What is the Smallest Possible .EXE?

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Here in this folder is the smallest possible  executable file, coming in at a mere:   0 bytes? So, technically you can take a blank  file and rename it with the .EXE extension,   but if it can't run, it doesn't really count. So what makes an EXE actually executable? To help explain exactly that, I reached out  to my good friend William Gates, who sent me   this archival footage from Microsoft they used  to show to new operating systems engineers. Hi, and welcome to the wonderful world of  Windows. Today we’re going to be taking a look   at the Windows Portable Executable File format. Once you've written your program in a high-level   language like C or C++ you'll want to throw it  through the compiler, assembler, and linker to   produce the final Image of the program in  the form of a Windows Portable Executable,   colloquially known by the file extension: EXE. This file contains what is called an “Image” of the program captured in a state ready to be run  by the computer. The PE file contains a series of   headers which contain information about the file's  different sections which contain the code, data,   and references to external symbols  that are required by the program,   with your code now compiled to machine code for  the specified instruction set architecture. For the Windows Operating System to run the EXE  it'll: verify that the file is a valid executable   by checking the headers, load the code, data, and  other sections into memory, resolve any of those   external dependencies with the proper dynamic-link  libraries (DLLs), and then begin the program's   execution from the specified entry point. So if you ever think that Windows doesn't have enough bloat, just remember that every EXE still  contains the string "This program cannot be run   in DOS mode" in the MS-DOS legacy header. But creating an executable isn't as straight   forward as C code in equals machine code out.  This simple Hello World program once compiled   is 111,104 bytes, that’s 1,736 times larger  than the source code file. But even though   this program is only written using 64 bytes  worth of characters, what is it actually doing? It's including the standard IO library,  which relies on the default standard libraries   and system APIs provided by the OS which allows  the program to elegantly call the printf function   to output text to the console without having to  worry about the details of directly dealing with   the said complexities of the operating system. That’s the key thing to understand, programs are   made for systems. Whether it's for Windows, Mac,  Linux, your XBOX, or your homemade smartwatch,   that compiled program is explicitly designed  to interreact with that system, and that's   great because those operating systems are in turn  designed to deal with the device’s hardware and   provide that layer of abstraction that allows  programmers to type only a couple of lines of   code and change the pixels on a monitor. But what is the minimum viable program that an operating system like Windows  will load and execute? In other words,   what is the smallest possible EXE? That’s a question philosophers have pondered for ages, and it requires a deep understand of the  technology not just behind how Windows operates,   but computers themselves. But don’t worry if  you need a refresh or a crash course in computer   science, thanks to today’s sponsor: Brilliant,  where you learn by doing with thousands of   interactive lessons, not just in computer science  and programming, but also in math, data analysis,   and much more. Each lesson on Brilliant has been  carefully crafted to encourage hands-on problem   solving to increase your analytical thinking.  Brilliant can help improve your understanding   of real-world topics, like through their How  Technology Works course that dives into the   working principles of computer memory,  cryptography, and video compression.   To try everything Brilliant has to offer for free  for a full 30 days, visit brilliant.org/Inkbox or   click on the top link in the description. You'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription. Again that’s brilliant.org/Inkbox To create the smallest possible EXE all we have to do is create a minimal program, remove  everything that isn't absolutely necessary   in the resulting file, and then squeeze it to  make it even smaller until something finally breaks.   So to start, I'll create the smallest possible  program right here. Yeah, it’s super boring. Which   is why I'm also making a second program that will  create a message box, it’ll be a little bigger,   but at least it’ll do something that will be visually interesting. Now compiling this version of the program normally with Microsoft’s standard MSVC in 64-bit mode produces a   program that is 114,688 bytes. The original  minimal version isn't far behind at 114,176 bytes. But once I set the linker option  to not include any standard libraries,   we've already slashed the byte count down to only 976, and 640 bytes respectively. And to confirm, yes, these programs still run as normal. Now the next step is to ditch the C code and meet up with a good friend of mine, x86 assembly. And we'll also switch out from using the   Microsoft assembler, to the Netwide Assembler  so that we can write out the entire PE file,   headers and all, and assemble it all at once to be  extremely accurate with what our output will be. The message box version now sits at  864 bytes, while the minimal version   has briefly bounced back to 848 bytes. That may seem like we’re headed in the   wrong direction, but now it's time to really  start cutting the fat by getting rid of some   of the optional and unneeded parts of file.  Goodbye Rich header, goodbye DOS stub, goodbye   debug table, and the ASCII art of a shrub. Message box version now comes in at 416 bytes,   minimal version down to 336 bytes. And this is about as small as the program   can legally be squeezed. And by that I mean that  beyond this point there is no guarantee that this   program will work with future versions of Windows  because it's time to break the file header. Most of the new savings come from smashing the  PE header into the MS-DOS legacy header. We   can't get rid of it completely as Windows still  checks for the MZ at the beginning of the file,   but then it just jumps to location 3C to grab  the offset of where the PE header starts.   