Jase’s Hospital Break-in, the Life of a Fisherman, and the Book of John | Ep 44

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[Music] polishe what about you well it's it's it's interesting days because as of yesterday our our ministry lives have changed I mean you you and Missy have been already doing worship a church Trent our guy who's been our lead pastor for the last few years and preacher is leaving so I'm gonna step back in do a little preaching I may I will be a Paul Paul and Paul like feel like preacher cuz I'm not charging the church any money which is a lot of you know that's the best place to be we're all volunteers now as long as you can keep eating because as long as we keep you know that's why we got to keep making some money that's really hard yeah I like that yeah this is the Kramer you know Kramer on Seinfeld he was working that for a corporation that they never hired him so then they they had to fire him he said well you never really hired me so I kind of like that perfect yes leave on your own Saturday I had I got a text from a friend of ours and they were like there's a baby born at st. Francis as cleft lip and palate so amiss he's out of town she's visiting her grandmother and Mia has an appointment which is every six weeks you know of her life she meets with the doctors today so she's out of town so I was like I didn't even text Missy cuz I thought I know what she's gonna say she's like you're up babe so I went up there and you know it's weird when you don't know the people because you have no idea I had the room number but and so when I finally got got in there with security at our local hospital yes you know why why because about two years ago some fool went up there and kidnapped a baby oh yeah so ever since then I mean slight lot which is probably good but but it is a pain to get in it now I walked in there you have your license and on I don't have my license I don't wallet look there there's a line here and I'll turn around like first of all I tried to get in the side interest no no no that hospital like the back of my hand like no you can't enter here so I'll walk in and I see people getting their IDs it was like kind of like an airport yeah kind of thing I was like just to get in the hospital and then wants to say without you know just slamming anybody but I mean they use the guys that they've hired the security guy this isn't you know this isn't SWAT level Oh I mean what I'm saying is these guys are moving like molasses in the winter you know it's construction all around the hospital apart I kid you not almost a mile away and so I'm like I'm not even sure I have my wallet in my truck anyway so I tried to go to the duck dynasty when I stepped up I said has anybody ever seen duck dynasty and this african-american girl she said oh yeah I love that show you know I said this is my ID this is all I got she's like you you disowned it you're just like I mean cuz I don't I didn't want to say I don't have my ID because the guy in front of me he didn't have his ID and they said good luck have a nice day so I thought cool and so she you were just sort of going Ron Burgundy and said hey I'm kind of a big deal you know just come on I don't have a wallet no I'm I I'm trying to do something good I better Rikki the security guy was really loving for the day I said look I'm up here I'm trying to visit a family that just had a baby that has a condition I'm trying to encourage them and I don't have my ID and she said you're Jay so I said yep alright you have seen the show yes so and you have to have a nametag oh yeah she wrote it she misspelled my name oh so it was a woman that was processes well no but she she was the only one that recognized me and so look so I was fixed to say my name is he said no no she uh just come up with it and I thought this was gotten weird this little test of knowledge yes because that guy he didn't watch Duk dong City and he didn't care and if she misspelled my name but I'm like do I correct that she put JC JC yeah I've seen and look they still didn't trust me they he turn around tonight you have face paint on like you do today exactly like the guy in the commercial that wears the mask all the time that's the you know inner thief guy so I go up to the hospital room once I made it through all that and believe they let you I walk in and this little baby beautiful little girl but she had when I saw her I mean she looked a lot like when Mia was born but a little a little worse I guess and she was a bilateral cleft lip and palate which was both sides yeah and the couple the mom was sitting up in the bed and the dad had a Saints jersey on which I thought okay and they both had smiles on their faces and one of their friends was holding their daughter which I was kind of surprised because looking at her condition I was like I can't believe she's not hooked up to something cuz she don't you know she looked like this is gonna be a tough road and so I started telling them who I was and they were all yeah we know and don't you know thanks for coming up they were as happy and as positive and as pleasant about and their baby had been born 24 hours and they had a team there we're gonna go to the Shriners Hospital and they had done the research and they were prepared and every time I said you know this is gonna be a tough road but it's okay they would come back with we're just you know glad that God you know blessed us with a you know that she has no other conditions and I mean it was just pot everything was positive yeah we know and but they said there was one look which is unusual with a baby that was born with this severe cleft lip and palate there was one little bitty strip on the middle of the roof of her mouth which doesn't seem that significant but that one little strip allowed her to eat without a fate like Mia we had to make you know mold first we just had to cram the food down there with you know with a syringe which was awful but she you know she was able to eat on her own with just that one little stream and the moms like we're