Explaining the bizarre pattern in making change for a googol dollars (infinite generating functions)

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Welcome to another Mathologer video. Do you still  use coins? Not much right? In fact many experts   predict that coins will be abolished altogether  in the not too distant future. Heads or tails   will be dead and gone. Very sad. But there's this  really beautiful change making mathematics that   I've been meaning to show you since day one of  Mathologer. And pretty soon there'll be no point.   So before I lose my chance entirely I'll sneak  in a quick video on coin maths. In particular   the goal of today's video is to answer one of  the most burning questions on shoppers minds:   how many ways are there to make change for one  googol that is 10 to the power of 100 dollars. The   answer to this question is very surprising and the  explanation for the answer even more so, promise.   In particular, i'll use infinite series  in a very ingenious way to count that huge   but definitely finite number of ways to make  change for a googol. And believe it or not   all this change making maths will actually stay  very applicable even in the future without coins.   I'll come back to that point  at the end of the video.   Ok a little mathematical warm-up to get us going.  Ready no coins up my non-existing sleeves :) have   a look at the monster product over there. First  bracket 1 plus x plus x squared all the way to   x to the power of 100. Second bracket again  all the way to x to the power 100 but the   exponents going up in multiples of 5. There  5, 10, 15, … 100. And so on. Multiples of 10   in the bracket of the next exponent right there  10, 20 all the way to 100. Next one is there 25   all the way to 100. And 50 and finally to a little  bracket 1 plus x to the power of 100. Cool. Now   expand this monster product. Go on I’ll wait. Or  maybe not :) but a piece of cake for a computer.   There that's the output. So the result is 1  plus x plus x squared plus goes on for a while   there all the way to x to the power of 600.  What a monster. Now for the magic let's wave   our mathematical wand and zero in on the  number in front of x to the power of 100.   There 293 big deal. Just another number right?  Wrong! 293 is exactly the number of ways to make   change for a dollar using standard u.s. Coins  those ones over there. 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and well   100 cents. How does this work? Well those  numbers definitely feature prominently in   the product we started with. There the exponent  in the different factors are all the multiples   of the six different numbers up to 100. All  clear? No? No problem let's have a closer look.   Let's start small. Let's figure out what amounts  of money we can make with three one cent coins   and two three cent coins and then how many  different ways we can make those amounts.   Okay first just using the one cent  coins what can we do? There, tricky.   Yep you can make one cent, two cents and  three cents. Well actually by being really   stingy we can also make zero cents.  Right same with our three cent coins.   No coins give zero cents, one gives  three cents, and two gives six cents.   Now here comes the first really cool bit. To get  everything possible using both types of coins   we simply visually multiply the two  sums. So there multiply term by term   and pretty magical. And pretty obvious that  this will give all possible ways of combining   up to three one cent coins with up to two  three cent coins. Now just tidy up a bit   all those extra nothings in the top row  are really superfluous so let's zap them.   Neat, we've translated finding all those  combinations into algebra. Now to find out what   amounts we've made let's add up. For example  1 plus 1 plus 3 plus 3 is 8 and so on. But   how can we do this adding up automatically. Well  the way we've pictured things makes it look like   we're multiplying those coins rather than adding  right. Here is a neat idea. What if we use powers?   Can you see why? Well products of powers  translate into sums of the exponents. Have a look.   So the exponent 8 is exactly the coin sum we noted  earlier. Okay let's do this everywhere. There.   Okay now let's add up. And everywhere else.  So there we got three in two different ways.   And those two ways are automatically  recorded by our weird coin algebra,   there goes the two. Same thing here. Two ways  to make six. Another two there. Okay the black   circle up there stands for nothing,  so zero and x to the power of 0 is 1.   So wrapping it all up what  does this polynomial tell us?   What it says is that with three one cent coins  and two three cent coins we can make one cent   in one way, okay, two cents in  one way, three cents in two ways,   and so on, and of course we also get that one way  of making zero cents there right at the beginning.   And remember this is the strange  coin product we started with.   Or swapping the coins for powers this is what  we started with. Pretty cool and it's easy to   see that this works for any combination of coins.  For example if we add a single 10 cent coin to the   mix the product that will do the trick is this one  there. Okay back to the product we started with.   Can you decipher the product now and  figure out the corresponding coins?   