The absolute worst bootleg iPod.

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oh my gosh mate is that a genuine eye mate bootleg ipods they are not special at all not even a little bit some would call them common burdensome e-waste and this is usually how you find bootlegs but obviously it's trying to be a nano i may that's so aussie sounding yeah there you go it's like nah mate it's not a nano look at this fugly d-pad arrangement and let's not forget it's not the ipod it's the eye mate and it's being pretty transparent there's no apple here there's no ipod here and you can just see straight up that's what you're getting would you believe people chose not to buy this this is brand new yet reeks of age so the guy that we're actually looking at i'm calling the worst bootleg because they have the audacity to put ipod and apple on it gosh i'd love to be a fly on the wall when the artist smashed out this beautiful cover out and like i don't know ms paint or something this apple here it doesn't look good i don't like it and there's another one here mate that's not just the walkman logo flipped upside down at all oh here's the different flavors of it not megabytes just hmm 512 hmm i can faintly see a worn out byro that's indicating this is the exquisite top of the line eight gigabyte model it's i mean real ipods use packing tape to seal it right oh these are inspiring words digital play the art app music i don't know if that's a t or a b ab ab music gives you abs uh oh guys i'm starting to think this might be a bootleg no one filled in the model or color no oh no i i've seen this before play the clip [Laughter] no like hang on oh hang on it's all lining up now yes i can guess the people who are too lazy to re-cut the hole a little bit bigger will be lazy enough to not hit backspace to it's the mp3 player oh no guys i'm starting to think this is really low effort now mate let's look at the dazzling features that might be in here i mean that tape is questionable we got the mp3 me4 player the instruction manual can't wait for that application cd unique stereo earphone just one mat if it's got two earbuds i'm gonna be blown away usb cable look out and that's not how you spell ac dc mate it's meant to have a lightning bolt in there i gotta have a quick prediction it's gonna be a nano of some sorts it always is i've never seen a bootleg full size classic ever but yeah it's just gonna be mini usb just generic trash whatever's in here [Music] breaker watch out fingers we're breaking the seal on this puppy oh my duck one two three way [Laughter] my that's how you know she's genuine that's a real ipod egg bag right there oh that's a genuine disc i'm sure of it that is deceitful sorry hang on 2006 apple computer inc oh that's not cool [Music] that is cheeky look at this designed by apple in california oh whoa oh hey we'll get to the this is getting saucy man get in your genuine egg bag a silicon idiot great oh it's gross oh it's so full of dirt did that packing tape not seal perfectly the unique earphone oh they gave us two of them i love how these are new and they've fallen out of their crappy foam holder whoa whoa hang on no oh it's got a 30 pin it's a this is a bootleg ipod of the highest at lowest caliber oh gross and we got okay good it comes with this all right um this is looking very low effort this is yeah exactly this is from the factory someone at the factory was meant to go all right it's the it's the medium-sized pile of junk that no one should be buying that's going to wind up as e-waste in the oceans yeah and then and then like that wow this is just transparently junk oh my boxer that is so deceitful oh i love this look at the the screen and the bezel look it's slightly this way if this is actually a touch click woo i'm going to lose it no it's it's going to control like the eye mate i'm sure of it like if i flip this over like this that is deceitful that is that is messy i'm telling you look at all this effort and then like the box looks like a high school project oh my gosh we're arming the nugget with a bootleg 30 pin with a bootleg 30 pin right i've got itunes running mate because it's an ipod it should show up in itunes three two one arming the nugget oh that's such oh that's an ipod [Laughter] all right come on shopping itunes mate this isn't where'd you go oh no no it's still there hang on a minute it's not showing up in itunes guys it's it's not showing up anywhere actually guys oh oh well no oh it's in disk utility though generic usb disk device eight and a half gigs well s what does s mean doesn't show up anywhere else well let's erase it it's doing it yeah come on come on there it is oh guys i'm starting to think this isn't a real ipod let's just put scarlet fire on it uh the shrek intro on mp4 and some random avi video that i forget what it is oh man it's so responsive look at it go all right eject here we go come on is it a touch it's a piece of junk wow no dude it's got that blue dude this is so scary no don't stick with jah it keeps just kicking me out and boot