The Abandoned Bitter Springs Mine | NV

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I look like I used to rest in that there's a series of telephone poles there's a downed one right there and just over this Ridge there's something there still standing so they ran electricity all the way up here to where we're going where the mines are you have a stone wall here below this cabins and then the gunner a couple more up there on the hillside build their own foundations out here because of how steep everything is these cabins still look like they're in pretty good shape that's what I've been in just one room you got a collapsed cabin up there we got a couple more we're gonna check out it's not a wretched mattress out sounds a little bit more room here so it's like a roofing material on yet another cabin and that's where they processed all the stuff that they mined nights out in the canyon the way we came in this one has the door knock down another chimney for the stove here's another collapsed cabin got a little stone house down that way and our bein in the mine up there you can see the chute there by itself stuck into the waste rock pile you can see more of that stone wall Foundation that they had to put before putting this structure in come on up here pass this more this waste rock scene has a telephone pole up there smells a little stone cabin over here just looks like a little storage area it's got a wood door frame the rest is made out of stone right into the ground I got the rails the tree growing on it but the rails are when you know you found the mine which is right back there made our wind pass this sketchy entrance got a lot of rock pile up here but once you get in about 20 feet and see the end of the rails and the mine looks great from there our little collapse here broken alcohol bottle here I'm assuming though it was alcohol and then just a little alcove just kind of dug down a bit it looks like it could have maybe been a wins and now it's plugged there's a son this has none water little face right there one of the miners drew there's a lot of minerals on this wall white it looks like cotton almost get a vein here you got a big vein arch right here no tunnel this is how they changed the direction just just switch the tracks by hand and the wall they have all these little holes or they explored a little quartz pockets a lot of little dug out spots in the ceiling and it looks like that one's plugged and we're continuing down the main tunnel we skipped the left branch but now we're going to come back to it this is a little alcove going straight there's a ladder this is the first time the actual main tunnel curves curves to the right can very really see the entrance way down there that tiny speck of light in the middle of the black about a hundred feet down that right curve got another little alcove looks like it might be dug out right here too no there is some rail in there and some tubing might just be a prospect tracks end here again just don't have main time always skipped a left and a right branch so far it looks like we're coming up here on a big bore sheet got a piece of explosive crate right here and here is a very wide or chute and there's a huge stove up there behind it you probably can't see it on the camera but someone believed in elves cuz here's a picture of an elf right here another face behind it came through here this is most likely leads back to the the right intersection that way Sox were only about 200 feet from there here's how much air flow is in this mine you can see this blowing so we're just in that right town and we have a room a very busy room right here got artifacts and that is a vertical shaft going down another little prospect in there are some artifacts left by the miners it's an old root beer can which is pretty cool because I like root beer too a lot you ever been with me and a drive through you know I get that Ruby or no ice I've got some bottles hanging on the wall here they nailed they nailed these tins to the wall says it says valve chest screws this wooden floor a little work bench over there with some more artifacts on it looks like there's a tunnel actually behind it but they kind of plugged it with timbers and stuff love to check that out can't a spilled oil there there's that vertical shaft stay away from that that's also part of it these wood rails are what the cart would have come up on I know it would have raised would have been brought up there to those upper workings up there and then there's an ore chute right here so it's kind of like a it comes up and then goes backwards and then dumps out right there it's kind of interesting yeah there's two or shoots back here and the third one so you can see some really really extended workings up there another tunnel continues and drop a rock down this wins yeah that's hundred that's hundreds of feet down if this wins you can hear a rumbling forever so yeah this vertical shaft is way too extensive to be explored without ropes so we're not going to touch it I got a shale oil box you know it looks like back here there isn't really anything just just a lot of Timbers or underneath that ore chute now it's pretty incredible there's that deep of a winds and then up here there's one going up there's a lot of wood and timber up here too this is this would have been a lot of work to do back then imagine getting all these beams and boards into place it's insane this doesn't look like a false floor it's just some boards they put on there got a burner plate I was poison next to some bourbon whiskey two batteries Maxwell House coffee and Campbell's creamy chicken