"The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory" complete 1987 TV-Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a country little guard girl looking at you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that sounds like they're gonna be at it all night sure if boi has anything to say about that before miss Rebecca came along I reckon like that's taking a taste 9 again because it wouldn't be right now not for a man about to be remarried sir wouldn't be wise got a young son to set an example for to find centobie colonel when you're sober example thank you Joe welcome colonel man does what he can that's all a man can do still they say the wine is fine and the ladies are ready how long you think those ladies are gonna wait Joe well we get finished in like it's not and we'll find my way to California but not tonight no sir California ladies are just gonna have to wait well tonight I'd like to eat what you're gonna say to that bunch over there San Antonio me - you got any ideas look what I'm thinking between hand may you come up with something appropriate you always have I wish I had your faith Joe you know Rebecca and I are gonna miss you when you do go to California well you best be getting you over there colonel while the men are still standing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see can't come with me ain't supposed to say in central duty that's why not test hold daddy's here [Music] [Applause] hey what [Music] Oh Colonel Travis little Crockett well you missed out on all my speechifying in about two quarts of tequila which I don't care for particularly but it doesn't get the job done where is he who a boy eats in this quarter I'd like you to join us if you wouldn't mind Oh in Texas decisions to you texting you I'll know my duty when I see you oh I forgot you're only a private high private if you could just tear yourself away all right [Music] [Applause] and you so group just like that a little bit maybe you did wrestle that grizzly bear after all no I never know I just tickling someone who fell off a cliff [Applause] [Music] [Music] this video gets better handsome it's alright made him a man Dave I feel we should if she would join all to terminate the festivities oh I believe that Santana's within three days march of us right now you do let me tell you something the Generalissimo himself could see us the end applause Oh over here tomorrow don't you think you've had enough to drink already mm Mexican regulars camped down the Medina River as we speak and how much I've had the drinks none of your damn business impossible all my scouting our face that Eastern no she couldn't firm beyond the shadow of a doubt that it's impossible for Santa Hannah so I'm gonna move that quickly poor sap moving an army from Pennsylvania to Illinois and a Twitter might be impossible but Santa Anas coming from Mexico now down there they got in the seat it drys where it stands and a whole army can be moved on it and it has this isn't Boston the American Revolution its Mexico Mexico the man is reliable once again a Mexican trust him with my life you may have we all may have oh how about say even in the Congress a man gets off for a drink now in an episode well I take it we're agreed then Colonel Bowie are we I'll be waiting for you in the closet I'll tell you something if I hear one more comment about Mexicans from some damned Easterner South Carolina is there a difference speaking as a southerner and a lot of difference you know the only thing that man I agree on is that San Antonio is the door to Texas anyway to keep that door closed give Sam Houston a chance to build an army well you'd best agree on something considering what's marching straight at us I'm glad to Davey I don't figure Santa Anas gonna keep marching down into Tennessee oh let him try that oh well Jim it's a shame you missed all my oratory out there I was inspired well I do go on and on sometimes but you know every now and then when I'm right in the middle of speechifying I can hear myself saying something that makes a whole lot of sense now for instance I was talking about George Washington how he got the country going and all that and without meaning to get allegorical or anything like that it come to me that what I was talking about is right here now government people's rights now you got 40,000 Americans down here they was invited down by Mexico Lord me alright help tame the place give him citizen's rights and in this Santa Anna comes along he's gonna take their rights away from that's wrong I'll fight that right down I mean even if even if the only land I wound up with it was six feet of dirt they throw on top of me might be all we wind up with Davi what does it mean it it is your men's on your buoy they are fighting with Colonel Travis's men again damn you know these boys keep this up then I gotta have any fight left it [Applause] my brother [Applause] get up private get up I can have your structure this right now sergeant yes sir there will be no more fighting the next battle fighting will be put the stockade leave yourself up sergeant yes sir I appreciate a little helping control on your men we are supposed to be a military unit you gotta save that for fun amigo no I swear we didn't hold rank I think it beat the tar out of that kid it's still night Davy Crockett once again welcome to San Antonio Steve no Crockett pleasure be here sir you mean that segno well long as you keep throwing these wing-dings on here to talk a mare out of her Folies kind of the Mexican Davy Crockett effect I'm opening work some of that magic on our neighbors to the east here bring them to our side thousands are forced on Donna I don't think I will need much magic well maybe not what with general cause turning tail huh are you going to give another speech I think I'm going to miss it well that'll be a shame I'll be back as soon as I can with as many men as I can in the meantime find your temper Jim Bowie don't know what you talk okay yeah good major I want a battle alert now a major yes sir doc agreed read mine general of course we will secure San Antonio that we have with 4000 men these rebels will beg to pay my taxes I couldn't call cost reports not to him he proved to be no I will not go around it is a question of Honor my brother-in-law was a coward retreating from his post leading a thousand brave men into this grace I will not allow any man to stain the honour of this army or that of any soldier of course extra machine ah Dulce Rojo the Mexican soldier were marching to hell if you keep his belly filled with sweet bread Colonel black [Laughter] soon we will dine in San Antonio what is it sergeant Thousand pardons lieutenant what is it you're wondering the plaza sir oh well you can tell mr. Crocker that maybe he can wrestle bears all day and shrink all night but we lesser men neither pardon me sir but it's Colonel Travis Colonel Bowie is with it all right two minutes yes sir oh you're Travis er together am i mean good news if it isn't I don't listen to Bowie Merritt Mexican you live Mexican yeah you don't know another Travis seeing a good man he is where are my boots right here Suzanne all the same I still think the best if you've got out of here how with Annan's men here the place is gonna be a madhouse and it's no place for a woman in charge I mean you know how I feel about that pay mind to me on this please now my work will be a whole lot simpler knowing that you're not on the foot with all these soldiers around it may be the best army in Texas but that don't guarantee they got fit and manners really I'm Ron you act like I've been in some fancy parlor for the past eight months I've been right beside you the whole time it's gonna be a different place now my mind's made up about this Susanna come back before the swallows come to connection Santana's crossed the Rio Grande what about fighting the boys from Goliad what about him both Fannin and Houston are on the march to come to our aid and then they get here tuned as of this small as at this moment we are on a battle alert that your word on it Jim boys listen to me I only got one thing to say and this is it now if Fannin in Houston want to take any part in this they better get here quick as far as I'm concerned Santa Anna's plans for conquest are going to end right here this Texan doesn't lay down and play dead and this Texan fights for his freedom I'm willing to bet that every last god-fearing man amongst you don't feel any different than I do for Texas boys this is for Texas and freedom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] repor private see ya hey did you miss me what are you doing here watch on your daddy's wedding me to tell because Oh Danny I spoke with my papa and asked him if you could come with us and he said you could what what I want you to come with us Danny I don't want you to stay here you see you had no call to ask your paw that you know I can't lead why not this is my village why do you have to stay cause I'm a soldier because this is gonna be our home why you didn't leave Kentucky when things got tough that's different you had no call Santa Anna is slaughtering people Danny the village Osaka thickest doesn't even exist anymore it was a peasant village it's nothing like San Antonio it doesn't matter tell me how are you going to marry me down your cloud if you're dead don't tell me that you were an army we just sent general causing his men out and you're running for their lives and we're gonna do the same to Santa Anna nothing is gonna happen to me my brother's right you are big-headed I won't Texas to be our home if I stay here and I do this I'll feel like I feel like I have a right then I'm staying to Caramba is this what every decision is gonna be like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hill what'd I tell you about that saluting haven't I'm afraid we're different of the common soldier you know is that how you survive going to Russia with Napoleon Louie the burned up buddy a professional soldier must survive in order to receive this pain a spot yes let's go so I never was too good at it myself I'd still be in the US Congress I got a second chance out here in Texas Oh political office I wouldn't vote for yourself well yeah well I'm staying after the fighting Richard and money is right and it's not much an either of us to go around and not full of men like me I expect you're gonna find your satisfaction in soldier yeah thank you any much report is it well that's all it's been since the Spanish give it up in 93 you think you're gonna have any siege equipment too difficult to move this time of year way I see it is our weakest position is that 50-yard stretch of picket fence between the chapel of the Stonewall mirth work Jameson's working on it and I order lieutenant Dickinson to place our 18-pounder by that picket fence and four of our eight pounders there and over there all right we are gonna hole up then I don't see any alternative to you well we could show them some Indian fighting get out there and Whittle them down and son before they get here you take a small group firing run her ass holy Moses out him wouldn't be no trouble for me and the boys we did come here to fight I don't think I could risk that with just one hundred and fifty two men the way I see it our job is to delay Santa Anna as long as possible make it as costly for him as we can I'm telling you this Colonel because technically you and your men are not under my command it seems everywhere I go somebody's inviting me lead I'm merely pointing out why did carnal you and Jim Bowie got a lot more in common than you know because he give me the same speech now don't you worry about that 50 foot a picket fence me and the Tennessee boys will hold that for you we don't cut much the walls Danny cloud [Music] thousand [Music] we're with it they were there I swear it a thousands of us all the Lance's opinions I don't say anything but bushes and sand I tell you they were out there how old you soon 21 sir I mean I'll be 21 in 13 days mm-hmm colonel I saw what I saw I believe you soon do you think are you a commander or a scout you know something colonel you're getting to be a burr under my saddle well that's fine we'll both risk our lives then how's that it's ridiculous is what it is your positions here that's right same as yours colonel dr. Sutherland yes all right go ahead that take Smith with me sir yeah be quick about it I want to know what's out there if anything is out there yes if it makes any difference to you I want to go just as bad as you do are we coming along with the cannons sir I was kind of wondered well if you don't mind I kind of like to go into San Antonio go ahead lieutenant take my horse and give mrs. Dickinson my regards yes sir thank you I will I Rosa Maria she's been seeing him in her dreams for a month boo Santana don't you think it's kind of suspicious Colorado how she's always dreaming about some other man don't bother me as long as it's me she's in bed with oh sweet jiminy there ain't that many people in all the Texas let's go boy [Music] last fall cut always singing as far as you could see claw boy was right we're gonna need some help [Music] damn it ain't