just so thankful for that so our typical you know deal I didn't really want to go up there I was nervous about it because I hadn't met him and then when I got up there I was way more encouraged yeah by their faith and their outlook on this and so get this I get to the end of the conversation and did they know who you were they knew I was but look but they didn't mention there's till the end they said well we met with Missy and I was like oh you met with my wife why I was thinking well she's out of town she's like no she heard we had done an ultrasound and somehow another you know we knew that she had some form of a cleft lip and palate and your wife came and saw us and I didn't even know she had done that so uh so then I called me I was like hey remember that time that couple you know but she's like maybe I see a lot of couples but I thought that was really good that both of us yeah you were ministering to this family and neither one of you neither one of us knew it that's awesome and so and she's like oh they're they're really prepared but I'm so glad you did that she was you know it made me feel good what's amazing is Jace is that because I remember when Missy had the first ultrasound where she saw Mia Lisa just happened to be with her that day not knowing she just went with her and I just remember how hard that day is cuz that is even harder in a sense because then you know you know like what you're facing you know let's say you never want to hear uh-oh in an ultrasound it just basically you know what we heard but I only only tell you that just to say that I think when God gives you a issues and challenges and problems the best thing you can do is eventually turn that around from you know pores me too you know the why why did this happen yeah we went through three months of that and then we said okay why not what are we gonna do about it you know and we we took that from John nine instead of asking you know why no you're right well what are we gonna do about to glorify God but the best thing you can do is eventually turn that around and help other people and just me being there saying here's my email if you have any questions because you're gonna have them because most people don't realize this is a something that's not correctable it's managed especially with a condition as severe as she had so for the next 18 years of her life number one she's gonna have a doctor's visit every six weeks she'll have numerous surgeries and it's little stuff like what do you do when you're you know kids out of school for three months you know it you know just finding creative ways to pass the time and well plus the like you said the eating I just remember through the years there have been different struggles about that just because of the way it is in her mouth and me I'm talking about so I mean that's you talk about with a lot of stuff so we've got our good friends at black rifle coffee company which is a new companies it has 2014 but these guys make some really good coffee I know that we love it you know I would not say it was if it wasn't I mean yeah I feel kind of like a weapon when I drink it one these coffee makers I go five dips they're kind of mounded up one two three four five or when they're it fills up the tray that holds your coffee grounds put you the tang of water and not quite a full canister of water save you some time here don't do the five just take the bag you want to talk about black rifle this is a black yeah yeah it makes it work so anyway this company we love them they're veteran-owned they make this premium small-batch coffee I even like their languaging because where somebody else would talk about you know they call there's coffee rounds like the little cups you know you people do though well if I ever coffee rounds yeah so everything is about weaponry and you know yeah taking out terrorists that's like the names of them we found that last time with murdered-out which is one we really like what that meant you know we'll have to explain that to us so anyway we love these guys so they call it freedom fill coffee so you want to join up go their website it's black rifle coffee club that way you get it like we do it just comes every month so wake up to America's coffee black rightful coffee calm slash feel so you want to use that slash feel that way you're going to be able to get a discount of 20% off on your first order of anything including the club so it's a good deal they're great guys we love their messaging and I mean they know what they're talking about and they make good coffee great coffee check it out black rifle coffee dot-com slash feel check them out so tell the owners just because there's a lot of people that have followed me a story in the family for years and we've been off the air for so long that what kind of where she's at how she is what she you know how she's 16 now she's had at least 11 10 or 11 major surgeries and a lot of other procedures and it's it's something that she just had a surgery on her ears believe it or not cuz you know your ear nose and throat are all connected and that was kind of a crazy thing her one number years started bleeding and first you know you think it's a ear infection and after a while it was something that came from her condition you know so they had to go in there and and do surgery on that but she only has one major surgery left that we know of cuz when they stopped growing that's when they pretty much go with everything the last set up right yeah basically and they may have to move her jaw once again which is pretty much the roughest part of all this and the problem is is because when you grow since it wasn't formed exactly you know where it could grow properly that every time you start growing other piece of your body are out running the parts that was originally had the scar you know and the scar tissue it just doesn't grow right is my point so anything that affects your breathing you're talking or you're eating they go in there and so we need to create this but she's doing really good I mean now she's a