'll be including today is the largest created by I'm hosen one containing a massive 10 layers now before you get too excited we won't be covering every single point here in this Iceberg it'll be the ones that I find the most intriguing and I'll present them as amalgamation of all the icebergs before we start our descent there is one important aspect of Assassin's Creed that I'd like to mention and that's retroactive continuity redcorning is when previous events are given a different perspective through new information being provided previous information that was once deemed as true is contradicted allowing new creative Avenues to be explored Assassin's Creed unfortunately for our sake is no stranger to retcons one of the most notable examples of this is the explanation of the Assassin's history in the original Assassin's Creed Lucy Stillman explains the origins of the assassins in the temple war that little fight your ancestor started during the Third Crusade it never ended the Third Crusade was during the years 1189 and 1192 Assassin's Creed was originally supposed to be the next Prince of Persia game Title Prince of Persia assassins plan to be a sequel for the Next Generation consoles the Mandate was to redefine the action-adventure genre director Patrice desolate stated that it was difficult to incorporate a princess of the game a prince is not an action character per se he's somebody who waits for a mummy or daddy to die to take their place he's the number two of an organization so I switched the organization from a kingdom to an assassin Brotherhood so if you're the number two you're the Assassin of The Prince And since the Assassins were in Persia roughly put that would be the Prince of Persia that's how the whole concept of Assassin's Creed started so the design of Assassin's Creed evolved but still maintained its roots to the Prince of Persia it was heavily inspired by the Persian book alamut written by Vladimir bartol this book described the historical order of the Assassins living in the mountains of Persia and Syria around the 12th century they assassinated Muslim and Christian leaders who were considered enemies of the state the way the order killed these leaders is believed to be where the term assassination stems from the original Assassin's Creed remained relatively true to these inspired historical roots desolate even stating that Altair is the Prince of Persia but once we get to Assassin's Creed II we can uncover six hidden Tunes built by members of the Italian Brotherhood these tombs were dedicated to six of the first assassins leonius who assassinated calicula iltini who assisted at Alexander the Great Army net who is athletic Cleopatra way you who is Darius who's last known cersei's the first and kulang gal who's outside of Genghis Khan many of these assassinations occurred before the persian's 11th century Origins so it seems like the Assassin's history has been retconned however Max Speed go go explain to the Assassin's history could be interpreted as all of the proto-assasses tracing their Roots through to Altair the true spreader of the Assassin's order Altair's personal Journal his codex states that he believes that we the Assassins have simply rediscovered an order that predates the old man himself The Observer files in Revelation state that officially the order of the nice Templar was created in 1129 but we have endured under various appellations since well before the 12th century we were there when Cleopatra claimed her Birthright when Alexander the Great forged his Empire and when Xerxes sent his armies to crush the Greeks like the order of the nice Templar the Assassins became public during the Middle Ages also like us the Brotherhood has existed under one form or another since perhaps the dawn of humanity and their operation span the entire globe so technically we could argue that no retcon is actually happened here but what we should take as a lesson from this is that even now we might not know the full pitch to many of these theories and in the present we could be misled with chapters still Unwritten changing the story this means the theories and the facts that we state in this Iceberg could in turn become completely false remain a mystery or perhaps reveal itself to be the truth but the more mature the Assassin's Creed story becomes the less retcons should be taking place so perhaps we are safer now what we would be a decade ago so we've kind of cheated and talked about a couple of points in this Iceberg but we can say the sky layer was just to equip ourselves and now I think we're finally ready to take the leap of faith down below into the depths of the Assassin's Creed iceberg [Music] foreign [Music] foreign squib the Assassin's Creed games especially Valhalla are full of Mythology and hidden Easter eggs and one of the most ominous Easter eggs is that of a giant squid in Assassin's Creed 2 Ezio can see a giant squid while undergrading the Assassin's tombs located in Santa Maria and in Black Flag Edward Kenway can witness a giant squid consuming an entire white whale it's it's peculiar that something as prominent as a giant squid would appear in the Assassin's Creed Universe multiple times