nothing like I ever seen before he's pretty good man he's here Santana's here let's go [Music] don't you understand listen to me I'm wrong I've got something to say and you better quiet down to hear me out I did not bring our child 1,000 miles to see us separated so now believe the Lord wanted us to start a new life it brought us all the way out here to Texas to do it you can't say I haven't been a good one bye hang up coming all the way out here across the country like this and you can't say I've ever been one to argue with the Lord or my husband but Alma I am staying beside you is my place and that's where I'll be and you got a love to learn lieutenant if you think I got married you for any other reason than to be with you when did you decide this about two weeks ago two weeks ago well you might have told me can I stay yes [Music] I would have tore me up to watch you leave anyway I'll come back tonight and move us into the animal [Music] father father I wanna fight to know you will not fight I'm almost 13 I am old enough the people you want to fight our own people is it them you'd like to kill but they march for some time it is the dictator we fight not our own you will stay with the children and your mother it is my promise to her come on [Music] speak by general our latest intelligence suggests that the garrison has not been reinforced suggest with conviction general dan there are normal rebels left in the village none our scouts were precise on that matter excellency quite our new scouts prefer to retain their tongues history teaches us gentlemen that great generals remain generals by never under estimating their opposition so you will understand that I will not move against the rebels until I know exactly precisely within a man the size and disposition of the forces of general Sam Houston and Colonel James Fannin and I will sacrifice as many scouts as I feel is necessary to possess that information am I understood yes excellency I like you English your thoroughness your worldliness on behalf of my countrymen but I do not like your fine manners manners win women not Wars perhaps if you English had realized that the Americanos would not be a country to plague me now yes yes major [Music] you have prepared my carriage get my general it might do you well to remember gentlemen you serve under a commander who has never known defeat you'll probably find fan of their new John you're giving this and bring it back here as quick as you can yes be sure about this not much help you here I'm like I can ride this is top on Tony Gonzalez directing him to rally those sentence to our aid we'll get it done I know you forget the horses Mansu is full of himself anybody calls himself El supremo hasn't got much of a choice what kind of guns are those that they're using I don't believe it or not those are discouraged in the Battle of Waterloo courtesy of that Englishman the colonel black eye no good past 70 yards and a kicked like a mule but Santa Anna likes a bargain that's a piece of luck for our city maybe sir lieutenant Dickinson I'd like to move the Southwest cannons flush to the south wall for sundown sir he'd like to see you as soon as he can I'll be right there yes sir I don't think there's any hurry moving those cannons right now there's more important things that men ought to be doing you know I cannot for the life of me figure out why used to live you and I here in khoka man but surely you must remember that he sent me here to finish your job you were supposed to destroy this mission and defied a direct order I find it difficult to take advice from a man so ignorant a military procedure I tell you something 10 soldier you're the one that said it would be impossible for Santa Anna to make a winter march into San Antonio I'll take a look over there I'd say the out number is 20 to one wouldn't you I take it you get nothing to worry about though Santa Anna is a man of great patience you're gonna have plenty of chance to play commander but up until he decides come over this wall [Music] [Music] [Music] judicious expedition what the devil does Fannin mean by that it means he's gonna proceed judiciously it hasn't enough horses broken to wagon work and he feels convinced that travel by oxen is gonna subject him to harassment by enemy forces at Goliad what enemy forces well he believes general assessments in the area assessments between us and the Rio Grande how's he supposed to harass Fannin from there oh he must be having trouble communicating with these scouts either that or he's a coward well before we start impugning the man's character Fannin's in a touchy situation got the only real army in Texas he's got to be cautious there's more but with Austin out of the country and Sam Houston God knows where Fannin believes that he is commander in chief who's gonna dispute that phantom command and cheap lord help us well who need you many how we do that's so three days Fannin said he'll be here in three days we'll just have to hold out that's all that's right we hold out all right settled no it's not I want me to bomb him he had to go off and find Sam Houston for us my place is here bill you'll be here Jim but I want our commander-in-chief apprised of our situation here even if he is against it he'll be against it all right what the Dickens is that I was told ex machinist was the hell my friend Jim Bowie during my visits to this part of our country this home was always an oasis an island in a province of desolation I wish never to hear his name again as you wish ecstasy the life of a soldier my dear nephew as I'm sure you're learning can be very tedious very tedious today's the 9th her name is Selena most geese honk oh she's the eldest daughter you're a good nephew Ricardo make the arrangements excellency is a matter of some delicacy her father being ill Kali is a local official and you've proven yourself capable in these matters before colonel Thank You excellency but if you'll allow me colonel me Thank You agency my general this is folly going to the aid of a military position that by all rights should have been destroyed facing forces greater than my own and not one but two of my superiors gone and got themselves lost somewhere but you are going IQ sir I have no choice good who are you going to Gonzales to raise volunteers I won't have a chance when you get there they will utter folly you get any word at all from Austin or general Houston you get it out to me on the double is that understood yes sir [Music] lieutenant what'd you think well I don't know sir I'd say the 18-pounder might do it lieutenant I would love to give