the last surgery she had they were gonna give her though you know goofy juice or whatever and we have a new the doctor that we had that lead dart she has a few doctors on her team but we have a new one and when he came in there he said are you nervous and she went no and she's like just do what you gotta do and so then they were like well we'll give you this Givi geez so you can you know them that stuff works instantly it's I don't know what's in there but in seven or eight seconds she's like but she's like no she said I you know I want to save that for the end I like she got yes she got that from you you know she's like just right before you put me under give it to me I don't like how it makes me feel you know but most kids want it because they don't want to be nervous rolling away from their parents right they're scared she's like look I'm good do it - gotta do just have it ready they're right for y'all I just remember all the years cuz they mess - her whole life like you said I mean that's been going to some of those major surgeries and because she was so tiny at first and it was just so hard - for me for us to like you know watch our wheel away it's this little you know you're a little child here and then just but watching her response to it through the years like you said to me it's been a huge encouragement to you and our family and me personally because I'm like this this is a superwoman here you know saying I she just goes in there it's like yeah we just have all this crap done in your you know no I don't even notice that she's had any I mean it's amazing is that they're playing the piano the Christmas Eve service you know we help through our charity with the Mia mu Mia mood org if you want to look into it yeah we had one kid he's had 200 surgeries oh my goodness he's about 17 and one of the most positive fun people I've ever been around in my life I mean it's amazing the character because they mature yeah more because of all the suffering which comes back to Romans five which is kind of our theme verse for our charity you know that suffering produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope and so it's really uh it's really encouraging I mean look it's a rough it's a rough journey that you have to go through and and it's an expensive journey but you know when you every once while you meet people like that I'm out I'm telling you there was not a doubt in my mind they just were Bulldogs about it and I just sense no anxiety whatsoever is really incredible I loved I wanted to share that I loved that what you miss you do with me and mu because like you said I mean we had the blessing of the show came along and so you guys were able to not have to worry about how expensive it is and everything you have to setup because even with good insurance or whatever there's a lot of money coming all these surgeries we know healthcare yeah we really we don't really pay anything we just give them a little hope because it that money is going into a backhoe even it and people say well don't they have in church but y'all understand if you just think every six weeks you have some sort of procedure no matter how much you can have all the insurance in the world at some point this is fixed to get expensive exactly just even traveling and eating out when plus you want the best you know so your if you don't have any money it's tough so you guys help the gap with other families which is amazing me up helped a lot of families just try to network them like this couple they're not part of our charity or what and Missy tried to kind of get them involved in their life we're good but even said that when the baby's born because you never know the severity of it - they're born I felt like because I've been I've also gone to hospital rooms when when I walked in everybody was crying I mean it was just devastating so those you seem like you have a little more impact and the first time I ever did one I was nervous about going in there when I walked in and there was I would say 30 people in the waiting room and they had their son who had just been born he was hooked up to wires and he looked really rough and they all looked at me and it was just kind of a moment here and I was like all right look yeah I don't know how I am but I have a daughter she was born and looked a lot like your son and all I'm gonna say is it's gonna be okay and I had some pictures you know well after I said that well then I would say five minutes everybody was talking they were asking questions the whole mood change you know and it's kind of like they needed that just to yeah process and move on right yeah which is important you know we we had similar with Anna was born premature and I remember we were so young you know we just I said we were too stupid to be scared but we just had full faith that she'd be fine and she was I mean she survived she had surgery she weighed less than two pounds and now she said three of my grandkids they were all 10-pound whoppers she gave my great-grandchildren that's exactly right but you put your wedding ring all the way up or on yeah actually it was not mine which is the ten it was a it was Lisa's it was a seven which you know even think about a size 7 ring went up on her shoulder that's how tiny she looked like a little scamp's world you could hold her just like this you know which was incredible well you know what just hit me when you're the most little hard-working women I've ever seen oh she's something now she knows man she is 33 she'll be 34 in a couple of months but she's worked for duck commander since she was about 15 you know she loved it she still does and she takes care of moms because I've never told that she was like that one now boy but you know even to this day you can tell when she wears a swimsuit because you know she was so tiny you imagine she's this big what they had to operate on her so they're going there and tie off you know a duct in her heart well the doctor who was Iranian he had only been here a little while he was the he was the personal physician of the