each time there's a hidden Easter egg the presence of a giant squid makes more sense in black flat with many parts telling stories of a large monster the Kraken hunting the sea and harassing vessels Danish author Eric pandopadan popularized the term Kraken in 1753 only slightly after the events of black flag and he described the Kraken as a giant sea crab or an octopus before a squid to appear in the Tomb that seems a bit out of place it's most likely a reference to HP Lovecraft with a kraken being a great old one Assassin's Creed is no stranger to Lovecraft references with Syndicate containing the great old ones caress a set of brass knuckles containing small knobs along its outside to resemble a tentacle perhaps his Sage will be able to one day reveal the full extent of the lovecraft's influence a sage first mentioned in Black Flag is an extraordinary human being a representation of ayata an ESU scientist and a husband of Juno the Easter were the first civilization those that came before and created Humanity I either transmit his Consciousness into an artificial body in an attempt to save the ISU from the foretold destruction of the world but this experiment failed with Aida's mind becoming brutal and him becoming a prisoner of his own body in an attempt to save him Juno along with Odin acquired the need of poetry creating a serum that was used to embed her husband into the human bloodline this Mead serum would randomly activate an alter the genetic makeup of an individual changing their appearance and flooding them with memories of aita marking them as a sage this was often very traumatic for the human host with many sages succumbing to Madness as their own memories in life were slowly consumed by those of ayeta originally many assumed that because sages were essentially a reborn item there was only destined to be one Sage alive at any point in time but as we now know this is not the case multiple sages can often be alive at once the pirate bath among your romance was a sage who was constantly chased by the Templars I was born with memories of this place memories of another time entirely I think like a like another life I've already left but also alive at the same time was Thomas knar Jr who was also a sage writing many letters regarding his condition in fernox Ratchet suggests that rather than Sage as being reincarnation to fight the stages are just inheriting the genetic memory that have been activated within themselves this could be viewed as being similar to the bleeding effect that many get while using the Animus it's worth noting that some sages like Thomas seem to be able to resist the Allure bitter While others like Bartholomew appear to be completely consumed by him and these two are the only sages mentioned through our Assassin's Creed some notable sages include a larger Desmond miles son whose life is explored in the comics and one particular individual founded the obstacle database entry in unity this entry details a list of potential Sages a man called David Jones is marked as supposedly being a sage said to be otherworldly extraterrestrial and possessed by multiple personalities this is a reference to David Robert Jones who's more commonly known as David Bowie David Bowie adopted many personas with the other lines being references to his songs like loving the alien which does coincidentally mention Templars so David Bowie could be a sage in the Assassin's Creed universe but I don't think we'll see anything else about him other than this database entry regarding him there's one individual that's not mentioned in this database of potential sages but has been regarded by many to be a sage and that's the Old Man of the Mountain Lim oversaw and coordinated the actions of the 11 time Brotherhood of Assassin's order the Assassins create infographics which explores the amazing history of the Assassin's Creed Universe details the history of the apples of Eden the second Apple the Apple of Eden that was reactivated by bayak was in the possession of almanuel lim who was the old sage and mentor of the assassins now is this a reference that almora Lim is directly a sage well not convincingly darkspine 10 believes that this mentioning of sage is just in reference to being profoundly wise as is written Sage of the Assassins rather than the Assassin's Sage our Miller Lim was introduced in the first Assassin's Creed while sages were introduced in Black Flag so you do have to ponder if the concept of the sage was to be introduced in the first Assassin's Creed if Alma Lim would have turned out to be one the infographics did state that almur Lim was being a saint with a capital S and this would infer they are talking about the title of sage rather than it being a descriptor most sages in Assassin's Creed possess one distinctive identifying traits heterochromia which is primarily the color difference in eyes but could also be found in hair or skin Alma Lim has one brown eye with the other Misti but this is most likely just a result of his Blind Eye or perhaps it was just clouding a future that was yet uncertain he does have the personality traits of his Sage betraying others for his own personal gain and he wields the apple of