The architectural design and visualization industry standard

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hello everyone I'm really glad and honored to be here in front of you after actually using blender for almost three years so I'm baby blender to you and okay I'm an architect architectural engineer if you maybe mix it with another architect and guess what I'm from Baghdad Iraq but I did it came away all the way from Iraq I'm actually studying preparing my master's degree in University of beige in Hungary so um so we were talking about uh today about the industry standard uh software that we use in architecture so uh once you graduate from uh like our architectural University or from the University as an architect like you have to uh like apply for a job to uh to a certain company or a studio and you have to use these softwares or learn the softwares they use in their like industry in the uh product in their production line so and as an architect you have to learn like four different types of of softwares you have the 3D Studio and the Bim software render engine and the video rendering and these what they call the industry standard softwares okay so the requirement for work as as an architect uh like you have to like learn a combination of uh softwares in order to get accepted in in this job so uh like uh after like applying for for uh some like for some studios and companies I like get some experience of what they use and uh what they want in their uh uh to to select their candidates and things so as you can see here like revitz and lumion uh Arch cat and lumien Rhino Revit through JS Max Corona Arcade Cinema 4D Octane and others so you can see all of them like the price of all this package uh going around like 4 000 uh dollars US Dollars and uh it doesn't get lower and you can you can't just use one software you have to like uh to have like this combination of softwares to get accepted and this is not affordable for uh for an like newly graduate architect especially like from Iraq like maybe you guys are rich I don't know and so after like uh introduced to blunder and I came across blender uh I found like uh it lies in these categories in 3D software like a 3D Studio does it has a built-in render engine to render engines and it can do video rendering and walk through but it doesn't do the Bim uh work like the work of floor plans sections and things you need for for the building like the technical drawings yeah so I was amazed and uh surprised that blender can do all the modeling rendering video walkthrough animation all this procedural modeling procedural texturing and all for free like what I've been using like so uh this is using blender uh the architectural process this is my process that I follow uh using of blender in the architectural industry so I do the site analysis the conceptual design then I do the technical drawings and like the sections plans and things using Revit then I export it as an fbx then complete the exterior design and the interior design then the environmental design like designing the environment and the landscape after that the visualization rendering maybe animation uh the last thing is the post-production or the compositing so here you can see how I use a is it for settings this is my the process we go in detail so uh the first thing I use like here an add-on free add-ons called blender GIS it's so useful it can give us the the neighboring buildings using data from Google so here you can see I'm just following like simple steps like I'm changing this plane I don't like it I always change it I don't know why uh then I'm using geometry nodes I'm turning the um the streets from from mesh to curve and back to to mesh then I give it this thickness and the last thing is rendering to see like the the light interaction of the light with the urban Fabric and the City yeah this is a music here the same the same add-on to to get the topography the topology uh or the terrain of of the land because it's so important in case you uh is not uh it's like it's not flat or something you have to get this information for this site analysis yeah so here you can just use like a displacement map which is in uh like a uh using the displacement modifier then the array modifier we're putting some planes then the uh solidify and that's just simple steps and now we have a Terrain model it's not like that so I'll change it and we can see here also using the sky sky texture to see the the interaction off of light and with the terrain with the old things here the conceptual design so uh you can you can just came with the with like a building out from your mind just just like that you have to like Start experiment start to get Inspirations and things so uh this is so useful in blender so I'm using here geometry notes it's so inspiring so you can make a lot of models you can like experiment with a lot of things a lot of possibilities to make like a conceptual design then using the freestyle tool to get these lines that I'm using here so just making some cutouts some things maybe the openings just like an inspiration like how the building will be and how it will interact with the light with the with the things then we after the conceptual design we like start the actual design with the with blender than uh to to arrive it to to make the the like the the real plans and sections and things the real technical drawings because uh architecture is not all about visualization we have detailed work we have detail um sections and here is using blender in uh exterior interior design it's actually it's easier than any software like I've used before so I've used the 3Gs Max I've used Cinema 4D but no one is is this easy the workflow is not easier than blender and uh when you like go through the tutorials on YouTube and things you you don't find like uh tutorials for um for the architecture for artificial visualization and maybe you can find but this it's not that uh much but uh the way I'm I'm learning blender and I learned blender uh it's uh like by watching any tutorial maybe a tutorial of a headphone or a donut or something it will it will benefit you in the architectural design because it's the same workflows it's the same modeling thing so uh instead of modeling like a headphone you can model a building so here uh like with the coming of geometry nodes it's made it easier for the exterior design especially when you see nowadays buildings have this parametric shapes parametric like um facets so uh with some sample nodes uh I'm not an expert in Geometry knows but I'll learn some simple notes to make like these facets or a parametric facets in a way we can change it this non-destructive workflow so anytime we want you know we want to change it we don't have to remodel everything you just like go tweak some things in the geometry nodes or in the edit mode and that's it we can even change the shape and we have everything okay here uh using the same geometry nodes uh like we are experimenting with some facet modeling the the modeling of facet sometimes you see just like a plain facade it's so boring they add some like Dynamic shapes to it some like uh like here you can see I'm scattering some geometries to make this Dynamic facet or to make this parametric facade you're just using some cubes you see maybe like five nodes or or six notes it's it's easier then uh with the new like field uh like fill the flow of geometry nodes we can like import textures uh noise textures and things so or wave texture here to like experiment more and to have more like free um workflow or yeah and here using the geometry nodes with the design of the landscape or the like environmental design so back in the days before the geometry knows it where it was so difficult to to model like an environment because you have to work maybe with particles and things you can't you can't control everything in these particles the scale the transformation the the randomness of nature so here uh with jumps you know it's it's much easier you can just paint uh wherever you want maybe with particles you can but it's easier with geometry notes easier to like control the randomness to control the the scale and here I'm using the the botanic from polygonic it's really useful add-on yeah just connect some things make or like make my custom node so I can just plug in anything I want and start painting a white painting the the plane and distributing this uh natural elements and the last thing is is the last thing in this uh workflow pipeline is the visualization which after you use that just rendering and putting the the sunlight and and things and start exploring exporting photos and here is the thing the that's so useful that comes with the with blender is the compositing tab or compositing workflow uh so it's uh much like useful to have the compositing workflow and the same software and it's also for for free because other companies will require you to have like a and experience in Photoshop or live stream or or something else because you have to edit the photos you have to make it more realistic here you can see I'm using the the Mist pass to to get some depth to the photo I have like maybe using glare using lens Distortion these things gives some reality to the telephoto and we have the the split view is so useful to like to refresh your eye to see uh before and after uh the things you add to the to the compositing tab so with all that you can see like the blender can do the site and all the like architectural design procedure from site analysis consumption conceptual design exterior interior design environmental design visualization post-production to the finishing of the work so and that's all for free so the question is which one you think should be the industry standard for architectural design and visualization like all these softwares for like a ton of money like four thousand dollars or something maybe more or just blender with nothing just here yeah so that's the question I don't know why the companies kept like uh requiring a newer graduates architect to to learn all these softwares and putting this industry standards uh softwares to like uh uh made it like less possible for for Architects or newly graduates to to find a job while they neglect the blunder or uh open source software too that has all this potential to uh to make like to to express the creativity of of The Architects so last thing I would thank to all uh the everyone contributed in the making of blender and I would like to thank the blender community and all blenders on YouTube who made a learning blender actually free and and easy and um yeah without you guys we would be unemployed now thank you
Channel: Blender
Views: 44,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, bcon22, blender, conference
Id: yPX4Wyp6_WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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