The Akaviri Invasion & The Reman Empire | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #17

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge mop and my name is scott and i'm here with michael and drew a very different setup you're literally here with michael yeah he died last episode but we brought him back but i only have a local necromancy spell so it's right here so um yes today's episode is a somewhat of a continuation from last week's episode because we're talking about the riemann empire the empire that follows alicia's some couple of hundred years later so drew take it away i'll kick us off all right so we had 2 000 years of the elysian empire and then when that finally came to an end at about 400 500 years of just not much going on and then in those days the empire of the cyrodiils was dead save in memory only for through war and slug famine which is referring to the fashion plague and iniquitous rulers the west split from the east and colovia's estrangement lasted some four hundred of years so basically nothing was going on for the longest time until one king named hroll had a vision of snakes of the akaviri invasion coming and realized petty colovian kings are not going to be able to save cyrodiil we need a dragonborn ruler so he goes out in search of this dragonborn ruler and he does some interesting stuff with a hill he does he does he he goes out with his men and he's um he they come across a i guess a spirit a spirit that they see to be saint alicia and st alicia basically does a runner into the wilderness and they go searching to chase her and finally he comes across her and um you know it's it could be very metaphorical but it says she kind of gets naked and um he ends up copulating with a hillock so he um i guess thrusts himself into the earth carves himself a little dirt hole and carves himself a dirt hole on this little just mining just this mound of mud and smashes it and um dies in the process he dies and anyway some of his men come and see this and and are driven mad and others just kind of believe in shame and uh eventually this hill begins to grow and it starts as a small hill it grows into a slightly bigger hill and a bigger hill and people come to the hill and and congregate around it people from the area and eventually it grows quite large and a shepherdess comes and and and travels to the top of it and finds a baby there with like uh the amulet of kings basically fused like in his forehead like a little gemstone in the form it's a real harry potter story and then she takes the child to the imperial city to the ruby throne puts a baby upon the throne and then the baby speaks in an adult voice and says i am cyridil come which is quite literal [Laughter] i mean that's one thing to to ask i guess it kind of it must be metaphorical when you talk about the rising of the hill because it the golden hill it's at sankratore isn't it where where he was born which is where pelinol screamed riemann's name two thousand five hundred years prior well that's what kind of like gives a little bit i know that in itself is already mythology like the songs of pelano but they kind of kind of does add to the consistency of the reminder like the idea that he sort of at this spot had some kind of like spiritual like foresight of what was to come at this hill um obviously it sounds super embellished and crazy and stuff but i think the idea that they're really trying to go with even if you just treat it as a myth is that it's riemann is the literal manifestation of the land like riemann cyrodiil is the name he takes on later but like he is born of the land and if you were to say that like alicia is somehow like spiritually connected with the land as well like it's sort of you know he's like uh it's a nice little story to to solidify your idea as king i mean if you want to be the real um pessimist and like kind of dismiss the myth as much as possible it's probably that he was just sort of some kind of successful colovian king who just managed to you know be a good diplomat and stuff and unite everyone against the akaviri invasion yeah and the story would serve to just legitimize his role that he's like the ultimate cyrodiil dude and in the event that that is the case it doesn't really take much away from how important he is because you know the amulet of kings was lost um he had to have you know found the amulet of kings and you know united everyone and he must have known something about the the the danger that was uh coming to the north very soon in the form of the akaviri simply put as much as it's easy to dismiss the myth he is in somehow um an heir to the empire way having the dragon blood and and creating a new dynasty that could you know light the dragonfires and stuff so it's not it's not like you can just completely dismiss it like he's a hack that just came up with it all so there's obviously some kind of prophetic element there i i honestly i i just think the story is so cool i i take it as canon i take it as that's what actually full-on happened i love the the description of the story as well when he sees the spirit it says and to this host appeared at last a spirit who resembled none other than alessia queen of ancient times who bought in her left hand the dragon fire of the akatosh and in her right hand the jewels of the covenant and on her breast a wound that split void onto her mangled feet so one important thing about that is pelinol was always described as having a hole where his heart should be