The Absolute Chaos of The Day Before

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zombies have been a pop culture staple for decades movies books music videos Comics all having their swing at the genre to great success but with the advance of computer technology a whole new Avenue of the genre began to sprout it was a perfect fit and zombie games gain traction quickly but in 2012 a new type of zombie game appeared and now it's all over your YouTube homepage the concept of the Day Z mod was simple drop around 60 people in a huge open world map with basically nothing to their name and let them hunt craft and loot weapons Vehicles armor and food then sprinkle a few zombies here and there a drizzle of survival aspects a pinch of PVP and then for the Final Touch proximity delicious I live in a sh and the open World sandbox multiplayer Zombie Survival game was served but first do you browse the internet and you don't have Opera GX oh my God Opera GX is not your average browser it's built from the ground up for gamers the customization is vast and is that a big boss themed mod pack designed by experts for smooth efficient military grade browsing purposes Listen to Only the most therapeutic sounds as you open tabs hello close tabs and type all the while listening to smooth tracks and look at that beautiful new wallpaper don't like certain features of the mod pack well just turn them off don't like the mod pack itself there's a ton more on the store also Opera GX has a ton of built-in apps Spotify twitch even chat GPT meaning prompts and articles are a Stones throw away it's also optimized clean temporary files from the sidebar using Opera clean and limit Ram CPU and network usage using GX control now you can keep a bunch of tabs open without a hit to Performance and keep those downloads uninterrupted and those free games and bargain deals breaking game news and new releases my God they even have a calendar cat spill sort of The Necromancer space bar clicker and happy sheeples GX corner has all normal browser bad Opera GX good get it now at the link in the description Daisy was an instant success and over time similar games would appear at first sporadically but then very very quickly initially gamers are excited a promising new genre ripe for exploration what could go wrong but by the late 2010s that question had been answered a sea of of absolute atrocities flood shelves at break neck speed there is nowhere to run these are often in the form of a fairly new Early Access game a model that often involves taking everyone's money first and asking questions later as a result Half Baked buggy misleadingly advertised and massively overhyped games swamp the market and over time sentiment on the genre changes people take a look at their steam library and after a few years that'd slow begun to notice something all of these games were absolute ODS open World sandbox multiplayer Zombie Survival words that once drummed up considerable hype now ominous warnings to any poor soul in their sights and after years upon years of terrible cash grabs it was apparent the genre had finally reached critical mass stabilized it's under control the horde of abhorent releases was too much at this point far too many had been lost to the genre the dream was over dust Gamers universally vow never to fall for the hype and lies of this genre ever again but in 2023 a game would release that would change everything a game that trailers looked so great so promising it would shoot to steam's number one wishlisted game in a matter of months a game team that would after all of these years finally do the genre Justice realize the full potential of the open World sandbox multiplayer Zombie Survival game this game was the day before it's the 29th of January 2021 and a trailer drops on YouTube and it looks amazing PVP zombies survival elements crafting and does that say MMO and then those Graphics this game seemed to have it all it was exactly what people had longed for and so naturally the video gets around more than a million views conjured in no time the day before is off to a strong start over in Singapore and the developers fantastic are celebrating and for the two founding Brothers it's time to jump in front of the cam Edward and Eisen GV run us through the game themselves in a new Combat gameplay trailer where they call the game a real break through for the MMO survival genre and that they'd reinvented everything nice in March they drop a vehicle trailer here they show us vehicles and then an extended Gameplay trailer in April people flock to view it and it racks up more than a million views in just one day racking up Millions more down the line at this point the trailers and marketing materials are rich constantly flowing we're spoiled but then suddenly nothing after April complete radio silence we have no choice but to wait months go by and nothing but a screenshot here and a tweet there bear in mind at this point the official release date is just coming soon we're staffed but finally after 5 months of Silence in October they come back another trailer on IGN this time a look at the World they' created from the ground up including a massive shopping center the music choic is strange but oh well and wait there's more weightlifting nice and guess what the brothers are back they jump on cam again and give a shout out to their Global team which consists of thousands of people from Russia Germany Kazakhstan turkey and more and is that oh my God the release date wait it's 2025 2024 2023 oh my God the 21st of June 2022 that's just a few months time the game goes on a media blitz articles are everywhere it even climbs the ranks to steam's number one wishlisted game beating out the likes of stalker 2 and even Starfield Todd is distraught they Ed this Spotlight to