The Addams Family! 30 DIYs for LOL OMG

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[Music] foreign [Music] little spider [Music] make light clay sausages braid the hair this baby has a pair of braids sticking out draw brown eyes turn this girl into a brunette [Music] draw polka dots [Music] let's sharpen a hot glue stick cut off a tip immerse in green stained glass paint a bottle with a skull perfect for our baby meet Wednesday [Music] Gomez arranged a date for Morticia what could be more romantic than a cemetery you are delightfully sad as ever oh Gomez thanks to you my heart flares up those are thin fingers play the strings of my soul honey wait a minute this Rose is beautiful just like your look Gomez what is this I didn't expect to become a mom let's raise her together the baby it is time to eat but you don't want to Oh weird this this that is definitely our girl let's call her Wednesday choose one of the broken dolls it doesn't look like Wednesday at all change your hair bye bye curls wipe old makeup paint her skin in a white shade [Music] draw brown eyes [Music] make long hair from light clay [Music] divide into strands braid it a little [Music] cover our hairstyle with black acrylic paint foreign now she is in the dress add polka dots her neck is decorated with a neat collar Wednesday is still little but she has a dark Vibe already Wednesday prefers the cemetery instead of a playground who do I scare today you are my dear sister give me this ball you will regret about this [Music] ha you are in my trap now [Music] oh these children hi I want to be like Wednesday when I grow up it can be arranged thank you wipe down the old makeup painters skin a pale shade well how unusual [Applause] dark eyebrows draw new eyes add depth with paint then highlights [Music] not enough lipstick exactly well that's better apply transparent nail polish on the eyes bake an LED lamp oh I love it make a hat from a napkin and glue Paint It Black Kanekalon hair hey what about a hairstyle [Music] haircut time make braids usual Wednesday Style change bright things to Total black sew patterns into a strict dress [Music] polka dot tool complemented the cut add a collar [Music] stockings with polka dots [Music] [Applause] put on massive boots Wednesday is a gloomy teenager now ruin everyone's day honey sure Dad hi I'm Wednesday are you from a horror movie uh let's run weird I don't like it here Dad let's go we are going to the new school event please how about introducing yourself to everyone my name is Wednesday I like to scare people we too sit with us let's tell horror stories after school wow this school is just perfect for me [Music] prepare wooden beads [Music] abracadabra [Music] make a body from polymer clay [Music] I'll take care of the oven what do you need to bake here it is done oh thank you dear dress up our doll in a Black Dress [Music] draw buttons it's time to put on shoes complete our look with a lace collar her head is in place who will love this scary old doll well what are we going to do I don't know it's boring maybe we can draw a rainbow I have no inspiration we can take a selfie in a photo booth I don't like cameras we can buy new toys oh yeah it's her well you finally found something you like only one detail that's better you didn't pay Miss no problem take this thanks have a nice day oh these girls are strange Dolores appeared in the darkness of the workshop let's turn into an adult Wednesday we will not need this [Music] remember about the safety rules put on gloves and get rid of the old face Dipper face and paint snow white skin is typical for Wednesday polish everything sketch a new face large eyes and eyebrows emphasize makeup with paints foreign how touching [Music] I'll grab a napkin buddy a couple of traps and into the lamp eyes sparkled stylists worked on the hairstyle all we have to do is close outline the patterns cut everything out try it out fitted black jumpsuit with collar and white cuffs [Applause] it is cool to be an adult adulthood is full of responsibilities Wednesday is looking for a job it is time to try everything wish me luck her first job is an animator in a children's complex hi and where are my victims um clients hi I'm your new animator nice to meet you your task is not to let these kids get bored oh no okay let's play with toys everyone loves magic an evil sorceress will show you a trick wow [Music] abracadabra sorry I think this job is not for you well okay there is a second vacancy for a florist so many plants in the flower shop everything needs care [Music] you need a florist right okay uh trim the excess first I can handle that done finished already my row roses I meant dry branches you have no