that was where the amulet of kings basically bled shining light and in this in that same regard alicia it says that she has a void in her chest which kind of in a way resembles the how the cir the cyrodiilic people have strayed away from the dragonfires and the amulet of kings and if she's spilling void that's essentially like a way of showing that the the barrier between oblivion the void and mundus is severed and needs to be you know bound up again it's cool too that part of like both with pelinal having said to have a red diamond in his chest and her when it's missing and there's void spilling out but the whole idea too with the it being the blood of lorcan that fell into an alien well and was fashioned into that big soul gem also the whole idea that like law khan is a god that's obviously missing his heart and is dead it's the sort of the same kind of kind of imagery and stuff there with alicia missing a heart and void spilling out kind of thing that's cool it's cool but so there's lots of cool mythology there lots of cool mythology but in terms of the more tangible actions i guess is that the big problem is is there was an akaviri invasion coming and this is the first akaviri invasion of tamriel and it comes in through up through skyrim and then starts blazing a trail straight down through into cyrodiil and that's where we have the infamous battle of pale pass which is where we've got uh riemann who's gathered together um united pretty much all of cereal to fight against the akaviri invasion but what's interesting is a we don't really know exactly what their the point of the invasion was but they do say that they were looking for a dragonborn which is we've sort of speculated a bit in a mysterious aquarium podcast but maybe that's why the the saeesi were looking for a dragonborn someone who's capable of killing dragons permanently so that they could eat all the dragons as as it said that say as he tried to do but failed but um yes so they uh have said to kneel before riemann at the battle of pale pass um and when they heard his voice and they professed him as dragonborn and they basically all swore fealty to him yeah and that really would legitimize his kind of rule as well you know anyone doubting his leadership it's like oh now the invading forces who just absolutely slaughtered their way through tamriel and kneeling before this man's feet you know like any doubt that you had yeah is now gone and if you disagree you've got the akavir akaviri to deal with the say yes because they're under his command and that helped would help him you know take over even more of tamriel and it makes a lot of sense you know that they say um that they specifically were not hunting and said that they were searching specifically for him and it make it makes sense because if you if you're really invading for any serious reason like you know to conquer you don't blaze a trail straight through to the pale pass like get cut all the way through the continent that's kind of like a bit like what um the the cameron usurper did and you know you know how that ended up for him it's like you don't just blaze a trail you you have to like do it slowly and integrate and and whatnot so and it's pretty obvious i guess too what's interesting here so he he basically he uh recruits a whole bunch of these akaviri into his armies and there's one group that sort of become the dragon guard which is the famed group of dragon slayers and protectors the emperor um and also the uh potentates that basically there is a sort of a chosen seisi advisor amongst all the akaviri who sort of advises each of the of the riemann emperors that that follow and so on but the other thing that's noted is all of the akaviri uh fighting styles and a lot of their military um tactics and such how were actually combined with the the legions so basically on the formation of the legions that sort of gave the sort of like ruby ranks that we'd see today in the in the way that they it provided the basis for all of their military sort of preset i guess so and using that riemann then goes on this massive conquest he goes on um to take on tamriel as a whole which if we were to compare it to the elysian empire the furthest the elysian empire got was really just sort of you know right down towards topple bay up into the nibene heartland of cyrodiil and then sort of up across dragontail mountains into high rock so one big strip but uh as we'll get into raymond riemann gets pretty far with his conquest well simply being able to unite cyrodiil is a feat that you know um kind of undid the elysian empire um that they were never really able to tame the colovian highlands whereas that was the first thing raymond did in in the face of this akaviri invasion so it goes to show his might immediately because it was a very divided province yeah and he kind of set the trend as well in a way of all the empires to come conquering tamriel or trying to in different ways and also set the kind of standard as the empire being this more cosmopolitan faction because he'd blended the influences of colombia nibernae high rock but now also akaviri influence you know and we and we still see that in in the empire to this day and with things that came from the dragon god like the blades and so on so it's an interesting mix it's also interesting that he is like he's probably if depending on whether you believe whatever the story uh the mythological story stuff um he's referenced as a son of the west which is implying colovia so it