The 9 step secret to BLUES RHYTHM GUITAR

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so yesterday i was walking on this very street in germany and i heard the most amazing blues i ever heard it wasn't really the solos that interested me it was more the rhythm guitar that i thought was really astounding and i asked can you teach me the blues the rhythm blues and he said yes thankfully so today we're learning the most amazing rhythm blues guitar i've ever played join me [Music] so here we are at 42 gear street and the guy we're playing i think he's following me it's perfecto are you there yes [Music] hey man what's up pretty good pretty good how about yourself i'm great i've got the honor to work with perfecto the castro who has been a professional classical and flamenco player on the 10-string guitar and later worked extensively in the alternative rock scene as a producer guitarist and sound engineer so oh man what you played just blew me away it sounded so bluesy and so awesome so thanks for for doing this and uh could you give us a little preview okay [Music] [Music] oh that's exactly what i'm talking about there's so much stuff happening is there a way we can like step by step go from like the basic 12 bars we all know like the a7 d7 e7 how do we go from there to what you just okay so let's uh let's go through the steps yeah and uh we'll talk about the rhythm primarily and also i will show you the secret to the blues the secret to the blues wow okay that's really exciting me all right let's start hey i know the a is fat five on the e string so okay so to make it sound closer to the blues we are going to play in the shuffle rhythm okay it is a long note followed by a short note right yes okay let's do it there you go i got it all right there we go okay yes change i'm going to go back now if you're kind of tired of this rhythm yeah i'm kind of repetitive yes we're going to add the pinky and this is going to be the blues walk yeah i got it and go to the four chord [Music] so we have this nice easy going rhythm back to the one [Music] and we're going to go into the important part of the 12 bar blues the turnaround the five go to the four and back to the one okay this is nice but yeah wait a second this is not at all what you were playing no so i where's the good stuff come on well i'm going to spill it okay and this is the secret to the blues okay wow it is only two notes it is two notes and that is found in the key of a that is found on the fifth fret fourth string g and the sixth fret third string c sharp okay see so this is in in a major this is the flat seven and this is the major third yes and these are the notes that give the the a7 the color the characteristic of the dominance exactly right exactly and uh we don't need the entire chord we just need the colored tones oh yeah right so we play the root note with it on the a string yes or i play that and you play i can play i can play the color and you can lay down the rhythm let's do it three four [Music] and you can play around with it [Music] and when you go to the four chord all you need to do is [Music] go down from here oh so it's the same shape and then we go to the four chord the d yes and then you play the four on the d string and the five on the g string and uh the the intervals switch because now the major third is now on the fourth string and the flat seven is on the third string yeah yeah but you don't have to worry about the all the terms no just go from this fret to this frame yeah so on the d chord right okay yes but then there's still the the e chord right at the end what do we do at the e chord so we go to the turn around three four and oh my god it's so easy why are we even doing this everyone can do this like everyone so the yeah that that's the secret to the blues it's this shape within the span of three frets just on the a chord you play this so just like a brief um resume like uh on the one chord we play this and then we go to the four chord go down one and two one chord again and a five chord yes one then we go with the four chord back to the one there you go yeah okay yeah that is the secret to the blues just do notes since we have two notes we can incorporate it into something more spicy and interesting yeah because it sounds cool if you play which is fine um after a while it just gets so so monotonous and boring yeah so now we can um maybe incorporate a little walking bass yeah yeah so it's a different way of walking so this is the blues walk now we're going to do walking bass okay and it sounds fun walking bass and and the way to do that is to go into our root the a the one chord and we always walk into the root from three frets down ah okay so one two three and so it's just like you put the fingers on the strings for two it's like a finger yeah like a bigger exercise the very first finger i just said yes [Music] yes is this it yes that's one two three and one and uh i need to point out it's important that we land on the correct note on the correct beat yes okay yeah because we're playing a lot of chromatic stuff in here and i think it's important that like the first beat is always the chord you go to so like the a should be on beat one yeah strongly so one two three four one two one three and if we go to the fourth chord yes you walk up this doesn't sound good no that sounds very strange no it sounds strange so this sounds good yeah and so the moment you go from the a chord to the d chord you don't go down to f sharp but you play like fret five on the e string and then you go to two on the a string b c c sharp d and that walks beautifully into that four chord yes so do it at bar four of the blues yes right yes into that bar cool exactly that sounds great so then we are jamming at the d what do we do at the d same thing okay same thing okay but um we only do it once because we have to go back to a yeah how do we go back to a uh okay yeah just go back to what we did earlier yeah that's easy so those are things that you have to be mindful of yeah and when you go to the five chord again go three frets back start at c chart we're always leading going to where we're going so you have to think where you're going you have to think ahead instead of like running behind of the facts exactly so the a to the e will sound like [Music] yes okay exactly so the thing i'm noticing i'm doing it automatically basically i'm playing the notes you just talked with the magic notes right after the first beat like or if you start from the beginning a7 and then the bass line [Music] because you're not always playing with two guitars and then you can do it like yes by [Music] three yourself then switch there you go oh man it sounds really jazzy and but also at the same time it's just the blue and then that's the main reason why we're grabbing the color tones so that we can do other stuff with the other things yes okay which you automatically did by yourself because you have that sound in your ear yeah yeah it just makes sense to to spice the rhythm and also exaggerate the shuffle field another way to use the chromatic things is uh when we go from the five chord to the four chord um the the walk up can work but it's too quick of a change yeah it's just so yeah so it's like uh it's too crowded yeah right so what you can do is just hang out on the five chord and then