announce a new Fantastic game called prop Knight essentially dead by daylight mixed with prop hunt it releases a few weeks later in November 2021 and it's fine nothing like the scope of the day before but it works and sells a decent amount of copies and with that that they disappear again not to be heard from again for months it's May 2022 now just 1 month till release and still nothing what's going on it's at this point that people on the internet gathered together and questions start being asked this was now the second time fantastic had gone dark this time a month before launch no less was this game even real however in January Nvidia had dropped a promotional video showcasing the game in 4k and it's glorious for that to get posted on nvidia's official YouTube channel they must have something but finally fantastic comes out from the Shadows okay yes the game is supposed to be launching in a month's time however no no it's not we've decided we're switching to Unreal Engine 5 and the game will now come out in about a Year's Time March the 1st 2023 the transition to a more advanced and adapted open worlds engine will make the game playay of the day before even more fantastic and with that they dropped the mic and walk away okay so instead of 6 weeks till launch it's now about a year not great and a bit of a late announcement also the change to a different engine just 1 month from launch definitely a bit sussy then fast forward to June and a page is discovered on Fantastic's website on it reads be a volun uner Fantastic's culture is based on the idea of volunteering every member of fantastic is a volunteer naturally people are horrified they're using unpaid labor to make this game however fantastic comes out of the dark again they tell us all of its employees paid or not are volunteers this is because they always try to bring in proactive people with Open Hearts right what's actually happening is there's two types of workers there both have salaries it's just one of those salaries consists exclusively of cool rewards participation certificates and free codes H also a perfect time to jump in front of the cam again this time they advertise this volunteer culture on their YouTube saying how nice it is to be part of their unpaid volunteer team wonderful okay yeah none of this was sounding too reassuring so people do a bit of digging and actually look into the company fantastic turns out the two brothers set up the company in the Siberian city of Yakutsk Russia back in around 2016 this was back when they just started their first game wild 8 this is a small Indie Survival game crowdfunded on Kickstarter to the tune of almost $60,000 and with a publisher called hype train on board and the wild 8 released onto steam Early Access in February 2017 success however just 9 months after putting the game out problem an argument arises within the team and resulted in them ditching the game entirely and ending up selling the rights to the publisher onto dead dozen this is a co-op horror game fantastic released in March 2018 it launches in a terrible State and just one month after launch they announc their out of funds and that it's over it's delisted from Steam in under 2 years then radiant one a small isometric free to mobile game released on July the 6th 2018 this is bug free and launched without a hitch but again it's a tiny mobile game and finally prop night at the end of 2021 now In fairness they actually had given this some postlaunch support and even completely overhauled the graphics in an update which everyone absolutely hated and was promptly reverted but so far this was the only game they've actually announced and stuck with for a bit so not the greatest track record so far and then straight from all of that to one of the most ambitious MMOs ever made H yeah what people initially assumed was probably a fairly big competent Studio that could maybe actually tackle something like this was actually a minuscule Studio that had pumped out a couple of halfast quickly abandoned Early Access titles and a free-to-play mobile game and also had a ton of their staff essentially working for free not ideal people also take the time to look into myona the day's publisher that previously published genre pioneering hits such as chef and friends and cooking diary so of course the next natural step was an absolutely enormous zombie MMO and to top that all off for the rest of 2022 radio silence again people are now very concerned right guys we're losing support at break neck speed here something has to be done and in January 20 23 another Nvidia video drops this time a lukewarm reaction I mean it's all right like everybody already knew that if there was a game it looked good however they also drop another video life at Fantastic here they tell us that actually partnered with Nvidia and Lenovo and get products from them for free they've now been working on the game for 4 years they show us how great it is to work for them just look at how much fun they're having it's also worth noting we don't see an actual office here once but the main thing here their app turns out there's this new app they've developed called the continent app and they're talking about it a lot in fact the whole video seems more like an ad about that than the actual game or company with the continent app the description of the video was also literally just a link to download the app they also post this on Twitter okay now people are really pissed this game was launching in just Just Around 8 weeks and they hadn't seen any proper footage in months not once had they actually seen raw gameplay half the team were being paid in Funko pops and now they were being shilled an off-brand Russian version of Zoom boys sorry to say this thing's not looking good wait fantastic says Fine actual raw