And it just so happens that if the PE header starts at  location 04, then 3C will line up with the section alignment value of the header, which can also be  4. In addition, many of the other values in these   headers aren't even used, so I can use them to  store my strings for the message box, which brings   me down to an even 400 bytes. And for the minimal  version, I've gotten it as low as 268 bytes, but it's here that I've hit the proverbial bedrock. There are actually still a bunch of junk 0's at   the end of this file, theoretically it could come  down to 210 bytes with what I have now, because   normally you can just delete the trailing 0s since  the file will be loaded into memory on a page   full of 0s. But no matter what I've done, it just  won't load the file if it’s less than 268 bytes. It seems that several sources confirm that 268  bytes is the smallest possible executable size   that will run on 64-bit Windows. Why? Well, that might be a better question for Dave. However, for other versions of the Windows, executables can get as small as 97 bytes! But again most these programs,  don't really do much, although in the 64-bit Windows version since it’s stuck at 268 bytes,   some people have actually squeezed in a  couple of DLL calls to create a message box,   or open the windows calculator, so there  is some room to get things done, but is it   enough space to fit a whole game into here? No. Well, at least not a good game. I’m not sure typing simulator would become a best  seller on Steam. But how small could you   squeeze a game? First of all, I won't be  able to include any standard libraries,   this game will have to rely 100% on whatever the  Windows API provides. So it's time we meet another   good friend of mine, the kernel, Kernel32. Kernel32.dll is one of the core DLLs that provides functions for interacting with the Windows  Operating System. It can provide everything   from memory management, process management,  file system access, and certain IO. And it really shouldn’t be too  hard to build a game using these basic Kernel   provided functions because that’s literally what  every game, and every program, does at its core. To start the game, I’m first faced with two main  options for the program’s subsystem, that is,   the type of Windows environment in which the  program will be executed. Either a console,   or window. Going with the latter would allow  for more graphical control, but I'd have to   explicitly create the window myself. Whereas  if the subsystem is set to console, then a   console is automatically provided for me if the  program isn’t run through the terminal already. But wait! Consoles aren't for games. Consoles  is only for slow asynchronous I/O. Well yes,   that can be true, but it doesn't have to be. In  fact, your precious console which pretends to act   like a fancy text editor is mostly a well-oiled  illusion, any keyboard input that is echoed as   character output is done so quite on purpose. Before getting into I/O, we'll first need get   the 'handle' of our console, which is a token  that represents a system controlled resource.   Our console has both an input and output handle  that we can get by using the Kernel's GetStdHandle   function. To use this in our assembly code,  we can create an external reference to it,   then push the parameters of the function to the  stack, then we'll CALL that function. Using the   Microsoft Macro Assembler, we could also use  the INOVKE keyword to pass on the parameters   like this, which looks more like calling  a function in a high-level language, but it's just a shortcut for what really happens. If we pass -10 to the GetStdHandle function it’ll   return the STD_INPUT_HANDLE of the console,  and -11 will give us the STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE.   We'll keep both of these in a variable since  we'll be doing both input and output later. Output is much easier to achieve as we can  use the kernel's WriteConsoleA function to   pass our output handle, pointer to the buffer  containing our output ASCII string, the number   of characters we'll write in our string, a pointer  to the DWORD that returns the actual number of   characters written, and then one more zero. Doing  that, we can already write output to the console,   and here's the first trick up my sleeve: Color. Now, you could use a couple of other function   from Kernel32 to change the current color of the  console's characters, but back in 2016 Microsoft   reintroduced support in the console for the old  ANSI escape sequences, which are codes made   up mostly standard ASCII characters that can  control terminal formatting. Everything from   setting the cursor location, text color, console  size, console title, and a whole lot more.   However, to ensure it'll work properly, I do have to use the SetConsoleMode function  to ensure that virtual terminal processing is  enabled. But after that, I can be quite sure   that ANSI escape codes like this will be able  to modify the console's output formatting just   by calling the same WriteConsole function, which  will save a lot of program space to not have to   use functions like SetConsoleCursorInfo, which I  would have called to make the cursor invisible,   but this ANSI string has the same result. As for the game world, I'll take 48 bytes   of data and for each 0 in those bytes  output a sky character, and for each 1   a meteor. The sky is the Full Block ASCII  character, with text color set to blue,   and the meteor is the lower half block in dark  yellow, with the background set to red. Then after   every four bytes I write the newline character  to the console which creates this 32x12 grid. For the protagonist I wasn't sure  which ASCII character to go with,   but I narrowed it down to these three and  decided to give the house a try. I can use   the SetConsoleCursorPosition position function to set the  Y of the cursor to the bottom row of the world,   and the X position to the player's X value from 0  to 31, then call the same WriteConsole function to   output the player's character. There is a bit of  flicker here as the background and player are both   reprinted sequentially at around 60fps. To fix  that I could stick these into an output buffer   before writing to the screen, but to minimize the  amount of code in the final program, I won't.   To get user input from the console, I can  use the ReadConsoleInputA Kernel32 function   and that returns an INPUT_RECORD, which is a  structure that contains different event types,   such as when the window is brough into focus,  cursor input, or the only thing I’m interested in:   KEY_EVENTs which will then attach a KEY_EVENT_RECORD struct, that contains what I'm looking for,   the ASCII character of the keyboard input.  