TOP 5 MOST OVERPOWERED GUNS IN MW3.. (Best Class Setup) COD Modern Warfare 3 Meta

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what is up guys my name is Nick and welcome back to another Modern Warfare 3 top five meta class setups this is the best of the best guns in the game if I were to make a tier list these would be the number one guns in the S tier all five of these weapons are overpowered broken completely still usable and the first one that we're going to be talking about is the ram 9 now the ram 9 is an SMG it really is let's let's move my face let's make it a little smaller the ram 9 is an SMG guys but it also plays like an assault rifle at the same time which is really awesome if you ask me because I actually use this gun on small medium and large Maps I'm going to start using it in war zone as well I play a lot of that recently and stuff and I just think it's just one of those guns where you're never going to go wrong with all right so we're going to get into this class setup but before we do if you guys could drop a like I would truly appreciate that this gun right here is it's an all-arounder okay so it's definitely worth using we're going to look at the attachments right here basically we don't have a barrel and we don't have a muzzle and I don't think that those are needed for this class now normally I either have one of these on or both of these on but this time we're just going to start off with the dr6 hand stop and what I really like about this one right here is that you're getting ads you're getting Sprint to Fire and if I move my face you guys are going to see you're getting a lot of movement as well 6% movement speed 11 Crouch movement speed and 10 ads movement speed now you're only losing pretty much HTI fire spread which is not bad at all and tactical stand spread which again I don't mind losing we're getting Sprint of fire at 8 and 8s at seven so that's actually pretty awesome right there then we got 50 round mags this is going to make you a little slower it's going to make everything feel a little more clunky but this gun is already so quick that it doesn't really make too much of a difference in game you guys are going to see when you're playing with this thing it's actually really nice as well then we got the Cronin mini dot for the optic I'm really really liking this one lately um I do like the Slate reflector don't get me wrong the Slate reflector is awesome but the krona mini dot for some reason is just it's just really nice and then I I used to use different sites as well but I mean hey this one is it this is my current favorite one and I I like it then we got the comb it's the ft polycom and this is for gun kick control and recoil control we're getting vertical and horizontal both at 10 and gun kick at 10 as well so it's awesome we're losing 19 ads which is pretty hefty but I I don't really worry about that too much it's not too too bad then we're going to go for the retort 90 grip for the final attachment and again we're going to get more gun kit control at 10% and horizontal and vertical both at seven as well so this gun is accurate this gun is good and it's just really overall a fun weapon to use so like the ads was slow as you guys saw 19% but it's still really really fast on your ads and stuff like that so I wouldn't worry about it honestly gr class one of my favorite weapons in the game but now we're going to actually move on to my favorite weapon actually no I'm I'm going to save that for the third weapon let's move on to the MCW cuz the MCW no matter what even after the Nerf this is still an allaround best gun in the game all right you could use this as an SMG you could use it as an AR you could use it as literally anything you want it is still a very very viable option now right here as you guys can see we got a barrel to start things off cuz yeah why not right now this Barrel I'm going to say I like it but I don't like it at the same time okay so it's the Cima Silent Shot integral suppressor okay so it's great because you get a suppressor your ads is fast your Sprint to fire is fast Sprint to fire at 13% is huge ads at 8% is pretty nice as well but you're losing effective damage range and minimum at 20 and bullet velocity at 20% as well so really not a great option for larger Maps but pretty much I I just I feel like it's nice to have cuz you're suppressed you're getting a lot of Sprint to Fire and a lot of ads so if you're using it for close and mid-range this is the attachment you definitely want to use for this class then we got the FSS ol laser for ads and Sprint of fire again we're getting four ads and eight Sprint of fire so this gun's already pretty high up there all right like 21 so far we're up on Sprint of fire which is really nice so I like that a lot again we got the Cronin mini dot again this one right here guys I mean if you like the Slimline Pro run that if you like the Slate reflector run that if you like the Mark Mark III I think it is run that just run whatever you like in all honesty with these with these uh Optics it's pretty much what you like I'm not going to tell you guys use this one cuz it's the best if you don't like it you don't like it so run whatever optic you guys like I'm just saying I prefer the croni and mini dots especially on some of these classes then we got the reble or reble the RB Regal heavy stock wow that was weird um this one right here is going to give you gun kick control at 12% and vertical and horizontal both at eight we're losing seven Sprint to fire but we're already up 21 so now we're at 14 still we're pretty high up there on Sprint to fire no would to worry about that too too much and then the RB Rapid Strike to get that Sprint to fire back guys this is huge we're getting 23 Sprint of fire so that's actually pretty awesome and then we also already are up 14 on Sprint of fire 14 and 23 that's 33 34 35 36 37 Sprint of fire that is awesome and then eight