I’m not buying the Apple Vision Pro. Here’s why

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so let me guess you've been watching a bunch of Apple Vision Pro reviews on YouTube me too did we just become friends so full honesty I was going to start this Channel with the Apple Vision Pro covering it but after I saw it and being such a heavy Quest user I was like man I don't I don't know I was actually prepared to come on here and just dog it completely but instead of doing that I'm going to go try it out for myself make sure my opinions are valid and we'll talk about it let's go okay guys all right so a lot to unpack here so much to unpack it was a good demo it wasn't extensive I didn't get to get up from my seat I had to sit still and they showed me a few things in the headset um but I have to say my mind was not changed I want it so bad to like this thing I want it so badly to make an excuse to spend the $3,500 but being an avid Quest 3 user and not a new newcomer to VR I just cannot make that decision to pick up an apple Vision Pro now apple is known for these things and I'm a Big Apple fan I was there day one at 4:00 a.m. picking up the first iPhone and the same things that I'm thinking now are the things that Android users were saying way back then that these things already exist I can already do that on my phone and the problem that I saw today is that Apple even the guy giving me the demo is presenting these already existing features in a headset that isn't offering anything different from what already exists the crazy thing is is that if you look at the features all the bells and whistles and and things that that you can do in apple Vision Pro and then try to do them in the quest 3 if you've seen that before then it kind of messes with your comparison to what you see in apple Vision Pro you can see that it's better the screens are better the resolution is higher sure they've added that Apple polish on top of everything but for example the pass through the pass through is clear much clearer than the quest 3 but there's quite a bit of motion blur when you move your head right and honestly when you're looking at an application your focus is on the application after a while you don't really care what you see behind the application you're using if you're holding a phone in your hand you're not so much worried about about how clear your peripheral vision looks right so some of the things that have been polished and improved in apple Vision Pro I feel just don't bring any value to the customer directly now you can look at it from a perspective of how much Tech is packed into the Apple Vision Pro you know there's the M1 chip there's the R1 chip there's a lot of processing going on I've seen some other reviewers show how looking at Apple Vision Pro AR objects actually reflect things off the room there's some Advanced Computing going on here no out whatsoever and the the quest 3 is more kind of like a really high-powered phone strapped to your face I get it I get it but if you can deliver a phone version of what the Apple Vision Pro is trying to deliver as far as entertainment I would save my $3,000 to do that so let's take a deep dive enough speculating I can show you some of the things that you've seen in apple Vision Pro here on the quest 3 that pretty much match up now like I said the pass through is clear the resolution is higher there aren't any controllers which is even if you're not gaming it's kind of a minus for me it's it's kind of um useful to have an actual physical thing to to hold on to when you need to get controlling done there was some hiccups during the demo with tapping my finger where if I looked a little too far away from my hands it would kind of miss and I'd have to repeat it so just having something that's tactile and being able to select something every time you press the button or pull the trigger it is useful it's not um as bad as apple is kind of making it seem uh human beings move slow we've been using remote controls for a long time since TVs first got them we've still wanted a remote something to hold on to to actually control what we're looking at I I don't think it's a plus to remove something so useful and then charge seven times as much to do so but let's jump in I'll show you some things on the quest 3 that you can do on the Apple Vision Pro and show you how not different it is for 17th of the price okay so as you can see I'm recording this in the Square mode um originally I was going to record it wide screen but you you kind of get it gets cropped too much and you can't see what I'm actually seeing um so we're just going for square right now but as you can see I have with hand tracking I have the ability to pinch similar to Apple Apple Vision Pro I can pinch this and move it around now the only difference is with without eye tracking I do have to move my hand to to point at where I'm going to pinch right in apple Vision Pro I could rest my hand down on my lap and just pinch and and look around uh which I believe meta is actually implementing a targeting system where there's a dot in the middle of the screen and you can leave your hand ared to remedy that without eye tracking again value over features right if I were to if I wanted to do the multiple window thing that you see everybody always talking about on Apple Vision Pro you can have up to three different windows up in this kind of like dock or bar so if you see if I try to move on around you see I have three slots I can put these in now that's different from Apple Vision Pro Apple Vision Pro reviews you see people pacing Windows all over their house and things like that I'm not sure how useful that is I mean I guess it's kind of neat to walk into a room and have things in different places but usually if I'm looking at a screen I'm pretty stationary now I have actually used this walking around my house and I'll place you know a window let's take a window like this I'll place it somewhere and then I can move and you can see as I move away from that they they stay