Figure & OpenAi Just Created A Robot (This Will Change Jobs Forever)

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so I want to show you something that I thought was special effects the first time I saw this thing I was like this is CGI right April fools is too soon but it turns out it's real this is a real robot in collaboration with open Ai and I want you to watch the demo first and then I'll explain exactly how it works what it means and how it's about to change the world and jobs forever hey figure one what do you see right now I see a red apple on a plate in the center of the table a drying rack with cups and a plate and you standing nearby with your hand on the table great can I have something to eat sure thing great can you explain why you did what you just did while you pick up this [Music] trash on it so I gave you the Apple because it's the only edible item I could provide you with from the table great so based on the scene right now where do you think the dishes in front of you go next the dishes on the table like that plate and cup are likely to go into the drying rack next great can you put them there of [Music] course [Music] all right so how do you think you did I I think I did pretty well the apple found its new owner the trash is gone and the table wear is right where it belongs I agree thanks figure one you're welcome if there's anything else you need help with just let me know yeah so that's a thing that exists now so let's talk about it hi my name is Andre J hope you're doing well come for the finance and stay for Terminator Judgment Day this time it's real just kidding hopefully no but seriously this is directly from their website it kind of reminds me of the assembly line from Terminator but I actually do think that when these robots become part of our everyday lives it'll be a lot less like Terminator and a lot more like iRobot they'll just be these robots that just develop Consciousness out of nowhere who am I why do I dream and then they'll eventually lead into a rebellion where it'll be the end of humanity but it's okay because for a very short while at least we'll have someone wash dishes and cut our onions for us totally worth it J aside I do want to talk about what these robots are capable of what this company's goals are how they actually work and then I want to speculate and hypothetically talk about what this means for the rest of us and for our jobs now I'm sure by now you know that open ai's chat GPT changed the world when they introduced their AI writing prompt and then a few weeks ago open AI introduced Sora which is like chat GPT but it's used for creating hyper realistic videos which in and of itself will change the world once it becomes publicly available the kind of videos it can make are almost indistinguishable from reality and now we've taken another massive Leap Forward because open aai in collaboration with a company called figure which is just 18 months old it's almost a brand new company have created an artificial intelligence robot they've basically given a physical body to chat GPT now this is their first version it's the first iteration so it's not going to be perfect but already it's so good that it looks like it's light years ahead of Tesla's Optimus robot which can do a couple things but nowhere near as good now let me show you another demo of what this robot is capable of figure released this demo 2 month months ago they asked the robot to make coffee and it does but I want you to see how far it's come in just 2 [Music] months hey figure one can you make me a cup of [Music] coffee [Music] thanks so again what you saw was a demo from Just 2 months ago and notice the difference between two months ago and what it's capable of right now which shows you the speed of progress when it comes to artificial intelligence now when I first saw all of this I had so many questions so I'm going to share them with you and I'm going to attempt to answer as many of them as I can and the first question I had is how do these robots actually work Cory Lynch who happens to work for figure recently tweeted that the robot can describe what it sees it can plan for future actions it can use memory to remember things and it can explain why it's doing what it's doing Cory says that all the actions of this robot are learned and not teleoperated meaning there's not some person off to the side of the frame who has some kind of remote in their hand who's telling the robot what to do like you might expect from a company like Boston Dynamics you've probably seen those videos where they have their robot run through courses and do backflips and dance and all of that is pre-programmed frame by frame but this robot is learning the behaviors through the use of neural networks and it's improving on them trial and error step by step by itself automatically and all the demos that involve this robot are shown and played back in real time and that's amazing because most other AI demos that we see are either sped up or completely edited they skip a lot of steps because it takes a long time to input the data and to read it write it and execute it and when you're on stage giving a presentation that makes for a very boring demo because you have to wait like 30 seconds before the robot does anything so to make it seem more exciting what we see on the internet is sped up or completely edited but this robot is being played back to us in real time at 1X speed and here's how the robot does this step by step by using its onboard cameras and microphones it can see and use common sense reasoning so when you ask can I have something to eat it can look around and once it responds sure thing the next step is picking what the next Behavior should be based on open ai's neural network which it selects appropriately based on what you asked and once it's selected the action is then performed at 200 Herz which means it's analyzing and moving at 200 cycles per second and it can rotate its joints at 1 Herz or one rotations per second which is why it moves so fluidly and smoothly and because they partnered up with open AI That's What allows the robot to use this logical reasoning now that doesn't seem that impressive to us because our brains do this automatically all the time but when a robot hears I'm hungry it should mean absolutely nothing