Drastically Improve Your Blues Rhythm Playing In 15 Minutes - Guitar Lesson - Corey Congilio

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[Music] oh nice all right welcome welcome welcome I'm super freakin pumped because this is one of the greatest online educators ever and I've watched friggin how do you get like 77 courses by now right 78 yeah yeah really don't look a day over 70 exactly right he's been he's been doing it since he was 73 and he's actually 27 so anyways amazing true fire instructor Corley Kenji Leo Corey I came to talk too much Corey Kenji Leo he just made it to okay it started to get it but anyways he does something that I am NOT he does a lot of things I'm not good at but awesome awesome awesome at playing blue stuff whether it's like sophisticated sounding blues or real chordal stuff I am so not that guy so I thought man Corey's in town he is that guy let's do a couple of things where you're gonna show people how to spice up just rhythm wise that I have four oh one point five sure but then in part DOS we'll do some soloing and that kind of run out - how do you even start you know like obviously this this is my level of sophistication when it comes to one four five blues playing and unless it's like a ZZ Top song right where do you even start well Anna chords the whole one of the things we talked about was you know people get intimidated about once you start doing stuff it's like you know right just because it's a very nebulous region of the guitar that's not very root note century sure so start learning if you're not comfortable with your notes on the fretboard that's okay there's a lot of people that all right yeah I'm professional if you're and if you're doing this right we have a lot of stuff covered already you don't have a root node you have a fist so you have a and E well if you took an octave there's a a you know if you have an e here's a unique yeah and then you have an a here which you already know because you just did that mhm a-and you have any yeah there's ways to find them yeah bigoted are is the easiest instrument to cheat on a lot not cheat on like right as far as like finding shortcuts no and the shortcuts are fine yeah won't you get you from point A to point sure and and because look we wanna have fun yeah so many people I don't wanna go off on a tangent but so many people get frustrated because someone has led them down a path that now they're like walking around in the woods yeah I don't know right right let's get you there and have fun you know teach you to catch a fish first and then we'll go back yeah I'll teach you the technical so in addition are really kind of knowing where you're going on the guitar which is so important you know if you take that a seven bar chord that's not really common yeah you know I remember seeing Robin forward years ago he would just go yeah and he said if that's not no good then you got a hole in your soul so what a someone showed me once was this thing that he called the kernel cord okay because it really outlined all the four notes of a dominant seventh chord okay important to kind of start wrapping your ear around those tones so you have a root you have a flat five you have your third major third yeah I'm having II so it's AG C sharp and that seems to be like those chords in particularly it seems to be that's where like the jazz and blues kind of exactly there's a little more sophistication yeah because the notes we're gonna what we're able to do if we know those we can start to seek out inversion yeah so any combination of those four notes sure he's an inversion I used to say it doesn't matter what ingredients you put in the soup still the soup yeah sure yeah that's kind of where soup can start now I've never played that course yeah comfortable for me and yeah I don't like the way it's a score but notice what you were doing you were going what do I want to do I want to get out of your way Yeah right I'm gonna play this okay or this if you play that really yeah just on the one chord yeah [Music] okay so one of those things are all seven yeah it's not about what are they what are the immersion so let's do a couple of my favorites okay what we'll do is my favorite is just this because that is if you think about it here's a major chord it's like I played a major Barre chord and I added the seventh there right you're basically just taking making that guy yeah why do I want to do that because I want to get out of your bass players in the bass player course I always talk about that or a left hand keyboard player yeah you don't want it all that mud right you know everybody always forgets keyboard guys yeah who needs keys okay you said it I yeah I'll say it for you yeah okay so but that's what my favorite one so it's just um it's a I call it a rootless a7 I'll catch a lot of these will be but it's the fifth in this case is it's the lowest because it's real as you can move it around so much well sure yeah right it's so rootless so you just go hey for me go we've created this yeah which is something that so often people say is yeah I've play rice cuz everybody starts doing that yeah so this stuff starts to really help yeah yeah yeah and then if you noticed so then we have this other one which is also coming from here too okay so we're just going to play now we're gonna play the flat seven the C sharp and the e so now we have a three note chord yeah the the root lives there okay right so it's just that and if you're not familiar with that I would say play a D chord and then just move it up okay yeah yeah that's a great and that's where that's a tough one for folks of you know because there's no root note in it there's a but I try to make visual you know sort of guys or I'm like okay well here's the a yeah so I can just kind of look down right dude if if you're in