sort of feels of clovian sort of origin so it's interesting that like because you know how they're usually the more stuck in their ways sort of rigid types it's like that it's kind of good that it came from a a collovian type person to then go and incorporate other elements because if it was in the reverse the nebanese or or you know akavira whatever they'd have a hard time convincing the clovens if you know what i mean whereas i feel like clovians would have followed him more easily because he is one of them in in his you know ambitions to create an amalgamation of the cultures but it's impressive it's impressive just how much influence the akaviri get or this the sayasi get in this because you know they're foreigners who are pretty unknown to to tamriel and they're the chief advisers to this empire which is massive you know yeah well i think the way i sort of interpret i think like the way like it was really dangerous like if riemann didn't if he didn't unite them that kaveri just would have just taken it all basically all through cereal and stuff because it's the way it's described it's just all petty kings and and and stuff spread around in miniature kingdoms there are if i'm trying to think i can't really there would be no big power bases i reckon because you've kind of got like maybe skyrim i can't remember skyrim's unified at this point but you've kind of got like high rock and it's different kingdoms you've got all the clothing kingdoms the nibbanese kingdoms and such you've kind of got elsewhere which is always um you know divided in some way valenwood like they're not conquering i mean you've got morrowind being morrowind but they just sit there with their tribunal gods i don't think there are any like hammerfell once again divided amongst four bears and crowns it's kind of an interesting self-fulfilling prophecy in that if if king hroll had this vision of the snakes um so he needed to you know to revive the empire and create raymond essentially and then the akaviri come and they say we're here for you raymond it's kind of a bit of a oh i wonder if it ever would have happened were riemann not born with this great event not to have happened yeah it's almost like he brought them he brought them on over yeah perhaps it's a weird perhaps that's what alicia wanted i don't know it it's weird but if they are if they exist outside of space and time and all these other things who knows what kind of uh reasons they have because of their actions the the theme sorry i was just going to say it it is a theme in the older scrolls that prophecy you work i spoke about in the singers video fairly recently that um the theme is that if a prophecy is told it doesn't actually necessarily need to be magically prophesied a lot of the times it can just come true by by proxy of it being told as a story that drives people into action and that's kind of potentially what happened here with remus and it's especially true when you look at things like the elder scrolls themselves that kind of change and rewritten like there is no like consistency to them like the timeline's kind of always changing and then you can get into the meta stuff that even potentially like you know past even changes and and retroactively and stuff but it gets wacky but um i guess we can start moving into sort of the now establishment of the of the tamriel wide empire because i i sometimes try to like where he which there's little details about when and where for every province individually like there are some i think it's valenward if you've got that yeah so i've got the timeline here so basically the first akaviri invasion with pale pass and all that was happening around 2703 of the first era in 2704 he divides the reach between high rock and skyrim and that's that's a really important one too because before then like and i mean even for a while after the reachmen are still um more powerful uh than than they are in the times of skyrim and so on but like that that the point of that division was incredibly smart because dividing the reach into two and then sort of divvying out the responsibilities between the bretton kingdoms and the the nords you're kind of having them both flying over it basically destabilizing um what he called richmond power and stuff but it was very difficult it was so hard to pacify them apparently funnily enough the reachmen also get to like an all-time high after all of this but anyway and then in the year 2714 that's when valenwood is conquered by the riemann second empire so all still in his lifetime rhema the first and then he dies riemann first dies in the year 2762 so 48 years after valenwood's conquered is when he dies and then raymond two is born in no no so cast off sorry kastav kastav is is crowned crowned when riemann the first dies and kastav's riemann sun yeah and he's not anything particularly special he's a bit of a loose cannon honestly yeah do you want to so so kastav um he's the one who was said to be really uh i guess hard-headed and stubborn and he really didn't want to listen to like the potentate and he basically ordered the dragon god of sky haven temple to seize nordic hostages and that was involved with um something about conscription quotas leading to the winterhold rebellion yeah i remember drew you made a video about that would you remember uh sorry about what sorry about the um conscription quotas and the nordic hostages i've put you on the spot oh yeah that's that's very specific i can't i can't pretty sure it was just along