Santana proper Texas hello yes sir all right boys this is where we show the colonel we know what we're doing zanko hi captain dried and ready elevation tipping server without a practice dock don't worry captain she won't let you down I sure hope you're right fire at will private [Applause] with man's gotta have some Tennessee blood and get off a shot like that not a bad way to say hello don't you agree I agree Colonel Travis dr. Mann mr. Santana that we Americans I used to live it under a constitution we don't take lightly to people breaking their word indeed we just chalk hole in lamp oil well my compliments to you and the other ladies Oh your flight colonel it would be my privilege mr. Dickinson my privilege and my honor thank you Thank You Connor I'm miss and mrs. Dickinson man we're gonna be running low on rifle shot to fall along and I was wondering if you and the other ladies might blige's gathering and Melton and so forth I could cook on rocks we could melt down a pot some pants might be fine I'll bet I could even make if loose somehow I had an uncle who was a blacksmith and I learned just about everything that he knew Thank You colonel Tara yes yes let's give Santana a history lesson Taylor run that up yes sir [Music] [Applause] your excellency the flag the flag the one these rebels fight hunger and I supposed to understand that the great invitation free land and the Mexican constitution of 1824 lured 40,000 Americans to Texas former Constitution you English talk your own king sent troops against these people and they made a mockery of him in front of the world who are you to talk about Mexico I have sworn an oath to defend her the pledge of my presidency not one inch of soil will be ruled by rebels or foreign interlopers Mexico finally for the Mexicans [Music] who are you to speak for my people [Music] reinforcements colonel I make it about a hundred maybe it's family scouts crew you'd send scouts out ahead wouldn't you yeah but that the mean Shannon would watch like an Indian at Sabine [Music] [Applause] no he was the last Christmas I spent with you a new soul I remember it was your father in law that said that neither one of us could write to Nacogdoches and be back in time to break the pinata that's right and we did yes did in six days as I recall you know I remember that because it was last Christmas I miss her too that sickness took a lot of good people leaves a damned old warhorse like me it doesn't make any sense Jim I would rather stay with my men you know it has been three days now some Donna is likely to attack at any moment I don't think so I think he's gonna wait and pick up his cowardly brother-in-law and then try to save the family on her besides one we need men who else do your people gonna follow he'll follow Jim Bowie I'm afraid there may be a few here that regret that for this is over you know we don't see each other again honey - you go and do what you have to bring your denim you get your Mexican carcass back here you understand I can do Sammy [Applause] you're never gonna make it now if anybody can once again Jen go welcome man she can't write no better than that [Music] [Applause] and have a blood flag prepared when the time comes I will want to carry it with me through Texas see to it it'll be taken care of you have attended to that other matter yes it's arranged not by you personally I hope no I sent captain Morales to speak her parents and as always they were overwhelmed to think that their time we will do it tomorrow as you wish on splendid and Ricardo yes and you called me uncle before the officers and the men your general punishes you your uncle loves you remain a loyal nephew be a better soldier yes excellency [Music] [Music] we're critical on rifle-shot yeah I know I don't figure we'll need the metal strapping on the wagon wheels anymore that's a good idea tell mrs. Dickinson right the campfires just about in surplus by now you still think they're gonna way to attack us I do took them three days to surround this place I don't think he's in any damned hurry now doesn't sound like no drinking coffee does it matter it doesn't matter to me shave it Travis I don't need another doctor it's not your health I'm concerned about bladder you couldn't drink yourself to death as far as I'm concerned but maybe your family might my family's gone Travis they're not here anymore that's why yeah there's a difference between you and me you get that young lady waiting for you in Galveston waiting to marry isn't she that little boy you come out of this alive you could start a whole new life maybe even grab a little Laurie on the way what are you fighting for more like the old life I guess like it used to be like it is in America where the people own the government see Santa Anna he thinks he owns the people I don't like being owned I'm kind of particular about that kind of thing so am I [Music] you say you lost everybody on your wife side of the family well I've got a second cousin haven't seen him in about four years where's he at right over there in town his name is general Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana [Music] yes sir there was 10,000 of you all hollering and dancing around screeching enough to make your blood run cold furs II I could see there was nothing but tomahawks and spears a shakin and brandishing or pink spread all over them Devils it was a horrifying sight I'm here to tell you now I know you Texans I got your Comanches and Kiowas and them Apaches and they are fierce I'll grant you that but they ain't nothing compared to your ordinary run-of-the-mill Creek Indian now then people are mean they don't have to work on it none they're born mean it's in the blood why you're young buck he ain't even considered a man till he's joking scalped a dozen people preferably white ah not at all the squaws now them squash or just as mean as the men and they're twice as ornery well if they well you'll have to imagine what I'm alluding to ladies present sir well I can tell you this you don't never let him take your life I'm sorry now then where was I ayah over here on our side we got ol Andy Jackson and me and the Tennessee boys and em days Old Hickory was just a tree instead of a switch it's back when we was friendly yeah well so what happened next Davey well sir we looked out at that sea of savages and all the Andy and me both knew we was gonna have to be plenty smart that day we was going to come out of there with our hair still on our heads formidable a forward your average Creek Indian is so once we was pondering it it come to me like a bolt of lightning and I