gameplay is on the way Lads we'll post it in Discord soon but then something Des ous happens on the 25th of Jan 2023 people log on to steam and check their wish lists H is something missing and after rigorously scrolling up and down to think hold on the day before where was it had the game been taken off steam some people load up Fantastic's YouTube page and even some of their videos are down devoted fans fear the worst the dreaded rug poool was here oh however fantastic rushed to the Discord and they have a little something to say Hey so uh yep the game has been taken down from Steam but don't worry it was taken down due to a bug from Steam maintenance this whole thing's normal and it'll be right back not long after they come out with another completely different statement so uh actually turns out that old name of ours you know the one we've been advertising in every trailer and poster for a couple of years now well we'd never actually got round to trademarking it and uh well uh Korean calendar R may have got there first and they're now suing us and of course they also announce another delay and March 2023 now becomes November the 10th 17 months after the original launch you know because of the trademark issues but then they come out and say that actually this delay was planned all along also because of this whole situation that actual raw gameplay we promised to drop also delayed what but don't worry they have strong legal partners and will take the fight to the courts they're confident the result of all of this chaos fans revolt on mass read it in Discord light up like the 4th of July everyone asking the same thing is this game actually real before anyone on the Discord who dared to ask would be exiled instantly but now even the head mods are asking it woads this isn't great time to get back on the mic the storm will calm down eventually and time will put everything in its place when the game comes out people will finally see the truth they tell IGN okay public support is now in the toilet and things are looking dire any street cred dead amast already flushed the consensus was unanimous this game was a scam they had to do something and quick gentlemen we've been promising it for months but now is the time release the footage so in early February 2023 with apparent approval from their legal team they decide to release some actual unedited gameplay they even have a big fancy countdown for it but then the countdown hits zero and nothing happens the gameplay reveal is then delayed again but eventually after citing technical issues use later in that week the game playay does actually release and the game is finally out there for people to see okay we now know this game is actually real but there are a few issues the graphics they're not great and definitely not what was shown a couple of years ago in fact the lighting looks completely different and there's a clear downgrade in VFX it also looks very boring there's no zombies around anywhere and the majority of the 10 minutes consists of walking around and checking drawers people also noticed that literally copied shot for shot bits of the Cold War Zombies trailer and come to think of it some of those initial marketing materials also look a bit sus naturally the response to this reveal is negative on the 8th of February fantastic come out with another statement this time addressing the haters anyone can say anything for views and everyone will believe it they say disinformation needs to be dealt with destroying is easy creating is difficult in fact they say after the game comes out they'll spend a portion of their time fighting disinformation February 16th and a new Dev Vlog comes out this time there's absolutely no mention of the continent app in fact by March 2023 the continent app had been taken down the website gone and all mention of it completely wiped meaning the whole thing had lasted just around 3 months April 20123 a beta for the day before is announced alongside a promise to players that there would be no more delays they get to work behind the scenes with their army of volunteers and they dead serious about getting this thing out in June they even announced new features like in-game jobs become anything from a manual laborer to a musician look saus nice despite everyone still thinking it was a scam they're working hard and getting stuff done they are going to get this thing out there's also an official trailer in June this time it's just a Lamborghini driving down a road [ __ ] at first it seems very random and out of place but then people realize it's just a ripoff of a shot from I Am Legend August 2023 and fantastic are preparing for the worst in case they lose their trademark lawsuit they file for the rights to a new backup name day world however people online realized that name could also be a problem due to a series of books written in the80s but nonetheless the weight for November intensifies in April bed said no more delays but on November first they announc another delay oh come on game's now coming out a month later December 7th also only the PC version would be launching and now via Early Access the PlayStation 5 and Xbox versions would supposedly release alongside the full version of the game whenever that may be also news on the lawsuit de one and there it is gentlemen it's back razor glass this game is actually releasing November 2nd another trailer comes out this time people notice that their marketing is now copying from other games this time cyberpunk 2077 GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 4th of December the game is 3 days from its supposed launch and fantastic decides now is a great time to come out with a statement saying please don't accuse us of scamming and please don't accuse us of asset flip that's not true also this is in