One Piece Chapter 1110 Review "The Sky Is Falling"

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[Music] greetings everyone teching 101 here welcome to one piece chapter 1,110 review I'm going to begin this chapter review by making a series of nonsensical noises with my mouth I hope you will join in thank you all right then let's begin one piece chapter 1,110 review titled Planet fall or falling planets are falling stars the sky is falling Chicken Little was right the entire time we didn't listen we didn't listen all right so two week break was definitely warranted because holy crap this chapter is insane the double page spread in this chapter I am going to get like I am going to get it framed and like it's going to have the king treatment right like the awesome artwork of King I have over here in the corner drawn by Stefan on like that double page spread is one of the most epic double page spreads I've seen in a while in one piece and we got some really really good ones but this one is like Perfecto like chef's kiss all right but we'll get to it when we get to it we have a brand spanking new cover series we're going to discuss in fact I was a little confused last time because the first installment of this didn't even have the title of the cover series it was just onigashima sinks to the bottom of wano well to the bottom of old wano which is still technically on the island of wano because because of the earth and walls around wano yeah but uh yeah that's all it was it didn't actually say what the cover series was going to be about in general some people actually thought that was the title though because it was so confusing people thought like the entire cover series is going to be Oni gushima at the bottom of Wana which to me doesn't seem like a very exciting like 30 chapter cover series but who knows maybe Oda could have done something with it chapter 2 of onigashima at the bottom of wano a koifish swims into the eye socket of the old old uh skull castle and chapter three the koi fish discovers kaido's booze stash chapter four it drinks it and then that koifish transforms into a new kaido that's how you get a kaido okay that actually would be an interesting cover series now I'm thinking about it but no we're not doing any of that no the title of the cover series is on child Yamato and the holy Inari Shrine pilgrimage uh okay so you have Yamato and you have MOS MOS is of course now the Shogun they're in the flower Capital they're on top of the palace kind of overlooking the flower capital and all of wano and yam is there and just like I'm going to be just like Odin and I'm going to go out to wano and I'm going to see everything it has to offer and Mos is there just kind of leaning on the B banister of the balcony just kind of like all right it's it's kind of interesting because Odin was mosque's father not yam's right so it's like if anybody was going to you know walk in Odin's footsteps to like Journey around the country and really see what he saw and like like carry on the will you you'd assume like the way that it would work in a typical kind of manga like the Trope would be the sun following in the footsteps of the father but that's not what's Happening Here MOS is like all right you you want to be like my dad okay have fun I got a country to run I got paperwork to do all right I got stuff to do here you want to go and travel around the country like my dad did you go right ahead right this would be like um okay this would be like if in Hunter Hunter you have gone who wants to find his dad but it's not like that at all this would be like if an Hunter Hunter uh kilawa is like gone I'm going to find your dad and be a great hunter just like him and then gone is like yeah all right you have fun with that I'm going to go off here and do something else just like it's like weird so Yamato is beginning his journey uh good luck to Yamato and actually I'm really excited because there was a lot of regions in one of we didn't really focus on too much like the K region so we might see a lot of that in yam's cover series here so I'm I'm sure the the scabbards are going to join in as Cameo appearances and maybe some other characters from wano maybe maybe even some characters Odo wanted to include CU I'm sure the notes and everything for wano were massive and he just couldn't fit everything in the story uh but here's an opportunity for that so we'll we'll see where that goes okay godp speed yam all right so getting into the actual chapter now oh I have Goosebumps okay so giant lightning just spewing off of aad at this point right now keep in mind most of the Marines have been evacuated back on the ships you know from one from the order of nobody uh Commodore or lower rank is able to even see Saturn so they evacuated from that and then there's also the Buster calls so a lot of them are getting the hell out of there so uh you know a lot of them are on the ships just observing this and it literally looks like the end of the world it's just like apocalyptic just lightning firing off you see Bluegrass riding the uh cyborg giraffe in the water and the giraffe looks really cute it has its eyes just like ah yeah this is fun the world is ending ah I know so everyone's just kind of looking at the island and like yeah we're not we're not going through that we're not going over there let's just I think if Blue Grass was smart she would just be like all right uh you know let's go over there you know H upup let's yip yip let's let's go over here let's just get the hell out of here um even the Giants you see the Giants that uh evacuated back to their ship you have Atlas Frankie uh Bonnie and Kuma there they're looking over and they're seeing this like oh uh hope everything's okay that that don't look too good all right you know there you go oh by the way I forgot to mention this um you do see the ship of the Giant Warrior Pirates so I think the original ship was the great Ericson or the great uh Eric something like that no it was great Eric okay that was the original name of their ship 100 years ago go I don't know if this is the same ship I doubt it would be but it looks very similar of course named after Eric the Red who was the father of Leif Ericson get it ericon because the Vikings well a lot of in Norse culture that was pretty common to be like ericon uh in fact Le not El Ericson uh Eric the Red also had a daughter who was Leif Ericson's sister and her name was Freya Eric's daughter okay so Eric's son Eric's daughter it was yeah so anyway I don't know I just wanted to bring that up I forgot to bring