ads which is good as well now we're losing gun kick control and all that kind of stuff recoil and vertical horizontal both of them all of them at 10 but as you guys can see this gun is still very very accurate really really quick as well like the ads is not bad at all it's really really quick mid-range close range this thing is still going to draw people instantly it's a good class to use let's move on to my favorite weapon in the game I forget where I have the class I think it's this one right nope I have it all the way this way it's true the SVA 545 guys this class right here is like it's the best class in the game in my opinion I love the SVA if you don't like the SBA then it might not be the best class for you but I'm going to give you guys two options for the barrel right here okay this is my favorite class now the barrel right here I would take this off the NT quietus suppressor I love it cuz you're getting 8 ads and 10 Sprint of fire it's great but you're losing a lot of effective Diamond range minimum damage range andol of velocity and it does show ingame this one this one's pretty obvious it's going to take an extra shot to kill people at longer ranges so this gun only when I play the small M Mosh Pit I'm running this attachment if I'm not playing the small Mash Mosh Pit I'll actually switch out this attachment for I think it was the no not the short barel definitely not which one is I have to see what it gives you here this one right here the STV Precision Barrel cuz this one right here you're getting 12% effective damage range 13 minimum damage range and bullet velocity at 15 you're getting four recoil gun kick control seven horizontal and vertical now you're losing a lot of ads and Sprint of fire but it's not bad if we go into the firing range before I talk about the other attachments quickly you guys are going to see that this thing is an absolute laser close mid and long range this thing is disgustingly op now you might have seen a laser while I was there in the firing range even though the laser is blocked and that's because the site that we're using is the Cronin endless mcp2 which actually gives us ads speed and aiming stability because it does have a laser now your laser is only visible in ads which is great but you're actually getting ads at 1% which is not much but it is pretty good and you're getting the hip spread at 11 hip spread Max at eight and tactical stand spread at 17 the reason you're getting those is because even though the laser is visible at ads it's still visible for you as you guys can see right here even though you're not adsing so it's actually non ads the enemies can't see it ads the enemies could see it I don't know how that works cuz a laser is a laser but hey it is what it is all right now the the schagger Tango is going to be the under barrel for this one you're getting recoil control all that kind of stuff like this gun is really easy to control in terms of recoil and then finally we got the main V6 stock for gun kick and recoil control as well The Recoil at 21 and horizontal and vertical both at 8 and then finally the cadell grip for the rear grip for gun kick control ads which is nice and recoil control so we're focusing a lot on recoil control and stuff but we're still getting ads with that so 7% ads which is great that was a weird hicup a uh gun kick control at 10 horizontal and vertical both at seven so honestly this class like I said it's my favorite class in the game I actually love this class so much I don't know what it is the SBA is just my favorite weapon and I'm going to continue using it at all times now let's move on to another weapon on this list and I forget where I have it yeah here yeah here it is is right here okay the ram 7 now oddly enough I just recently started using this gun so I haven't used it much but I actually love it like if we go into the fing range I'm not even a full level like I I think I unlocked all these attachments at like level seven or eight or nine somewhere around there on this gun and it's just overall really really good now I'm going to make this class better obviously especially for long range but as a rushing assault rifle it is great the way it is at the moment so the barrel is going to be the Boreal 6C suppressed Barrel which is actually good because you're getting range with this one and it is a suppressed Barrel so that's really rare to get in this game you're getting effective damage range at 20 minimum at 20 and Below velocity at 30 normally any attachment any Barrel that has a suppressor attached to it is going to take away range this one actually gives it so definitely worth running cron a mini dot again then we got the hvs 3.4 pad and this one's going to give you gun kit control and recoil control 20% gun kick eight horizontal and vertical then I got the Ft polycom again for gun kick and recoil control 8% of all of those and you guys can see we're getting a lot of recoil control in this gun but it still has quite a bit of kick for that longer distance and this one as well we're getting 10 recoil seven horizontal and seven vertical so a lot of recoil control on this gun but you're going to see when you go for those long distance shots there is still a lot of recoil as you can see right there a lot of it visual but a lot of it is actually there as well so I would use this gun mid-range long range and it's an assault rifle it's going to be consistent at those ranges not long range my bad close strange but yeah it's it's an assault rifle that is fast it's a very fast assault rifle feels like an SMG but has the power of an assault rifle so definitely use this gun as well this one's really awesome now the final weapon in the game is going to either be the Rival 9 or where is it yeah I think this class yeah yeah yeah it yeah okay so or amr9 my bad okay so I was losing what I was saying there this class I'm I'm going to share with you guys but this is the one I want