Shah of Iran hmm and so he got out you remember all the trouble we had with Iran I could lady he got out of that and winds up in Monroe and he's a specialist own hearts and especially pediatric I mean it was like it was just like he landed right where we needed so he tells me that what he's gonna tie off yeah I'm twenty years old is the size of a cat hair once if you went in and plucked a hair out of a cat that was the size of what he was working on so he so they cut her they had that they lift it up they did want to have to crack her the little rib cage so they cut her all the way around from Stern all the way around and they just lifted it up and then he goes in there ties that off and then souls are back up so but she's as she grew is a little girl and then a woman the scar was always there still is but it's it's halfway around her body so at the time it was happened this car was that big of course now she's a grown woman so it goes all the way around so she wears a swimsuit I can always you know she wears you can see it it's like it's that reminder of you know what happened when she was you know a few weeks out which is incredible she did and is really healthy I mean she I was telling that story about that the first time I did that well that here we are 15 years later I guess and that son and his mom they spoke at our last charity that we did oh yeah Dober yeah he was he got up and spray it was short sweet and to the point but it was it was awesome and the mom was crying and she got down because we're trying to raise money right there she's like I'm so sorry I cried I was like all no that was all if that didn't loosen the wallet but it's more just them being so positive me go through all these surgeries and here she is you know having to do it as a single parent yeah I mean that's rough you know for years we did Lisa I did just what do you miss here do it we haven't done it in several years now obviously that was we're down 37 years ago but the first ten years they would call us and when somebody would have a baby in the NICU we would go up and talk to them just like you did just to say hey you know you can't get through this you can't and most of the medical personnel at the hospitals think that they're unfamiliar with this condition I mean they have a little sheet that's handed out just but all kids are different and all conditions are different so I told him that yesterday and they said yeah they started reading off that sheet and we were kind of shaking her head I was like well good for you you know because they don't really know and so you know they were they thought it wasn't going to be real bad but that's most people would have just said all it'll be okay but these parents didn't do that they prepared for the worst plus you know when you're around health care professionals like you said before dad you're right they view your body they learned it like a they're a mechanic working on a car you know so grab me a wrench and let me go and pull this we look at it like that's our kid or that's our dad so whoever eyes uh but they just they're grabbing you know oh yeah so with man they would she would just turn blue you know because she was quit breathing they just bump her on the foot you know I don't wake up you know manner and that we're just you know we're freaking out your kid you know that's you know the first procedure that we had 11 days she was 11 days old and they went in there and they said we got a Mike are temporary mold for a temporary palate and we gotta put this packing in her mouth and make a mold I was like okay oh they just grabbed her started shoving it in her mouth she's living days oh there was a rage that came over me and I was started visualizing hitting the guy between that because it was an older felony like it was like you just couldn't get it in there you know miss he looked at me and she said you're going to get out of it because I was just like oh and so I walked out took a couple deep breaths and I thought hurting buddy and I walked back in and he said he was pulling it out and he's like man that didn't take I got to do it again and I was like I'm out of here I just but it was like what you said I mean I felt like he wasn't men gentleman right but they tryna do it job and she's choking and I mean I just lost it I it was probably the most violent I've ever felt and I was like my whole world is change I've been bad because it slugged the doctor alphabet so let us on unashamed podcast be the first to wish happy new hair to all you guys who discover keeps we've been talking about it quite a bit on the podcast so yeah happy new hair that's what we're saying days we're just so excited about people that have people had have kept to their hair by the way sixty-six percent a man who have used keeps have grown hair so two-thirds I thought about keeps the other day I was frying fish and I look down and there was a hair after I had fried the fish and I saw it I went I am you know because you don't like seeing a hair in your face but then I thought but at least I have hair to get on the food I don't want hair well I guess that wasn't my point like you gotta wear some type of pig that's right so so you'll have more hair in your food but you'll have hair so that's a good care in the food but if it's your hair why does that not offend you I don't know you're right it doesn't matter if your hair is in my food I don't like it yeah but if your hairs in your food he's a no problem just toss it aside in each of them so we agree losing hair stinks we don't want to do that so here's what you do keeps calm / door you go there they're basically gonna give you their generic versions because there's some hormones that you take there's a medical connection that you have to make as well so we want you to sign up have a happy new hair that's up and that's my deal you know go to keep calm slash door you get your first order keeps for 50% off fit that's half off just by going and checking it out so keeps calm / door keep your hair and you'll have an occasional hair