the lines of the the winners i think it was one line they just disagreed with the conscription methods and so on and then because there was discrepancies over that cast have got hard-headed and then he's like i'm going to use the dragon guard to take hostages and then that really set off a rebellion which here we go i've got the exact the exact quote so emperor kastav again ordered the dragon guard so again it sounds like he's quite um persistent to seize hostages from markarth and holden to ensure that the yals meet their conscription quotas so there you go the yells have conscription quotas and kastav basically gets a bunch of hostages and says fulfill your quotas or i won't let them go um and by hostages it's probably it's very likely probably members of the noble family and stuff it says this will make relations with the local populace more difficult although the hostages are in fact housed and trained with the other acolytes yeah so that's a common thing in in like feudal societies and so on is like having a a hostage like you don't treat them like a prisoner but they're you're taking someone's son away from them and to come and train them and you know they would be exposed to you culturally and so on and you know a lot of people don't like that but um yeah that's a it was a it's a common in our world history for to to take they're like noble hostages it's not a brutal sort of you know terrorist hostage situation like you see in a bank or something it's a lesson learned from the nords and there you know juneau kind of brought that idea to them of taking hostage hostages of war and things like first uh not general the other one um stone is that still oh okay yeah yeah see i'm i'm like very focused right now on on um how angry i get at the imperials pretending to have conquered lands they haven't so it's like um because the the idea is that raymond you know he also conquered elsewhere that one is is is in the texts and apparently used a lot of propaganda kind of um dehuman dehumanizing obese race by literally calling them beast men as the kind of a means to help um facilitate that but when it comes to somerset there isn't really much mention of any great conquest it's you know like when you when you look at the emissaries of the second empire they're only allowed to see the city of eleanor and it's usually from a distance so it seems to me more like the high elves just wanted to tolerate the empire so as to avoid any unnecessary immigration to their land they're just paying tariffs and taxes and whatever just like yeah just state them so we don't have to deal with them and that is that you know that's also the case with i mean we're going to get onto black martian and morrowind but yeah the idea that the riemann dynasty conquered will it seem tamriel wide it's it's much of the mainland but that's so in riemann's time he did i can't remember did he get black marshfield because it is said in retrospect by the time of riemann the second they've only got morrowind left to go so between riemann one and cast have valenwood hammerfell skyrim high rock black marsh was i don't think black marsh was ever included in that i mean i'd be curious what died supposedly right so i'm i'm not sure about it i mean i'll be i'll be interested to hear i'll i'll just continue on the story of emperor kastav so his poor handling of this and other issues branded him as incompetent and cast off was deposed in the year 2805 or 2806 succeeded by riemann ii he lived for several years in exile dying in the murkmair region of blackmarsh in the year 2 8 12. um so i have a feeling that zelda scrolls online yeah i'm pretty sure if you do check the the is there if you go to the riemann dynasty i'm pretty sure um there's a mention of where of the date that black marshes supposedly like you know we can debate the actuality of how far it was actually sure so in the year 2811 cyrodiilic forces defeated the last organized army of argonians at the battle of argonia and the following that's remember argonia admitted to the empire as a province under the name black marsh the rest of the province was conquered piecemeal with the whole area passing under imperial control in 2837 but as we know no one has really ever properly taken black marsh they kind of take fringe areas or northwest areas and say yeah it's else and so perhaps work with other argonians in those areas but they don't really get to the heart of the swamp yeah so perhaps that's where our confusion is anyway because the idea is that riemann is the one who riemann sorry riemann the second is the one who focused on black marsh but perhaps they'd been um fighting with black marsh before his reign 2811 the battle of argonia is about seven years into riemann the seconds reign right okay so riemann second was the one who sort of got black marsh and then started the four score war so he was really the mover on taking the east yeah and because by that point like it's never really spoken about but either kastav probably riemann before him to be honest took hammerfell and valenwood and such yeah yeah so valenwood elsewhere hammerfell and obviously we spoke about high rock and skyrim um is all explicitly attributed to raymond kastav not so much of anything but then yeah riemann ii is the one who focused on the east and it's uh i mean there's a there's a good quote from hiking emmerich from high rock that essentially says if i can find it but it says something along the lines of the uh the unconquered territory in the