knew just what to do line up here boys I hollered line up and shoot boners a turn Bowen Aires is what I said I wish had been there to see it confounded the Dickens out of them didn't know what to do naturally they was assuming they was the only Indians in the neighborhood why they gots a head up they plug charged us so well sir then we put down them boners and we picked up our long rifles fired will boys are hollered and they done it not a pretty sight folks decimation body stacked up there like cordwood excuse me ladies and I'll tell you this to this day there ain't a single Creek Indian lift in all of Florida not a one now in the Black Hawk War [Applause] brought in heavy artillery Travis [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no attacking what those ruins it's not good those rifles can be a peck different [Applause] [Music] [Music] dearly beloved her dolly ladies back to the barracks please that's an order mrs. Dickinson do you Antonio de Padua Lopez de Santana take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife in sickness and health till death do you part I do [Music] where you going get out there and make sure a prairie dog couldn't use those shacks I'm going with you girl Crockett Bowie and I away from our posters you keep an eye on the place right - are you coming get your first intelligent thing I've seen the two of you do the rink [Music] [Music] I pronounced you man and wife now you may kiss the bride you were attacked by two men two rebels with torches yes excellency my officers retreat from two men with torches excellency what will you do when you have to face gun fire excellency read my army into shame if you ever humiliate me in front of this town again I will have your head on a land excellency I take great exception do you understand if I were you I should say yes yes excellency now do you think I can trust you not to lose my army while I devote a few moments to my bride this is my wedding day [Music] driver [Music] they close the pouch Sarge we're surrounded now of course it took them all five days to do it ain't snappiest army in history I'd say just because it makes our job a little easier see all the ranks are a little more thin now how about painting and used to now they're gonna get through I don't figure nobody can stop all right talk to you okay I think I'm gonna face 200 yards more or less you can't do much with a muskets at that range even dug it first cannonball this is a different matter I'd give anything to find out how made your bottom is doing right now begging your pardon general can I ask you a question of course go ahead let's Cherokee they don't really call you big drunk do they yeah I'm afraid so yes matter of fact when I was living with them they gave me two or three different names of course that one was the most objectionable well if you ask me just don't seem fitting he's sort of being a chief yourself general I'll confess something to you the Cherokee don't join up with Santa Anna I have every intention of living up to that name in celebration that little enough to celebrate don't you think sure wouldn't want those delegates at the convention we're going to two here it'd be like throwing a rattler into a henhouse only if you want my opinion sir well I won't tell if you don't general Houston son you going to get yourself shot you go Chardon around like that I've been looking for you for three days well you found me that's the Alamo sir they're under attack general did you hear me yes I heard yeah but we have to do something mobilize your army it's major Barnum isn't it general we have in time that may have already fallen there yeah I don't have an army to mobilize what I have is a ragtag army and a bunch of bickering politicians account agree and how to make a government what I need is money and men from the United States but these are loyal Texans who believe that you are coming to help them I never made that promise never I never believed that San Antonia was the Gateway to Texas this broken-down mission in the middle of no place no I served Texas better as a constitution right there not as the savior of unruly and insubordinate officers their blood will buy you time you don't mind that do you those men that you are willing to let die on my friends then if I were you major I would wish to be with them you are a coward general I rather wish I were you major what I mean is we're the ones that made it work here nothing Mexicans not the French even the Indians don't care for this part of Texas much now Mexico invited us down here we made the land work you succeed now and we and reward us hold our heads high what if we fail well death and the cause of liberty does not make me shudder carnal you wouldn't have any political ambition would you sign me no glad to hear it now I come to ranch that's a grand idea yeah we'll give me some of that prairie cattle you got a piece of land I'll pick down wood Lucy I'd better yes sir you bet and as your age all I want to do is find some adventure like my daddy had an American Revolution with George Washington no you Carl I was in school studying the law my wife pregnant [Music] we need Pelton's with apples they're serenading us with music musicians alone could outnumber us hmm you're coming in here full of vinegar I'm not in the mood I want to know why you're not marching for the Alamo you care for a drink major no suit yourself colonel I want to know fine you want an explanation maybe broken-down wagons would be of interest to you or run off oxen or my own sense of responsibility to a command that as of this moment is the only army in Texas now would that be a good start for you major start up a damn catastrophe take a good look at my shoulder you see that eagle that eagle means that I don't have to explain anything to you not one damn thing no sir you don't [Music] Thank You pops Jim just got the wind knocked out and what can you hear me how can you walk got to do it boys [Music] how's it doing doc feels really blessed that bad it's a miracle he walked in here well is there anything we can do for him well let's give him love them after the Lord's back I don't want him out there where every man can see him doctor put him in the chapel all right you let me know as soon as he wakes up doc I don't want him to suffer maybe I wouldn't swap places with that man for all the gold in Texas oh I guess he'd swap places with anybody today I heard is he gonna be all right he's unconscious you gonna be all right we need boy I need Bowie I was growing up my mom used to say child every man is born to a destiny some good