The End Times: Mark of Beast, 666, Armageddon & Great Tribulation - Mark Hitchcock

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what's this mark of the beast how does it fit in into the narrative well the bible tells us in in revelation chapter 13 verses 16 to 18 about this mark of the beast it's the only time that the bible really refers to it and the word mark there in in the in the greek language means it like a tattoo really or an etching or something that's scratched into something so it says it's going to be upon the right hand or the forehead and it says you can't buy or sell if you don't have the mark of the beast now people wonder all about this is some kind of chip that's under the skin or computer chip or bar code there's been all kinds of speculation the mark of the beast is 666 there in in the book of revelation and what i think this is is it it says there that it's the number of a man's name now some have taken six six six to be one short of seven seven seven in other words god is perfection with seven and this shows that this antichrist who says he's god is actually six six six but i think it's actually going to be the numerical value of his name in other words you can like in the greek and hebrew language you can take the letters of the alphabet they have a numerical value and so you can take a person's name and actually add that up and you come up with a number so i think his number will his name will actually equal 666 that's how he'll be identified so when people take that mark on their right hand or forehead they'll actually be taking his name upon them which pictures the idea of ownership is this during the time of antichrist when the antichrist is it's at his prominent place uh in the world of leadership and and basically the execution of how economy is done will be through this mark that's right it's going to be that last three and a half years i take it of this coming time of seven years of tribulation on the earth when he's going to rule the world so not only will there be a one world government but there will be a one world economy and we can see how that can happen today very very easily the tribulation period as you understand it is a seven year period according to biblical truth most do see it divided into two segments is the first half different than the second half it is one of the things i always like to point out too is a lot of people think the rapture starts the seven year tribulation the seven year tribulation starts daniel 9 27 tells us when the antichrist makes a treaty with israel so you know the rapture could happen today and the tribulation could start next week next month maybe a year or two from then there could be a gap of time that will allow for some further preparation but at some point in time this antichrist figure is going to come on the scene and make a treaty the bible says with israel and that's going to trigger this seven year period of time but it's divided in daniel 9 27 into two halves there's a first half and a second half to it the first half of that period of time israel is going to enjoy peace and i think at the beginning of the tribulation there's going to be a time of worldwide peace it says in thessalonians while men are saying peace and safety then sudden destruction is going to come on them so the world is going to finally get its uh desire of having some peace and prosperity but at the midpoint of that tribulation period there's going to be some events that happen that trigger the antichrist then is going to take the world over and so that second half of the tribulation period that last three and a half years he's going to dominate the world and rule the world and it's going to be a reign of terror that's going to come really when he's on the earth so the first half is going to be antichrist forming the coalition or made the coalition with other nations around the world and a peace treaty assignment so there's peace and we've got the global currency going on with the mark of the beast and so there's prosperity and then we'll move into the second half is there any tip point is it the signing of the peace treaty uh how far along is it is it that maybe three and three and a half years after the signing of the peace treaty that that begins to take you'll see the peace and there's some kumbaya in the world and then there's a tip point and the last half is is antichrist basically breaking the deal he does yeah it says at the midpoint of that covenant over that seven year period he breaks the treaty with israel so i call it one of the greatest double crosses of all time and then what he's going to do you know the mask is going to come off at that point in time and he's going to begin to persecute the jewish people because obviously god has made promises to them satan wants to get rid of them right and wipe them out but he's going to dominate the world at that point in time so this world is going to end with this great apostasy the bible calls it a great falling away when this one man is going to be worshipped as god we've been talking about the end of the tribulation period i guess the end really comes there in that seven year period at armageddon it does you know the bible uh tells us the really the culmination of history of this age is the battle of armageddon in the second coming of jesus christ and really they happen kind of in conjunction with one another the battle of armageddon is interrupted by the second coming of jesus harmageddon that word's only used one time in the bible it's in revelation chapter 16 verse 16 yet it's probably the one word that people know about the end times more than any other army but it's actually a literal place in hebrew the word har means a hill or a mountain and so it's it's really mount