east was weighing heavily on him so it for sure even if they'd pushed into argonia there's no way they'd made a great deal of progress and the battle of argonia was like it was when you see it's kind of like you can imagine it similar to vietnam the vietnam war if you were to say that the americans won a one big battle against the viet cong it's like but that's not how they fought you know they probably put together an army for a you know there would be big scale battles but their their fight is is guerrilla warfare their fight is you know the the sabotage and the little groups of argonians pulling off whatever and that's how they fight so the battle of argonia really doesn't mean anything and i think fareem in the second he gets bogged down even after this great victory to the point where he just declares it's conquered and because imperials write the history they're they're going to go with that and they say yep it's formally conquered it's like cool formally conquered that means a lot you know yeah for sure but anyway so he goes on to start the four score war which is a massive war trying to conquer morrowind and i believe this goes for 80 years yeah well that's why it's the four score i'm pretty sure yeah okay 20 years yeah it's in the name but yeah like um quick maths yes so then that that's it now that's a big background piece but i'm pretty sure it's riemann second dies in this at they just about all do yes by the end of it at least there's also a really a really cool part that i um wanted to mention because juliet is there right and this is a bit later yeah no no julie x juliet is there in one of the main reminders yeah yeah he's written in the first i'm saying in terms of dynasty we're like still yeah yeah okay riemann second um though does have a son yeah juliet no he doesn't so brazil's door and then brazil's door has juliet no brazil still has riemann the third riemann the third thing you're way ahead the way i remember it dude it's like riemann not riemann riemann not riemann and only the riemanns are remarkable boys all i wanted to say was that there was an underwater battle uh an underwater marching of troops with water breathing spells and the fourth school war that's all i wanted to sound pretty say cool well i mean like we're pretty much done with riemann the second but like to the last thing to say about him really is like as much as i've been kind of you know being a bit cruel to him here he's described as a master tactician and he does something that um the the empire does really well which i talked about in the the video um comparing the empire to elves when it comes to rule is that um when he conquered new territory for the empire he established rule with a careful hand avoiding too much disruption to local customs traditions and particularly to establish trade so it's like even though he i think he failed miserably in argonia and we're going to get onto how he failed miserably in morrowind he was still a very good leader yeah yeah no i i agree and it's interesting so we've only got i'm just trying to work out it's only roughly 100 years of the riemann dynasty so far so they've all been pretty long-lived emperors but then we get to so brazil's door was just basically an honor not unremarkable apparently he was a really um great combatant and he really loved being up there in the vanguard and fighting and stuff or chilling out in his nice uh estate near skingrad um but he basically left it all up to potentia and i think this is the only other potentiate we have mentioned of besides the ones that rule in the riemann emperor's steads but it's uh three sidria shack yeah and he basically let sidria shaq run the joint and and this was actually finally funnily enough said to be like his only wise decision or his smart decision because sid ria shaq was actually really good at administrating and making decisions and running things so it was kind of a you have to wonder if it was like out of laziness like i just like to fight at the front of our forces and to chill out in my country estate near skingrad or if he actually did have some self-awareness and say you know what you're actually better at running things than me it would be best for everyone if i just let you run things but that could be giving brass brazil's door a bit too much credit i'm not sure another little just thing to throw out that happened during the riemann dynasty is the changing of legal documents of being uh high elven into cyrodiilic so you first get that it kind of reminds me like you know how you know you that uh latin was eventually changed obviously like the english and stuff in english places but but yeah it's just um interesting you can kind of see like all of the elven this was like absolutely the biggest blow to elven dominance ever because this is a huge this is a basically a tamriel wide empire with the exception of morrowind and obviously not as impressive as type of septums in the way that somerset wasn't properly conquered and obviously he also got morrowind but um then we come to riemann iii who is the titular character in the in the in the book the um the last year of the first era um and basically riemann iii as as well as brazilians was kept on going with this uh four score war i guess that really was the i'm sure they had other political things going on elsewhere but for the main part um it was focused around morrowind so this is where the prince julia comes in and he's fighting battles and stuff um and then we have the