ease and very naturally which is just here at least has a strong amount of issue to her name but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is a sage our Miller Lim does say something interesting when faced by Altier I have stood before a thousand men all of them Superior to you and all of them dead by my hand initially you would take a thousand men as being a brag but perhaps it is in fact literal if Alma Lim was a sage perhaps a combined memory of Aida and himself actually did face a thousand men I think that initially our Mula Lim would have not been a sage with the concepts not mature enough until at least Assassin's Creed III when Aida was first introduced but I think if Ubisoft wanted to look back at this era they would more than likely categorize our mua Lim as a sage but now let's get our diving Bells ready as it's time for us to explore the murky depths of this iceberg [Music] Desmond lives Desmond Mars was the protagonist of the original Saga having initially been forced to relive memories for the modern day company of the Templar order absurgo he's later reunited with the assassins and learns to gain the skills of his ancestors through the bleeding of their past memories into his but when the Izu warns Desmond of the second disaster of 2012. a catastrophic event threatening to wipe out most of humankind Desmond then set out to locate the esu's grand temple with what was contained inside said to be able to prevent this tragedy but the mystical device that would end up saving the world had a cost it would also end Desmond's life Desmond could either activate the device saving the planet while perishing and in turn releasing The Evil issue of Juno or he could refrain from activating the device and although the world would mainly be destroyed many humans would still survive and see Desmond as a leader a religious figure that would rebuild the world but upon his death his words would cause the vision and War thus repeating the cycle of human civilization Desmond chooses to activate the device saving the world but not himself such an active martyrdom didn't lose itself in the history books at least for the players of the Assassin's Creed games many chose not to Simply believe that Desmond was dead even with a post-mortem report in Black Flag detailing Desmond's dissection by abstergo Altair for president promoted a theory of the Desmond miles is not only alive and well but he has also been managing to launch cyber attacks against his nemesis abstergo in unity the Assassin Intel database 16 chat log T does one of the most well-coordinated attacks on the Obscure databases this was more widely thought to be Juno with their Consciousness managing to inhabit the equipment that was brought by abstergo when they were collecting Desmond's body this attack was hard to explain it's almost as if it was two parts of a single program one on the inside and one on the outside just sort of joined up and come to life so to speak while this could certainly be Juno I'll tell you have a president believes that this is actually Desmond's doing the attack was described as being similar to Clay cosmarek's case about a year ago but possible on a far greater scale clay caspering the subject before Desmond subject 16 made an artificial construct of himself inside the Animus with the digital form of his self living on while his Earth is self-parished Desmond subject 17 player successor was a much stronger version of clay so it could be true that Desmond like clay preserved the digital version of himself powerful enough to attack the obscurgo served us and while physically dead still digitally alive and constantly keeping the Templars at Bay the Chat lock repeatedly measures the number 17. I have a meeting at 1700 to learn more 17 separate servers compromised simultaneously 17 completely independent attacks rather than one attack on 17 targets the equivalent of someone playing on winning 17 separate chess games in the space of a few seconds 17 was mentioned five times the same number of games The Desmond was playable in one two Brotherhood Revelations and three talk to me like I'm five during his attack the individual responsible for this didn't take anything the Templar order for they were taking or looking for something but perhaps this wasn't this in tax intention maybe this attack was leaving something leaving a message these numbers could have been a subtle clue for Desmond miles is in fact still alive and well inside the digital world fast forwarding to the events of Valhalla it's been revealed that Desmond is indeed still alive having spent eight years inside the great the digital afterlife taking the medal of the reader one reading all the possible future timelines to yet again try and save Humanity although it's not specifically mentioned in the game that the reader is Desmond miles it's safe to presume that this is Desmond as they're both voiced by the same voice actor Nolan North so the theory that Desmond is alive has all but been confirmed to be true so were these chat logs left in unity a subtle hint as to what was to come or was it evidence of Desmond finally making his way to the Great while Desmond is still very much present