Flat Earth | A Deep Dive
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Channel: big boss
Views: 1,747,730
Rating: 4.8469687 out of 5
Keywords: Flat Earth | A Deep Dive, flat earth, deep dive, flat earth deep dive, big boss, earth, flat earth documentory, flat earthers, flat earth society, flat earth rocket, flat earth cruise, mike hughes, mad mike hughes, mark sargent, behind the curve, neil degrasse tyson, flat earth conspiracy, flat earth movement, flat earth convention, flat earth exposed, neil degrasse tyson flat earth, b.o.b flat earth, bob flat earth, shaq flat earth, flat earth debunked
Id: 68YuU2tStoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Is this channel related to The Internet Historian? or is it just the same exact style?
dollar store internethistorian
Had a good chuckle on the flat earthers experiments.
Can't be to deep if the earth is flat
This is why we can't have a nice president. :(
My only criticism... ew default text... overall my god that is some good content
Australia/Australians donβt exist. What do I do now?
This is such an obvious rip off of internethistorian