The ABSURDITY of Will Levis on film.

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will Levis has the most shockingly erratic film of any firste quarterback I have ever studied the highs are extremely high the lows low the Titans could have the next Brett Favre on their hands or the next jamus Winston Levis flashes All Pro level ability on one play then makes a terrible mistake forcing the ball into double coverage the next today we'll start with his stats to show what kind of player he is and then dive deeper into the film to determine what is really going on he has one of the strongest arms in the league and he definitely knows it his 11.1 a DOT which is on average how far down the field he targets per play is the highest of anybody since 2019 Matthew Stafford's 11.4 his deep ball percentage was also 6% higher than the next closest quarterback Levis is maybe one of the most aggressive quarterbacks I have ever studied and when getting to his film we can see why to start with the good his arm strength and confidence in his arm strength are both near the very Elites in the NFL he is going to attack any matchup at any moment in the down no matter what if he sees anybody oneon-one he's treating it like he's got Michael Irvin on Michael Sarah the way he targets alert receivers is different than most other quarterbacks where he targets them late in the down because of how strong his arm is an alert is a route that's not necessarily part of the route progression where usually a QB reads 1 2 three an alert is its own isolated concept if the QB likes it pre- snap or sometimes even post Snap he can forgo the route progression or where the play is designed to go and throw the alert route what's insane about Levis is how late in the downhill throw it this alert go is designed to draw the coverage away from the Crosser B and Levis turns his head off play action and both safeties Converge on trayon Burks late in the down he decides to Target DeAndre Hopkins deep in a way no other quarterback would when a receiver has a go route off the line the quarterback needs to release the ball early in the down since QB don't have the arm strength to reach him after a certain distance but Lev's arm is so strong he can connect with any receiver anywhere down the field this raises his overall ceiling pretty damn High cuz you have to cover for every blade of grass not just for 2 3 seconds but four five six this is a classic dagger concept that some teams read one to two and other teams just have the clear out route tagged as an alert so the concept is going to The Dig to Hopkins almost no matter what what's impressive to me here is how late in the down Levis is getting this throw off he's reading the safety and clear out route then back to the dagger then back to the clear out route dropping in a perfect but incomplete past and we also get to see his at times exceptional processing dagger isn't as great a call against two high safeties one can nail down on the clear out alert the other on dagger but after the snap with his back turned the Falcons roll down into one high a much better coverage to attack since dagger should come open but when he resets to The Dig and Jesse baits is flying underneath the Poise to take this little step back with a dline barreling towards him and still get this good of a throw off is extremely impressive and by the way I learned after writing this their new coach Brian Callahan fell in love with Levis because of this very play another aspect of his game that makes his ceiling so high is his ability to navigate the pocket like a seasoned veteran true dropback pocket bers are a Dying Breed yet on Third and 15 with the Titans running this peel concept which is designed to be three Zone like the Steelers are playing it beats it cuz the post route moves the corner who's playing a deep third which isolates the wheel route on this Defender whose primary job is to play underneath the Poise the pocket presence and the ability to execute under pressure is astounding we'll talk a bit more about how awful the Titans offensive line was in a bit you can see an example of that here but watch Lev's Poise he's one of the toughest quarterbacks in the league already isn't going to Flinch when getting hit and at the top of his drop with the D tackle closing in Nick Westbrook aen isn't open right now and almost every rookie quarterback in history is taking the sack or rolling out of the pocket but Levis doesn't panic doesn't just move away from the rush but does so with intention knows he's still going to take a mammoth hit and gets off a perfect throw to convert the once again third and 15 the arm talent in general is extremely impressive he can gun the ball anywhere on the field hit hole shots hit over the middle seams the ceiling as I said is Sky High but now when looking at where he struggles the floor is lower then low first off yes the offensive line was absolutely atrocious it made it very difficult to actually evaluate Lev's flaws especially for somebody who likes to hold the ball as long as he does this was a terrible fit they literally had some guys playing who were not starting gallur NFL linemen and I think how to weigh different factors is what always will make