Apple ROAD MAP of Products LEAKED!! 2024 2027

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so then guys this is crazy we've had a road map leak of everything what's going to come out between this year 2024 and 2027 of new models from Apple and it's absolutely crazy what is on this road map so yeah today I want to talk more about this leak and all the details behind it so as you can see here guys this is a leak from ronus and he says that he's got this Source from Samsung Securities and it's showing here a road of everything that Apple are planning to release from now to 2027 now I'm going to talk more details about everything what's in this road map and everything what's being explained here but I also just want to say as well though you probably wanted to know what the reputation of ragus is and if you look here you can see that he has made around about 13 predictions in the past and all 13 of them have actually come true now obviously he's not made as many as say Mark German or Minch quo and you know I'm hoping for even the possibility they may have watched this video and maybe even comment about this to see if this road map does look genuine to them but as you can see right here again like I said 13 out of 13 it is a low amount of numbers of predictions that this person's made but hoping that everything in here is going to come true and I will also say that everything what has been said in here is kind of leaks and reports that we have heard about in the past that is potentially coming so you know I do believe that quite a lot in here does make a lot of sense and we could be seeing a lot of these sort of reports and these leaks coming true in the next sort of three to four years so let's have a look then let's dig deeper then at this actual leak to me what is first most interesting is we have a look at the 2023 okay this was last year but you can actually see here we've actually got bits and pieces here like Periscope Zoom 8 GB of DDI Ram Periscope Zoom for the iPhone 15 Pro Max Dynamic Island ltpo display titanium case and starting with just that that is what we did get here this here is the iPhone 15 Pro Max and everything that was said there did come true so yeah that does sound cool so it does seem like this road map obviously was probably made before this iPhone you know even came out um in September last year this road map may have been mean this document here we've got a picture of may have been made at the beginning of 2023 or even let's say the end of 2022 just don't know but the point is you get the idea here everything what said on here is true for the iPhone but next on this league you can see here mentions of M2 and R1 and 1.4 micro OLED and also the PPI and 5 * 5 megapixel cameras and two * to 2 times I tracking and you guessed it this was the Vision Pro so yeah that also all came true right there with the Vision Pro and in fact if we have look at the next bar across in 20124 what's coming out you can actually see that Vision Pro is one of those things that did come out this year what is also interesting are the bits what it says underneath it it says 8 GB of dam Periscope Zoom for the pro and the pro Max and to be deadly honest we've actually heard about this in previous leaks that the iPhone 16 Pro as well as the success the iPhone 15 Pro Max will get that Periscope sort of technology that we only got for the iPhone 15 Pro Max last year it also mentions about a bigger display for the Pro Models now with this one I'm going to take it in two ways and you're going to see what I'm going to say here so we have heard that we're going to be getting a 6.3 in Pro iPhone you know for the iPhone Pro 16 but we're also going to be getting for the iPhone 16 Pro Max we're also going to be getting around about 6 9-in display however it does just say here Pro but we've also been hearing that with the new iPad Pros we're going to be getting a larger Pro display just like on the iPad Pro Models we've been told we're going to probably get about 11.1 in or we might even get a 13in display on the actual iPad Pro the larger model so this could be in relation to this but there's also another leak here what says 11in and 13in tandem OLED so for me I would actually take that bigger Pro sort of thing to be probably to do with the actual iPhones and not with the actual iPads cuz you know the iPad ones there are actually spelled out an 11 in and a 13in display that we got there but moving on though to 2025 let's have a look here it says there's going to be an iPhone se4 and to be deadly honest again as you can see right here we've had leaks and reports saying that an iPhone sc4 is coming out in 2020 5 so it's all possibility that could be happening the next thing though it does say is that it says a triple 48 megapixel camera setup now one thing that we've been told about the iPhone 16 Pro Models already is that we're going to be getting an ultra wide 48 megapixel as well as the main sensor but this would basically be saying in 2025 when we actually get the iPhone 17 models that all three of these lenses here will be 48 megapixel including the telone photo what is possible that Apple could be doing that what I would say is I do not think it's anything to do with the iPhone se but if we move on further down this list though it also says 12 GB of dam what is also a very big possibility we currently have 8 gigaby inside this pro model and we've been told most likely with the iPhone 16 pro this year we're also going to be 8 gabt so as to go up again by another 4 GB it's a possibility it could happen and again it mentions the trip Tri 48 megap camera and also that it will be a 48 megap ois front camera too what would be amazing because we've only got for example at the top here just