in the Animus the same can't confidently be said about clay in Assassin's Creed Revelations Desmond encounters clay in the Animus islands and Clay helps Desmond Escape but consequently had his digital self-deleted what is a man but the son of his memories what are you doing I'm saving you idiot well this could be interpreted at face value the clay was saving Desmond's life perhaps like MCO believes it was Clay who in fact saved Desmond's memory into the Animus I'm saving you idiot and before we saw clay and his sacrifice in Assassin's Creed Revelations there were only minimal hits that clay was still alive in Brotherhood the Animus simulation began to fracture with breaks in the programming of the genetic memories beginning to appear known as risks these are puzzles concealed by Clay containing information that he found about the history of abstergo and the Templars upon finding and solving the concealed puzzles held within an achievement is given with its name in Morse code I am alive with the icon for this achievement also in Morse code revealing the number 16. subject 16 clay seems to be sending us a message that he is also still alive in retrospect this could be a subtle nod towards Clay's digital preservation with his introduction on the Animus Island and later death happening in the next game Revelations but the trailer for Revelation might have a different answer in this trailer there were many hidden messages with a computer containing messages coming from Source 16. subject 16 holding a message that can be decoded from base64 format saying I am not alive 0808 2012. the 8th of August 2012 was the day that physical clay died with his digital self lasting much longer so maybe the I am alive message was actually hitting at clay still being physically alive too and maybe this was originally planned with perhaps them thinking that clay would be able to re-enter the physical world before changing their minds with the story of Revelations Watchdog shared universe like the Assassin's Creed series Watchdogs is developed by Ubisoft in a modern world highly Advanced hackers use their skills for both good and bad manipulating the technologically dependent society around them one of the missions in the first Watchdogs task Aiden Pearce to take out the CEO of obscure entertainment Olivier garno Tuttle requiece meaning rest in peace this phrase was commonly used by Ezio jumping over to the world of Assassin's Creed Black Flag mentions that Olivier Garner left for a shareholders meeting in Chicago but never arrived and if we go snooping around some personal files lying on computers or random stereo entertainment we can find a file having been said to Gano by Watchdog Security Company Bloom advertising their Communications and security products very subtle Clues so far but during the event of Origins Things become much clearer CCTV footage was contained of a Hitman assassinating Olivier garno who does seem to have a strange resemblance to our original watchdog's protagonist while still not definitively mentioned it seems inevitable that these two events are linked and many ponderers to whether Watchdogs in Assassin's Creed indeed do exist in the same universe and although many of these do in fact believe this to be the case head of Assassin's Creed content Amar azazia has squashed this Theory from existence stating that there is no Multiverse Assassin's Creed and watch dogs are not part of a joint narrative they are nothing more than the Easter egg but I'm sure like many of you I always like to have an in-game explanation for why these Easter eggs could have occurred technically other Ubisoft tiles just Far Cry Assassin's Creed I consider games in the Watchdog universe so potentially the same could be said for watchdogs in Assassin's Creed it's just a video game with this ocean Kings just the person who killed Olivier could have just been a huge fan of the watchtop games perhaps even an obsessive one so much so that he followed the murdering of a CEO with the same methods that his video game aisles would have done now let's ourselves enter this Digital Universe and explore the unknown digital afterlife of the gray reality is a simulation one of the more common theories constantly parting the minds of many Assassin's Creed players is one very reminiscent of the Matrix while many individuals use the Animus to create a virtual reality a simulation of what once was a hidden question has always remained unanscent could the real world the world outside of the Animus also be a simulation with the modern day just being another layer of the simulation sandwich these thoughts had only gotten louder with Origins and odyssey the Easter have also long pondered these questions and easunar and zalithia would run simulations so much so they ended up questioning their own reality how real is the ground you are how real is the machine you toy with the music you hear the lover you kiss or the foe you hate your foot Taps the ground does that make it real and your enemies bleed deep breath does that make them real the confusion growing within you due to my words does it make you real what if reality wasn't what you thought it was but if this was all a