interesting story does anyone else want to take on that the last year of the first era story you go for it mick i was i was going to say i wanted to tell my official official thing i wanted to say before so you've got the battle of bodrum where forces from vivec ambush cyrodiilic army and almost completely destroy it but then in the year 29 20 same year actually there's the battle of old marac where a heavily armored army led by crown prince juliet took the donor by surprise due to faulty intelligence on their part commanding the mystics in his army to cast water breathing spells his army passed through lake coronati quotes pirates of the caribbean style with the majority of the army commanded by vivec being unable to respond to the attack in time so yeah that's pretty badass yeah that's just that's just super cool do you know almost so cool that you'd want to get rid of him as soon as possible yeah which is kind of what ends up happening with his assassination uh at the hands of the morag tong but see and it's who um so the idea about who organized this is actually his potentate versus douchey the potentiate of riemann iii because juliet was actually in the midst of sort of he'd kind of put he's been he'd done so well in combat in morrowind and he was kind of at the point where he was talking to almalexia and vivec and he's like okay we're gonna basically end this war and have a peace and morrowind is going to sort of enter the empire and so on because juliet was even favored over his father as a as a potentially great ruler and so on he basically basically got them in such a position where he was forcing them to negotiate a treaty yeah he'd almost won in a way you know oh he pretty much had one really but then we have versus come in and basically he organized the morag tong to assassinate both riemann iii and juliet so and that ends the riemann dynasty forever but what's interesting is and which we'll we'll get to um is that the riemann empire the second empire continues for i'm pretty sure it's nearly twice as long under the rule of the potentates compared to the actual riemann empire because i'm pretty sure the riemann dynasty only lasts like about 200 years and then for about 400 years in so basically when he dies when riemann uh ceremony iii and juliet are killed um this the severian uh sorry versus duchess institutes the beginning of a new era the second era um otherwise called the common era and um that's when we start counting time forward in uh the second era with the potentates rule yeah so the riemann empire or the second empire basically like you said is split into two parts yeah there's the part with everything we just talked about and there's the part with the yakaviri potentate and sciencey rulers and and leaders and stuff like that which which you know is it's is an argument to be made it's like whether you can consider it a proper empire at all i guess you know because it's not it's not your your elysian riemann style dragonborn empire but i mean one final thing for the riemanns is it's a lesson never invade morrowind just never yeah never mess with morrowind the argonians might eventually learn that but there's no demigods there at the moment yeah well the the um the potential there's a lot of interesting stuff happen so a lot of the lore and eso that you'll you'll play the empire that's only like fallen like a hundred years rough i think it's like 100 or 106 some hundred years before it um was basically just the potential empire like the times of riemann are long gone by the time of uh eso but most of it existed under the potentate and apparently it was a pretty tumultuous time like there because understandably a lot of people don't like the idea of a snake man ruling ruling all of um all of tamriel and apparently so for versus douchey um he employee he's the what is renowned for implementing the the guilds act and getting all of these sort of girls your majors guilds these girls i don't know about these girls but like other guilds but most about the fighters guild which was originally called the suffim which was a saiya guild of warriors and basically it was because versus duchess to in in order to get greater control of all of tamriel wanted to get all of the kingdoms unable to ride right raise their own armies so basically the fight and they were all complaining like you know because i want armies for protection and so on so they sort of agreed that well there's this mercenary guild that you can use called the safim or the later the fighters guild that you can recruit for to do whatever you need to do but you can't have these big formal standing empires so that versus douchey and the empire are the only ones with an actual army and he also absolutely purged out all of the armies that were still loyal to riemann yeah you know there were there were still different kingdoms and and armies that you know obviously like you said don't want to be ruled by a sciencey snake man and and they're still kind of loyal to the the riemann empire and the riemann way of things and so um that basically what's his name visit he basically goes on what's called the riemann purges killing them all um and getting rid of any kind of um resistance to their way of doing things it's a great way to keep your vassals in check you know you just establish fighters guild um headquarters in all of the provinces under your control and you know if you get locals who want who want to rise up and become warriors it's a really good way to immediately