The One REAL REASON Everyone Hates Your Favorite NFL Team

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there's always something about every team yes even yours that makes everyone hate them I just like winning if if you win a lot and and that causes you to be a villain then I'm I'm okay with [Music] it NFL teams are the center of their fans's universes so today we take a look around the league and call out the real reason that everyone hates your favorite NFL team Arizona Cardinals General incompetence sometimes it isn't anything particularly malicious that makes folks hate a team in the case of the Arizona Cardinals it's just the complete frustration that is set in and watching them operate whether it was the Josh Rosen debacle or the ridiculous back and forth with Kyla Murray over studying The Playbook and playing video games the Cardinals always seem to find new and exciting ways to make a mess of their organization Atlanta Falcons wasting star players well you might think it was the Falcons Infamous Super Bowl 51 collapse where they blew a 28 to3 lead against the Patriots that is drawn the ey of opposing fans that's just more mockery than real hatred you see beyond the Falcons being a meme of a franchise they've learned to Madden and enrage fans around the league with their seemingly endless desire to just let Superstar Talent waste away in terrible offensive schemes that don't match their skill set I'm looking at you Kyle pittz Drake London and now bejn Robinson you know my workload wasn't a lot like it would it would decrease on terms of like getting carries and stuff Baltimore Ravens Lamar Jackson yes the Ravens have a reputation for their hard-hitting aggressive defense which many opponents and their fans find intimidating and annoying but for whatever reason that is not fully known to anyone people find their Star Quarterback Lamar Jackson to be extremely polarizing the Dual threat K is a constant topic of discussion and always leaves opposing fans rattled and angered regardless of whether they're on the winning or losing side of the coin Buffalo Bills overrated by the media despite being a beloved Underdog for so many years the Buffalo Bills have since found themselves on a different side of the narrative they are constantly put onto Prime Time games and put among the League's top teams in media discussions but they never end up delivering which really frustrates other fans particularly around the AFC Carolina Panthers David teer okay as entertaining as it is to watch him flounder about in the early years of his team's ownership David teer is just about as hatable As It Gets A 300,000 fine for David terer when he was spotted on this video spilling his drink on a Jacksonville Jaguars fan so while his Misfortune most of which is self-inflicted definitely draws a chuckle from fans around the league he also makes the Panthers extremely easy to just root against Chicago Bears watching the quarterback carousel on prime time though they think they finally solved it with Caleb Williams the reality is is that it's been an eternity since the Bears had a legitimate franchise quarterback ever since Jay Cutler who hey let's face it was Fringe as far as franchise QBs go it has been an endless rotation of mediocre signal callers Cincinnati Bengals cheap ownership there is nothing worse than dealing with a stingy person and it gets even worse when that stingy person also happens to have billions of dollars that for whatever reason he doesn't want to really invest into the NFL franchise that he is lucky enough to own just ask TJ hman who explained on the herd that the Bengals didn't have water or gay Gatorade when you broke into the leag what did they have I don't even remember we didn't have bottled water or Gatorade and it was crazy cuz when we first got it guys would be taking backpacks full of Gatorade home if you're not giving players water and Gatorade what were they giving you tea well me how I'm hot it's 80 out no no you you could get water you would just go to the Fountain the year before I got there Willie Anderson was telling me they didn't even have jock straps they would buy get a bunch of used jock strats throw them in the middle of the locker room and say here you go so he oh God my rookie year we did not stay in hotels we stayed at home for home games tough scene Cleveland Browns the deshun Watson signing the Browns are Infamous for their endless cycle of rebuilding so I can sympathize with them thinking that they need to roll the dice a little bit to try and get a legitimate franchise q but uh I think we can all agree that they went a little over the skis with the DeShaun Watson signing based on how much it is drawn ey from the general public the embattled former Texan Star had dozens of sexual misconduct allegations against him from women but Cleveland still decided to back the braks truck up for him anyway and decided also to fully guarantee all of that money Dallas Cowboys Jerry Jones the Cowboys outspoken owner