a 12 megapixel right now so to put that up to 48 megapixel that would be really awesome too but then next of all it says this it says a poess display now in case you don't know what poess means it's Samsung's new technology and basically if you look here it's a different type of OLED display now won't go all into all the tech details as you're seeing right here but in essence the main things to take away from what you can see right here is that essentially the display when you have light reflecting on it you won't get so many Reflections on it and also it's also not a big drainer on battery too and also display is even thinner again so with that we could be seeing that display coming to the new iPhones in 2025 but looking at this list again it talks about the rep placement for this phone right here it talks about the iPhone SE what's a 6.1 in OLED and a 48 megapixel this iPhone design you know love it or hate it with the iPhone SE it definitely needs replacing so it looks like we'll definitely be getting a bigger camera module up here a 48 megapixel one probably the same 48 megapixel we get in the likes of say the iPhone 15 or even the iPhone 16 as the main shooter right now so that means you're probably able to do a two times Zoom capability ility with that like just like the iPhone 15 and the iPhone 15 plus does right now but the other main thing is work as a 6.1 in display so most likely it's going to be a body very similar to the like say the iPhone 14 but like I said it's going to be having that sort of idea of actually having a bigger camera module on the back but that's quite exciting that we're going to see that new design of the iPhone SE in 2025 now next of all is 2026 and 2027 and like I will repeat here guys remember this sheet here has come from reporter who only done 13 leaks and 13 out of 13 has come right but we're just going to have to see here because this is where I would say the last previous leaks I've just talked about over the next couple of the years they seem more plausible but this is where I think things get a little bit crazier so this is where I'm actually going to say at this point take these leaks with a grain of salts because you're going to see that we have spoken about some of these on the channel and it is very possible this could happen and you know this is the point where I think you could get to the point with this report now this sheet here if it's fake or not that it's been taking information from other sources and just stuck it all into one sheet or you know it is actually the true thing what's going on here so this is what I'm saying take your own thoughts on this one um you know I'm only going to be reporting to you like I say on a lot of my videos of what I've been shown and what I've been told here doesn't mean 100% is is coming true or it's going to be coming out this time but let's have a look anyway to see what 2026 is going to bring us so you can see right here it says that a foldable iPhone and the lowend XR OLED MacBook is coming now those there to me seem like the main highlights of what's going to be happening so let's dig a bit more deeper here it says that we're going to get lwd Ram well I'll be honest with you I don't know a lot about that's the first time I've ever heard of LL W Ram D Ram um so I'm guessing it's a new type of ram CU I just thought it would be DDR 6 after ddr5 for example so I'm going to be honest here I don't really know what that is about but I'm guessing it be fast RAM and probably it's going to be 12 gigabytes again you know but just a faster type of that but looking again on the sheet it does talk about a six and an 8 in foldable now before you get too excited that you think this is going to be two foldable phones 6 in and 8 in I don't think this is going to be the case what I believe what this means is the front screen will be a 6in display but when you open it up on the inside you'll get around about an 8 in inside of it so it does look like that Apple could be making and I'm going to say that word again could be making a foldable iPhone according to this report here what would be absolutely amazing and it also said an infrared sensor panel and to be honest I'm not 100% sure what this means here because at the end of the day we have like the likes of the liar sensor and I know that some other phones lose like an infrared laser to shoot out I know Samsung do that for example so I don't really know why Apple would choose a laser over liar because they've even said themselves that liar is better than using a laser in that sense so I'm not really sure uh what they're actually trying to say here what that means so we're going to have to probably find out more information what that one means in the future but it does talk about an 8.4 and a 10.9 in OLED iPad Air and mini and to be deadly honest this does actually make quite a lot of sense you know if we're getting any you know the pro iPads this year coming out with OLED displays you know it does mean in the future couple of years later that we're going to actually see a kind of an OLED display actually happening inside the iPad Air and also inside the iPad mini but I do notice it doesn't actually say anything about promotion or anything it could just be an OLED 60 HZ display who knows at this point but the point is it does look like apple are planning to roll out OLED on all of their models AP from the standard iPad as it were But continuing on with those oleds it does also look like the 14 and 16in Macbook will also get this display too and to be deadly Honest by that time this model that we have here the design of the MacBook Pro it probably will need updating around that time you know the actual design we probably would have had it for around about 