construction a masterfully crafted simulation you know such things exist you've been in the Animus before in fact aren't you in one right now you know just how real the simulation can feel even when it has long vanished you've experienced the bleeding effect whereas upon layers of reality each blurry into the next which is real and which is not if none are real what if everything you know is false Juno an Asus scientist revealed to desperate that the asymmet of the humans inferior to the ASU having one senseless you with five senses us with six the one we kept from you to be safe now you can never know only try the AC kept the sixth tenth to themselves something to use to remain dominant over the humans known as knowledge The Sixth Sense lies dormant within human beings due to the interbreeding between the early humans and the ISU if awakened this sense can be used known as Eagle Vision spark sign-ups they simply suggest that the ego vision is just a fragment of The Sixth Sense only able to give assassins hyper awareness of their present or very close events in the past and the future this is how assassins can sense an enemy through a wall or realize that they have ill intent but this is just a sliver of the isu's power a strength that we do not know the full extent of yet drag Rome extends this and thinks that more specifically than knowledge the Sixth Sense is reading the code and realizing that we are in a simulation in this Theory the ESU are proposed to have discovered the entire world we live in is a simulation but they were utterly helpless in escaping through many attempts they use Desmond to try and break the simulation source code and save the Earth and then later used Layla to try and break the code to craft the Utopia for both humans and themselves the universe being a simulation could help explain how the Animus worked with DNA with instead of the DNA holding memories of the past itian fact code being refactored over Generations while still containing the legacy of its past when we see both Desmond and Layla in the supposed Real World when they are close to death we see the same screen tearing Distortion effect as to those inside of the simulation and if we delve into the uprising Comics Charlotte De La Cruz is constantly surrounded with the idea that nothing is real where Charlotte herself left questioning whether her life would just be a simulation from someone Generations in her future they're great a virtual existence in some kind of spiritual Tech hybrid afterlife contains digital remains of those who have fallen and a simulation would explain this well as it's just shifting the code but I'm not really that Keen on the simulation theory if the modern reality was indeed the simulation then it would suggest that there's some greater force in the ESU and the humans are playing using the universe as we know it as their own playground and not only do I feel like this Trope has been overused in many different stories before I feel like it would cheapen a lot of the experiences that we have in Assassin's Creed all the choices that we've had to make throughout the game would in the end be pointless as the simulation could just be reset so I don't think and hope that this theory is going to be true or perhaps it's just a sick inside joke by Ubisoft with they themselves being the true orchestrator of all the simulations that would be typical Ubisoft fire because Desmond's ancestor Desmond miles was a man cultivated by the Assassins being the combination of many different lines of Assassins an email chain in Black Flag reveals a Desmond subject 17 has Rich heritage on his paternal side was Altair Mars were assassin during the holy Crusade eternally he was descendant of Ezio a master assassinator in the Italian Renaissance we know that Desmond is descended to them as for him to access their memories through the Animus he must be related to them with their memories stored in the DNA of their descendants Desmond Altair and Ezio also share the same scar running across their lip Desmond also has a child with Syndicate mentioning that he unknowingly conceived A Child Called Elijah we can see an older form of a larger in the uprising Comics also bearing this same scar it seems these scars are a visual motive to convey the relation between his individuals bike was the leader of what would become the first Egyptian first appearing in Origins bike's memories were relived by Layla and by this time the data dump scanner had been invented which meant that accessing memories no longer needed the user to be blood related but they could just relive any memories through an individual's genetic memory and Layla accessed these memories through the discovery of biax mummy so there's no real proof of bike's ancestry here but if we take a closer look at bayak we can yet again see this Sam scarring upon seeing this many like cirrhosis began theorizing that bike was related to Desmond with leaks even suggesting that bike was a direct ancestor of Altair Ashraf Ismail hosted at Q a on Twitter where we denied the old tire and bayak were related which you would think would put this Theory to bet but Ashraf did not actually respond to the question