taste let's make a terrarium cut a hole in the lid [Music] apply a part to the drawing Circle a stained glass [Music] oh this coloring is magical make a box of transparent plastic [Music] age the glass how old is it [Music] line the moss inside please add the bark oh spiders live here cover with a lid so they don't escape spider store is full of unusual specimens [Music] wow I love it here do you need an assistant extra hands or wants the hurt look after these are babies please oh he is so cute oh you're so sweet I think he likes you I love spiders I am lucky to hire an employee like this yay Wednesday finally found a job that she likes oh this broken doll is not so lucky cut off a top of the head paint everything White her face turned into a skull make a graceful leg [Music] fill the vase with Earth [Music] what can grow in such an unusual vessel I brought you a bouquet of roses well that is unexpected wait I'll put them in a vase so they don't wilt just a couple more touches perfect composition oh you're a very uh out of the box girl sure I appreciate only Eternal Beauty let's make a bag prepare the templates black satin is a great choice cut out the details glue with blanks make a bad coffin hang this bag on the chain an unusual accessory for fans of dark fashion Wednesday decided to take a walk in the cafe good place a phone is ringing I'll have to pick up the phone oh it's me that's right I completely forgot about a new date a ma'am your bag I know who to give it to let me help uh spiders who have spiders well I told you I have Arachnophobia too familiar Russell oh thanks friends you always help me out delivery new materials for you oh wood chips roll them out pass the paint let's do this [Music] perfect black this is for you share the stick attach the legs hold them a little cut the hot glue cartridge let's turn it into candles make candlesticks oh they give a nice vibe this psychic is clearly channeling magical forces foreign do I have visitors hi I have a question what do you want to know show me my future please okay I see a grand wedding me as a bride can you imagine thanks but that's not happening goodbye years later Wednesday grew up my bad wait I remember you come here I won't let go of my fate let's change her gloomy outfit we need new clothes cut out the skirt Circle [Music] gorgeous white dress cute let's add stockings who looks elegant make a corset out of hot glue ribs black is better [Music] let's decorate the dress spiders made of veil add cuffs [Music] some silver a bouquet with spiders how romantic this look will get everyone's attention her wedding is here it's a strange vibe here we are help ah honey they look so much like us when we were young what an unusual couple Nicholas will you take me as your wife um oh right a Band-Aid well what's your answer I don't have a choice [Applause] wow our love is forever girls catch my bouquet I got it ah spider is this for me let's see there are a lot of clothes on the old TV set let's use it in a new craft cut everything out salute [Music] polish the edges paint the inside black [Music] it's more fun outside a little bit of Orange [Music] add speaker panels and Nets and buttons take apart this wood let's put our TV on legs [Music] one of the first lalaloo TV models you can enjoy watching it now if it still works that is [Laughter] this is a spooky honeymoon apartment come on it's perfect yay here is our happy couple please accept this wedding present from The Adams Family oh are you kidding me this is garbage you know nothing about antiques enjoy press on this button it is on oh who do we have here wipe down the face paint the skin porcelain shades hey here are the pencils oh thank you honey draw eyes add volume with nail polish just like his mommy baby it's your turn so blankets pink and blue these kids are completely different what can we expect from a family like this oh this TV is what there are kids here are we parents now so let's split up to get to know them better [Music] didn't think you'd like it here do you want to play hide and seek one two three four five ready or not here I come well where's my son where did you go hmm there is no ah gotcha let's ride the dragon I didn't think it'd be so much fun to play with kids wow everything is so bright that is creepy but I will do anything for my children maybe a slide let's go that is nice I want something yummy okay everyone loves ice cream here we are thank you for an amazing flight are you having fun sure time passed the kids grew up wow that is a dangerous bottle wipe off the old face it's time for a little update draw eyes spread the highlights cover with a transparent nail polish I can't see anything it smells