response to a hoorde of comments online suggesting those exact two things but ignore all of that because for years now people had been doubting them liar claims of vaporware fake trailers scamming plagarism they'd even been dragged through the courts and came out Victorious and Against All Odds their game was actually real and releasing this week it's even being advertised in Time Square they had done it made a real playable game and proved everyone wrong and on December 7th after a very turbulent 2 years the day before releases and it's so bad the day before was advertised since day one as an MMO almost every trailer mentioned the word MMO in the steam description MMO so naturally people expected the game to be an MMO that wasn't the case the game only hosted a maximum of 32 people per server there were no raids or Clans and the world itself is small and not even really open basically just an extraction shooter like tarov but much much worse that wasn't the only thing trailers lied about there's also no survival mechanics crafting is now gone all that's left of that is gun modification and the ability to create a completely pointless house in a closed off area of the map environmental destructions gone sleeping bags this entire part of the map and definitely these mud physics proximity chat a day and night cycle no vating and lastly actual zombies seriously like where are they this game was pitched as a Zombie Survival game with the trailers showing massive hordes of them but so far there's absolutely none around there so rare people actually band together into search parties just to look for them on the odd occasion you actually run into three or more of them your performance will also tank in fact the performance in general is pretty terrible when you do actually see them zombies can easily be Sid stepped out jogged and rendered completely useless when standing on top of cars even other players barely a threat the game is so empty people start to think a ton of the gunshots they're hearing on the map M are actually fake placed there by devs to give the illusion there's actually stuff going on however say you actually do run into someone and don't have any ammo unlucky because there's literally no form of melee in the game whatsoever this isn't a post-apocalyptic Zombie Survival game saying that that shouldn't be a problem as the loot Rarity in this game is completely botched with rifles machine guns and ammo pretty much peppered about everywhere then there's no progression optimizing ation sucks gun play isn't great servers often have a 1 to 2 second delay to register shots constant alarms and you can't even turn them off like you can in the trailers hello anyways First Impressions is these alarms need to [ __ ] off the graphics nothing like they were in the initial trailers the lighting is especially bad you can buy vehicles in the form of cars but they're done it will take an average of 110 hours of gameplay just to afford one and you can lose it forever in a matter of minutes luckily there's a money duping glitch discovered within one day of the game coming out so now everyone in the apocalypse has a Lamborghini here in my garage just bought this uh new Lamborghini here the story well you wake up a man with a seemingly fine speech organ all right you're a speech organ seem fine you're then welcomed into a community called Woodbury where all survivors are located and work together to re build just after that you step out into the world where you and those same people then go out to savagely kill each other in a bloody freefor there's a lot of broken English and even suspicions of AI voice acting and writing put your things in here and then there are the bugs as soon as you start the game be careful getting up as your character likely glitches through a wall falls through the map or just dies instantly time to restart oh wait that doesn't actually fix the problem as it's just saved when you exited and you'll load back in outside the map with the only option being to restart the whole game all of this in the initial tutorial within the first minute of starting the game then there's whatever this is and massive headman but nonetheless the game sells more than 200,000 copies and steam's day one player base is around 40,000 people the game's done very well it's even played by big twitch streamers like Dr disrespect however the cracks soon start to appear it instantly acquires the overwhelmingly negative score on Steam and the Discord erupts into complaints Hot on the list this game isn't even an MMO after fantastic is called out on this however people begin noticing something the game's steam page it's changing hm what's different here see behind the scenes fantastic had quietly been removing tags like MMO and open world survival craft and hoping no one would notice they did however that didn't even matter because it's literally right there in the first and only line of the game's description which they forgot to change but by day two big cracks 60% of the player base dips over the first night and an internal leak shows although the game sold 200,000 copies 91,000 had been refunded dear God also at this point the reviews are in steam's overwhelmingly negative rating is now at just 133% positive making it one of the worst rated games of all time there and IGN has just given it a one out of 10 nice but now people actually had their hand on it it was time to crack open the game files and see what's under the hood of this bad boy and my God it's worse than we thought after a brief look on the Unreal Engine store It's Quickly apparent something seem familiar files upon files documents upon documents thousands of assets flipped after careful review it seems that the inventory building system Gunplay bleeding mechanic main menu and more