The Antichrist Revealed | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans

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today i'm talking about revealing the antichrist we're in the tribulation we're talking about the timeline of the end and i'll be talking about 10 characteristics of the antichrist 10 things the bible says about him i'm also talking about turkey is calling for the united nations in the world to take jerusalem away from israel you've got to hear this explosion in anti-semitic attacks in the united states and around the world and i'll be answering your questions i'm jimmy evans welcome to the tipping point welcome to the show today i'm going to be talking about the antichrist we're talking about our timeline of the end jesus said that the end would happen in one generation the generation that sees these things happen we'll see all things fulfilled which means the generation that saw the beginning of the end 1948 when israel was regathered as a nation that's in joel chapter 3 and many other places but in 1948 the end began now we're 73 years in to that generation and psalm 90 says the days of a man's life are 70 years or if by reason of strength or 80 years so we're looking we're looking at a very important period of time coming up in the near future we've talked about the rapture of the church we've talked about you know the rise in lawlessness we've talked about the gog and magog war and israel signing a covenant with the antichrist we're going to talk about that more here in just a minute but now i want to talk about revealing the antichrist let me also say this we have our 21 day journey very important resource that we have for you if if you're struggling with your mental health you may know of someone they're just struggling with life they're struggling with themselves with their friends but maybe you're struggling actually with your mental health there's been a tremendous rise in mental health problems in the last year because of covet and just all the crazy stuff that's happening in the world if you're interested in this this is the forward slash tipping point and if you'll put the promo code in tipping point you get 25 off your first month of xo now and exo now has the 21 day inner healing journey the 21 day total freedom journey and hundreds and hundreds of resources there video resources our marriage conferences my preaching many other speakers are on there as well as both of the 21 day journeys so encourage you go on there is something that will set you free something that will bless you and heal you or maybe even someone you love you need to tell them about it but it's a really good resource for you let me talk about the antichrist now this is something i'm going to say some things about the antichrist that i think will really surprise you but john is the only person who uses the apostle john is the only person who uses the term antichrist but he has many other titles in the bible but here's second thessalonians chapter 2 the apostle paul and he's talking specifically here about the antichrist let no one deceive you by any means for that day he's talking about the coming of the lord will not come until the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed now that's one of his titles man of sin the son of perdition that's another one of his titles who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god do you not remember that when i was still with you i told you these things and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord will consume with the breadth of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming well there's a lot being said right there about the antichrist but he's called the lawless one lawless there doesn't mean he speeds and doesn't pay his taxes lawless there is the word anomia in the greek and it means against the word of god the antichrist will be the anti-jesus if the bible says it he's going to absolutely hate it you see the antichrist spirit that's in the world today because it's literally an anti-word spirit but it also says there's something very interesting it says only he who now restrains that's capital h he as in god only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way then the lawless one will be revealed now the he there is the holy spirit in the church the church was birthed on the day of pentecost when the holy spirit fell and so we are the restraining force the church is the restraining force in the world today and so part of the ministry that we have here is exo marriage and we restrain literally we restrain a spirit of divorce we do as much as we possibly can to help people succeed in marriage but part of what we do is restrain that spirit of divorce restrain a spirit of abortion restrain the spirit of immorality that's what the church is doing in the world today but it says that he is taken out of the way that's the rapture of the church then the lawless one will be revealed so when people ask me you know who is the antichrist well there's just a ton of good candidates let me just tell you that right now that who is the antichrist i don't know and we won't know i do not believe the church will be here when the antichrist is revealed based on that scripture right there alone and so but let me tell you 10 facts about the antichrist very interesting he has 33 titles in the old testament and 13 in the new testament at least that many there are many some people say he has more than that 46 titles the antichrist has in the bible he's called the beast in revelation 13 the man of sin the lawless one the son of perdition larry means the son of hell the wicked one the little horn so i'll tell you some other titles that he has here just a minute but 46 different titles many of them come from the old testament so the antichrist is not a figment of our imagination it's not something we're making up this is a major theme of old testament in new testament the second truth or fact about the antichrist is he comes from the region of the old roman empire we absolutely know that now this is daniel 9 the angel gabriel has come to daniel they're in babylonian captivity and the angel gabriel is telling him about 490 prophetic years that are going to be fulfilled for israel 483 have already been fulfilled but here's what he says this is gabriel after the 62 weeks messiah shall be cut off but not for himself now this is 483 years after the 483rd prophetic year messiah is going to get killed but not for himself well it happened exactly from 445 bc to 32 a.d exactly 483 prophetic years took place and then it says this and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary the prince who is to come is the antichrist that's another one of his titles the print the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary okay so in a.d 70 the roman general titus he later became the roman emperor he came with the roman legions and they killed over a