to give you guys and then finally for the final one I'm going to give you this one as a bonus so I'm going to give you guys this bonus class the AMR 9 I think it is part of an S tier weapon but it just doesn't fit the top five so this is it right here as you guys can see I'm going to show you the stock because my face is blocking it it's the Wolfhound carbine stock then for the rear grip we got the Phantom grip and then for the MK3 for the optic I mean we got the MK3 reflector for the barrel we got the amr9 enforcer long barrel and then we got the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop for the under Barrel that's a bonus gun all right so this one's not actually part of the top five but I feel like it still belongs and I just want to title this video top six so yeah we're it's there all right now this rival 9 class is better than this one now I'm going to explain why okay so I'm going to show you guys this one I just personally love this class all right I don't know what it is about it it looks weird it looks small it looks awkward but just look at this thing look how fast it is this thing is so good it's just really really quick everything's nice on it we could go we could shoot mid-range we could even hit longrange shots with this one even though I missed every single shot there don't take what I just did as actual proof okay that I was a little too hyped going for those shots I missed it's on me now the muzzle is going to be the VP 27 miniak s that is a long name but it's also a short name at the same time this one's going to take away the range and all that but it doesn't matter cuz guys we're getting horizontal recoil control which is the most important for this gun at 28% so it barely has any horizontal recoil very easy to control the Commando four grip is just going to make that a lot easier because we're going to need a gun kit control at three more horizontal at three and vertical at three as well so it's actually really good these two attachments are awesome if you want this gun to be built for longer range take off the Commando of forgrip go to the barrels and throw on the Rival SE clear shot I don't care about it much but you will get a lot of range with it I just don't care about it for this class this is my small map class or my close range on war zone and stuff like that so yeah MK3 reflector cuz I feel like this is the best site for this one the Cronin is nice but this one right here you have it's really small you'll see everything all around you it's just overall a better attachment in terms of that and then finally we got the exf close quarter assault stock now you might be wondering why is there only four attachments because these are the only four you actually need all right guys 17 gun kit control 13 horizontal and 13 vertical as well if you want this gun to be quicker what I would recommend is going into the lasers and throwing on the vlk laser this one right here is going to give you even more ads and even more Sprint to fire 5% of both but your laser is visible when adsing which is one of the main reasons I didn't throw it on for this class it's just I felt like it wasn't really needed but you could also go to the rear grip if you want and you could throw on any of these ones any of these will do good except for this one don't don't do the G5 but the Rival clutch grip would be nice because you'll get Crouch movement speed don't really care but you lose Sprint to fire speed 15 so maybe it isn't that nice I actually thought this one gave you a little more than that I I don't know why I only run this one guys the Rival Vis all grip don't run any other rear grip useless useless both of I actually thought this one was better for some reason I I don't know why this one right here is really good cuz you're going to get 10 recoil gun kick seven horiz IAL 7 vertical I'll throw it on just to show you guys what it'll look like in the fighting range but it's honestly yeah it's it it might as well right I just don't don't really run it I don't know why I don't know why I don't run it much but just it is what it is it feels like you actually have more recoil for some reason I think that's the reason why I actually took it off in the first place cuz we'll go back to the frying range now and I'll shoot without it and it just yeah it's weird it's true that's why that's why there's only four attachments on this class I thought it's because because I didn't want to make any any on the ads or Sprint to fire yeah don't run this High guys every rear grip is useless on this thing this one is supposed to get rid of gun kit control horizontal and vertical recoil but I think it's actually broken it feels like it actually gives that at least from what I've tested so yeah take it off these 4 is8 my bad I might have confused you guys don't run any other attachments unless it's the VK laser besides that leave the gun as is thank you guys for watching if you guys did enjoy the video make sure to drop a like sub to the channel if those no on I don't see why not right so go ahead and do it we're getting close to 700 Cas so you guys are awesome and I got to say thank you for that but yeah I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: ItsNick
Views: 4,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modern Warfare 3, Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay, Gameplay, COD MW3, COD, MW3, Modern, Warfare 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Modern warfare 3 best class, best class setup, best guns, best gun, mcw class setup, class setup, best class, best, class, setup, mw3 best class, overpowered, MCW, top 5, cod mw3 best class, modern warfare 3 best gun, top 5 after update, mw3 season 1 reloaded, season 1 meta, mw3 meta, best ranked play class, ranked class, ranked mcw, best mcw ranked class
Id: e9ygkEMonWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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