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welcome back to a brand new tip video today we're going to be giving you guys the secret settings to really improve your aim but a couple of these changes you're going to be shooting straight like a pro now the first one was introduced in MW and as a setting that every single Pro Player uses well at least 99% of them and it's for a good reason this is something you're going to really want to turn on let me show you first you're going to go to your settings controller and then for your aim response curve type make sure this is dynamic fast starting movement that slows down to the aiming rate so what that means is when you're moving your stick around it really gives you that snap ability which you will see with Pro players and what it does is at first it starts off fast so when you're moving your stick around it goes a little bit fast and then towards the end when you're about to slow down and aim at your opponent it slows down with you so this is going to allow you to really you know move your stick around snap on someone and at the end it's going to slow down a little bit and you see my aim is very precise towards the end for that reason now this stilles taken a little bit get used to but with some practice you're going to be able to do things like that and there's a reason why pretty much every single Pro Player uses the setting because you can't really get that with standard or linear now don't get me wrong the other ones are okay but if you really want to reach your full potential and have that snap ability like the pros do you're going to want to use the setting and now the next thing we're going to be talking about is a setting that it's not as op in this game but is still lies and some of the pros still Ed till this day you're going to go to controller and then you're going to go to aiming settings you're going to go all the way down to aim assist type and you can try Black Ops so I have dabbled with default and Black Ops I like them both I think they both have their pros and cons on default I feel like I have a little bit more control of my aim but I get less aim assist at certain fights and with Black Ops I feel like I get a little bit stickier aim assist but certain gunfights I feel like I can't control my aim as much and I miss a little bit for that reason now I do like Black Ops a lot because it basically is extra aim assist and it helps you aim for you which you know who doesn't like that so I recommend you guys using Black Ops and trying it out if you don't like it for some reason you can always revert back to default but this setting alone is going to help you with your aim and shoot straighter even with an SMG an AR a gun that has recoil control you're going to notice you're going to get a little bit extra aim assist and I feel like a lot of people are struggling with that right now because Modern Warfare 2 does feel like it has a little bit L less aim assist when you're shooting your Target but Black Ops makes you feel a little bit better in terms of that it gives you a little bit more of that sticky aim assist and I'm sure that's what you guys are all looking for and that's why you're here so make sure to swap to Dynamic just like that and Black Ops you're going to be shooting very straight now let me show you what I can do in actual match and here we go we got some terminal hardpoint going to be rocking like I said Dynamic and Black Ops a assist and show you guys what I really can do with these settings now Dynamic you're going to notice when you first switch to it that you're going to really have that snap ability you know that Pro snap like wow you able to snap like that yes you can which a little bit of practice oh we're shooting we're shooting grenade launchers that's what we're doing come on buddy I you want to piek me yeah you're not winning that one UAV popped beautiful I love that going to slide out about to Chow this confidence slide cancel challing that gu got erased out the game oh my God they're all spawning here nice little head shot just just all head shot just all head that's all I'm getting all head I'm trying to tell you guys the Black Ops thing so one thing I've seen a lot of people talk about is like I don't get much aim assist AB like what can I do to fix this like I feel like I'm not getting aim assists you know that's something someone actually told me on stream today oh my God aim assist aim assist we love aim assist and something I mentioned to them was well if you want to shoot like this wow I'm just working them right now but if you want that extra aim assist your one of your best answers is Black Ops aim assist no trolling being 100% serious you want extra aim assist like that laser do you want that extra aim assist wow use Black Ops and of course we got the good old Dynamic going to see me slide C around snapping on people laser I'll CH this I'll CH this laser and dynamic again allows you to you know swipe them sticks around man really allows you to swipe them sticks around and still be pretty precise On Target and when you first switch to things like Dynamic oh even Black Ops it's going to feel weird at first but once you get a hang of it you start shooting very straight you know what I mean and that's probably going to help you also play on a slower sense with Dynamic on cuz you you don't wow that was bad see turn around super fast drop shot it's nothing but so easy help for teammate pop UAV now just like anything