early stages of playing yeah stuff like I look for those things all the time right I'm playing on stages where I have to hit a pedal and I have to run to a catwalk to play a solo yeah I'm looking for the doc I ain't too proud yeah I mean right go ahead if you got if you see people that play classical guitar like go ahead and put tape on it yeah I don't care yeah whatever it takes right yeah yeah so that's a great one too so then what happened was I don't know if you noticed it but if we go back and listen to what we just played you'll notice that when you're going I'm making little melodies or parts yeah it's like [Music] great break that down big sister I see you do so what I'm doing is I'm playing that I don't want to talk about I mean because you're coming you're resolving back into what the ears used to see you can almost go either direction yeah yeah yeah but the thing is I'm trying to yeah and like what I just did there's right that's just classic sort of walk I'll do that man right sure so that's on it so imagine that's our d7 chord now and in this case an a is on the fourth string F so it's it's something that's you know you can definable you can see if there's an a but I just went yeah so for if you start to please I [Music] looking for the root of the chord so what a lot a lot of my students and people that will contact me online they say man I just want to play by myself yeah and I want to sound like what you just did yeah so what I could do is if if you let me indulge yeah do it yeah I could just play it you're here for me I can go [Music] so those little chord shapes now yeah went into your your lead playing yeah and that stuff where I used to hear like Wes Montgomery yeah one of those kinds of guys and you put it into your plan yeah and then when you hear you know one of the the Robin types blues funk exactly okay so um you kind of broke down the one chord a little bit where a couple other options they can do for like the four in the file sure of course so lots of folks I always start with the bar chords that's a good one you know if we played acoustic guitar something we play probably a seven like this which essentially is what I just played you down finger mind and but then lots of times you'll do the Stevie Ray Vaughn so then there's D seven here [Music] afraid to your open chord change yeah that you learn from acoustic guitar yeah yeah so that's that's a cool one and again what what I've done with some of the courses I've developed is that I'm going to kind of try to build on what I think you already know yeah if people are playing you know that a seven chord yeah I want to show you connect the other dots yeah and that's a really fun way it's got the flat seven on top it's just an a try yeah up there and then when you go here it's 14 ninth fret okay cool and of course you have your bark or here yep so let's think of another one that's really fun what you can do is since you probably played a C chord in your life and you played a c7 okay you can just move that baby yeah right there d7 g7 okay and just make sure that you're muting the love the sixth and first string yeah so that's again like that's something I would always see players like Robin and it's such worth so forth [Music] [Applause] it's all about those top notes yeah creating new well and it just it sounds it's not really that much more difficult it sounds so much cooler at the end of the day because like if you go to a blues bar and you're in your freaking forty fifth round of a blues jam and everybody's playing that same one so yeah do do yourself a favor yeah learn some of these chords so what we're going to do is take this next you know kind of way of thinking about expanding your blues playing and we're gonna have you do it with a little bit of lead playing too sure but I mean your own I mean you kind of did it there - yes you were playing ya own rhythm section at the same thing exactly and you're using that stuff is no new new vocabulary yeah for your lead plant I need a new look they're really bad I know about twelve words my girls know way better than me so I'll I need more of the grammar I got the one punctuation thing down right awesome dude well thank you for the rhythm and then like I said join us for a round - I'll put a lead section - after this one as well leave some comments in the section because I'm going back out to national quarries another Nashville cat and I love is we're gonna actually wait that's right that's kind of where the shirt and everything I'm gonna be there so ask questions in the comments section maybe you can try them at all chime in but I'm gonna be there again is my point so I'll be able to ask them some more questions awesome don't forget to check out corey stuff below I'm going to leave some of his links below you got insta you got we got a thousand courses so we're what are you ready want people to find you you can find me if you go to my website you'll find links for everything okay I find my courses there you can find my social media they're all perfect you can you can link to my channel is it just for me or to my name Cory can Giulio calm I'll put it down what are you coming it's got the whole mustache thing going on that's oh but now I'll put all the stuff is down in the description box below so check it out
Channel: Brett Papa
Views: 131,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drastically, Improve, Your, Blues, Rhythm, Playing, In, 15, Minutes, Guitar, Lesson, Corey Congilio, Blues Lesson, Blues Rhythm Tips, I IV V Rhythm, Brett, Papa, papastache, papastache102, Guitar lesson, guitar lessons, OX, Universal Audio, Demo, Blues Progression, How To Play A Blues Progression, shp19, learn to play blues guitar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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