football interesting how much as oine vers quarterback or vice versa etc etc anyway yes the line was terrible but Levis really struggled to not be aggressive in so many different ways for example targeting alerts highlights a good part of his game but also a bad one one typical alert play designs will have a concept with two or three receivers to one side and then the alert to the other but with trayon Burks the alert guy and the Titans needing just three yards to convert this isn't the time you want to go deep because this is a low success play a couple of these from his rookie season happen on third down where the Titans just need an easy pitch and catch to pick up the first but he's still struggling to learn when to be aggressive deep and when to hit his open underneath receivers we have inside leverage against an outbreaking route here and then Kyle Phillips breaking back over the middle open and what's even worse is the one high safety is shading towards where Levis is throwing so this goes into double coverage incomplete awareness is one of the main things he struggles with while he has good pocket presence his situational awareness and game management awareness are things that definitely need to improve this is fourth and four down 20 to 16 with under 3 minutes left to play and while yes there's nobody really open and yes he does see the robbers safety come down for dehop and they're playing one high in ways that makes the alert the correct read cuz we are looking for the one-on-one matchup but fourth and four do or die with Burks who hasn't really proven at least to this point to be a Difference Maker situationally this is just a force throw that doesn't have a high degree of potential success his game management struggles are a major concern as well he took the fifth highest percentage of sacks in the league which as we know terrible offensive line but Levis is going to hold on to the ball too long and isn't always aware of his surroundings this is what offensive line coaches call slice or quick game cut protection where Levis is going to take a very short drop to get rid of the ball quickly and since your QB's footwork is synced up with your routes the routes are very very well quick some teams like to cut the ends to create Windows in the quick game so the balls don't get batted by defensive linemen the Titans have this stick concept where Levis reads Kean O'Neal who's stretched out by two receivers and they'll throw away from him and I mean nobody is really open but Levis has to know his tackles are on the ground and the ends are coming but he holds the ball and takes a sack it's these little brain farts that could simply be chocked up to him just being a young rookie quarterback playing the position or a sign of things to come which could ultimately plummet him to his floor if he can pair his aggression with higher awareness he could be great but that is a big if for example when the Titans got another crack at beating the Steelers down to still four now with just 144 left in the game leves pre-nap Pittsburg is in two high safeties and look to be playing cover two Zone with a typical two flap Defenders so so he knows the whole shot the throw in between the corner and safety in cover two should be open though it's a tough throw into a tight window however check out Levi Wallace he jams DeAndre Hopkins at the line but then takes this peak inside when cover two corners don't have anything coming underneath towards them they no longer have their typical flat responsibility so they're going to sink with the vertical route even though it's not technically on paper part of their role as cover two on paper yes there is a space in between the two defenders in cover two Zone but Levis needs better awareness to understand that the corner is going to sink since he knows pre- snap his slot receiver isn't threatening Wallace underneath these are the kinds of things that once again are these weaknesses showing just as a rookie or will he always possess the flaws that he's putting on tape he has great tools an amazing arm good pocket presence and an extremely high ceiling but he is godamn all over the place with bad awareness and over aggression that even the likes that Antonio Brown's Twitter has never seen and don't even get me started on how dude thinks he's Mike allst trying to run through everybody Levis has the highest range of outcomes good or bad of any second-year quarterback we have seen in some time the Titans offensive scheme did hide their quarterback with the highest combined screen and play action percentage in the league so now that Brian Callahan wants to make Levis the Joe burough of Tennessee well they won't be hiding him anymore the sky is high the floor is low will Levis is about to explode or implode [Music]
Channel: AlexRollinsNFL
Views: 90,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will levis, nfl, titans, tennessee titans, will levis titans, will levis highlights, will levis film breakdown, will levis film, will levis interception, will levis touchdown, will levis rookie year, quarterback, alex rollins, alexrollinsnfl
Id: P61H8nBsGJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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