Well the first bracket means we have 100 one cent  coins to play with, a dollar's worth. Okay next   bracket we have a dollar's worth of five cent  coins. Then a dollar's worth of 10 cent coins,   and so on. There 25 50 100. Got it? But what if we  include more coins? Well remember we were asking   about the number of ways to make change for a  dollar. And for that question including more coins   can't make any difference, right? For example the  greatest number of one cent coins we can possibly   use is 100, so using more one cent coins than 100  with which we began won't give any more ways to   make change and this means that the coefficient  of x to the power of 100 that 293 is exactly   the number of ways to make change for a dollar.  Pretty damn ingenious isn't it? I love this stuff.   What else do all these numbers over there tell us?  Well let's have a look at the previous terms. This   tells us that there are 252 ways to make change  for 99 cents and also 252 ways to make change for   98 cents. In general all the coefficients for  powers up to 100 will give the exact number of   ways to make change for those corresponding  amounts. For the powers beyond 100 cents the   coefficients are lower than the total number of  ways to make change. For example that 292 that   goes with 101 cents doesn't account for the one  way of making change with 101 one cent coins.   Here at the end only one way of making change  for 600 cents is covered using all our coins.   Of course there will be zillions more. Okay to  finish this chapter here are some challenges for   you. First how many ways are there to make change  for a dollar if we don't use 100 cent coins.   That's an easy one right. Okay now for a slightly  more challenging question and a nice aha moment.   Say you've got one one cent coin, one two cent  coin, one four cent coin and one eight cent coin.   What cent amounts can you make with these four  different coins and in how many different ways?   For maximum aha impact try to solve this puzzle  using the weird product I showed you earlier.   Well what if, as well, you use one 16 cent  coin one 32 cent coin and so on, one each of   all the other infinitely many power of two  coins? Leave your answers in the comments.   What's this up there. Yep the multiplication  table. You are of course very familiar with it.   And there is nothing that you don't know about  it right? Well let's see. Mental mathematicians   and lightning calculators will memorize well  beyond the 10 times table. They are looking   at something like this. Have you taken this bird's  eye view before? The extended multiplication table   exhibits some curious patterns. Can you see the  different shades of gray. What are those? Well   let me highlight the different regions that are  jumping out at us there. What's the explanation   for these regions? You've got it? No? Well let's  zoom in on one of the edges between regions.   Okay zoom zoom zoom. So the regions are formed  by the products with different numbers of digits   and the edges are where we jump from a  certain number of digits to the next number.   Makes sense. And what about the shape of the  boundary curves? Ring a bell? Yep they're   pretty hyperbolic 1/xeee looking aren't they?  And it's actually really easy to see that these   curves are approximately hyperbolic. Right?  If this is the x-axis and this is the y-axis,   then this border between three-digit and  four-digit numbers is approximated by the   curve with equations x times y equals the  smallest four-digit number one thousand.   Or y is equal to one thousand over x. Hyperbolic  great. Anyway there's a lesson to be learned.   Even if we know how something works in principle  and we're familiar with the little examples,   taking things to telescopic extremes may produce  some real surprises. This also turns out to be   the true for the change giving puzzle. Let me show  you. Remember we figured out there were 293 ways   to make change for a dollar. What about making  change for ten dollars? Want to take a guess?   Two million a bit ways to make  change for ten dollars. Let's   see how this plays out when we go even  bigger. There there getting pretty big.   Yep the numbers are huge but can you also see  a strange pattern emerging? Let me highlight   the pattern for you. There amazing right? From  one thousand dollars on we get the same numbers   separated by strings of threes and zeros.  It turns out that this extends to infinity   and along the way there we get the  answer to our original question:   what is the number of ways to make change for  googol dollars. Here is the monster answer.   Very impressive and totally unexpected isn't it?  Take a moment to let this sink in. Got it. Right.   Actually what I just showed you is impressive  in another way. How did I calculate those huge   numbers in the first place? Hmm, well in principle  our product trick, as well as other brute force   enumeration tricks will work for any amount of  dollars. So to apply the product trick you just   have to adjust the maximum exponent. There for  two dollars we would use this larger product.   But as we go larger and larger even the  computer will quickly begin to get scared   of the amount of calculation to be done. So here  is a double challenge for my programmer friends.   