indoctrinate them into your way of thinking into being loyal to the empire and uh and all the while it's you know it's it's disguised which you know i make it sound worse than it is but it's disguised as something that's very beneficial to everyone so it's it's you know it shows their intelligence of the these potentates who have been operating kind of behind the scenes but it also for as long as the empire has been there i was just gonna say it also kind of has a little bit more of like a dictatorship vibe in the sense that once he takes control he still retains the title of potentate so it's not him and the potenti advisor it's like i am basically serving as the emperor i'm potentate as well though it's kind of like i'm president and prime minister you know what i mean i'm an advisor to myself no one gives me better information than myself yeah but to their credit to be fair um the empire does last twice as long as the riemann dynasty does and and if you also accredit the potentiates um like uh sidri ashak or whatever it was the one for brazil is door they kind of had you know a reputation for for administration and stuff like that so and they they proved it because there was only two versus duchene and his son salvary and chorac that run it for the 400 and whatever years it is into the second era the sidjushay was assassinated by the morag tong ironically yeah um and then succeeded by his son savrien chorak yeah and uh then he also gets assassinated as well later down the line but by the way there is like i think there's a proper like there's a lot of time they had good runs without being assassinated yeah uh 324 yes 324 raised for 106 years yeah so there's good a good amount of time in between the assassinations but the morag tong notoriety here is what got them uh basically outlawed everywhere except morrowind and basically where they were being hunted down and and we can talk about this in the dark brotherhood episode coming up um in a couple of podcasts but they uh morag tong had their schism and this is where they think the dark brotherhood sort of came around the assassination of uh first seduce and rheem yeah before so yeah i also forgot to mention um the part where riemann ii has old ones wall constructed it's just a cool little yeah little piece well that that's uh is it um i think i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be riemann the first's head on the big wall thing yeah on the door yeah on the door yeah yeah and his likeness yeah arduino is warming so cool when i first saw the trailer for skyrim i'll never forget it it's pretty yeah wait it tells their full story doesn't it it's it's awesome you can just because the uh yeah but so as it is the they basically set up the empire that that uh culturally politically militarily set up basically the foundations of of the empire that tiber septim would then create later because if you really look at it um alicia's empire is it's more like the spiritual foundation rather than the so much so much the actual like structure if you know what i mean um but then because in between i mean i guess we could kind of just like mention some of these if you want but in between there's a lot of obviously old scrolls online takes place after the potentates have been assassinated the riemann empire officially falls but you still kind of got cereal there's still legions around you had the whole so you had uh durkherak the black drake and this is what i was talking about with the reachmen before funnily enough riemann divided them making it really hard for for the reachmen because they had to deal with both the nords of hafengar and um uh the eastern high rock but then you um but then you've got dirk rock the black drake unites all of these clans basically uh makes up a a big army of reachmen and then goes into cyrodiil and takes cyridel and they start the longhouse emperor's dynasty which isn't a legitimate one because of the dragon blood and same as the varan aquilarious guy afterwards and so on and it goes on and on in this tumultuous time until type of septum but yeah so something i will say it's interesting that versidue shay was actually murdered when he was in elsewhere he was in a palace in sanchal because he liked the tropical yeah and stuff because he's a snake he's a snake that's exactly it he's a snake physically and also quite uh metaphorically in the story yeah but and their legacy is interesting like i'm pretty sure if you go to the reminder there's the there's the reference to um chevalier reynald as the member of the dragon guard who protected their dynasty but then he would also go off and find taiwan like all of all of the the empires the legitimate ones are like connected through some like larger story thread like you know riemann being born of alicia and roland stuff but even tiber septim being found by the akaviri dragon guard basically looking for a new new empress yeah it's kind of a cycle of you know the the amulet of kings disappearing the dragon blood kind of fading away and then the the realization that we need to rediscover it for the for the betterment of the empire yeah i'll also say as well while they are both syesi um savriyan chorak is quite different to versus especially in the sense that he was kind of seen to be prone to mishandling crises but he also got rid of the act that banned the formation of local armies so if a sidduche is like no then sabrine chorak just chucks it back in like no you can do that um also got orsinium in the