The Apple Newton MessagePad.

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totally up to date the most current iPad there is I think I'm not quite I mean it's got the same connector that even the stinker newest iPhones have oh my sweet iPad 4. mate she's still going hard everyone thinks this is just the case no no so every time you see me smashing a nugget on top of it I mean look you can see it's high looking back in despair but tablets mate for the longest time we've want to be able to just think on a stinking screen it makes all our magical dreams come true the one we're looking at is like the really famous pop culture you one but I do want to do that Samsung had a really early tablet at some stage oh that's a nugget that one isn't it but this one you could argue is the precursor to the iPad and you know we're having fun when you've got to put these on oh boy was I excited when I found this um yeah mate it's the Apple Newton message pack oh look at this mate faxing beaming hey sprockets what is this the Jetsons oh that's how you know she's old mate 1992 they showed this thing off and I believe it was 93 that they released it but the thing that got people really excited was the pen because apparently mate handwriting recognition and this is an Aussie one well that was the best bit is that I don't need any stupid stinking adapters to make it work sell it to me Apple receive messages and more the optional messaging card alert okay so only if you spend more money fine expandable storage space sleeping optional storage cut all right so you know you've got to spend money the world's smartest pen well I don't know mate the Paper Mate kilometrico is pretty clever too could take its hat on and off so these won't call tablets back in the day they're called pdas personal digital assistant can we think back to the late 80s like to get calendar updates five minute reminders on meetings or something like keeping track of your addresses and phone numbers and messages and faxes it's called a stinking assistant you have someone sitting at a desk not far away from you handling all these things so this son of a dingus costs thousands of dollars in like equivalent monies right but you didn't have to employ someone who would then you know enrich in their own lives and have a family be happy no no like you can just buy this plastic nugget uh this was a colossal failure this did terrible uh yeah this was way ahead of its time yet so far ahead that people's looked at and said mate I don't I don't need that I don't wanna and yeah and we're going to learn that the handwriting was Dreadful like The Simpsons have done a skit on it way back in the day Steve Jobs and Steve wasmate they made Apple well there was a time where Steve Jobs was sagged right and someone else was running apple and um this was during that time as soon as Steve came back in 1997 he kicked this thing to the curb and he put all those Engineers into better spots and uh 10 years later the iPhone came out so go on let's get in there look at that that's Australian flavored that makes sense to me yeah whoever had this really looked after it or never used it my nutrient information okay wow so many styluses stylized these are made of metal listen are you telling me they didn't use their Newton stickers mate put them on the back of my nugget car the people like man where'd you get those I thought we'll just buy junk from 1993. with my purchase you receive up and running support for your Apple for as long as you own your Newton huh no I'm not gonna try it they obviously have Clauses to stop nugget heads like me coming in you know software license where warranty Wang Round the Clock around the world Newton mail delivers wow like this is what you had to do to get on with email back in 1993 in Newton Mouse starter kit now it's like a crappy app on your bootleg Android thing but not back in the day mate portable emo was huge gosh it keeps going I I'm used to Modern products where they give you nothing like not even the charging cable the setup guide install the batteries I mean this was really well printed late breaking information it's not an F1 car we're not like trying to hit the Apex at Max Speed oh all the handwriting stuff don't use fan fancy business don't tell me what to do exaggerate the space between words space itch make capital letters twice as tall as lowercase ones well no you conform to me there's quite a few rules to making it work and from what I've heard it doesn't work and the handbook all of that and we're up to the handbook I mean like back in the day you absolutely would read all of this because you just dropped the equivalent of like three thousand dollar coins whatever it is Sharon says we'll make the four slash one deadline dude I don't know if that's month or day because Americans get everything backwards oh no oh wow VHS um my VHS plan is currently on its way back from servicing so I don't have it on me I'm sorry no need to send me a VHS player I've got one it's been beautifully serviced and I've got to get it back but okay we're just gonna put that back oh man I'm having so much fun and we're not even up to the Nugget yet please read the enclosed license before using the software don't tell me what to do there's ow man what's in there oh oh getting started okay okay well that's right it's