all come from a $65 Unreal Engine store asset pack called the survival game kit V2 even the actual map itself supposedly a $300 asset flip from the American city pack bundle from the same store and that artwork looks familiar there's a ton more all documented in this Reddit post day three 80% of the player base is now gone and fantastic comes out with another statement Lads it's been great it really has but the game didn't do too well and we're closing shop and the entire Studio ceases operations 3 days into the release of the game valve removes the ability to purchase the day before on Steam and personally steps in to offer refunds beyond the usual 2 hours of game time and operation scrub begins within hours the brothers burn everything their YouTube videos LinkedIn Facebook a ton of tweets the lot again chaos erupts in the Discord which had partially opened back up at this point eyewitnesses on Reddit claim the final hours of the official Discord are glorious from the moment company called it quits the Discord apparently goes completely out of control two admins quit right away and the rest of the admins and moderators start selling cheap keys of the game to everyone since the game had just been pulled from Steam eventually it's just one single Dev trying to hold it all together meanwhile hate speech fills up the chat in minutes and is being spewed everywhere they reply to someone on Twitter this was our first big experience [ __ ] happens and with that they log off however a 1880 de announcement in the Discord actually they're now reopening and ready to go with a major patch on the 14th but December the 14th comes and goes and nothing the Discord is then fully shut down and never heard from it again a few days after it all goes down a journalist in Singapore decides to actually visit Fantastic's offices he travels to their address however turns out it's a shared Co-op working space having solely used it as a Virtual Office Space he also goes to their original address based on their filings however that building's online directory only shows a management consultancy company and so in people's minds their office had gone from a Game Dev Studio to a small Studio when in reality the whole time it was more like someone's living room it's presumed that they were never actually based in Singapore well that was a load of [ __ ] and only used this residency to apply for Grants and to avoid being hit with Russian sanctions this also explains why an office was never shown in their Vlogs just people's bedrooms the dev Vlog was also apparently filmed in a hotel lobby and the devs were in a rental unit nearby the same journalist gets Fantastics bank statements and turns out they filed around $3 million of Revenue in 2022 with2 200,000 of that going to the brothers that's alongside 300K in travel expenses for the brothers in just one year the filings also revealed that by the end of 2022 fantastic had the value of around $1 million us in their account so things do sound a bit dodgy here but what actually happened well theories are everywhere the first a classic run-of-the-mill rug poool Take the Money and Run however this doesn't make too much sense one because valve holds purchase money for 30 days before paying out to developers so they hadn't even seen a penny from their actual sales yet before closing the studio down and two they offered refunds on mass then there's the investment scam Theory some people believed the brothers had no intention of ever making a proper game that their only goal was to churn out a NIC looking slice of pre-rendered gameplay in cutscenes packaged as real gameplay attract investors with it and then eventually cancel the whole thing and back the cash or give a halfast attempt at creating one using cheap assets on the unreal store and the free labor they' amassed to implement it all the while paying themselves a cushy 200k salary and then there's the plain old incompetence Theory management of the studio completely in over their head drumming up too much hype and flying too close to the Sun postlaunch interviews with Anonymous developers give Credence to this Theory see not long after the company shuts down alleged ex developers Scuttle from the darkness of the behind the scenes and give answers as to what actually happened in various interviews the picture that we can Cobble together goes a little like this allegedly from the beginning of the company back in 2016 the brothers allegedly had complete control over development thus the day before was completely headed by the two who made every gameplay and design decision the day before actually started out with cartoonish graphics and a far far smaller scope single player and basically just a third-person version of the wild 8 back then things were actually manageable however one day the brothers woke up looked in the mirror and saw another man people will buy anything the game had to be bigger better 16 times the detail four times the size and with the brother's genius management style apparently consisting of demanding completely unrealistic features in an insanely short time frame as well as Shifting the direction of the game on an almost monthly basis depending on what game they just played things were constantly changing they just played stalker at that tablet thing they just logged on to GTA online new character creator played a bit of Spider-Man 2 the city is too gloomy make it much brighter and a little friendlier this was apparently constant alleged fantastic insiders also claim the following working for fantastic apparently included unpaid overtime and months of crunch apparently often working for 18 hours a day sometimes including the weekend during the development of prop night the de developers were apparently locked in their office for weeks at