megiddo and mountain if anyone's ever been to israel they know that little that site there of megiddo that overlooks the jezreel valley or the valley of megiddo 20 miles long 14 miles wide napoleon called it the world's most perfect battlefield interesting and so the bible tells us in the end times right before the second coming of christ all the armies of the earth are going to be gathered there to the land of israel now it's interesting it never tells us why they may be gathered there because things haven't been going that well they're going to come to try to destroy the antichrist some believe it's there to try to once and for all wipe out the jewish people but what we do know is when the armies are gathered there to fight that the lord jesus is going to return from heaven he's going to interrupt this battle of armageddon it's been called you know the mother of all wars but that's where world history is going to end one of the things i think is fascinating is i studied world history as a younger person you end up all you study is wars when you study world history we're defined by wars right we are we're defined by wars every nation kind of is and really history is going to ultimately culminate at this mother of all wars this campaign of armageddon mark as we continue um the birth of israel does seem to be in 1948 that does seem to be the the moment in time in history when when the church could look and say okay the the prophecies for the most part have been completed and then we move into the era since the end of world war ii the birth of israel and you see transportation acceleration you see uh international communication things that probably even prior to world war ii seem bizarre or strange to read but today we've seen what's happened in the last 60 years and it is phenomenal when you see how quick communication banking globalization as you mentioned it all just seems to fall in line plus all of the geographical activity that's happening with nations surrounding israel it just seems again to be taking us down a prophetic highway well it does because you read ezekiel 38 and 39 it's a passage it's right after ezekiel 37 that predicts the regathering of israel in the end times ezekiel 38 and 39 mentions a coalition of nations that are going to invade israel in the end times one of them is rosh which i believe is is the nation of russia is that the army to the north yes that you survive with the bible yeah and also persia is mentioned in that passage which persia was changed to iran in 1935 right became the islamic republic of iran in the late 1970s so here you have these nations mentioned and others as well there well it's not very hard to envision those nations coming against israel what we see happening over there now so a lot of the coalitions the bible speaks of in the end times are coming together just as the scriptures predict so there really are a lot of signs out there for us today that lead us to believe that the coming of christ could be very soon practical application as a pastor you're a theologian you're a scholar you spent a lot of time looking at the bible through a prophetic lens how can we as christ followers best prepare is there a occupy until i come is there an aggressiveness or do we just are we passive and just wait what do we do you know but in the book of hebrews it says don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is but encourage one another and then it says and do it all the more as you see the day drawing near now that must mean we can see the day drawing or he or that that really wouldn't make any sense and so i think that what that's telling us is as we see the day drawing near we ought to ratchet up our own spiritual lives the intensity of it the urgency every place that the the coming of christ is mentioned in the new testament that i can think of there's always practical application now in first thessalonians four some believers have died and he tells them about the rapture and he says comfort one another with these words and first that's first corinthians 15 he talks all about the rapture and he says therefore be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing your labor's not in vain john 14 you know jesus said don't let your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many dwelling places but we're not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself where i am there you may be also so it's a comforting word and then the last one i love is in first john chapter 3 where john says there in the passage everyone who fixes his hope on him purifies himself as he himself is pure so the the coming of the lord is a purifying hope so it's a purifying hope it's a motivating hope it's a comforting hope it's a calming hope there every place that's mentioned in the new testament there's always that application with it and i can't think of anything more comforting in these days in which we live than to know that jesus is coming back someday amen and he's going to deliver us from the coming [Music] wrath [Music] you
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 1,224,696
Rating: 4.7956963 out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Christian, Christians, Christianity, Bible, antichrist, the antichrist, armageddon, end times, jesus christ, bible prophecy, bible study, the bible, prophecy, end times signs, end times prophecy, the rapture, second coming, end of days, revelation, christian encouragement, book of revelation, book of revelations, end of the world, anti christ, bibleproject, plagues, god's judgment, judgment, matthew 24, revelation 4, mark hitchcock, mark of the beast, 666, great tribulation
Id: LDStxO9-tkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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