soup this is a really nice section of the mine there's a lot going on in this room looking over the edge of this wins let me see the platform's down there and just like the upper the one that goes up just imagining how much work it would be to get all this wood down in here and put it into place and for hundreds of feet up and down it's massive amounts of work and effort went into making this and now it just sits here underground forgotten about so we're just down from that room there's that last huge or shoot I got one more and see the little steps timbres tracks curved back - I believe that's the main tunnel but then there is yet another or shoot and yet another and another so they probably have a really long extended stope above this whole area you can see it so we come out of this this tunnel has been the same height pretty much the whole time coming past this this is probably the seventh or shoot we've seen the tunnel we are just coming through that one which is a branch off the main tell all those or shoots in the room we were just in there hauling out or from somewhere above where they come out like right there and now we can see where that is which is this enormous stoped that goes up hundreds of feet I can't even see the top singing yeah this goes I can see maybe about 80 feet but it might not even be the top of it and you can see some more platforms up there there's probably a tunnel up there somewhere Graham's got the the the reading of the height of the stove for this frickin laser beams the readings in and then 28 feet 128 feet I want to follow up that this is power we're standing on see the Timbers here so this step is above that tunnel the whole time this it just happened to collapse right here so that's why we're able to see up there and you can see there's more there would be like a floor right here that's on top of all these so because we're still in the side tunnel technically so right now we're under that huge Stoke and it's all these old shoots all have Timbers so you can't see but see this vein area that's the vein would have extended all the way up to where that Stoke was just pass that deathtrap some alcove parts broken liner pieces nothing really over there or shoot here this looks like they piled a bunch of boulders up here for some reason goes way up there this is about 12 or shoot in this mine seen so far that's the vein that this hole stope exists because of some modern spray paint it looks like this has been surveyed recently because there's quite a bit of it left it looks like really old pack of cigarettes collapse see that in the same vein it's a couple feet wide it's pretty massive it's actually all it's about this whole tunnels width there's another winds looking down and there's probably some boards underneath that rubble but I can't see the board's I can't see their integrity so we're gonna turn around here it kind of looks like the town does dead ends back then I'm not sure I know it looks maybe it curves around some more but yeah let's throw some rock down here see how deep it goes that's right where that massive Stoke is and we're taking this branch back because this branch actually is the main tunnel itself for a while there we are on the right branch so head back this way and this intersects twice with the tunnel that we were just in with the stope above it up to three matches there's some of the rails that's part of the tunnel that we were just in just past the the room with all the artifacts and the winds is some more artifacts and that's actually the back of the workbench with all the soup and poison and batteries on it so this is what you can see behind it just looks out to the main tunnel now if you keep going we'll come back to the original fork where we were we left the main tunnel we're back here at this little right branch the first right branch off the main tunnel and we believe that this just meets right back up at the main tunnel another intersection we just passed but then again we could be wrong so this looks like the beginning of that Stolp second one over there doesn't go down very far about 20 feet right see some ladders over there it looks like there's more of a tunnel going that way but there's no way to for us to get over there [Applause] that's the other side of that stove oh so it does connect yep so there's a back fill probably went a little bit further than that work or car tracks right here there's an agent newspaper that's a cool thing about this money that we've seen so far as okay I think that something goes a certain way and then it ends up not that's cool that looks like they maybe had a spring coming out of here or something is that that's not just a drill hole for dynamite that's born through and there's a little trough coming off so yeah it's our shoot this is probably a 15 throw shooter so they've ever seen in this mind the sawhorse there's that ladder and just beyond is where we were on the other tunnel so this does actually connect like we thought it did they just you have to pass through this Stoke for it to connect so there's no way we're going through there other than that we just have another side tunnel going to the left check out but we've pretty much covered this mine so we're back and the main stretch come around that corner we're still that one left side passage we're gonna check out and after that we are out of this mine we just started going down that left branching tunnel it's more or less so far the same as the main towns cracked that crack just past that horseshoe section two alcoves on either side here that says treat the all-purpose meat and we found a