some bad some know God and some know the devil some of us most of us I expect to somewhere in the middle but the thing is she say we can't never know what that destiny is until it's upon us you know the last time I thought on that was the night before I was to hang I thought thank the Lord my mom is there cuz I sure wouldn't want to see in my destiny was swinging that Dana some rope somewhere nicer I didn't hang that next day because a white man believed in justice enough to save a black man from hanging I figured I know my destiny ever since was to follow that man give me cause every day to think our Lord I figured out now currently you ought to know your destiny the Lord needs a good man to leave these boys the glory lead them out of here he's a man who makes no mistake about what this is all about there's only one man I know like that it's powerful lot to be proud of in your destiny powerful lot [Music] see [Music] he knew knew that he was going to die with his family gone there's nothing to live for yes Texas Colonel Ryder sir I'll be back sergeant I thought you ain't no sir colonel sir my hands at least little part of my body reinforcements yes indeed they're leaving a dust club sides Kentucky thank God for that thank him for me too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's Mexican right heavily supported column [Music] general costs has chosen the longest possible route to obey my orders he's still a two day's march away from us perhaps it is due to the lack of war lack of water ha the man's a coward lack of water didn't stop generals s- men he had a longer distance to cover my god no wonder these rebels sent him racing home like a little puppy I would have given anything to see bouys face as he watched sesamum march in with his men excellency we are all in accord what with the addition of general assessments meant the attack on the Alamo should take place now is there news of Houston no excellency it would seem that he's invisible then until he is visible I will stand by my decision we will not attack until general cost gets here excellency your sisters knew her course is here to see you here now yes excellency and of course bring her in that will be all gentlemen where is he he's making every year for to get here so he sends his wife to plead his case no excellency I come to see my brother you haven't kissed me it I missed you sister I know you've done he's a coward he brings shame to our family to your children he's my husband he's not worthy of you and Tony you're a great man you bring honor to our family to your children you are beloved by our people that is your destiny my husband will never be the great menu heart on you but I love and in this hour of need I will do my duty by him just as you will do yours for our country you are a lesson to us all [Music] how long has I've been here two days we're going on our seventh night of that long how's the man Travis even better I'm sending out personal notes along with this I was wondering if you wanted to dictate something no I expected I'll be seeing the ones I love shouldn't if everyone else's within these walls can I get you anything don't be worried about me Travis you don't have to think about it really to the people of Texas and all Americans in the world fellow citizens and compatriots I'm besieged by a thousand or more of the Mexicans of Santa Ana I have sustained a continual bombardment and cannonade for 24 hours the enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion otherwise the garrison have to be put to the sword if the fault is taken I've answered the demand with cannon shot and our flag still waves proudly from the walls I shall never surrender or retreat I call on you in the name of Liberty of patriotism and everything dear to the American character to come to our aid with all dispatch the enemy is receiving reinforcements daily and will no doubt increase to three or four thousand and four or five days if this call is neglected I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier never forgets what is due to his own honor and that of this country victory or death Travis your note in soldier well maybe on account of us my boy won't have to do this I figure that's worth something don't you evening colonel evening major ain't no wonderful night here no it certainly is yeah nothing like an evening walk in the desert Jane we can't just stroll beyond the walls in it Dirty Shame is yep there's nothing like it hmm well I have my rounds always a pleasure conversing with you sir keep your heads low see you where are you going go back to the barracks you shouldn't be out here do it Danny please don't we'll be killed I know Lydia go back to the barracks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Daniel Shh why is it quiet excellency our artillery has been attacked why is it you didn't inform me of all the men under my command you're the one I expect not to let me down but exlusive I am the one whom the attack hear me not those traitors I ought number my enemy by twenty to one and I can't even protect my own ordinance where are they in this study excellency [Applause] the artillery why can't I hear the artillery no one it's a long time excellency Raiders from the mission disrupted our bombardment last night hmm but of course they were driven off and repairs are on the way I see it's interesting don't you think that 150 men are so underwhelmed by our overwhelming forces that they send raiding parties against us do you think it's possible that they know something about this army that I do not I represent the will of the people of Mexico to put down a rebellion I have never failed in my duty and I will not do so now from now on my patience my good will you may no longer rely on from now on more than your payment in gold ways in the balance much more we will go home with honor or we will not go home understood am i under start yes I will hear the cannon fire resumed within 15 minutes thank you he's mad that's what he has we and gentlemen our commanded by madman no he don't need her welcome to gospel truth that's plain heathen I never heard her no such thing and when he gets tired of his new bride he don't ship her off back to her parents Oh that'd spoil the whole thing he sends her off to Mexico City to his wife so the real mrs. Santana the real mr. Santa gets to do this right well there must be some hellacious words exchanged or that I'll wager there are so what does she do with them all yeah only things she can she packs them all off to monastery and I'll bet there's a whole new order of nuns down there in Mexico