5 years at that point and you know Apple do like to refresh their sort of MacBook designs probably like every 5 years or so so anyway so it does make sense that possibly we could see a new Macbook design with those OLED displays but moving on to 2027 you can see here the highlighters AR glasses and a foldable iPad so first of all let's talk about this foldable iPad and you can actually see here it's highlighted foldable iPad and it's going to be a 20in model now this is where things get interesting very recently I actually made a video on this channel talking about a 20 in in MacBook and you can actually see here from Min quo he actually said a foldable 20in MacBook was coming but we have also heard rumors as well in the past that a foldable iPad could also be coming so this is interesting to see if it's either going to be the MacBook or it's going to be the iPad or is it a hybrid of both and it's going to be running a completely different Os or touchscreen version of Mac OS or it could just literally be iPad OS hopefully they make it a lot better for this and that model will be coming out in 2027 like I said this here especially this leak I would actually take this one with a grain of salt really really really because it's just so far in the future and it's quite a lot of Blue Sky Thinking in my personal opinion I would love it to happen I hope it's not ere expensive either but we'll just have to wait and see what is going to happen there with that one and the next one is talking about a 1. 4 in rgp micro olid or micro LED and to me straight away that indicates to me you know a vision air or you know a new version of AR glasses coming from Apple now again you know on this channel I've been talking about Apple glasses for ages that they are coming and I believe again this could mean that Apple could be bringing this out and I really hope they do bring out AR glasses and I don't hope you know they're going to be like a cheap verion of Vision Pro I'm hoping they're going to be sort of glasses that can help you out bit like what Apple watch does right now in giving you notifications giving you details on the go but through the glasses I'm not expecting a full out operating system you know where you get something like with Vision Pro you can do so many tasks watch movies and things like this you know full out experience I do not believe that is what Apple have got planned for these AR glasses I believe they're going to assist you in the real world with just giving you bits some pieces along the way just like you can see here with this demo here would say maps for example that's the sort of thing what I'm thinking what Apple probably going to do with that it probably will be quite expensive to buy these glasses probably nowhere near as much as a Vision Pro but it's interesting to see that again here it's talking about the actual lenses here and the technology behind that and apple are looking into that and there we have it guys that is there a whole report then about one big leak sheet and to be honest like I said guys I can believe quite a lot of this bit of the 2024 2025 information but again we've heard this information before the problem I think with this league is like I said is that it there's no date on it of when it was made or when it was created for all we know this could have been whipped up a week ago and then someone's just planted all the information of leaks they're hearing about in the future and talking about things in the past that we know about But there again like you can see right here the reputation is a 13 out of 13 13 leaks and 13 things have come true with roness and apologize if I'm saying that wrong that's just my best guess of what this leaker is called but it's very interesting to see so like I said guys we'll just have to wait and see if more leaks do come out in the future like what on this sheet here then I can guess that we can say this is going to be more proof that this is going to be coming true but the main thing is there is kind of a road map we can see here and it does look to me I'm quite confident quite a lot of this could come true but that is just my opinion and to be honest I love getting excited at the thoughts of a lot of these products here not putting them down they would never come true like I said more and more things in the next couple of years definitely seem plausible they could happen whereas things in the future like that 20in MacBook for example we'll have to wait and see what actually happens there but I'd love to know your thoughts too what do you think of this actual report do you think it's a load of rubbish or do you think it's possible that a lot of this stuff can come true I would love to know your thoughts on it and with that it's time to wrap up this video so if you have enjoyed watching it please do press the like button also if you want to hear the latest Apple news reviews and comparisons please also make sure you subscribe to his channel and also hit that notification bell too until next time guys I'll see you really soon take care byebye
Channel: Matt Talks Tech
Views: 53,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt talks tech, iphone 15, imac, macbook, macbook pro, airpods pro, airpods, macbook air, apple, apple glasses, iphone, iphone se, apple watch, ipad, ipad pro, ipad air, ipad mini, release date, pro, macbook pro m3, m2, macbook air m3, macbook pro 14, apple event, macbook pro m3 pro, macbook pro m3 max, macbook air 2024, Mac studio, iphone 16 pro max, m3, 2024, iphone 16, iphone fold, folable iphone, foldable ipad, ipad fold, apple leaks, iphone se 2024, macbook fold, fold
Id: eZA-VSpuXhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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