whether Desmond and bike were related this means that buyer could still indeed be Desmond's ancestor like how Ezio and Altair are not related to each other but both ancestors of Desmond the email chain discussing Desmond's Heritage does state that in the matrilineal line from the 13th century Desmond did have ancestors from Egypt and Northern Africa bayek being from 85 BC could have been an ancestor of this line although bike was only known to have one son who tragically died before he himself could have children [Music] the sunken Jack door Edward Kenway was once a farmer who sought riches and fame that his humble background could not provide he set out to make his fortune as a privateer in the West Indies but by 1713 the Treaty of ushak was signed with major Naval Empires stalemating their bloody war because of this treaty British privateers were no longer needed in the West Indies resulting in Kenway turning to power tiering and later upon encountering the temp class an assassin as well the bridge that Kenway Captain the Jack door terrorized the Caribbean single-handedly destroying many ships of which the jackdaw dwarfs parison as well as destroying the naval force that was scattered around the Caribbean but during the events of Freedom Cry The Once Mighty Jack door can be found wrecked resting at the depths of the Seas hackers that are formidable perceivably Invincible ship become just another number to the save floors collection well there is no clear explanation in the game which leaves a theory as to why the jackdaw sunk up to interpretation fizzy believes that jackdaw was finally bested in a naval battle being overcome by the sheer mass of enemy ships the scene with the Jack door is resting is large enough to hold a multitude of ships but I don't think that this theory is that likely as there are no other shipwrecks present and you presume that the jackdaw wouldn't have gone down without a fight Paula Mista valiantly hopes that perhaps this wreck we see is not the jackdaw for an impostorship carrying the jackdaw's figurehead and nameplate to strike fear into opposing ships the Kenway Manor in Syndicate does still hold the wheel of the jackdaw so part of the ship were either preserved at the Manor or brought back to the Caribbean the thanks to jcd that theory is pretty much all but denied not content on letting the Mysteries rest jcd reached out on Twitter to the leader writer for Black Flag David McDevitt asking if it would ever be revealed as to how jackdaw would be destroyed McDevitt internally they decided that Kenway had donated it to the Brotherhood when he returned to London at the conclusion of the Black Flag so who was on it when it sank maybe it was an incompetent assassin who was easily out skilled by other ships or maybe the ship became a victim of a deadly storm the Jack door sunk sometime between 1723 and 1735 and there were many hurricanes during this time over the Atlantic with many ships being destroyed perhaps the jackdaw could have been one of them but the theory that I liked the most is one raised by Raphael and tea this is just that Kenway or the assassins in charge of the ship at the time scuttled their own ship in order to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and by 1735 the Golden Age of piracy was coming to an end the British had vastly grown their Navy and hunted down pirates with increased intensity and frequency many Pirates were hung or blue themselves and their ships up to the mercy of the waters to avoid capture perhaps this was the fate of the sunken jackdaw who knows maybe a sequel to Black Flag will reveal this mystery and allow us to ride the Jack door once again deeper still where things may not be as they appear let's finally explore the Mirage appearance of Davenport Homestead founded in 1746 the colonial Brotherhood of the Assassins orchestrating the American assassin's order was a Brotherhood whose influence grew and waned throughout history they were most notable for Desmond miles saving the Earth from a second Global disaster with the group then being known as the American Brotherhood of the assassins Achilles Davenport established his Brotherhood setting up headquarters at the Davenport Homestead it grew to the size of a small town being a collection of homes Farms taverns and a church sometime during the Seven Years War the Templars attacked the homestead greatly diminishing the strength of the Assassins with them suffering heavy casualties Achilles remained in isolation of the homestead with a falling into Iraq and ruling until the arrival of the later dubbed Connor who helped bring the homestead to an even greater stature than his previous glory for decades the homestead was once again its glorious self until sometime in the 19th century the homestead vanished any manner because suddenly vanish is both interesting and unsettling in the same measure they're probably not a great investment if anything the strike disappears at Davenport Homestead deserves at least our detective Minds investment how could basically a whole town seemingly disappear from existence with only a faint mention of The Disappearance appearing in the Animus and only the graves of the