in the food but that's alright you know you have hair wouldn't be happy new hairs that the plural or is it just well you wouldn't say party new you're so happy new hair and you gotta work on this out well so we're we've made it to book of John and I guess as what we've been talking about as the ledian it's you know the whole book it's an eyewitness account about Jesus about what he means and you mentioned John nine a minute ago which we'll get there eventually what I love about the idea and you describing the guy is there is something powerful about somebody telling you an experience you know like the guy I mean the the kid and his mom I mean that's something you could tell their story but them talking about it is even more powerful so we so we get to John and right off the bat what I love the way about the way he starts is he saying look because all the other Gospels kind of give you the whole narrative but he just starts with the idea that I witnessed the son of God that's right I mean here's my tale of the son of a and like you said last week at the end he says look I'm only gonna give you a fraction of what I saw in this guy you know what field in the book of John or all these stories about where Jesus I think about in John 5 where he came up there and it said you know where the lame and paralyzed and the blind had gathered you know and they were going down in the pool because they felt it had some kind of supernatural powers and Jesus eventually heals that guy but you know you the reason like Saturday I did not feel like going going up there that's a lot we had been cuttin you know I was tired by myself busy wedding there I got home and I thought you know what Jesus would go down there and say yeah yeah so you do these kind of Jesus things because you you get to the fifth chapter in your life well that's that that's the kind of people he was he was noticing and so if you're gonna take your faith seriously one thing you get real clear about the God of the Bible in Jesus form he genuinely cared about the condition of people spiritually and physically you know it pretty pretty interested probably for you thank al from the time the Apostles the disciples including John were chosen they didn't have vada but uh and there were some a lot of things happening yeah things were moving quickly you know all the crowds athena's and Morgan on the water all those things they witnessed and they saw but probably what you think three years by period that John was actually able to walk with him well when you get over at a first second third John John coming out with the first paragraph like it's hard for him to explain what kind of being was that well he writes down and first John five he said I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life now he had heard Jesus say that say that you know John three you know is born again and then for God so loved the world saves them so you'll know you have eternal life if you believe in it so John having witnessed and watts think about it the miracles at all just imagine what kind of man John was from just running with Jesus for three years well think about it up until the point you can see it come out in first second third John really more than John the gospel they were we're assuming we don't know this but we assume they were all younger than Jesus was he's about thirty so you know that we're talking at 20 something-year-old men yeah some have said they're even thought they were even younger and remembered and these guys are fishermen he and his brother Peter and his brother I mean that was their primary look we were commercial fish so we know look just think about I think we know the routine well and think about remember the other commercial fishermen on the river at the same time as we were remember those guys yeah I mean these yeah number one Luke it's melam literally um all away you'd see the boat come inside Jase was a little bit hesitant to know that we were in the commercial fishing business when he saw others who had been there and been done it longer than us he like is that where we're gonna end up and they weren't very oh we're very old but they all looked way old just on that river you know what changed my perspective cuz I used to like fishing even though the money wasn't very good and in your stump but you know one day we were talking to one of the local commercial fisherman is here you'll know who I was who he was when I tell you this because you'll remember this but and and he it just wasn't that good at it you know and so if you're not good a commercial fisherman you're gonna really be hungry yeah you don't make any money very little money yet yeah and I remember him one day he said you know he had an idea that he was gonna donate parts of his body to the military for research and him he knew how much money you could get he started with fingers your hands arms and then legs he was saying well where that what he could do without it I'm like that was his retirement yeah well oh you're laughing and I laughed it first as well but he was about he was kidding and then I'm like this dude is serious because he started I forget which organs but he was like man that thing get you 25 good kidney a good active kidney for date there's a reason you know God gave you two of them and he's like that's what I was thinking I said no that's not what I was thinking and how much liver do I need to actually you know keep manage it he was like but I'm helping people you know and I was like well yeah my part was when you I was just giving a little update you you I write these things to you so you'll know you have eternal life having Rome but Jesus three years he was convinced but if you think about it logically and we talk about the people like me are the ones that are born and man with a heart trouble two piles and right you said well why would you spend the time the money and and the just the routine of it all because they have a chance at immortality eternity so when it comes to physical ailments the reason you look after people and you