Eevee has Raytracing in Blender 4.2!

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for a while now blender users have had to make a significant compromise when choosing a render engine either you choose cycles and get really realistic rate traced results but your render times are going to be slow or you choose EV and sacrifice a bit of the realism for much shorter render times and easier view per display now in blender 4.2 blender is announcing new version of Eevee which comes with screen space rate tracing can the new EV fulfill the promises of realtime displacement and realtime rate tracing let's look at the new features in blender 4.2 beta number one is new EV maybe the most significant change is rate tracing it is turned on by default and it seems to work great right right out of the box we can see the effects of the bounce light right away one element I'm still a bit confused by to be honest is when I scroll in and scroll out the lighting changes but maybe this is related to how the software calculates the rate racing maybe it's related to the viewport position also when I render out this short test animation where the camera moves slightly outwards I notice some change in the reflection or or the light liing in the bottom side of the Apple increasing the global illumination resolution increased the render time but didn't solve the problem increasing the screen TR in Precision didn't affect the render time nor the artifact or light effect it seems when I scroll very close to the object the reflections disappear so I'm thinking is there a clamping Factor apart from this lighting changing when scrolling in and out I think the screen space rate tracing looks really nice some changes for example to volume density take effect in the viewport a bit slowly the render times seem to be a bit longer than in Legacy EV also while rendering I'm not really able to view the progression of the render yet blender just seems to be in a nonresponsive mode until the render is done transparent materials definitely work differently in the previous version compared to the new 4.0 Eevee I can see that the lighting has changed in the sea the render time is around 13 in Legacy eeve compared to e next I think that's a significant difference let's look at what we can do with the settings to reduce the render time again when I'm rendering I don't see percentage going forward the percentage stays at zero until the render is finished and increasing the volume resolution only affected the render Time by 2 seconds okay well reducing the samples clearly affected the render time now I'm down to 23 seconds this area seems to be quite noisy and surprisingly turning the rate racing off didn't really affect the render time sunlight contribution is automatically extracted from H lighting this is very interesting let's try it out and yes we do have a shadow and a light from just the HD map there is no light in the scene when it comes to Interior HDR however it seems to work in an interesting way where Eevee might be struggling to decide is one of these light ends of the tunnel a some I'm really curious about this effect if I put the sound threshold to zero and disable the shadow it seems like I don't have the sound effect from the hdri anymore with the new EV displacement I'm able to get quite nice render results and the r render THS are not that extreme even though there's quite High poly count in my plane especially in combination with the procedural texturing blender it's quite nice to be able to preview this placement almost in real time so to conclude about the rendering the raate tracing looks really nice but there might be some artifacts that happen when zooming in and out of a scene or moving closer with the camera the render times with the same samples are a lot higher but the render times can be reduced reducing the render samples and slightly reduced by reducing the volume resolution the displacement seems to work perfectly fine already in the beta phase of the release the sunlight can be derived from the HD but it works the best for outdoor scenes it can be turned off from the sound properties for indoor scenes all in all this is a really great update for rendering an EV and I'm very thankful about the hard work that the developers have been putting in
Channel: Blender Pencil
Views: 14,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E_zuY0nxBj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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