man up left to tell a tale while the glaring answer here would simply be Ubisoft quickly smoothing over potential potholes it never satisfies my law-driven brain Bruno hm thinks that perhaps the Templars Revisited the homestead to destroy the Assassins again but this time they burst to the ground and destroyed every single record of it I'll burn that Homestead of yours to the ground and roast the seven heads of your precious founding fathers in its flames or maybe this hasn't escaped and destroyed any evidence to cover their tracks Greek hole goes further and specifically blames Shea Corman a former assassin's turned Templar who was shocked by the length of Destruction the Achilles would go in order to find pieces of Eden inadvertently killing many innocent lives Shane knew the location of the homestead so perhaps him or his children now fully indoctrinated into the Templar beliefs could have destroyed the homestead or pose enough of a threat to cause the Assassins to demolish their manner removing any trace of themselves and fleeing away Assassin's Creed often mimics events that happen in real life but there aren't any Mana or Colony disappearances of note in the 18th and 19th century America but Mr black 24 does relate The Disappearance of the Davenport Homestead to the Roanoke colony one that went missing in the 16th century a colony established by Sir Walter Rayleigh Rowan okay was aimed at being the first permanent English settlement in North America Davenport good share a symbolic connection to the ray Enoki Colony as it was also the first permanent settlement for the Brotherhood in North America and Mike Davenport rayanoke he seems to have mysteriously vanished the governor of Roanoke colony John White returned to England to collect more supplies in 1587 leaving his wife daughter and granddaughter at the colony however when Wright returned to the colony in 1590 his family along with hundreds of other inhabitants had also vanished with Littleton no trait of any of them in the now abandoned colony for many centuries not much was known about the outcome of the colonists with the only clue Left Behind being a cryptic word Croatoan found cut into a wooden fence it was initially surmised that the colonists had relocated to the nearby Croatoan Island but they either came across a hostile Native American village who massacred them all their ships became forever lost at sea but now two separate research groups have found fragments of pottery and weapons indicating that small groups of colonists have been residing peacefully around Rowan okay it's even been thought that the colony relocated in land with hidden symbols being uncovered on the original map of the area but what was all of this secretism for archaeologist Mark Horton found artifacts of both Native American and European origin in layers of dirt that appear today back to the late 1500s coming to the conclusion that they assimilated with the Native Americans but kept their goods May Brothers will end up being echoed in the Assassin's Creed universe as well potentially if Conor's story is Revisited but in truth not much is even known about Connor after the event of Assassin's Creed III in Black Flag one of sturga recovered Desmond's body they uploaded Conor's memory to their service but after viewing the recordings they chose not to make any products about him in the unity hamper it was revealed that Connor married and had children but they later separated with both his wife and children leaving Conor alone for the remainder of his life Melanie Lemay the CCO of obstacle Entertainment also mentions in an email found in Rome that the events with Connor's wife and the way he died was a total mess but the comicus has to create Reflections later reveals this was all just propaganda pushed by Observer to discredit Connor and the truth is a polar opposite so maybe like Jack War proposes the abstergo team went further than just a small dose of misinformation for Connor and set about erasing and rewriting Conor's Legacy and removing the Davenport Homestead was one small step of their plan why well maybe that will be revealed in the future Washington cryptogram throughout the Assassin's Creed franchise there have been many puzzles and hidden messages left throughout the Animus and other materials most of these have been cracked with tidbits of information being revealed to help piece together the Assassin's Creed story but there's one coded mystery in Assassin's Creed that is still yet to be solved George Washington's cryptogram along with the deluxe version of Assassin's Creed 3 comes a notebook resembling a diary written by George Washington this contains many artworks along with the details of Washington's thoughts during his assassin's created life hidden away in this notebook are secret Pages which must be opened using a knife or a letter opener many of these hidden Pages just detail Washington's knowledge of Connor's movement but on some of these Pages lycoded message the first secret page is a journal entry by Washington detailing a method for conveying secret messages a safe method where a coded messages written using a reference text to both the sender and the receiver of