always finds a way to overshadow the team's performances on the field and make the story all about him with his cartoonishly large ego and personality when he isn't meddling with the roster phones can often be found in front of the camera making wild public statements that remind everyone as to why they hate the Cowboys so freaking much Denver Broncos Shawn pyton all right let's face it while Shawn pton had a nice run of success in New Orleans with Drew breze the early indicators in Denver have not been great yet the national media continues to act like he is one of the top coaches in this league the overblown hype in my high city especially about a coach who has a reputation for being a bit of a jerk understandably rubs a lot of people the wrong way Detroit Lions ruining Thanksgiving all right so we might need to update our files on this one a little bit now that Dan Campbell has seemingly turned the Lions around and turned them into a legitimate Contender but you know he's still has a lot of ruined thanksgivings to make up for as the team subjected a captive National audience to their mediocrity for decades green by Packers the fans act like they actually own the team okay in many ways part of being a sports fan is suspending disbelief I get that but Packers fans take it to another level with the way that they Walt around mostly acting like the shares that they receive for purchasing season tickets actually makes them legitimate owners of the team it's crazy Houston Texans failed to desan Watson cover up all right so while the Cleveland Browns have caught a lot of flack for signing Deshawn Watson it's really the Texans that should be catching the bulk of that criticism Houston kept the entire situation with Watson very quiet until he want out of town and then all of a sudden boom blood gates open and the allegations come pouring out Indianapolis Cults ruining Andrew lux's career former number one overall pick Andrew Luck was one of the best quarterbacks in the game during his all too brief NFL career and he did so in spite of the fact that the Colts apparently had no interest in building or developing an effective offensive line around him this bad decision making by the front office made luck a regular on the injury report and the long-term effects of all those injuries put push him towards an early retirement thus depriving NFL fans of one of the game's best players to watch Jacksonville Jaguars London this one definitely irritates the rone fans more than everyone else but the Jaguars continued flirtation with relocating to London and their frequent games there have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way Kansas City Chiefs they're the new Patriots as objectively fun as it is to watch Patrick Mahomes play football he and the chief's recent dominance has sparked envy and frustration among other fans around the league and for good reason because not only does it look like the Chiefs are going to have a fast track to the AFC Championship game every year for the next decade or so but they also complained to the refs incessantly and seem to get all the calls in the process and the official look at that John hussy helps him up Las Vegas Raiders the move from Oakland it wasn't just the Bay Area faithful that hated the Raiders for moving the team from Oakland to Las Vegas this decision actually alienated and upset a lot of longtime NFL fans who saw the move as a betrayal of one of the League's most passionate in historic fan bases Los Angeles Chargers Jim Harbaugh Jim Harbaugh is one of those guys that you either love or hate he hasn't been in La long but he is already drawing attention and disdain from other fans around the league for his let's say particular ways of doing things and acting letting the sun carve your body shape your mind right and Winnie has Cur more more ills than penilla Los Angeles Rams Stan Kony while sea mcy and Matt Stafford are two of the more likable guys out there the Rams owner Stan koni not so much Beyond his moving the Rams from St Louis back to Los Angeles which left a better taste for many fans he is generally known to be one of the more Cutthroat and generally unpleasant execs in the league Miami Dolphins Steven Ross despite having a rather mediocre team on the field the Dolphins have managed to stay in the head headlines for the last few years in no small part thanks to their controversial owner Steven Ross who has gained national attention for his suspect political contributions as well as violated NFL rules with alleged tampering and unfair hiring practices Minnesota Vikings missed opportunities it's tough to really hate the Vikings for this but they have historically been a pretty darn frustrating team to watch the Vikes have a history of comeing close but never quite winning at all with four Super Bowl losses and several stunningly heartbreaking playoff defeats which is turned the Fran into a painful running joke around the league New England Patriots cheating scandals all right