empire yeah there are yeah a brief for that little fleeting moment before it is gone yeah just a little bit yeah but yeah it's kind of a oh it's just like it's it's kind of a rule for for these empires is that um you know with the riemanns they they were really dominant and good leaders but for a very short amount of time and it's like um you know riemann ii being a perfect example of a great leader but he was too ambitious and there's also the fact that the imperials have a tendency to try to you know incorporate every land they take into their empire which can often bite them in the ass in that you know it kind of gives them the ability to fight back in the future but then you have the opposite end of the spectrum in the same empire being the the uh the potentate who are like a rule with much more of an iron scale and um you know get assassinated for it you know so it's a it's the way it goes don't don't start an empire unless you want to get killed pretty much but yeah that's like the most the least ambitious quote i've ever heard they're also so by comparison because since we just did the episode on the elysian empire both the septum dynasty and the um riemann dynasty are so short-lived by comparison but so significant yeah because it was just there's two thousand long year dragon break as well yeah and then just like even if you take out the thousand year dragon break it's still like riemann dynasty is like around 200 years and then type of septum dynasty is only around 400 uh maybe probably closer to five getting there closer to five but but by comparison you know look i'll just do this the flame that burns twice as bright but it's half as long yeah yeah but then again there's also like a 500 year gap obviously between hestra and gorius or gorius and hestra so there's yeah there's there's a lot of weird things about the elysian empire but i agree it is like the you know the longest living as much as they probably weren't loved for a lot of it and now it's uh there's no need for an empire anymore there's no amulet of kings no ordained emperors and deceptical yeah he's got titus made sitting in his ship yeah waiting to get killed the cannon ending for him what do you think he's he's a dead man oh yeah yeah because they'll run the events like even if it's not necessarily like the dragonborn the canon idea will be someone killed the emperor they'll say the dark brotherhood killed yeah it's just so cool for the setup for elder scrolls six i think yeah if they could work with that like what happens to the empire does it kind of continue to crumble does it have a big overhaul and come back empire special edition imagine if they pulled a meme and you in the new one you were like assassinate the new emperor again so they go like the cannon ending as tight as me he was assassinated and a new emperor's in and then you assassi just so you can assassinate him again in all the scrolls well i'll tell you i'll tell you this if the second empire is anything to learn from we know that the assassinations of emperors can happen in a row so yeah it's happened before i feel like the riemann empire is the best one i do really like the elysian empire but there's only those to be fair there's only those like 100 or so years in between alicia and the rise of the elysian order that like i think would be really cool because after that it becomes this big crazy zealot it's cool in itself but it's this is big drawn out like empire thing whereas riemann's got like really good mythology about building up the whole the origin story and then it's like i don't know i can remember all of the names of the emperors i know who they all were they're all characters in themselves yeah i think i like the riemann kind of in the second empire more anyway but i it's definitely mythology such a massive hook for me the whole story um of his birth as funny as it can be to meme is also just really really cool and the fact that there's this baby with the amulet of kings on his forehead is just i love it and speaking like an adult on the throne you know that's just you know those like chad virgin memes i'll see if i can find it and put it up but there was one with um like riemann versus type of septum it was the virgin type of septum and the in the chat and he's like this big mossy dude with his like with his um like the big amulet kings and his forehead stuff yeah it's pretty cool poor taiba well we'll talk about the uh the septum dynasty soon i imagine we've actually got a few other episodes we're diverging for the empire so we'll be uh it'll be a long while i think yeah we got a lot of really awesome topics planned that we want to tackle first mix it up a bit yeah otherwise we'll end up on a five week in a row empire binge and i can't handle that no i could keep going i love the empire i do too but we're not for fun no no obviously yeah but yeah i think that's about it all right well thank you so much everyone for watching it has been great to be here with scott and drew and having internet that works not dying this episode was fantastic and uh we look forward to nerding out with you all again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 58,493
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Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls podcast, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls lore podcast, elder scrolls 6
Id: _u6e6Exilaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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