the letter have in their possession for example the text about saffron is enough to decipher the coded message on the next page this coded message is a ring containing a series of numbers both inside and outside of the Ring its message in entirety Still Remains Cloud as to what it means adjacent to this is the Eye of Providence which appears on a one dollar bill alongside George Washington the text about saffron is as follows Kroger Center for saffron is a plant from the Orient this bulb grows in June and produces a flower that quickly Sprouts three elongated stigmas the flowers are harvested by hands once the root has been separated and the stigma is dried the latter are turned into a powder of Great Value it allows for much freedom of use in cooking and as much in demand as a spice or colorant that can be employed in medicinal preparation Iceberg Creator and dedicated Assassin's Creed sleutha I'm hosen one tried their hardest to uncover this Page's Mysteries but could not fully solve it here is as much as we've been able to find so far the Washington Journal was released in three languages English French and German in each of these versions the inner ring was the only ring to have changed numbers with the other Rings remaining consistent Joseph Capelli managed to decipher the inner ring of the French version by interpreting each code to represent a word with the first digit in the code representing the line in the page should look at and the latter digits representing where the words situated on the line upon decryption this Inner Circle revealed the message a Libertarian plant Liberty when it begins to take root is a plant of rapid growth this is a quote from George Washington himself going back to the English version it seems the number 85 which is the same as the French versions was accidentally unchanged Ernest number should have been 39 if that is used and we decipher the message with Capelli's method the phrase freedom is a plant that grows quickly once it has taken much root for is discovered which is a loose translation of the same phrase but this method we have just used seems to decipher only the Inner Circle the Outer Circle contains numbers that start with zero so they instantly break our method along with the knowledge that all three translations contain the same three outer rings so what could the message hidden in these Rings be and how can we solve them many now believe that these rings are just red herrings numbers spread the sky's a real message held within Lisa real eloquently puts like a test of saffron the route is important and not the three stigmas held above which could translate to the Inner Circle only being important but the article states of the three elongated stigmas the latter a turn to powder of great value so maybe the three stigmas the three outer rings are important with maybe the inner Ring The Roots being the key to revealing what these saffrons are where the true value of the message lies this code is the same in all translations so if this was actually a code it would surely be a universally accessed key the Eye of Providence on the page adjacent hasn't had any meaning yet so maybe it's needed to be used in conjunction with this code it could be a reference to the one dollar bill with Starship 86a proposing that the outer text could be in a language like Latin meaning it will be the same for all books being an external key but I am torn as to whether this outer ring actually could be decoded I would very much love this to be an unsolved mystery but there are many heads that this is indeed just a red herring the lack of difference between the translations along with George Washington's phrasing of this text about suffering is enough to decipher the code message not messages does suggest that there isn't indeed only one code on that page it's time for us to desynchronize and finish our exploration of the Assassin's Creed Iceberg if you wanted to go even deeper into the Assassin's Creed lore I suggest YouTubers such as Fitzy and lasers who have a massive collection of theoretical Assassin's Creed videos thanks for making it all the way through this video and for delving into topics with me that were nicely categorized by dude Soul Bruno hm and Imo Z1 let us know your opinion on all of these points and feel free to suggest new theories in the comments I'm always keeping an eye out hope to see you in the next video and throughout the Animus [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: natiscool
Views: 333,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin, Creed, Ezio, Altair, Desmond, Miles, William, Layla, Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla, Mirage, Rogue, Revelations, Black Flag, Templar, Squid, Eden, Apples, Prince of Persia, Sage, David Bowie, Al Mualim, Clay, Kaczmarek, Animus, Simulation, Rifts, Watch Dogs, The Grey, Aletheia, Bayek, Kassandra, Alexios, Edward, Kenway, Eagle, Vision, Isu, Juno, Jackdaw, Sunk, Davenport Homestead, Roanoke, Washington, Cryptogram, Eye of Providence, Chronicles, Elijah Miles, Uprising, Reflections
Id: 9nvNn0WPW2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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