stuck where they are so you could put one of these over the stove or over the sink while you're doing dishes and you know just kind of position it that way so I can clear that with a tap bring it back with another tap I can bring it in a bit a bit closer by pinching around the edges of the windows and pull that in push it out and then if this isn't immersive enough for you you can actually tap this little button here and it kind of wraps those windows around you right you can play one of these videos I can play something over here this is the social tab but you can take any app let's take another browser window put it over [Music] here there you go I could pull up ESPN surf the web this is still playing here so the multitasking is there guys you can actually do this this text is super clear people keep talking about the text there's no issue with this text super clear now the the pass through looks really good I mean it's not quite as clear as the Apple Vision Pro but again I don't care what's going on down there I don't care about seeing my chair or the ceiling I'm really interested in seeing what's on these panels and that's what matters the most something else to point out yes my hands don't do any occlusion where you see my hands in front of the screens but you see there still is an outline so I know where my hand is I'm still able to tap I'm still able to pull all of that together I can close windows all that's still available to me again the experience the thing I want to point out here you guys is that the experience is not much different from what you see with apple Vision Pro so let's jump over to spatial videos something they showed me on the demo this morning so if I go to faal videos let's turn Cloud sync on so we can see them you can see there's some demo spatial videos here let's close these other ones you have the option to also tap these things head on just like in the Apple Vision Pro let's tap a spal video tap this do right so you can see there's a border around around it when you're navigating you take that border away when you tap and this looks exactly like the spatial video that I saw in apple Vision Pro I'm not sure why it launches So High um I think one of the differences that I saw in the demo was that this video was like right here they pasted the video right in front of your face on Apple Vision um I could probably move this around and do that same thing but again guys you're seeing you're seeing the spatial video you can't tell in this video here but it's basically just stereo stereoscopic video so you have one angle in this eye and another angle in that eye so you get kind of a 3d effect with videos you take with your phone or any any camera that can take those two angles and then be modified to the format to to be viewed in special video editing Jason here I just realized that um there's a lot of things to show as far as apps so I'm just going to show you YouTube because cuz it's not on the Apple Vision Pro and then I'll make some more videos to show more stuff on the quest of YouTube VR now you start off in immersive mode so it's going to open it up you can still see my cartoon hands here again no need for that occlusion that you get in apple Vision Pro as long as you can see something to kind of show that you are actually able to use your hands um 360 videos all of that is ready to go here you can see from how well you can even watch shorts you can see how this looks inside of uh the headset you can see from my hands like how tall they are you can see how big that is so that's kind of like a 20ft YouTube short there so now I'll tap the middle brings the UI back you can see comments over here details about the video up here subscriptions I am a a premium and YouTube and YouTube TV subscriber so if you have movies available here in YouTube you can watch them in this immersive view this giant screen watch Gladiator in this huge screen you can see there's Reflections on the on the floor so a lot of the features that you keep hearing about with apple Vision Pro and all the the premium things they're already here guys you can see them right here so one thing people don't realize is that the YouTube app can be viewed in this view but also you see this button way up here at the top you change the environment from light to dark there's no environments of like different areas or different places or mountains inside this app you can bring this YouTube app down into the panel that we talked about before you can see Gladiator still playing here we can minimize that and see the YouTube feed which is great and you can still continue to do that multiscreen situation right you can pull up the web over here uh pull up something else let's pull up Horizon feed over there you have your three Windows you can watch it in immersive mode I don't know what you call this but then you can start playing a video so that so your YouTube video plays right there in the middle still surf the web it's really cool guys like I wouldn't pass up on this for a $3,000 discount right let's close this out so something else you always see that people talk about on um Apple Vision Pro you see it in their demos you see this little resize window down there you can you can grab that make this much bigger you can make it much smaller you can bring it back in right so that's it guys you've seen it for yourself I feel like it's a disservice to consumers everywhere for Apple to kind of Market things that already exist for seven times the price hopefully there's a better version of this coming out soon and we can cover it here on the channel this has been an awkward start to this channel but if you like what you saw stick around and I'll see you next time in the [Music] construct
Channel: The Construct
Views: 1,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple vision pro, vision pro, apple, quest 3, mixed reality, augmented reality, spatial computing
Id: wvI39gX90F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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