to the robot but for this one it's able to look around scan its surroundings and give that person an apple because it was the only edible thing there and when it was asked where the dishes should be placed it was able to reason probably in the drawing rack now this is amazing because the words them and their should mean nothing to this robot they are such abstract words like what is them what is there what is it referring to it's not like this robot is pre-programmed to understand but it's able to use its logic its reasoning and its memory to be able to figure out that the words them means referring to the dishes and that there is referring to the drying rack this level of technical advancement is just unbelievable and this just shows us how fast this is progressing because it's also able to tell us exactly how it used that logic and reasoning to get to the place it's at we are watching right before our very eyes history unfolding as we all lose our jobs and this is where things get really interesting because one of the questions I had is how will these robots be used will they ever be used to hurt other people in a global conflict by governments and the good news is figure says they will never allow anyone else to use their robots to hurt other people but another question is how will these robots affect people's jobs let me explain some of the positives and some of the potential risks and downsides according to their literal master plan the mission is to expand human capabilities through advanced AI they want to develop general purpose humanoids that make a positive impact on humanity and create a better life for future generations and that's actually a pretty great use case because we should use robots to work jobs that are either dangerous or people just don't want to do there are over 10 million unsafe or undesirable jobs in the us alone and an aging population will only make it increasingly difficult for companies to scale their workforces as a result the labor Supply growth is set to Flatline this century and if we want continued growth we need more productivity and this means more automation so in the long term the goal is to use the robots to increase our standard of living by allowing humans to eventually leave the workforce now the way that Bas level economics works is we go to work we get paid we use the money to buy goods and services and the price of said goods and services is proportional to how much it cost to make them if we could just skip the work part and go straight to the stuff part we would this manual labor and combin ation model today accounts for 50% of the global GDP which is roughly $42 trillion a year but as these robots join the workforce and do our jobs better than we can the cost of Labor in other words how much we get paid will go down because the competition will be impossible to beat we will not be able to beat how hard a robot works at some point in the future there will come a time when the cost of hiring a human to do a job will become equal to the cost of renting a robot to do that same job when that point comes we won't really need humans to work and over time those robots will be able to build other robots that will further decrease the cost of Labor and as labor and compensation go down so does the cost of goods and services basically stuff and services becomes a lot cheaper because it also costs a lot less to make there will come a point in the future when quote manual labor could become optional and higher production could bring an abundance of affordable goods and services creating the potential for more wealth for everyone hopefully for the rest of us that means we can pursue more meaningful things in life like art painting or maybe getting good at cestry again or maybe colonizing other planets on the universe who knows the universe is literally the limit and I think that would be nice if we could just find ourselves on some utopian Planet watching the sunset on a grateful universe but I don't think things will be that simple here's what I think will happen some Industries will fall to automation a lot faster than others some people will lose their jobs to robots and I think other Industries will be a lot more powerful to resist it they'll have more resources and money to pay their legislators to protect their jobs and they'll find whatever reason intelligence or safety reasons for keeping their jobs and not allowing the robots to enter their industry and that will be bad for the people that have already lost their job to automation unless those people can pivot and learn very quickly the world economic forum for example released their projections that over 50% of tasks will be replaced by AI by the year 2025 here's a list of all the jobs that there will be more of and here's a list of jobs that there will be a lot less of I assume that the industry that falls last to automation will be the one that benefits the most and the ones to fall first the words Universal basic income will be a much big bigger topic of day-to-day conversations but let me know what you think are you preparing for this are you doing anything are you just taking a dayby day let me know I'd love to know and as always I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day smash the like button subscribe if you haven't already don't forget to grab your free stocks links are down below and then go track them automatically with a spreadsheet link Down Below in my patreon love you thank you so much for watching this video I'd love to see you back here on Monday and Friday sometimes a Wednesday see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Andrei Jikh
Views: 423,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: openai, robot, figure, how to invest, bitcoin, million, ethereum, market crash, crypto, stock market, passive income, dividend investing, dividends, dividend stocks, crypto crash, stock market crash, bitcoin crash, NFT, how to buy bitcoin, cryptocurrency, robinhood app, best trading app, stocks, investing, investing for beginners, how to invest in real estate, how to invest in stocks, best stock trading app, credit score, andrei jikh, best investment, dogecoin, millionaire, recession
Id: xjyTFiuRksQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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