help people that are sick and downtrodden and the ones that are really ill and the born with defects you say you reach out to them because they're on the earth there are human beings yeah and eternity can be theirs well if you look at it like that you're very careful what you do to children and people who are sick yeah you know what I'm saying oh yeah and and I think we can relate because we like you said we grew up commercial fission I think that's why we write so much of the biblical guys that we read about it's kind of interesting there we are I mean when Jesus came up and said you know drop your nets and I'll make you fishers of ma'am and they're like okay commercial fishing as much fun as we had doing it that's a hard way to make a dollar but we always we laughed because we realized and this happened two different times with Jesus and his initial disciples is that the way he impressed them was almost a miraculous catch of fish I mean a boat full of fish that's how Peter first came in remember yep and they were like Lord you know your great rabbi I mean I'm paraphrasing best Ike but you know we know what we're doing here and he says yeah we'll put that over there and they do it all of a sudden if you want to impress commercial fishermen fill up the fish boat with fish yeah hard to do as much time as you fish you spend the other mending the net I have so many visual memories of dad because he was a lot better than we were at it but just Nets being strung out all through the woods out of here where we're sitting and he'd just value spend a whole day oh yeah Minda net we had ramen many many days many many days another thing it was so tempting sometimes when you're frustrated especially when you had a trammel net and you're instead of untangling it you're just like man I could just break those teeth just pop those two right there and just slip him right it was so tempting cuz you were just like but you knew then you got to go pal if you know it failed got went out at the pub so but here's the point that I think is amazing so we've established obviously John how would he know he's a fisherman and he hadn't been he spent the three years with Jesus and the opening line of his book is in the beginning was the word capital word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was with God in the beginning he just went all the way back to Genesis 1 yep and and linked it together that this is the guy because you know as you get into the whole first chapter you realize these time like Jesus when he gets down to verse 14 this is a guy this is a commercial fisherman and as far as we know I mean one life they were all Jewish rabbis or had you know great theology about the Old Testament huh and yet just from his witness that's how he starts his book I'm am I'm impressed by that I mean that's like yeah it's a weird thing a lot of people they start reading it and they're like what does it mean because it's its word and it's capitalized and if you look at the Greek word that's translated by English its logos you know the logic yep of God or the you know when you think why did they translate a word it's like the communication of God because here's this beam that can make humans from dust make universes and stars and you know a woman from a rib well you're gonna have a hard time relating to that so the communication aspect of God is the word that became flesh because you get to 14 which we always read John 1:1 then you will skip down when we're sharing Jesus into his right people because they have they're confused by that yeah what was the beginning was the word now sometimes I'll go to the beginning in Genesis 1 where it says the earth was formless and dark and it says the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters see have that that and then you have in God but then he it says and God said so if you put those three personalities there the Holy Spirit over the waters God is creator and then he said which I believe is the word of God space awareness yeah that hadn't become flesh yet which is why he laid her own and verse was that 26 of Genesis 1 he said and God said let us make man in our image image which is a confusing passage if you're not really looking at the different personalities and then in verse 2 verse 3 backs up just what you just said through him this word all things were made that's everything without him nothing was made that has been made in him was life and that life was the light of men the light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it and people still have a hard time figuring that out this day you know is it's it's it's difficult and I get it I mean it's a it's a it's a heavy topic you see that you see the ripples of that what that statement like in some of the letters like if you read Colossians 1 he basically says this it Paul is trying to have his take on John 1:1 you know in 15 he says Jesus is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation you know resurrection in mind therefore by him all things were created st. same phrase for by him all things were created right things in heaven on earth this is cool visible and invisible whether Thrones fire rulers authority all things were created by him and for him then he just to make it more mind-blowing he is before all things and in him all things hold together now we're talking molecule Adams killing me everything that you can't see just thing about how the world has to work Plus how it is impossible all of known about invisible things if they didn't have a microscope at the time that's good when you start looking you're talking invisible things you like no microscope like visible and invisible you say invisible but you know what - as time goes by and the more science advances the more Jesus and that statement seems more plausible because you know when they discovered DNA all of a sudden they have come up with a code in our bodies that is more sophisticated than any other code they've ever discovered and it's in our human body yep and so all of a sudden they're like oh look