Try to come up with an efficient program that  computes the number of ways to make change for   full dollar amounts and then use it to continue  this sequence over there. For your program   anything goes you don't have to use the product  trick. If you think you've got a better idea.   Tell us about your discoveries in the comments.  Also let us know how far you can push things   before your program and computing setup starts  to take over an hour to produce the next answer.   How close to two times a googol did you get?  Not very close I promise :) okay so computers   get us so far. How far does our brain  get us? Let's find out together.   Okay our goal is to prove that crazy formula  for googol change. But before we get into it   I think I'd better highlight two basic facts to  make sure we're all on the same page. Fact one   the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric  series. Very familiar right? That one has come   up in Mathologer videos about a googol times. And  remember that the formula only works for values of   x between -1 and 1. For fact two we quickly have  to remind ourselves about binomial coefficients,   that n choose k thing. Probably easiest to just  write down an example like nine choose four.   All right the pattern is clear, right? Four  factors going up in the denominator and four   factors going down in the numerator. Also if the  number at the bottom is zero then the binomial   coefficient is equal to one. Now fact 2 is this  formula here let's bring it in. There ponder it   for a moment. You've got it? Well it's possible  to prove the second formula up on top by raising   both sides of the first formula to a power of n.  It's obvious that this works on the right side.   There the orange is the nth power of the green. To  show from scratch that the left side of the second   formula is the nth power of the first formula  is also not terribly hard. Just quickly for n   is equal to one all the binomial coefficients  get a zero at the bottom and so are equal to one   and so for n is equal to one the second formula  is really just the first formula. Nice. Maybe give   squaring and cubing the left side of the first  formula a go to prove the formula for n is equal   to two and n is equal to three. Actually there's  also a much much easier calculus based proof.   Simply differentiate the first formula below n  minus 1 times on both sides and you arrive at   the second formula on top. If you are comfortable  with calculus you should definitely treat yourself   to proving the formula this way. Anyway for what  follows we'll really only need the special case   n is equal to 6. So I might as  well highlight that for you now.   Okay so when I spring this on you in a  minute or two you won't be surprised, right?   Now with these two formulas under our belt  we are ready to explain those long strings   of threes and zeros in the numbers of ways  to make change for powers of ten dollars.   To do this let's see how far we can push the  product trick. Then we'll push a little further:)   as we've seen the product over there gives the  number of ways of making change for a dollar.   Upping the power from 100 to 200 gets us the  number of ways to make change for two dollars,   and so on so. Let's think big and  take this all the way to infinity.   So expanding this crazy product should give  us all the ways of making change for all   possible amounts. But how can we expand this  product? Well have a look at the first factor.   Looks familiar doesn't it? Our first formula  tells us that this factor is equal to 1/(1-x).   Here's the second factor. Aha do you see the  trick? Yep this is just the first formula again,   but with x to the power of  5 in the role of x, right?   Plugging x to the power 5 into the first  formula gives this. There plugging in is this.   And of course all the other factors in our  crazy product are equal to similar fractions.   Which means that our crazy product is equal to  this product of fractions. Okay that looks a   lot simpler than the crazy product but does  it help? Not so clear, right? The idea is   to massage this expression a bit until all six  denominators are the same. After that it turns   out we can apply our second formula. Let me show  you how this is done using some algebra autopilot.   Don't worry too much about the details. If you get  the general idea of what's going on that's plenty.   Don't you just love algebra autopilot? :)  and things are now all primed to use our   second formula and apply it to the bit in orange.  There let's just do it. Cool. And now a bit more   massaging. First take a deep breath, cross your  fingers and expand the big product in the middle.   Just brute force nothing ingenious going  on there. Okay degree 81 polynomial   82 terms. Don't get to deal with something like  that every day. And yes it's scary but remember   we started with a big product of infinite sums.  So all in all maybe count our blessings. Okay   the name z has served its purpose. Let's  switch back to x to the power of five.   How are you going? Hanging in there? Well almost  there, promise :) let's remind ourselves what it   is that we're looking at. What we have here  is the original crazy product consisting of   six infinite sums massaged into a product  consisting of the two finite sums at the top   and that infinite sum at the bottom. Okay  now let me show you how you can derive from   this massaged sum a formula for the number of  ways to make change for full dollar amounts.   