#1 PRO SETTINGS for MW3 Ranked Play! (BEST AIM + FPS)

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I'm going to start off with saying settings is one of the most important things in this game if you have the wrong settings you can be one of the best players but your skill is going to be dropped very quickly yes I was a pro player and yes I'm top 250 in the world so let me give you guys the sauce and all the things you need to know I'm going to go through some of the settings quickly that aren't as important and obviously the stuff that I feel like are important I'm going to break them down a little bit more so display mode full screen exclusive display monitor obviously my monitor display adapter obviously my graphics card make sure your refresh rate is on the right setting this thing resets sometimes so that's something you have to uh take a look at mine is 240 Herz so I have a 239 9.70 I got my display resolution at 1440p which is the monitor I have aspect ratio automatic this is good to restart your shaders if you need to display leave it like that I like having my brightness a little bit higher in this game because I don't know what it is it just feels like the game is dark so I usually put it like 53 54 55 right now I have it on 54 Nvidia reflex low latency on Boost but you can have this on on just make sure it's on one of these to help your frames and help your performance Echo mode make sure it's on efficiency you want to have the best performance don't put anything else VC gameplay make sure this is off this will hurt your frames and you do not want that VC menu is at 100% custom frame rate people like to mess with this I usually just have it on unlimited nowadays but if you wanted to customize it this is a good customization right here that you can put I have my menu render resolution optimal this is kind of basic default stuff 90 uh make sure your HDR is off and then let's go to Quality so I have this on custom have this at 100% again you want to double check it's your monitor so I got a 1440p it's a 1440p dynamic resolution off Fidelity cast this is going to improve your quality a lot it's going to make your game look a lot clearer sharper which I really like cuz I can see stuff easier and I have my fidelity cast strength at 95 I usually recommend like 90 to 95 uh obviously if you put at 100 it's not bad it just looks very very sharp uh this does hurt your frames a little bit but I feel like it's worth it it just makes your game look so much clearer I have this off V uh RAM skill Target on 75 some people have this like 80 85 but obviously that's a good range I have this on on off text resolution low low off high high off off low off low now you got to make sure and understand that a lot of these settings I have them on low and off is because I want better performance I want more frames and then some of them that are high is because it doesn't affect your your FPS that much and sometimes even better to have a high for more FPS so that's why I have some of these settings like that I have to sell low Shadow quality low screen off ambient off off low if you do these you're saving yourself like 20 frames right there so make sure you drop all these off off desolation low off off off and off now let's go to the view fov I am on 110 now this is a little bit crazy I I really don't recommend this if I want to give you guys an honest opinion I would say play somewhere between like 100 and 107 I think for multiplayer that is The Sweet Spot a lot of pro players play on 100 103 or 105 some even play a 107 but that's kind of a good range why because usually under 107 uh fov usually get more aim assists so that's a really good recommendation I've been playing on 110 just for fun honestly uh but I did like playing on 107 ads field of view affected this is going to help you have less visual recoil now this is when you aim in it AIMS in zoomed out like it goes more with your fov versus independent it definitely feels better it definitely feels better when you're on a higher fov so I really recomend men affected weapon field The View wide I just like how the gun looks smaller on my screen uh this is on 80 this is on default that doesn't really matter if you want to have less stuff on your screen and like better Visual and less more you know less visual recoil make sure you have World motion blur off weapon motion blur off film grain put this all the way to zero I don't know why this this is on defaults like on 50 put this all the way to zero it's going to make your game look clear and then obviously it's very important first person camera movement make sure to put this at 50% this for some reason is at 100 100% default it's your screen shakes like I don't like realism like I don't get it I don't want it you know you want to play you want the least shaking possible on your screen when you're playing from you know explosions grenades when you're getting shot at whatever it is it's going to make the game feel a lot smoother now let's go to the big important thing controller so really quickly if you want to use a specific button layout obviously Ed and button layout I play on tactical flipped is the one I've been playing on for years and you can even edit your actual buttons to other buttons which is pretty cool something new a bumper ping I have this on I play on flipped so I shoot with my bumpers instead of my triggers stick layout default controller vibration off there's no reason for you to have vibration it's honestly a disadvantage to some degree so I just recommend to have this off now dead zone input something a lot of people talk about and it's really cool cuz they have a new setting in this game but there's a lot to talk about right so you can test your dead zone if you you know click test stick Dead Zone you can see your stick move around you can see if it's going to move by itself a little bit and if you have stick drift uh but you know a lot of people have these questions always ask me what my dead zone is so so left stick minimum I have this on one this basically means like it's very responsive as soon as I move my stick like it's go right the more you put the The Dead Zone up the the the more it takes the longer it takes so you can see basically right off the rip I would have to move at a certain range if I if I would have to move out of that red range for me to start moving you see this so the more stick the more dead zone you have on minimum the the longer it takes for it to