looping all right i'm going to plug it into the wall this time wow the battery works is it d-pad is it a d-pad it's a stupid oh i hate that left and right are up and down get game go on go oh menus oh my favorite game ever made it's called disappointment this thing is just a crappy d-pad or is it what this is me loading a song guys starting did that just crash go on like play a song you idiot wow wow got videos it no this is a scam called record uh guys this is the worst bootleg i've ever used not only is it actually masquerading as that it's ipod designed by apple it's got a 30 pin and then worse than that it doesn't work photo i i can't even use the recorder i can't even use all right this stupid disk drive i have a confession you know the eepc i've lost it i'm doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes here and a lot of stuff is in boxes at the moment i i don't know where i put it but i need to know what's on this right i've been meaning to buy a gaming laptop and i can build a pc but i i love laptops so much sauce and i'll even buy a cd drive because the imac's got a cd drive but it's a slot load it won't take these dingus disks right and now we're going to cut to the next day when i've bought a machine and a drive just to smell this i literally just bought this it was on clearance it's been sitting for more than a year at the jb hi-fi i mean it's it's got a 30-60 in it that can run rocket league this is my first windows 11 experience it was miserable it has taken two hours to get to this point i hate you windows i hate you windows i hate you windows i hate you windows i hate you windows windows [Music] stupid thing give it start to think of wasted my money for this disc why is this off-center the mpc drives the procedure um telltool in vitro chinese disk that's in chinese yeah go on how do i do it this is a quality word file well there you go it has crappy spam wear and whatnot on it and it's just sticking up your windows linux needs to take over eh well there's something i want to know which is will this work with a regular 30 pin look it's a genuine cable oh axel axel does it appear come on show me disk utility yeah there it is again why is it only a gig can i raise it okay it erased it's still only a gig in size for some reason it also says it's only what if that's actually how much storage it has and it never had eight gigs all right let's i'm just gonna put scarlet fire on it we're lucky to get anything but that worked through a real 30 pin music oh i can't wait but the fact that this pile of junk actually worked and synced over a genuine one makes me think that yeah it's using the same pin out well before the inevitable mate we're going to try the genuine earphone that are very generous and came with two of them oh lovely oh how have they wrapped this in there that's that's you idiots that can't even wow how do you screw up oh no oh it's tangled in there oh come on yes yes give me my nugget phones give me this we got to give him a genuine oh that's not a stress relief if it pulls out immediately oh i'm going to give these a quick smell first generic junk as always nothing but mids no tops no bottoms it's the same ones that get shipped with everything which means they lied to me again unique stereo earphone more like generic trash that comes with every one of these [Music] [Music] yeah one of them blew up man oh it smells like a chemical factory this one held out but there you go nice stressfully view idiots i'm so happy that we blew one up that's always so special there's only one thing left to do i actually felt this oh wow that's made out of nothing yeah that just brings me great joy when you see it's got a samsung chip in it i'm gonna carefully put it back together so we can do the inevitable oh my boxer if you misbehave this could be you they are my duck and my sausage we're losing everything here you can pull it apart like an orange no screws at all this is the worst bootleg i've ever ever found i mean it as i said bootlegs never claim to be an ipod they never try and like copy the the ui and do all that sort of sneaky stuff and then the fact that this didn't even work it this was a straight-up scam you know i'm glad no one bought this i'm glad it was only me that suffered because i had a lot of fun well that's it thanks so much for watching huge thanks to my patrons especially these stinky names right here because my one dollar a month i do it two videos of course we're having a look at the i made so that's what we're doing and mate i'll see you all next time this is how much of a dingus frank is she finds this tablet just deal with it i'm grilling you frank look at this tail position is that comfortable frank yeah or do you think you're above me are you yeah why don't you pull this nonsense frank what you got to say about it yeah that's right you slink away
Channel: DankPods
Views: 1,399,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gWt6zZ2T7j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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