Now, let me test if this code is working correctly here, it should echo whatever the user types back out onto the console. OK, and that works twice as well as I expected.  So it looks like the issue is that there is a   KEY_EVENT for both pressing a key and releasing  a key, so I also have to check this part of the   KEY_EVENT_RECORD that tells us whether the key  is being held down or released. And...  that's more like it now. Although it is a little  sketchy since the non-ASCII keys are also   outputting character data, here's the output of  the character chart from 0 to 255 for reference,   but that shouldn’t be anything to worry about  since I'm not actually going to be outputing   anything the user types anyways, I'm just  checking whether the user presses the left   or right arrows keys and then moving the  player along the bottom row accordingly.   Then every few frames the meteors will move down a  layer, and a new layer of meteors will be randomly   generated. And without a standard library to  just make random numbers magically appear,   there are a few options I can go with to implement  that same magical functionality by using the   Windows  API, though none of them are found in the Kernel32 library but in the advanced API services library. One method is to use the Microsoft Cryptography  API, but that requires quite a few functions to   set up, and I'm trying to keep it minimal  so I'll go with the RtlGenRandom function,   also known as SystemFunction036. That's literally  what I have to import it as in the program. But   all I need to do is specify the destination buffer  and how many random bytes I want, and then I can take   4 random bytes AND them with four others to  try to save some space between the meteors,   then add those to the top layer. Once the meteors reach the bottom layer,   I can take these last four bytes, throw them into  a single 32-bit register, then roll the bits to   the left 32 minus the character's X position  times to load the object at the location that   player is standing into the carry flag, again 0 for the sky, or 1 for a meteor. If it's a 1 then the player has been squished by a meteor and it's, as the kids say: game over. I've added a points counter to the  top using four packed BCD bytes,   that's two digits zero to nine per byte, and I can make great use of the x86 Decimal Adjust AL After Addition (DAA) instruction to correctly perform BCD addition, big thumbs up for CISC, right guys? This score gets output to the screen every frame, followed by the world and the player. After drawing the frame, checking  the input, and running all the game logic,   I can use the Sleep function to suspend the current thread for a number of specified milliseconds. I have it set to 16ms, for a target of 60fps, but of course that doesn't account for   program execution time, so it will be slower  than that. I could use the GetLocalTime function   instead to see if 16ms has passed since the last  frame was drawn, but that would cost a few more   precious bytes of data, so again, I won’t. Once the player is crushed the program will use my favorite Kernel32 function: Beep. And I just have to read this description from the Microsoft documentation here: A long time ago, all PC computers shared a common 8254 programmable   interval timer chip for the generation of primitive sounds. But then everything changed when the sound cards attacked. I may have added that last part there, but this is still a cool function, you can just drop in the frequency that you want and duration of the sound, and then [beep] You  could do something really cool with this function like make the world's smallest digital piano. [Playing Tetris Theme Song] Granted it’s not a good piano,   but it is the smallest [beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep] Fun side quest, but back to the game at hand,  after assembling with MASM the program weighs   in at 2448 bytes, and after really trying  to cut the fat without breaking the headers,   because I do want this to be playable on  future systems, I've got it down to 2358 bytes. And the last piece of the puzzle is  another good friend of mine: the Cinkler. Crinkler is a compressing linker for windows,  it takes the place of the standard windows   linker turning our object file into a compressed  version of an EXE which then decompresses when   you run it. It's not cheating, because I make  up the rules here. So, after crinkling my game,   it manages to sneak into the under 1K club at 825 bytes. Here it is after I turned it into a QR code hanging on my fridge. And by the way, the world's smallest piano weighed in at 1584 bytes   before crinkling, and 555 bytes afterwards. So the only question I have now is: what is the largest possible EXE? Theoretically, a PE32 file could be no larger than 4GB since that's the   32-bit addressing limit, but for jump instructions  it would have to use a signed 32 bit digit,   so the limit should be around 2GB. PE32+, the 64-bit version of the file, does have a special flag to say that it can handle addresses larger than 2GB, However, we're once again limited by Windows itself. it doesn't seem to be able to handle executables, both PE32 and PE32+,   that are greater than around 1.85 gigabytes. Of course, if you've opened Chrome in the last   few years, you'll know that programs can take  well over 2, 4, or even 8 gigs of memory,   basically they'll just take whatever you throw at  them, but I'm only talking about Windows loading   a large executable, I don't care how big it gets  once it's open. And for the record, Chrome.exe   is only 2.66MB, Steam.exe is 4.18, Excel.exe is  66MB, and even Photoshop.exe is only 160MB. As for the exact maximum number of bytes that  Windows can take, I simply took one of the last   versions of the program we were shrinking before,  and threw between 1.8 and 2GB worth of 0s on the end and did a binary search to find  which would load and run, and which wouldn't. 1,996,488,704 bytes. Completing the entire range of runnable executables on 64-bit Windows. Thanks once again to Brilliant, check  them out down below, and until next time…
Channel: Inkbox
Views: 239,268
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Id: 5_UCkcb7iGY
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Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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