Linux Distros Explained By An Idiot

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A wise man once said software is like sex it's better when it's free while it's arguable that everything is better when it's free that really depends on your perspective however we're not talking about communism today we're talking about Linux and its different distributions huh I guess we are talking about communism Debian is the granddaddy of many popular dros including iunu if you think of dros as crime families Debian is the Godfather wuntu is a son who spread the family name by being one of the first dros that only required a master's degree to install while Debian might be one of the biggest and most built upon dros of all time it's also kind of like the brick your dad says was his favorite toy it never breaks it's very reliable and technically a brick can be anything but then again all he had was a brick what does he know about toys jumping back to auntu what was once a love drro by many both on desktop and server has begun to receive hate for several reasons but most notably for selling user data however auntu is still the father to many notable distros such as mint which is great if you're transitioning from Windows Elementary OS is great if you're transitioning in case you didn't get that one what I'm trying to say is Apple is so expensive you often need to sell something to afford one of their products sometimes it's a kidney this time it's it's your testicles totally worth it klie is great for cracking your friend's Wi-Fi password and you get to feel like Mr Robot which is also nice and tales is from when you discover Incognito doesn't do anything more than delete your browser history my personal recommendation for anyone who wants to switch dros or try something new is Fedora it's basically the Tesla of the Linux world before we found out their cars are about as reliable as a weather forecast on April Fool's Day Fedor developed by the guys at Red Hat now if Debian is a crime family red hat is a crime organization that got rich by giving you free software they're charging you to fix it when you [ __ ] up Red Hat got acquired for $35 billion by IBM which really makes me wonder where IBM gets their money from but also means red hat probably does something right and it shows in Fedora this reads as an ad it's not because red hat is threatening me or something I just really love this Dro if you're serious about Linux you you might want to try Arch if Linux is an engine then this Ros are Vehicles some are small some are fast some are reliable some are modern Arch kind of just gives you the engine and the welding machine without even wishing you luck if you've ever opened a Lego set and started assembling it without the instructions Arch might just be the dro for you there are many benefits to being able to pick and choose what you like in a drow want a minimalist setup with just a terminal and text editor done want a fully fledged desktop and environment with all the bells and whistles also done but let's face it there's a reason why people buy complete cars instead of building their own it's because they aren't on our level if you're running Arch every issue is a learning experience or as some might call it a lesson in humility but maybe you're a little too lazy to read 4,000 pages of documentation in order to install an operating system this is where manguro comes into play you get functioning OS out of the box and are legally allowed to say I use Arch by the way it also has an active community and plenty of support So when you're stuck you don't have to dive into the abyss of arch Wiki instead you can ask in forms where people might actually reply with something other than read the [ __ ] manual if you want to switch to Linux but are having a hard time because of how difficult gaming on Linux is popos might be what you're looking for it's loved by both the gaming and developer community and is generally easy to use sleek and modern but I play League of Legends and you can't play that on Linux that's all the more reason to install Linux you've been hard stuck silver for eight seasons already you'll be doing yourself a favor I'm sorry this one just hits a little too close to home now that we're approaching the end of the video you might be worried that your favorite Dro hasn't been mentioned yet now while mentioning every Dro is almost impossible I can give you a short description of a few of the more popular ones that I haven't mentioned yet Zoran OS is a child of Windows and linux's love Affair deep in is bad because China steal my data Opus is more reliable than your grandparents Toyota poy Linux has a cute name lubuntu is great if your 1998 ThinkPad still works xubuntu is like luntu but Elon Musk named it slack wear is a dist equivalent of a crocodile it hasn't changed in the past 14 million years Gen 2 is great if you're a masochist clear Linux is kind of like bun it's about as fast as it is buggy NYX OS is literally one big configuration file and void Linux has a really cool name if I still haven't mentioned your Dro then I apologize but maybe next time use a Dr I can actually make fun of maybe you're thinking to yourself huh well it's a good thing I don't use Linux I'm not some sweaty nerd who torments himself by running a crappy hobby project as an OS well chances are you're running the crappiest dis of them all on the very device you're watching this video from nerd if you've only ever had an Apple device though then I hope you enjoy your life without testicles
Channel: Sir Freelancealot
Views: 94,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H3jFF-6EdVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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