delicious it's all dirty now draw eyes that's better and shine all right let's work on the baby's hair it's a rainbow wow the brother has black curls it's time to change clothes so many Fabrics let's sew the cutest look ah a floral dress decorate with stars it's the boys turn get rid of the clothes tone the skin cut out the vest piece get a sample soon let's see the bottom patterns turned into shorts add a button and a brooch dark look versus rainbow look different styles but you definitely can't mix the kids up only this kindergarten is ready to accept us I hope our kids will like it welcome [Music] help oh this is unacceptable what's wrong Mrs Frankie is it because of bats we sincerely apologize maybe this will resolve this misunderstanding we are sorry this won't happen again you have to get used to the whims of children make special beds cut out coffins now cardboard walls fold lines add foam paper our frame is ready let's get the lining ready pink is perfect sweet dreams [Music] sew pillows we have a mattress make the base [Music] let's age this headstone attach a ring on top pink color and rainbow flower typical Mandy add colors hang our bed attach a canopy wow a few details this boy has a different bed it's dark just like him want to be here too yeah ah I can't live like this but you have a soft bed fine it's time to buy you separate beds there is a huge Choice here I hope hello what are you interested in hi two baby beds you are lucky we just got some unique options wow Nicholas look this is a perfect coffin for Mandy I love it wait honey we're looking for a bed for our son Mister as I said before these are twin beds gosh what do you think son I like it my own coffin now the kids sleep separately and parents have their personal space [Music] make a puppet theater let's open the stage window done let's prepare the materials these sticks will work decorate the scene with a wooden frame paint everything black [Music] skulls and flowers that is so Adams wow a magic cloth tighten the curtains decorate the roof with a skull the Adams theater is ready to host a performance today is a big day for our family I'm giving my grandkids a real Puppet Theater let's support them with Applause wow my first performance Bravo kids what should I do rip off their heads you are just like your grandma Sam don't touch these dolls please let's perform dark stand up [Applause] let's prepare the mat make a snail make a light clay body use a modeling tool the shell is ready foreign [Music] that is a spooky pet whoa animals they need care I agree wow cool beaver uh not really this little pig is cute hey that's my pig thank you well that's it we're leaving wow in ancient Monument wow I didn't see it who are you cute and creepy now we have our very own pet s [Applause] this doll has an LOL OMG head its transformation into Gomez has begun some purple eyeshadow make those eyes look tired and of course a neat little mustache snap just like that a ribbon into threads [Music] Gomez has a gorgeous hairstyle he's wearing a white shirt with a crisp collar [Music] a black vest turns into a jacket it fits perfectly add some print his boots are made out of clay [Music] hi honey I booked us a tour around Europe oh how exciting an adventure [Music] please have a seat [Music] and here are the Lala Alps Gomez wanted to do something romantic but boom pugs they should have been more careful with the pyrotechnics the fireworks were gorgeous but it almost caused an avalanche [Music] this doll is becoming Morticia take off the makeup and wig so you can paint the skin white she's super pale black cat eye makeup emphasizes her brown eyes [Music] black hair is the perfect compliment to her pale skin pull some fabric wow it's separated into pieces just like that the dress is ready the sleeves are flowing in the wind and there's a corset on the back tied with lace long eyelashes sparkly eyes and a bright red manicure Morticia looks stunning Morticia Adams is a femme fatale Morticia and Gomez just got to the hotel who will be bringing our things to the room just a moment we're waiting for the beltman well who needs help I arrived before them take my luggage to the room Morticia and Gomez were surprised but they quietly went to their room foreign do you remember our first dance it was terrifyingly beautiful just like these swans oh how tasteless a heart made of roses [Music] your luggage has arrived oh no they brought the wrong ones this suitcase is full of pink clothes Morticia fainted it's all right dear everything will be okay well that check-in was Unforgettable to say the least clean off an old doll to turn into Pugsley use some Shadow to highlight the eyes have a seat the stylists