million jews destroyed the city of jerusalem raised literally raised the temple mount off one stone off of the other and they led all of the remaining jews captive back to rome okay so this is jesus now in luke 21. when you see jerusalem surrounded by armies they know that its desolation is near then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains let those who are in the midst of her depart and let not those who are in the country enter her for these are the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled but woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days for there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led away captive into all nations and jerusalem will be trampled by gentiles until the time of the gentiles are fulfilled so jesus prophesies here the destruction of jerusalem and he says they're going to fall by the edge of the sword be led away captive into all nations and jerusalem will be trampled one that used the one the bible used the word trampled it means the jews are not in control of jerusalem jerusalem is going to be trampled underfoot by non-jews until the times of the gentiles were fulfilled that was 1967 in the june six-day war of 1967 the jews retook the entire city of jerusalem so we have seen this prophecy come true here you know in in my lifetime the most significant prophecy that has come true in my lifetime is the retaking of the city of jerusalem okay this is mark 13. as as he went out of the temple one of his disciples said to him teacher see what manner of stones and what buildings are here you're looking at a billion dollar structure basically herod's temple this glorious glorious structure on the temple man at that time teachers see what manner of stones and what buildings were here and jesus answered and said to him do you see these great buildings not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down and it says he said on the mount of olives and he start began to tell them about the signs of the end times the disciples were marveling at the temple on the temple mount and he said there won't be one brick left on the other there won't be one stone left on the other so all of this the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary it actually happened in 80 70. well the romans did it the roman empire did it okay so so we know for sure now that the antichrist is going to come out of the roman empire the old roman empire so here's the million dollar question what is the roman empire now many people will look at the roman empire as being the european union europe uh those nations which is true but it's not all the truth let me show you a map of the roman empire and let me show you this is the roman empire during the times of jesus and so you see here the roman empire goes all the way through europe this is italy this is germany france spain all these different nations here and then you come over to turkey this area here syria israel egypt northern africa during the time of jesus the romans also remember the israel was under roman occupation when jesus was alive and so all of this was the roman empire okay so this is very significant because this is syria right here three times the bible refers to the antichrist as the assyrian this is isaiah 10. therefore thus says the lord god of hosts o my people who dwell in zion do not be afraid of the assyrian he shall strike you with a rod and lift up his staff against you in the manner of egypt in other words the way that pharaoh did in egypt forget a very little while and the indignation will cease as will my anger in their destruction and the lord of hosts will stir up a scourge for him like the slaughter of midian at the rock of oreb and his uh as his rod was on the sea so will he lift lift it up in the manner of egypt also the antichrist is called the assyrian in isaiah 14 and in micah chapter 5. now joel richardson has written a book on the mideast beast on the the fact that he believes he has very strong evidence that the antichrist will actually be muslim okay so here's the assyrian empire okay that was the roman empire here's the assyrian empire here okay it's larger than syria was at that time so when the the bible calls the antichrist the assyrian he could come from iraq he could come from syria he could come up here in lebanon it also includes egypt down here and it also includes israel so the according to the bible if you ask me right now where the antichrist would come from i believe he will probably come from the middle east i believe he'll probably be a muslim some people say he might be a jew i don't know about that but he's called the assyrian and that's a very very interesting thing and there are other characteristics about him now that i'm about to talk about that just kind of point to the fact that this is not your ordinary guy this is not someone who's going to be just a blond-haired blue-eyed european that's going to show up like anybody else and it might be okay but i believe at this point he is probably going to be a muslim or going to be an arab this is the third fact he will confirm a covenant with israel for seven years evidently it's not a new covenant or a new treaty it is a uh he's going to confirm it this is verse 27 or daniel 9. he shall confirm a covenant with many that's israel for one week that's seven years that's heptad that's the word heptad in the hebrew shabua and it means a seven year period of time okay or a period of seven so he's gonna confirm a covenant with israel for one week but in the middle of the week three and a half years into the seven years he shall bring an end to sacrifice an offering so the tribulation literally begins with a covenant between israel and the antichrist in the middle of it he breaks that covenant and he will not let them do any more sacrifice and offerings and i believe now that the the covenant will be in response to the gog and magog war that something bad will be happening that will give the antichrist an opening to make this in the middle this is number four in the middle of the seven year tribulation he'll sign the covenant three and a half years into it he's going to kill the two witnesses okay an upcoming program is about the two witnesses and 144 000 jews he's going to kill the two witnesses stop the sacrifices and offerings and he will set up the abomination of desolation which is him proclaiming himself god this is revelation 11. this is the two witnesses when they finish their testimony the beast that's another one of his titles that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is spiritually is called sodom and egypt where also our lord was crucified in verse 27 of that text it says in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering this is revelation 13. he was given a mouth this is talking about the antichrist he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months now this is talking about in the middle of the