City and every one of them is an ex mrs. sati ante no they ain't and I'll tell you why women ain't allowed in monasteries none at all he went through story I'll tell you a true story it was these two fellas that was business associates and one of them was a bit of a scamp and he had some partners who were very unsavory and they got it into their heads one day that they might not be getting their fair share of the profits you see so they decided they was gonna kidnap him and take him out in the woods and just chop his hands off oh I forgot to mention that fellows a pirate the first fellow now and the other fella the one that ain't a pirate he gets wind of this say and he figures he's just gonna jump right in there and help out his friend because the pirate had saved his life at one time Elson life's too short to be cautious does he know if he goes to the rest of you just a rippin and the tearin meantime of course in Pirates there's no flags on them and they're moving with alacrity and they just went out there and gathered him up - now they're just to chop the hands off both of them when one of these Rascals gets an idea what do you say he says we have us a duel I will get our meanest orneriest gouging us Rompin stompin roughly tumble fighter and we'll put him in a room with him and they'll go ahead up to the death whoever's alive gets to win all right to say off they go now it's pitch black in this room and there's nothing coming out of there except sounds a Mortal Kombat and I mean screeches and moans and run some thugs and whites go finally that door flies open no winner steps out tar fellow now that was down in Louisiana bayous June 23rd 1826 and the one that was a pirate was Jean Lafitte the other fella one with all the guts man I always wanted to meet Jim Bowie finally got to meet him he can still fight so the pettalia of the Cazadores hmm because the dirties is my hometown where my family is from i saw their flag you still have time with it my brother is coming [Music] there are definitely no mixer come [Music] if an answer no it's Colorado Smith [Music] [Applause] [Music] all I know is when I was there he said he was leaving I seen him all mounted up and getting ready to ride out then in Gonzales I ran into doc Sutherland lieutenant Kimball here sir it's almost range and company of mounted volunteers at ease he told me that it isn't coming after all that's the facts here I got a brother at Fort Defiance and that was two days ago well Juan seguĂ­n was surprising these boys of our conditions here and you came anyway yes sir Seguin is going on the lavaca to see if he can trust up some more volunteers for us and what about major Bonham you see him I sent him off to find fan and also we heard something but it didn't make much sense what was that I sir an Apache Scout informed us at a wedding man was seen headed into Cherokee territory uh-huh the description sounded like bounine and you know the Apache sir eyes like a fox Cherokee territory is two days ride from here mmm possible one again maybe used to meet with the Indians attract you men of this thing well that may be sir Houston's none at the convention and our new governor's met as a dickens about it says he's gonna drop me as a delegate he don't show up soon what convention the provisional government sir you didn't know well lieutenant you're our first acknowledgement from the outside world it could be snowing in Galveston we wouldn't be aware of it well sir governor Smith is called a convention at Washington on the Brazos and he's sworn not to let any member go until Texas has the constitution Texas is declaring its independence sir why there's even talk we may become part of the United States of America well I'll be both said that we were the reason the Convention was called you know what this means it means it's Santa Anas and in Veda means that flag uh there's the flag of Independence they'll have to send us reinforcements now they shooting at their George shooting at each other Jimmy that is a $2.00 hat you go first time we did this we were 12 back in Jedidiah techel's barn down from your daddy spread I believe you were the first string then too but I believe you finished the bottle I don't recall that well you wouldn't I carried you home now I remember my dad ik polished my butt like never before past a son drinking like that he wouldn't stand bad no no sir not a proper man like the Reverend we couldn't be further from Carolina Kuragin how much miles and years yeah he's not coming is he Jimmy no buck he's not coming can't give you a good reason he had a reason I called him a coward you called Sam used to the coward I'm afraid so really hope wish I could have seen that they'll probably want to court-martial me probably want to hang you probably you really call Sam used to the coward great though how come you could always drink more than me you ever notice that it's easy I'm good annoyed me damn conference always gets him away damn nuisance no argument here counselor well Jimmy I'm afraid my conscious has gone and got us killed this time [Music] looks like it has back I'm sorry some of you men are probably asking yourselves the same questions I'm asking myself I can't answer them for you you can't answer them for me what I do know is this this is not about land or money it's about the one thing that no man should ever be able to take from another man the freedom to make his own choices about his life where he live how he'll live how he'll raise his family we face a man who would take those god-given rights away from us well not from me he's not there can be no doubt about the price general Houston will not reinforce us as he is still assembling his army we can expect no aid from Colonel Fannin as his position is untenable for the past 11 days you have done more than any man has the right to ask [Music] I'm honored to be among you [Applause] [Music] those men who wish to stay will cross the line and stand with me how does Mego know blessing [Music] Emmit boys somebody carry me over with you go with God Mon Ami I suspect God will be staying here with us colonel gonna miss out on a good ruckus Louie thank you my friend I didn't survive Russia and Waterloo through die in this desert maybe soldiering is all that I will ever know I'd wait until dark yes sir major Evans Church special ordinance I gave you is it still in safekeeping yes sir how many would you guess there are well I guess they're about 12 bottles sir exactly exactly yes sir well why don't you break out those twelve bottles major Evans I think the men feel a thirst coming on yes at