a time what's that made a tiny mistake or argued with one of the brothers well fantastic has a company policy of spontaneous termination so you're now out of a job just submitted some subpar Work Well turns out they also have a policy of finding their own employees up to the tune of almost $2,000 in some cases so make sure that works good the communication to their deps impeccable too people are so well informed on what they're actually developing that it's through the initial trailer that some of them find out that the game they've been working on for years at this point is actually an MMO so how come employees didn't just dip well the employees were recruited from a ton of small Regional towns without much opportunity so when they were promised a comparatively good salary and a AAA project in their portfolio they didn't say no best part of all on the backs of this desperate unpaid labor they'd spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on travel and paid themselves a nice chunk of change too not bad Lads according to the developers the day before also ended up being remade from scratch three to four times apparently 500 GB of source code was created for the game the vast majority of which were not included in the end product the version released on Steam on December the 8th is apparently around 1th of all content that was originally conceived according to insiders the video for NVIDIA was apparent at the time a completely separate build created specifically for recording those trailers but anyway after 4 years of this messy development and in 2023 they're closing in on launch day they have to get a move on so they buy a ton of packs from the unreal store and start implementing them the final game is starting to take shape they apparently begin actually testing the game as late as early 2023 and it was done by around five people this isn't really considered the most robust testing for a game especially one that was advertised as a huge MMO and would have dozens of people on their service due to the lack of proper testing they couldn't stress test and Bug test the service to see what they' looked like when filled the result well it turned out that when the servers actually were filled they were completely destabilized so devs had to reduce the number of zombies on the map and the hordes of zombies vanished from the game it's now close to November and myona apparently decides to check how how their AAA product was doing the publisher is naturally horrified when they see the absolute state of this thing and apparently sends Specialists these are basically their own developers sent there to help however after seeing it for themselves they apparently report back that the game should basically launch as is there was nothing to save here and on December 7th it's the big day and the brothers are now apparently nowhere to be found leaving the devs on their own to make all the decisions themselves this is during huge waves of backlash hitting their Reddit Discord pretty much everywhere they apparently get to work on fixing the bugs sorting the servers and writing hot fixes however they're apparently not allowed to actually release these hot fixes because Dr disrespect was currently streaming the game one of these patches apparently fixes the lack of zombies on the map now that they could actually test the game with more than five people things are looking up however on December 11th a screenshot from one of the brothers appears on Microsoft teams Lads the game has sold 200,000 copies however 990,000 have been returned we're closing down and just like that after 4 days of release it was over for a while the last bit of communication we'd had from Fantastic was [ __ ] happen but on the 24th of January they were return from the Shadows once more they present us with another one of their now iconic Twitter statements they ENT entally deny developers claims in various interviews and essentially blame the game's failure on hate from content creators they get community noted instantly with people pointing out inconsistencies and Flatout lies within the statement so they take it down edit it and repost it they then get community noted on the repost they delete it edit it and repost it again Community noted it's at this point that they just give up completely taking it down and just adding it to their website instead from steam's most wishlisted game to being almost 50% refunded in one day pulled by Steam and HED with accusations of plagiarism and potential investor fraud some people think the day before didn't quite reach the potential of the original trailer and to everyone's complete shock it was beginning to look like the MMO Zombie Survival game from an indie Studio headed by two ambiguous Russian brothers that no one had ever heard of before had failed and on January the 22nd 2024 the day before servers go down for good meaning the game's total lifespan was 45 days the game subreddit today once large and fairly active is now largely abandoned and has become an absolute Lawless [ __ ] show and the brothers well they haven't actually been seen since December the 7th however according to multiple former devs who've apparently received offers from them they're out there and apparently are currently working on a new mobile game [Applause] [Music]
Channel: big boss
Views: 902,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big boss, the day before, big boss the day before, scam game, scam games, fntastic, gototstev, funny game, funny scam game, dayz, sandbox multiplayer zombie, crafting survival game, mmo, zombie mmo, rust, zombie survival, zombie survival craft, open world zombie, open world zombie survival
Id: U3NGwnqip_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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