there is actually just no shortage of reasons to dislike the Patriots but I think that the reason most fans stand on besides of course all the winning was the cheating scandals like spy gate and deflate gate once cheating gets involved yeah the levels of disain begin to Skyrocket noene Saints bounty gate it was many moons ago at this point but the Saints bountygate Scandal has loomed over the franchise ever since New Orleans allegedly paid its players to injure opponents which understandably drew the ey of other fans around the league much of which still lingers to this day New York Giants the mea way Giants fans act like the mea family who have owned the franchise since its Inception are the Ries of New York but reality is is that they run it like a mom and pop shop and their professionalism is vastly overrated New York Jets Aaron Rogers the Jets much to their own detriment are one of those teams that always seems to remain in the news cycle regardless of how good they are actually playing on the field part of that equation is Aaron Rogers the jet Star Quarterback the man evokes serious emotion from fans across the league with his scalding hot takes on Sports politics and medicine that makes it even easier to hate the Jets Philadelphia Eagles dangerous fans Eagles fans are known for their intense passions yes but there's a lot line that they often manag to cross with their aggressive and unruly Behavior think booing Santa Claus app plotting injuries fighting and even throwing batteries yeah all valid reasons to hate on the team as far as we're concerned Pittsburgh Steelers constant success this one's pretty much just jealousy but NFL fans are just sick and tired of the Steelers for their ability to remain so consistent throughout the years even when they are having a Down Season they still manag to fight to at least 500 and sneak into the playoffs it's just crazy San Francisco 49ers bandwagon fans the 49ers are one of those teams that has had a few different periods of sustained success like back in the 80s and 90s under Joe Montana and Steve Young and now under the Kyle Shanahan regime and every time the team enters one of these stretches all of a sudden there are miraculously a whole new crop of fans that pop up out of nowhere Seattle Seahawks the 12th man the Seahawks fan base known as the 12th man Prides itself on being loud and disruptive and hey credit to to them they are and this does create a giant HomeField Advantage but the fans as a collective had a borderline pathological need to toot their own horns about what great fans they really are so hey give it a rest Seattle we get it you make a lot of noise Tampa Bay Buccaneers arrogant fans thanks to Tom Brady the Buccaneers fortunes changed dramatically with the stunning acquisition of Tom Brady ahead of the 2020 season which ultimately led to a Super Bowl win and unfortunately to a whole crop of buck fans that think way too highly of their franchise and of themselves let's face it the Bucks were pretty much irrelevant prior to Brady and in all likelihood they're going to continue to be now that he's retired Baker Mayfield had a nice Resurgence last season but this looks like a team destined for mediocrity at best Tennessee Titans ruining Vince Young this one may come as a surprise to some of our younger fans that never got a chance to see Vince Young play in college or during his rookie of the year for season in the NFL but there was a time when he was one of the most electrifying quarterbacks in the entire game unfortunately he just had to land with the Tennessee Titans and the exacts that brought him into the fold stood idly by while Jeff fiser tanked his career depriving NFL fans of an extremely entertaining player to watch such a shame Washington commanders team name controversy yes they had a controversy over the teams former name the Redskins and at a certain point they had to change it but now they've done it twice and in appears that a third may be looming at this point it's just getting a bit gratuitous but hey what NFL team do you think has the most valid reason for hating them was there anything that we may have missed let us know in the comment section below if you like this video and learned a thing or two clicking the like button helps out a ton the name we appreciate it if this is your first time coming around to TPS though well subscribing is a great idea because we put out videos like this every single day but as always thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: TPS
Views: 107,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The One REAL REASON Everyone Hates Your Favorite NFL Team, hated nfl teams, nfl hate teams, nfl haters, haters in the nfl, nfl teams that always get the hate, why nfl fans hate the cowboys, nfl fans hate the cowboys, what nfl teams are hated the most, nfl fans that get the most hate, all 32 nfl teams
Id: RXhjutWTyPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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