react essentially so you want to drop this all the way down to low especially on your left stick your left sticks to move you want it you want better movement you want your your movement to be more like quicker uh just put this on one one or two three max but you can have this on low doesn't really matter now left s Max I have this on 85 this is honestly another good thing so basically to reach like Max you know Sprint speed and Max movement speed you know your stick essentially has to go all the way right to the end so another example here I'm going to put this uh test this Des on so you can see so this red bar you can see this whole red bar around it I basically would have to hit the red bar and I'm I'm already at Max so I don't have to move my stick all the way towards the end but you know almost to the end for me to reach that maximum so this is something you can test around you can see the lower the more I lower it the less like I have to reach so once I hit this which is a lot quicker it's already maximum but here's the thing the lower you go the weird your movement is going to get and it's going to your sticks going to uh you know act weird so the lowest I usually recommend lowest is like 70 70 75 uh I put it mine on higher cuz my stick was acting a little weird so I put it a little bit higher but you're going to notice it's going to help your movement and it's going to make make it you know your movement overall quicker right stick minimum I have it on three I like having more control of my stick and in my aim again this is going to give you a little bit of stick drift so you got to be careful like usually defaults like five if you have anything over in five then you are cooked it's going to affect your aim in a negative way and I'm not kidding when I say this if you have your stick drift on like your right stick minimum on 10 15 you're not able to use your full stick like the full potential because you can't use the initial part of it so like it just it just feels weird it feels like almost you have a slight input delay uh in some way way so I have my right stick on three three four five is a good spot if you can put a lower you can try if not I Max five and right stick Max 99 don't mess with this at all you don't want to mess with this it's going to affect your your aim in a negative way left trigger zero right trigger zero now let's go to the aiming now we talk about sensitivity we talk about Pro players the sensitivities they use a lot of Pros use 661 now I know some of you guys want to be cracked out a lot of you guys want those fast sensitivities but there's just no reason to be that cracked now would I recommend the highest probably eight I wouldn't go higher than eight I feel like eight is probably the fastest you should go especially if you're like learning to get better especially if you're trying to improve your aim for the people that play on like 10 10 11 11 13 like those are just too high man I think you're just overdoing it in multiplayer your sense doesn't need to be that high it's Quick Cuts it's little angles it's you know three lanes like you're not you're not in war zone spinning in circles looking for people you know it's pretty it's pretty basic so 661 is really what I recommend this is like what 80 90% of pro players play on it's like almost the perfect sense if you want to play a little crazy you can go seven 77 8 8.75 for like 6 ads you can mess around like that but 661 is what I really recommend aim response curve type I have it on Dynamic this is a new setting that was introduced in MW 2019 I'll never forget and dynamic is incredible this is like a setting uh the H aim response C type whatever that allows you to basically snap on people and hit those insane shots now this is like every majority again Pro Player uses and have been using for years uh you know very few you standard majority majority majority I'm talking about 90 95 97% used Dynamic it's just so good and if you're not using it you're most likely at a disadvantage so I really recommend Dynamic I have this on one I don't think this really matters aim response curve slope type this is something you can also mess with nowadays you can go to Dynamic you put show more it's a new setting I just leave mine on one some people like to mess around with it but I think it's just perfect the way it is custom sensitivity presume this is good for like war zone doesn't really matter for multiplayer obviously aim assist type this is another big setting I have mine on default now some people if you used Black Ops Black Ops just feels nerfed in this game and it got nerfed I think last year and ever since it got nerfed it just doesn't feel as good like yeah you get a little bit more aim assist sometimes but I feel like there's just random gunfights where it slows down for me and like it just slows down so hard I can't like track out the guy like really good and I just die and I lose the gunfight because he hits like a sight on me and I can't track him so I really recommend default if you if you feel like you need more aim assists you feel like you're struggling with your aim you can use Black Ops for a little bit but I recommend to eventually switch back to default and get used to it because I think that's really the wave now gameplay there's a lot of settings here that we want to talk about very quickly so first of all I do play on autot tactical Sprint I know it's like G8 in the pro league I'm no longer a pro player so I use it it makes your movement better if you feel like you struggle in movement this is going to make your movement better I really recommend this there's another setting we could talk about after words that also can improve your movement slide maintain Sprint I have this on on uh tactical Sprint Behavior this is the other Sprint setting so if you don't want to run auto attack Sprint because you feel like you can't botw walk and you caught off sprinting too much you can turn this on this sing on single tap uh is it single tap Sprint or uh or run so correct if I'm wrong in the comments but I think it's single tap run and this is just basically like automatic tactical Sprint but you can still walk around and then once you actually want to Sprint and tactical Sprint you just have to click your button once so that's another cool setting you can use grounded mantle off so you don't Auto manle everything automatic Airborne mantle partial so again you're not mantling every single thing automatic ground