something in it like this in a wall um that nug let's go let's Newton yeah yeah so yes The Simpsons have done the meme of beat up Martin equaling either Martha well here's my goal at that very gag I'm gonna do it for the first time [Laughter] disobedience [Music] and it seems to be everybody's experience back in the day was a cool idea it doesn't work all right mate let me let me just say something Dingus oh that was poor Rings okay not all right I'm gonna really try now okay let's even get a clean Dingus dingus bridges are good too oh we've got rings and we've got Bridges mate this is like a Lord of the Rings sequel already let's go once more Dingus that's pretty good come on how many times am I gonna do it to get a single and I'm ready to give up I I can't get a single Dingus we got Rings directs Bridges bridges drinks Rings Bridges bitters ages Briggs Bridges Rings digits Kings good food I mean can it say good can it get one good I know there are settings that go in and like do all your handwriting so that sort of thing but I've done that well I think we gotta do it again oh extras sharp I mean this was actually made by sharp oh fancy oh where are your max fancy uh personal what do you want to know oh I don't care I don't care pin alignment pen alignment realign okay all right can I can I scroll down no what what do I oh I see oh okay yeah it's a monkey d-pad there's no clicking and dragging here mate memory internal 8K in use 176k that is nothing let's get an extra zenmate we we can just figure this out there's no games or anything this is this is just a busy machine find look for oh no ah just delete something you're supposed to be able to scribble it out you gonna do it no oh geez let's even get rid of this all right scribble out good I'm good excellent get rid of King's food yes good all right get rid of good wow we're doing it why can't that go away come on no go away how do I liquor Rings directs sounds like a local store right go away yes now we got it yes delete my pretties delete why does it do that as well like you see the inconsistencies of this oh gosh it's just I can't get rid of it it just keeps adding more ah good dingus bigger that is exactly how Frank would say hello my name is Frank no no no dominance is Frank let's try the getting started disc because as far as I'm aware this thing basically just like keeps your calendar entries remembers your phone numbers poorly recognizes your handwriting and then we've hit the limit so like sell me sell me Newton oh there we go this is the getting started card look in the extra straw to find the handwriting instructor I think you're the one that needs instructing not me oh look it appears I'll get game a game calligrapher we gotta stop from the the box from Poland up we can do this by writing each falling word oh no no this is hopeless hints for succeeding I don't use the Newton that's mine all right here we go idiots come on yay am I having slight bits of fun wow this game's really unpicky don't quick tour look at this hot looking mess you just gonna recognize it no it doesn't work that good scrubber of it with a zigzag Tina's that's so close but now it works write the following phrase special delivery package okay yeah figure that out special orients package oh oh you could double tap whatever change you you can okay special delivery position wait no that sounds bad let's hit this movie it's fun how actually simple this guy be but for the day this would have just been absolute shrekage of a maze until you go to use it and you realize it's it's quite booked when uh Papa Steve came back to Apple he just canned this you know as I said he moved those Engineers to something else the fact that it's just known in pop culture to just not be that great with the handwriting being the biggest most like crazy thing and that's how good it works dominance is Frank well I'm gonna yank the game yeah and off she goes 1993 mate pretty cool that she works boy am I glad that even this ancient old iPad 4 looks like a stinking spaceship next to this well that's it thanks so much for watching huge thanks to my patrons especially these stinky names right here because mate one dollar a month I direct to videos but also do my drum stream on float plane that that's a hot mess and you can check out more free vids on garbage time my other channel there's just no rules and neither with upload sketches but for one dollar a month mate on this channel patreon ready make to sell the early 90s to you in my way and you're just gonna have to deal with it I wanna it's this is a drum catalog from 1991. there's so much hair in this right like I'm gonna try and skip over the really boring specific drum stuff I just I swear it's gonna be fun and we'll get straight to the pop culture bits but anyway thanks much to mate I'll see you all next time uh this is just a report that Frank is currently stuck in a paper towel yep she found it she got in there oh no she's all the way out now what you've literally become a paper towel Frank I need I need to go to bed you know I've got work tomorrow what have you got tomorrow
Channel: DankPods
Views: 1,584,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Newton, First Apple Tablet
Id: mhMQeJ5Qmp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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