before the on the last beat before the change you can do that little chromatic thing yeah and then from here you can go back to [Music] oh that's lovely what makes sense for me is to play it like this i hear it like this like okay [Music] for example yes just tie these one bar chord change a little bit together so on the d i'm actually also like uh yeah playing stationary and then to the like the g charm just before you go to the one chord again it gives the feeling of you are a headed in a in a particular direction yeah yeah you know it's not just throwing random notes in there that's the thing it feels like you're very aiming for a place you're going and it sounds very like you you're on top of your yes stuff we all need to go somewhere yeah eventually yeah eventually yes okay so but what was the last thing you played at the turn around back to e you walked down again okay so from here you can make a game out of it as to where on the where else on the fretboard you can do those walk-ups yeah right so we have this a7 here and we also have an a7 here yes 12th fret okay [Music] exact same notes um when i walked up to the v chord for the e [Music] i can keep walking up ah and we're going in circles but then we're grabbing another circle with it yes exactly exactly it's the same thing but in another place ah that's so yeah and then from here you can keep on and then you have another d here yeah yeah and and pretty much the same yeah um so you have to figure out a little bit the patterns that exist on the guitar because all the chords are so close together and you can go from the a chord to the d over here but also from the a to the d over here and to the e so if you find these new shapes everywhere on the neck it's easy to connect them with these walking bass yes and if you like listen to the rules perfectly just explain to us i mean you can pretty much figure it out by yourself and find cool new bass lines that work for you right cool new bass lines and and and it turns into a funner game because you're you're now instead of having a very dry ritual of memorizing each note you're playing the blues but i want to play the blues all over the place yeah i mean yeah that's just what it is eventually like improvising but then not like what everyone thinks with solos but you're improvising with the rhythm part as well yes and that's what actually drawed me to you at the street i was like wait a second that rhythm player sounds killer it's just so amazing because also it's something i don't do by myself a lot okay so yeah i'm really learning a lot over here taking notes that's awesome um so is there a thing like combining all these elements or is it like okay is it something you can do or maybe you want the boss level yeah like step six maybe or i don't know what level we are right now okay let's see let's so you did the chord stab on the offbeat [Music] and since we have a lot of space in between the bass lines and you stay and you still have extra fingers you can grab other shapes a common blues move is to go from the d chord a fragment d and go back to the ae7 fragment yeah i know the sound yeah yes yes that sound so now it becomes a puzzle where you can fit that chord within the constant bass note oh yeah of course i think if you're not like uh that technical proficient you can just use only the little high notes but yes is it possible to play these bass lines with them okay let's see well you did ask for boss levels yeah i don't know what did i get myself [Music] ah exactly so that is um one two three and a fourth beat that is really spicy it is spicy but you get instant gratification yes they both resolve like the other way around yes [Music] that makes a lot of sense and we can do other stuff with the turnaround too right we get with a walking bass like i've heard you talk about before like uh uh going to the six the two yes yes so uh sorry guys i rushed this but there's a cool thing he just told me like secretly behind the curtain before we ended the room and i was like yes we're doing that in this video as well okay okay sorry we will we will do that so instead of the reshot turnaround where we go five four and one and back to five and so it's uh we're going to take a little detour yeah and we're going to go um one to the sixth chord the sixth spider yeah yeah to the two minor d minor before going to the five chord e7 nice okay hey this is a two five one that everyone's raving about the two five one but that's actually a one six two five one six two five back to the one wow boss level yeah so yeah we start at the a7 one and then we go to six after minor b minor seven yes e7 and if since we're walking there you go exactly you can add it beautifully on that one because the pool took from an e7 to the one is so strong yeah sort of a resolved resident or like i do say delayed resolution delayed resolution yes yes but we can make that even more interesting by adding the walking bass notes in there do it right i'm all for it so we are going to approach it one fret higher because the progression uh is descending yeah and we're just going to follow that that movement so direction okay so g that makes sense in the a chord yes [Music] and then here c to be my c to m [Music] okay f to e7 ah so we have this [Music] and then if you want to go back uh if you want to be clever on the way back to the one g-sharp yeah i heard that that also works yeah exactly it's about the half step tension and so if i would put this together right now i would [Music] there you go wow eventually your fingers will know where to go and you just follow the sound you hear like you hear something in your head and your fingers want to go there automatically yes that's a cool thing if you play it enough then it happens yes uh anyway i want to thank 42 gear street for inviting us here and all the brands and playing a beautiful ibanez art star made in japan it's a really gorgeous guitar it tastes like a dream it's really nice that's a beautiful color right i think it suits me yes yeah what do you think let me know in the comments if i well never mind what what what are you playing this is a pjd guitars carry and it is a also a semi hollow with a flat top uh i believe this is an ash bag with a roasted maple neck sounds great on here it sounds great and it's uh very easy to play yeah yeah well that is a wrap i think thank you guys for watching i want to thank perfecto thank you thank you for having me so much for like playing a little bit of blues with me showing you how to do it and of course all the links to your channel are below in the description check him out he's an awesome guy and yeah thanks thank you thank you so much have a good day bye so here we are at 42 gear street and i'm not looking at the [Music] which is camera that's it okay thanks for helping out thank you
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 591,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul davids, perfecte de castra, 42gearstreet, blues, rhythm, rhythm blues, blues guitar, comping, blues rhythm, blues chords, shuffle, walking bass, steps, 9 steps, blues secrets, the secret to the blues, turnaround, the blues walk, the blues shuffle, blues 101, collab
Id: CjLqcsehYZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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