spam can in the other the wins room so this sounds like it must have been something similar to spam maybe they changed their name to spam at some point got a bag here it says Portland San Francisco can't tell what what else it says it's a little Stoker you can see the vein really pronounced it's pretty much the width of this tunnel it's a massive vein someone fashioned across out-of-work hearts rails two more alcoves it's gonna turn up here to the left we got vertical shaft here on the right yeah that's not something if you want to get any closer to atlas explosives it's a dynamite box there's another vertical shaft yeah so that's much like the same that we saw in the other room looks like it was the same but the tracks here are gone you can see where the tracks would have connected up there and then went back down through the ore chute Lucky Strikes cigarette pack this is all to this room pretty much really old book page right there is a parts of an explosives crate there's more looking down that the vertical shaft this is a big one where the ore used to be pulled up and then we have another one that's probably connected to this maybe ran parallel at some point that's the chute where they would have dumped all the ore from down there comes up and around through here onto the cart and out it's another definitely seen over 20 or shoots in this mine well over 20 I would say that beams also cracked so the not-too-distant future these will probably come down and probably block this tunnel from being explored just past another branch we're still sticking to this another right branching tunnel over here this is the third intersection we've seen on this we're gonna continue where the tracks go check everything inside all the way back here that's another one of those tracks which yours this giant Stolp room looks really similar to the ones that we've already explored goes way up there this looks like a dead end back here dead ends we're gonna go back the other way it's a lot of intersections to check out on this left this left main tunnel that's a really warped timber anything more artifacts another horse shoot twin horse shoots and another wins another endless vertical shaft and it looks like it just ends back there so he looks pretty sketchy to get around this this looks like it goes further up - there's probably another added up there you have a roller here with grease all right these tracks are greased these wooden tracks would haul her up from wherever that one goes that's the dead end now we are in that stove which looks really similar to that the room we were in earlier on this one we can see the top more or less looks like there's some tunnels that going further above the vein it's about as wide as the hole stope there's another little tunnel going that way that's about nine branches in total this is a little room and that Stoke another page of a book it keeps coming for a while this might end up back at the main tunnel this looks like this might go around the stove and come back up to the main town I'm not sure yet like alcove over there looks like there was or car tracks here at one point and yeah here we are back at the main tunnel so this would have been the first the first intersection that we saw that's back towards the main town last branch that we have to take apparently called the noble crosscut another explosive box we just took a loop off the stove which the stove itself was a loop so there was two loops going back to the main left tunnel it was a apart from the dead ends this would be the last one nobility itself it's like they're pretty into the naming of this crosscut mo it's called the noble carrasco more pages from that book or magazine or whatever it was another explosive box little alcove here and there's the left branch and this continues forward so right down there actually dead ends and you're gonna be taking that way this is a first branch off of the tunnel that was labeled noble crosscut so we're here at this false floor Graham's already on the cross said it only goes down about 30 feet so we're gonna cross over yeah you can see the bottom there then it goes up a little bit just a little bit of a Stoke means the other side of that tunnel continues on after that there's impressions where the ties used to be so at one point the rails went over that another alcove grams up ahead and looks like the tunnel just dead ends about 100 feet or so after that got some more graffiti written in grease here 1961 and so on so we're gonna head back across and we saw no more branches because we're on the left the main tunnel now from that first intersection and we've taken all the intersections aside from that last winds that we didn't cross we've completed this mine we're gonna head on out now so we're back at the main intersection the left and right branch so that left tunnel ended up being pretty extensive back here at the entrance it's all sitting outside got what daylight looks like I just gotta get past this what's the road we came down we went back up one of the the other Forks and we saw what looked like it could be a mine and you can see the orb in that we were just out up there and this is another haulage tunnel it looks more like a cave but you can see all the massive rocks that they blasted out [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Pines and Mines
Views: 24,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silver dyke mine, abanonded mine, nevada, urbex, mineshaft, fallout new vegas, abandoned
Id: TRefDI-azOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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