at what we found but then all the people who are familiar with Colossians 1:17 say well who wrote that code I mean all of a sudden yeah now we're seeing why things hold together there had to be some kind of intelligence - by the way most discovery of DNA has really it helped a lot of people do some serious thinking about God right so when he said in John 1:4 said in him was life and that life was the light of me and night he was speaking of spiritually but you know some of these scientific studies have determined that when you start breaking down the atoms and the molecules there's all these little miny particles of light that that are in our body and they're they're looking at that if you read their studies course they're not coming at it from Jesus you know God creator standpoint but they you know they're using words like mysteries and strange you know that all these particles of light these microscopic things are actually holding us together and I'm thinking that sounds a lot like clustering 117 we owe the Hebrew writer he put it like this he said in Hebrews 1 verse 2 in these last days he had just said that God spoke through the Prophet he spoken to us by his son the one who John 1 the Paschal John was writing about whom he appointed heir of all things through whom he made the universe is what John said to the Hebrew writer we don't know who wrote that the son is the radiance of God's glory he's the exact representation of his being and lissa this sustaining all things by his powerful word so that comes up again in Hebrews 1 after he had provided purification for sins his death on a cross he sat down at the right hand of Majesty in heaven which means the only way you could come from a tomb and end up back where you came from that would have had to been a resurrection in there somewhere so he became as much superior to the Angels as as the aim is the name he has inherited disappear there's the question ought to be on everybody's mind how did these different individuals 2,000 years ago dream up this story I mean why it's impossible it's I want to say this look cuz I want to read or tell a big lie about what I want our readers to follow this as we go through John not just John the entire Bible but specifically in John you'll see three things because we start talking at DNA and you know us being made of particles of light but what I noticed is my perspective changed and my faith was enhanced once I started looking at God's DNA and you'll find three concepts specifically in John that keep coming up light because he doesn't like turn on the light it refers to him as he is he is the light you know life same thing he didn't become life he just became flesh he is life that's why when he died I've said many times he couldn't stay dead and you say why cuz he is life yep can't die the so I came back and the other is love and although it doesn't specifically use the word as much as light and life in the book of John it does you remember John 15 he's like true love is you know laying just one laying down his life for his friends and that's what you are but his his love is more shown that's why we brought up the man born blind the crippled at the well the Samaritan woman had been married seven times and really when you think about what love is if it's not acted upon in the way you live your life every day I mean let's face it Jesus got up every day and he declared and showed his love and ultimately he did it on a cross which is where we're getting but if you want a Sunday morning sermon you God's DNA and you just think you're gonna be a god or be a hero or we're gonna put your faith in those three qualities that's what makes a god yep if you're a light in your life and your love you pretty much got everything covered and you never make a mistake and in any of the three miss right well and look at the opposite you're never lost you you're never in darkness where you don't know you know where your way is there's no there's no death and everything that goes along with that and then you always have a way to respond in every situation no matter what well that pretty well covers it and so that's who really who God he is we inspire notice that yeah we aspire to live that way the closer you can live those three principles the more you're like Christ which is what Paul said follow me as I follow the example of Christ I had a guy you know out and I'm not gonna say his name cuz no embarrassing but we were gonna study teach a class in the book of John and he said let's work on an outline you know I was like okay I thought you weren't going I worked on one and then we'll get together well when we got together and now this guy's a real deep thinker his was like 21 pages he had every chapter all the verses you know I had one sentence which is yeah God's DNA his life light and love I was like that's the outline and he was like well I've done other well let's meet somewhere my point was no matter what chapter worrying or what verse were reading it's gonna come back to those principles in your life those are your three answers to whatever problem you have that's why we put our faith and trust in there but you'll notice that as we read you'll see those three principles and every story that we're in jazz you just gave her audience a little homiletic Alessa without even you know say anyway ain't it most people don't know what homiletic that's right explain that well it's how you go about presenting a messages I don't that's what the word main homiletics you know then some some different groups how their sermons are called homilies which is out of that greek word from homeless it's basically just a sermon or how you do it but Jase just did it beautifully because that's what you do you have the Bible seems so big but the concepts are not that big it's just repeating those concepts over time that's why there's so much argumentation the religious world because they get so focused on the trees and I mean that by the verses you know going verse by verse one by one they miss big picture content you know just