After that i'll use this formula to explain  the mysterious expanding strings of threes.   To begin let's figure out the number of ways to  make change for four dollars, that is 400 cents.   For this we have to pinpoint the  different ways to pick one term each   from the three factors whose powers of  x combine into x to the power of 400,   now one way sticks out right: 1 times 1 times  x to the power of 400 is x to the power 400.   If that was the only way to produce x to the  power 400 then there would be exactly those blue   9 choose 5 ways to make change for  400 cents. But there are others.   Take a look at the second factor in the middle.  This factor contains four terms with multiples of   100 as exponents. There those ones. That means  we can also make x to the power 400 like this.   One times x to the power of 100 times x to the  power of 300 equals x to the power of 400. Here's   another way and another way and another way. But  that's it. Maybe pause the video and think about   this for a moment. What I just pulled out are  the only ways to produce x to the power 400.   But this means that the number of ways  to make change for 400 cents is this.   But actually there was nothing  special about four dollars or   400 cents. Exactly the same reasoning shows  that the general formula for k dollars   or k times 100 cents, the 100 is  really important here, is this.   Actually that's not quite true. This is the  formula for all k greater than three. The formula   doesn't work for n is equal to one, two, and three  at least not straightaway. Challenge for you:   why doesn't the formula work for those small  dollar amounts? And how can we adapt the formula   to make it also work for these amounts?  Leave your answers in the comments. Now   just a bit more algebra autopilot to hammer  this formula in the simplest possible form.   Pretty amazing. Not the prettiest polynomial  ever but after all the gymnastics with   infinities flying this way and that, that's  a surprisingly simple formula. Impressed?   I know you are. All right now for the  final dash to the peak. Let's use this   formula to explain the expanding strings of  threes. Okay a bit more algebra autopilot.   Okay ready for some grand finale magic. Great  sub in k is equal to one hundred thousand.   Then all those powers of k on the  far right will also be powers of 10   and so we'll just be moving the decimal points of  these numbers on the right by different amounts.   And that is where all those threes come from.  What a nice aha moment, don't you think? Okay   mission accomplished. Next time you have to make  change for a googol dollars you know what to do :)   let me just end with three remarks. First remark.  You may think that with coins soon to become an   endangered species all this nice maths i've been  talking about today will soon become obsolete.   That's not the case at all. In fact some of you  may already have realized that change making maths   is really part of the incredibly applicable theory  of integer partitions the topic of my recent video   on Euler's pentagonal number theorem. Imagine  that you have an unlimited supply of coins of   all possible integer denominations: one cent  coins, two cent coins, three cent coins, etc.   Then the question of how many ways you can  make change for n cents is exactly the same as   asking in how many different ways you can write  the number n as a sum of positive integers.   Well that may still sound like no big deal but it  is. To find out why this question is so important   and why Euler and Ramanujan are featured in the  logo of the video over there check out the video.   Second remark. The trick of first interpreting  a sequence of numbers as the coefficients of an   infinite power series and then investigating  the sequence by manipulating the power series   is very powerful in mathematics indeed. If you'd  like to find out more what's possible in this   respect googol the term generating function. Of  course we'll also revisit this circle of ideas   again in the future. I've also included some links  in the description of this video. Final remark.   I first learned about change making maths  from the brilliant book concrete mathematics   by mathematical heavyweights Ron Graham  and Donald Knuth and oren Patashnik.   An absolutely beautiful and fun must read  by some genuine giants. A book all about   combining continuous maths, that is calculus, with  discrete maths. The result- concrete mathematics.   There’s even fun in the title. I've never met  Donald Knuth or Oran Pataschnik but I do know   Ron Graham, that is I did know Ron Graham. Ron  passed away last year aged 84. Ron was an absolute   amazing mathematician and an all-round great  guy with many many interests and accomplishments   in and outside mathematics. You may be familiar  with graham's number which is a lot bigger than   googol even in googolplex or if you're a  juggler you may recognize him as one of   the past presidents of the international jugglers  association. Anyway let me take the opportunity to   dedicate this video to Ron Graham. And that's all  for today. I hope you enjoyed this video and I'm   looking forward to all your solutions to today's  challenge problems. Until next time stay safe.
Channel: Mathologer
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Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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