tribulation he begins to speak blasphemies against god as he proclaims himself god and that's the abomination of desolation and he's granted authority to continue for another three and a half years for this for the full seven years then he opened his mouth and blasted me against god to blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven so evidently not only does he just proclaim himself god he also blasphemes god this ii thessalonians 2 that i read earlier let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first the apostasy comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god there's going to be a rebuilt temple in israel tremendous activity in israel around this right now we'll talk about that in a future program so this is daniel 11 again talking about the abomination of desolation then the king shall do according this is talking about the the antichrist the king shall do according to his own will he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god shall speak blasphemies against the god of gods and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined shall be done he shall regard neither the god of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall exalt himself above them all but in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver with precious tone and place your things so the rest of these are going to go pretty quick number five he doesn't desire women he shall neither regard the god of his fathers nor the desire of women is he gay is he a hybrid it means an alien i mean you know there's just lots of stuff you can wonder but evidently he doesn't doesn't like women six he worships power than a specific deity it says in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses a god which his fathers didn't know in other words power he worships power this is daniel 8. it says he is a king of fierce countenance that's another one of his titles think about this now a king of fierce countenance he has no lord is this is a battle can do his power shall be mighty and he will destroy fearfully and the word fearfully there means extraordinarily this is a guy with a fierce countenance and it says he's going to be mighty in power and he will destroy extraordinarily this there's no one could be on the earth no one in the history of the world is going to be as deadly as this man so this is number seven he recovers from a deadly wound to the head in a miraculous manner that causes the world to follow him this is a like a resurrection okay like jesus revelation 13. now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth look like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power his throne of great authority and i saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the beast and so there's some kind of supernatural satanic type of a resurrection from the dead is going to happen the world's going to see it and it's going to be one of the signs to the world that he is the god that he is who he says he is number eight he has given authority over believers during the tribulation to persecute and kill them now if you're a believer you're not going to be here for that one of the things that i teach is hope that we are going to be taken before the tribulation we're not going to be here but if you are here if an individual does not get saved now and they're here the antichrist has authority over them to kill them this is revelation 13 7. it was granted to him the antichrist to make war with the saints and to overcome them and authority was given to him over every tribe tongue and nation this is revelation 20. and i saw thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then i saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to jesus and for the word of god who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with christ for a thousand years the interesting thing there is beheading is the signature execution of muslims it's still illegal in some muslim countries so now does that mean he's he's muslim no not necessarily but you know that's talking about beheading that's pretty bad way to die number nine he controls all the finances of the world and no one can buy or sell without taking his mark on their right hand on their and on their foreheads revelation 13 he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name you see this right now you know amazon has paid by palm the some people already have chips in there and i'm not saying pay by palm is the mark of the beast but it's a precursor where people are just going to wave their hands and all of a sudden they'll pay however if you don't subscribe to the beliefs of the antichrist in other words bow your knee to him you won't be able to transact we see this happening right now the companies paying the price the there are republican senators right now in the senate warning that the federal reserve is going woke and now putting in the federal reserve policies that they won't do business with banks that don't comply with their you know standards liberal standards on morality and things like that this is very troubling and so number 10 he is defeated by jesus at the second coming and thrown alive in the lake of fire and just for anyone who thinks the antichrist is cool and you want to follow him he's the ultimate loser this is revelation 19. i saw the beasts the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against jesus who sat on the horse and against his army that's us by the way who returned with jesus then the beast was captured and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image these two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone and the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh second thessalonians two and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming most important thing you need to know about the antichrist is he's a loser he's going to be thrown alive into the lake of fire for all of eternity but for a period of time he's going to come and he's going to deceive the world so these we're going to keep moving on in the next program i'm going to talk about israel's end time heroes the 144 thousand jews and the two witnesses who will be here during the tribulation period of time if you're not a subscriber i'm going to say goodbye to you right now i want you to become a subscriber and listen there's a 30-day free trial it's seven dollars a month or 77 a year to be a subscriber of the tipping point podcast and all the articles that we have that come out all week long it'll keep you 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Channel: Jimmy Evans
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Keywords: Jimmy Evans, Christian, marriage, Daystar, MarriageToday, Gateway church, preaching, christian
Id: IypRv8gpuu0
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Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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