it is muscle memory like it's going to give it's going to take some time to get used to oh once you get it once you switch to it and once you have some Play Time behind it you're going to realize it definitely is a wave come here buddy come on come here yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes he's trying to do a trick shot oh yeah and then one thing you're going to notice is my aim is just Snappy but also on point you know and I don't play on a fast sense mind you I don't play on a fast sense by any means you you look at my game you're probably saying app you play on 77 88 99 no no no no no no I do not I I I play on 66 661 a very standard sense most plural players play on because it's slightly fast and it also is really good to be precise and not miss shots like that like he tries to Eco Chow him he just gets put down you know what I mean now with the whole aim assist with Black Ops to be honest look at that little snap look at that little snap come on now what are we talking about is there a guy here I see a shadow yes yes yes I did see a shadow he's dead too you're Ching me you're dead too it's just I'm just putting them on a a blender right now look at that laser snap yes yes yes but seriously Black Ops aim assist will give you like the extra aim assist almost and you will feel you know especially like a range like wow just putting these guys on the dirt but you will feel like at certain ranges like the extra pull on the aim assist which is very nice obviously very nice to have but but it is a little bit of a weird feeling to be honest just to be completely honest with you guys like when I first switched to Black Ops I didn't fully like it you know like I had to get used to it a little bit but it's definitely with the aim assist part like if you like default just stick to default if you feel like you're losing aim assist or you need some help you know with your aim use Black Ops they're going to notice a little bit more of a pull which is very nice um I've asked a lot of Pros you know what they use and I've definitely got mixed answers some pros like Black Ops a assist some people like default I I like them both I mean they both I IO I think they both have their pros and cons you know what I mean the default feels more natural and it feels like you can control your aim more like you have more control of your stick more of your aim versus like it kind of aims for you which you think is a good thing but like when you got to make those minuscule adjustments on your stick and your aim and Black Ops kind of messes you up there so the pro is well with Black Ops you get more aim assist especially medium to long range the con is you some certain gunfights you get you know less control of your aim which can cost you and can get you killed in some fights wow I'm just spawn killing these guys I feel so bad for them I feel so bad for them I'm going to make them uninstall the game and you know don't feel discouraged like anybody can reach my aim and get really good at Call of Duty and shoot like me shoot nukes and shoot like be precise if you follow the right settings the right tips the right information and you apply it you know you can definitely achieve a high level or even s tier aim not even a it's not even a question you know it will take some time and some practice but this is why I do these videos this is why I try to help you guys you know you can just see the dynamic coming into play when I'm moving around and snapping on people that fast that fast swipe and then just that slow down right there at the end when I ads obviously my ads sense is slightly slower but that's also what dynamic helps with I can just kind of run around and swipe around swipe my sticks around not even a problem laser him got another OverWatch Hilo I don't know if they're rage quitting peel that kid off the head like it's nothing gun that kid too it's just too easy we got him in a nasty spawn trap here UAV rur base UAV St I can spin around circles it wouldn't be a problem still not a problem you see that's Dynamic B maybe that's that Dynamic SL Black Ops aim assist I can spin around and just still aim pretty well when I once I'm at my target about to laser him off this NOP it's too easy and if you guys haven't already man go make sure to go check out my other YouTube videos as well my other two videos go show some love drop some likes I'm here to teach you guys and help you guys get better man that's what I'm here baby that's what I'm here for give you guys trying to give you guys the best settings the best the best tips the best information this is a easy 60 bomb it's a GG's they're quitting I'm making them rage quit this guy's just giving up I mean wow 63 clinical make sure to drop a like subscribe I'm sorry made them rage quit I love you guys peace out
Channel: Apathy BZ
Views: 34,334
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Keywords: Apathy, Apathy BZ, pro players tips on how, call of duty, modern warfare 3, mw3, mw3 gameplay, mw3 trailer, mw3 tips, modern warfare 3 gameplay, cod, new call of duty, new call of duty modern warfare 3, modern warfare 3 2023, cod modern warfare 3, new cod, modern warfare 3 tips, new cod gameplay, new cod modern warfare 3, cod mw3 2023, mw3 2023, 2023 mw3 gameplay, 2023 mw3 trailer, mw3 settings, new cod settings, 2023 mw3, mw3 tips and tricks, best mw3 settings
Id: Ba3n86hjon8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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