your post though gentle if you don't mind lieutenant Gregorio I wasn't going to making an order but I thought you should evacuate your families it's not so easy colonel not for my family well we're su colonel well I thought if they could all make it to your farm grigory it would be the smart thing for you to take them Thank You colonel but I'm a collaborator I cannot go back well then your family alone Santa Anna kills the families of collaborators it's the same as su Colonel I wish they haven't I've gotten her out of here when I had the chance but I can't see sending her out there now besides she wouldn't go the decision has been made God has taken it out of your hands well the decision is his but I bear the responsibility [Music] vaya con Dios amigo Gregorio I would have been a terrible father [Music] are we getting paid for this no enough how long you been with Davi Oh about two years bet you seen a little bit of flight and huh some gonna see some more [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you making it well all things Indians I'd hazard a guess but I don't know sandiana manicure i understanded the man's got his reinforcements why doesn't he attack never at the height of the day man hates he'd say he smart Gibbs his men arrest gives ours a scare I bet there isn't a man sleeping in his fort right now what to say fit yeah he wears us down without firing a shot but he forgets one thing I know I know but the voices what voices in his head his ancestors he thinks I talked to him say he thinks he's descended from the Sun God you know when they talk to him loudest when early in the morning and Magnifico thinks his ancestors talk to him loudest in the morning that's only he'll tech boys have the man dressed up but you're ready to go before sunrise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see what is it asked me to marry you what do you love me then tell me right now I love you and you were going to ask me but that's true isn't it I'll talk to you power tomorrow then ask me right now will you marry me [Music] yes congratulations Lucy Athenee [Music] [Music] [Music] it's four o'clock colonel is there any movement along the western south wall enough to wake up the men oh good you able to get it Joe if you go to sleep tonight don't have to give up my bed again no suck good look like Jim called it right I thought you might want to come with me yes I would [Music] [Music] you know they use lambs milk makes them with the motto and they built this place counts for the comb see the milk that's already Christian and blood [Music] Davey don't you bring the women and the children in here and have the boys moved me over by the door [Music] why no it means no mercy cut their throats [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the road Colonel check on lieutenant [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you never got the reserves into Calvary got no way they'll be smaller next time right Joe excellency the gray us stumped the general cost of dead colonel Duke was trampled by his own man our troops have a retreat [Music] not seeing some fighting like this camera britches often nothing I guess kind of sits in your middle donut always want to swallow can't get the sweat off your hands no matter how you ruble you think your own Lord you do what you think anybody's any braver than you are oh we ain't not a one of us older don't mean braver y'all thought on it much all I'd done I'll tell you I one time had to think about dying I'd like yes I never been real strong in thinking the way I see it the bravest thing any man can do is decide how he wants to meet his maker why mrs. brave nothing like I had figured [Music] I'll give you a rabble of less than 200 men and you humiliate me and my army then you insult me to my face by trying to explain it in nothing more than court jesters Thurston charm a real soldier a real soldier would have taken that position or given his life trying done it for me how am I to get conscripts if these rebels are not crushed victory or death let me make it clearer my victory or your death I do not want to see a single man left alive all I want our flames [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] reporter knows who's coming Dantas harita sir this is Dickinson my husband there are no survivors men His Excellency has expressed a desire to meet you you can tell his Excellency but I have no wish mrs. Dickinson if I may be so bold accept his invitation the life of your child and your comrades depend on it and why should Santana's version of your husband's bravery be the only one earned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excellency you know what I wish to see I found : Travis and the man cracked it but I have not yet found Senor Bowie then do it I will dip my fingers in their blood mrs. Dickinson excellency madam I ask that my daughter and the others be spared but myself I would have fought with the man you're very courageous tell the others what you've seen tell them what will happen if they stand in my way send her to the north with the others I do not make war on women and children just the freedom of your people wine I will drink to my victory our general drinks to the victory that will cost him his war it's not about land or money it's about the one thing that no man should ever be able to take from another man the freedom to make his own choices about his life where he live how he live how he'll raise his family we face a man who would take those god-given rights away from us but not from me he's not [Music] there can be no doubt about the price [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for watching if you'd like to help us produce more compelling historical content like this please like comment below and share this video with fellow history buffs and of course be sure to subscribe to help keep history happening
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 823,738
Rating: 4.6330428 out of 5
Keywords: the alamo, john wayne, brian keith, james arness, alec baldwin, nbc tv movie, paul julia, sanata anna, texas revolution, the alamo movie, the alamo battle scene, the alamo davy crockett death, nbc tv movies, santa anna the alamo, american history, colonel travis, colonel travis letter, colonel travis line in the sand, davy crockett, jim bowie, last stand, mexican army, mexican war, sample, san antonio, texas war of independence
Id: 3iEyMREsy0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 44sec (8444 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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