mantle hang off slide dive Behavior slide only now in this game because of diving and sliding being a thing and slide cancelling being back slide only is the best way to get those fast quick slide cancels that you can't with any other setting unfortunately that's how they made it so I really really recommend slide only for the best light cancels possible plunging under waterf free even though this doesn't really matter because there's no really water other than subbase but I think that's not a map at the moment spring door bash obviously have this on parachute automatic Behavior War Zone off but that doesn't really matter I like my ledge climb behavior on movement base so I don't have to mantle as soon as I press forward it automatically mantles for me so we go to combat behaviors we're going to scroll down to equipment Behavior have it on hold a lot of these are pretty much default tap to reload is pretty much default obviously for war zone you would use interact but tap to reload is perfect uh a lot of these settings here is default for multiplayer you don't have to really worry about a lot of these things yeah and then that's pretty much it and now we're going to go to the audio settings audio mix I use home theater now I do have a specific uh sound EQ settings on my PC to help me hear a little bit more but I feel like with home theater it just sounds really good if you want a little bit louder audio uh you could use headphones base boost um this one is really good and then obviously I have my master game volume which a lot of people wonder I have it on 90 for my gameplay Music Volume I have this on zero because Music Volume has no effect on your gameplay so no longer so you shouldn't really care for for it dialog volume at 60 affs volume all the way to 100 which is footsteps gunshots all that stuff which you really want dialog volume is basically your your your character calling out you know random stuff that could be important like kill streak inbound you know predator missile coming on you you know stuff like that so you got to be careful uh cinematic Music volume on zero again music volume doesn't matter I have Warra volume on 100 but that doesn't really matter for multiplayer and a voice chat if you want to hear your enemies and these are kind of the other settings I've have here if you want to take a quick look in it but it doesn't really matter too much on these things next something that we really want to talk about is the interface now there's a few settings in here that are actually pretty important and you should definitely note down so first of all for color customization a lot of people ask me how do I get my game looking so vibrant looks good you know the colors look nice first of all you can change a lot of these customizations for colors I don't know if you know you can change the the color you are the the color your enemy are Etc but other than that there's a color filter settings in the actual game so this is pretty cool so for color filter I have it on color Filter 2 then you for a color filter Target you want to put both and then you want to put this all the way to 100 and all the way to 100 this is going to make your game more vibrant look better you know not as D next thing HUD bounds this is pretty important because I'm going to say it straight up your mini map is one of the most important things in the game your mini map gives you so much information that a lot of people don't truly understand again tells you where your teammates spawn it tells you where the enemies are based off your teammate spawns you can predict where the enemies are you know there's there's just so much that is going on the map that your mini map gives you so much information so usually you want to put you know I could put this even closer but you want to put your Huds your HUD like very close into the center of your screen instead of having super out you see you want to put your Huds in that way your mini map gets closer which is one of the most important things obviously you can see your ammo over gun and all that stuff which is it's nice too but the mo the the main thing is your mini map then you want to have your mini map on Square it's going to make your mini map a little bit bigger so you can see more things on the mini map instead of the circle mini map rotation obviously on crosshairs I have mine on static over I static just feels the best I'm going to be honest I I've used I've used both of them static just feels the best when you're here firing and shooting uh it just stays and it it feels nice Center dot I do have this on this basically puts a dot in the center of your screen which I think is helpful helps with like centering when you're moving around the map and you can kind of have your you know your dot on the target ready um the thing is there's different sizes right so there's default larger and largest I would not recommend largest that thing looks like a Big Blob on your screen uh but default you know if it's fine for me larger if you feeling like you want it a little bit bigger uh I'd recommend one of those two next we're going to be talking about the Telemetry and this is a setting that allows you to put like your FPS counter up top your Ser latency packet loss all that stuff you know you see the top left of my screen it tells you my FPS the packet loss my GPU temperature so this is where you find it in your interface and you go to here and you just can put whatever set you want on some people have them all but realistically you don't need all these things on guys thank you so much for watching the video make sure to drop a like if this video helped you and I'm sure it will also I'm live on Twitch .tv aathy pretty much every day come drop a follow come Vibe with me I'll catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Apathy BZ
Views: 12,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mw3, modern warfare 3, ranked play mw3, modern warfare 3 ranked play, modern warfare iii, apathy, cod, apathy cod, call of duty, cod mw3, cod mw3 ranked, mw3 ranked, mw3 ranked play class setups, ranked play class setups, ranked play classes, call of duty: modern warfare iii, mw3 ranked play, mw3 ranked classes, mw3 ranked play settings, best mw3 ranked settings, Mw3 ranked play movement tips, ranked play settings mw3, mw3 ranked play audio, mw3 controller settings
Id: KldWR89jgrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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