are working on the hair a rubber egg turns into a tummy a pair of fingers wearing shorts tried to make a break for it but we managed to catch them Pugsley take it and don't forget the shoes hey are you ready for some pranks Wednesday is a proud owner of a voodoo doll version of her brother whenever she's bored she can just torture him remotely but the boy always tries to get the doll and he finally succeeded ha come and get it the unexpected happened during the chase though a bird stole the doll give it back oh what's happening I can't get it oops the doll dropped into the sea right into the mouth of a fish there was barely even a splash this doll is about to turn into a goth little beauty Wednesday Adams of course wow the Adam's daughter has beautiful hair braid it into two braids tied off with bows on either side big pupils blue eyeshadow and thin eyebrows she wears a black dress with white cuffs and color this outfit really suits her doesn't it Wednesday is relaxing on the beach all by herself just the way she likes it but it gets boring hey let's play okay I'm bored anyway come on let's write easy ah this is Wednesday the girls gave her cute pink bows it suits you thanks they had lots of fun Mom check out my new look oh how terrible she really fell in the wrong crowd how could this have happened decorate a sheer mask with some black foam paper secure it with a net and add a snorkel [Music] Pugsley tried the mask on and now he's dreaming about getting underwater he went looking for the Lost voodoo doll he can't breathe underwater so he needed to put on a map [Music] got the doll finally my luck is turned oh no the birds sat right on top of his snorkel now Pugsley will have to hold his breath cut some foam paper into strips and make a frame Gomez will you show us a trick voila where did the ball come from need and shape of fit secure it on Gomez's back a gentleman shark is cool on land and sea lalalu Beach sure is happening today Gomez and Morticia wanted to sunbathe but all the spots were already taken hmm I have an interesting idea Morticia helped her husband put on a fin ah save yourselves shark the beach emptied out pretty quick after that now the couple can take a break away from all those people and their kids a little clay and the power of lalaloo came together to make beautiful things time to make a poodle [Music] make sure the hair is nice and fluffy those dog ears were shaped by the finest groomer oh what a cutie brush the fur a glamorous poodle showered with love [Music] Pugsley likes a girl oh no it's that family this lady is always harshing my vibe but Pugsley doesn't care he's watching from the bushes his eyes practically Hearts terrified of coming closer hey who's there after working up the courage he slunk out of the bushes to introduce himself oh no she saw um well I everything's all right he's still learning thanks for your help a good poodle an octopus is moving its tentacles a baby is looking at us with bright eyes when it's this hot you really need a hat this cute boater really suits the little guy a lady in pink was researching the depths of the sea suddenly she spotted a cute octopus [Music] with me get it off me calm down it's okay I'm pulling got it baby are you scared I got it she has horrible hair put on this hat we can't be in the sun will you be my pet make a coconut out of modeling clay [Music] straw and a little umbrella some nice cool coconut water just the thing for hot weather darling I'm so thirsty I'll be back right away Gomez decided to save his wife by taking a coconut right from the tree quiet I'll make it up to you later and Gomez finally made a coconut cocktail for Morticia oh it's divine anything for you my love trim a skewer bend the wire so it looks like a pitchfork with equipment like this moving hay is easy Morticia and Wednesday decided to have a photo shoot where are they hello girls I have some gorgeous hats for you but a regular photo shoot won't do for this quirky family I know this will be much more fun oh look at you great idea I agree [Music] a lady with a poodle was walking by but after seeing this scene she ran away screaming she doesn't get our vibe
Channel: LaLiLu World
Views: 8,092,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Addams family, Addams, family, diys for lol omg, lol omg, lol omg hacks, lol omg crafts, lol omg ideas, ideas for lol omg, lol omg diys, lol, doll hacks, doll crafts, doll ideas, ideas for dolls, doll diys, hacks, life hacks, ideas, crafts, diy, diys, handmade, creative, interesting, funny video, interesting video, lalilu world
Id: x9srOizuVeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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