think about it if you have an argument about a verse that really doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things and you get mad and you go your separate ways because I can't believe they believe that well you violated pretty much those principles of light life and love home in one one altercation you know I remember I had a huge argument with a fellow we completely disagreed on a concept and a verse and I read a verse I said where's ears there's a pairs of are sewn ring and I read the verse greet one another with a holy kiss and he said what's I could do anything I said do you do that every Sunday do you greet yeah I cuz I got it's pretty clear what it says in at least I well that's what's that he's all I don't do that I was like now I could make a big deal on this because I'm here's a verse that you obviously are not participating in and I and I know you don't like this verse because if I greeted your wife with a holy kiss next Sunday you'd be mad about it and I'd go to this verse and say I'm trying to live this verse out and my point was if you just take a verse out and try to apply it and then make it yours yeah yeah and without missing the whole point of what we're doing that's the kind of that's why did you get into that's why context is important I fly over to Romania and guess how they greeted each other every time we got together well though the kiss super weird for a beard stubble of another man on your face made me feel very uncomfortable and yet that's their that's their context for us it's a handshake or you know the key word there is holy you know yeah holy has nothing to do with the package gee that's right or you know it's the appreciation of the world well and it's it's you don't have any kind of sinful right you know but us in our culture we don't do that cuz most people that's like me I don't want somebody kissing on me I'm kind of glad our culture said I take a rain check on that lip fungus ain't quite identified yeah I have germaphobe tendencies and you get into all that you know get up on Europe you know on both sides yeah that's what they were doing but a new Christian I could see it in our church cuz we're you know I say this affectionately we got a lot of rednecks and some of them if you don't kiss a guy you want to fight any kisses why you are gonna fight that's that's it yeah he's nothing holy about that of the red yes yeah well beaten outside and I'm gonna get you with the right hand of fellowship that's an ar-15 all right so somehow we steered there from our studies next next time we get together we will talk the next guy up is John the Baptist which is very fascinating and how John talks about John the Apostle talks about John the battery so if you look so you got an assignment now we're asking you to read along with us and John now Jase is just giving us something else to think that's what I'm gonna do this week cuz I've got a I'm preaching to John this week is look for light life and love as you're reading through it's a good thing to take some notes of them probably enhance your study and I want to hit this John 1:12 about God giving us the right to become children of God because that same spirit that hovered over the waters at the first creation I believe is still hovering this day ready to make new creations Jesus John the Apostle went from John the gospel when he got over there explaining what he had seen probably 20-30 years later when he wrote 1st 2nd 3rd John he's here if you let's see how he said if you love your brother yeah you do what's right and left your brother you've been born of God you're a child of God but he had another place he said by the way walk in the light if you walk in the light you'll be walking as Jesus did so the light the love the doing it is interwoven through the whole thing yeah I'll tell you what as we continue through John I'll just pick out a random verse in other places just as a thing you will see those three concepts over and over and over so all the way through hit the three letters he wrote on the back the you know after even after John the gospel was written and he wrote those three but you say but the same J's you're right about that no more you read and you preach that at our church yeah I think I mentioned it I didn't preach it is it in a class yeah they don't preach it or I'm gonna stay here free to pass up I'm just saying as you know i'ma tell you the original thought is a forgotten source by the way it hits me in the book of John when I was reading that those concepts and the more I looked and when it it kind of grabbed ahold of me I was ready to run through a wall all right so we're off and running we'll see you next time we're gonna shave so you know our family from the beginning even duck dynasty everything has been about getting the Word of God to as many people as possible and YouTube has been a big part of that which we're grateful for unfortunately we're hearing from some of you that they aren't necessarily showing you every episode so we basically got to let them know that you love this podcast you want to listen to it so there's a way you can help us out as well as yourselves if you're not subscribed subscribe to Dad's YouTube channel on youtube.com slash Phil Robertson on blaze TV it's a lot of information youtube.com slash Phil Robertson on blaze TV that's all one you hit the notification bell icon this tells YouTube that this is content that 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Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 84,405
Rating: 4.9691515 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Duck Dynasty, bible, bible study, Jesus, Christ, God, Christianity, Christian, salvation, Duck Commander, Al Robertson, Gospel, forgiveness, christian, study, BlazeTV, Phil, Jase, al, Robertson, duck commander, duck, commander, hunt, hunting, duck hunting, author, writer, America, soul, unashamed podcast, christian lifestyle
Id: pFjOeNDXSfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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