it up a couple of chapters ago when the ship actually showed up but that's not what you're here to know uh but we see um the Vikings the Vikings well they are Vikings we see the Giants and uh the passive feista Mark II is just bombarding the Marine ships uh one of the passive feas is firing a laser another of the Giants is firing an arrow and it just hits the battleship and it just explodes so they're on the offensive there there's this really it's not that big of a panel but it's just a shot of the Giants walking through the jungles of Egghead which are all mechanical kind of and you see um Dory and broggy there and some other Giants walking behind them just that image of like these Giants walking through this futuristic Island like the juxa positioning here is just very interesting also the idea that um we see the size scale difference because we see a Mark III firing a laser and one of the Giants is right next to the Mark III shooting a bow and you see the Giants are like over double the size of the mark 3s which are based off of Kuma who is a Buccaneer so that gives you like the idea of the size difference here Giants in one piece are really big I think on average is like around 18 M Dory and broggy are a little taller than that I think uh Dory is slightly taller than brogie but yeah they're like around 22 23 M tall something like that but on average around 18 and I think Oda confirmed that the shortest giant is around 12 M which is still pretty damn tall right so now though that's not what you're here to see uh cool to see the Giants but now we cut over to the room of authority in marijua where we see a denden Mushi that was kind of displaying uh Vega Punk's message in the room of course you know Vega Punk's up there like there's a great message to tell the world H but we'll give it 10 minutes uh Brew me some coffee you know so we just see the denden mushy that was left on in the room of authority playing the message on the wall so you see Vega Punk there and everything like that but there's no one else in the room all of the couches and the chairs in the room of authority which you know what now that I'm actually looking at the room it's kind of empty like there's just two couches in a chair that's it in the room of authority I mean I get it you're like Immortal yo-kai creatures I'm sure the goros say don't need to eat and sleep and drink or anything like that but we see that they can there's the Yan Cooks existence that proves that right we saw Saturn eating a sausage earlier right I'm I'm just saying like if it's like welcome welcome to to the immortality Club you will be the rulers of the entire world now spend most of your days in this giant cavernous empty room it's like man can we get a bar in here can we get I mean I guess there's a TV but they got a wheel in the denden mushy can can we get a record player can we get a vending machine or something a pool table for god's sake air hockey or something a basketball court you know give us something there's so much wasted space here anyway we see a summoning circle on the ground that's sparking so clearly the other Goro all got up and maybe I don't know if they physically like drew the summoning Circle cuz that wasn't the case with Saturn the summoning Circle just kind of appeared on Egghead when Saturn jumped from the ship to the shore so um you know clearly that doesn't need to be the case maybe they just all maybe they all stood up and then held hands and we just didn't see that part and then the summoning Circle just appears like oh great te Sumer we summon your power we will go to Egghead to help our brother and then like a circle appears and they all jump in it or maybe be because they're not they're all named after planets I've been seeing a lot of the memes of Sailor Moon so all of the the Goro have like a you know uh Planet makeup and then it's like you know Mars is is doing like the different shots and they're all dressed like sailor Scouts by the end of it but they're a bunch of old dudes so a lot a lot of funny stuff coming from that but um yeah the summoning circle is there now as a parallel to what this is you know we see the summoning circles at Egghead we see the Shadows appearing out of the circles as the other goros are arriving we also get the message being relayed by Vega Punk on the screen like this is being stated over this so let me cover that really quick so Vega Punk is talking about his greatest new invention instant coffee uh yeah I I I understand I know it's the the the gorus say are arriving in these eldrich forms that are bringing about the apocalypse and and then we get that overlaid with I have invented Vega coffee the greatest coffee known to mankind we'll take just a mug of regular water here and with a single drop of this particular liquid instant warm spicy coffee uh Vega Punk makes instant coffee in 3 minutes and that's impressive because my coffee maker takes five minutes to make coffee so three minute coffee that's not bad so U Vega Punk's like all right wellway that killed some time uh how how many more minutes left do we have before the message is relayed and I guess it's Shaka says well you know it wasn't exactly a strict deadline but we have 7 minutes left and then Vega Punk's like ah okay well let's start as scheduled now I don't know what that indicates when he says that let us start as scheduled even if they try to silence our broadcast that that amount of extra time won't be enough to stop us so I don't know if that means we're going to wait the other seven minutes and then do the announcement as planned or it means eh let's just do it now I think it probably means waiting the extra 7 minutes but Vega Punk might just be like ah 3 minutes is long enough I'm sure everyone has their denden mushies we can do it now I'm not sure but that's all we get from the broadcast in this chapter we we don't get anything more than that okay so the summoning circles appear and if you zoom in which I can on my fabulous tablet here you can actually see in the summoning circles it wasn't present last week the smoke was covering it up you do see different numbers on the summoning circles so when Saturn first arrived his summoning Circle had a five in it these ones have a four a three a two and a one okay now um that indicates to me that the Goro say all have given numbers uh with Saturn being number five and we're going to get the other ones here because we see them emerging they're in a set order it literally just goes 4 3 2 1 in the order here and we see who appears out of each one all right um I uh my theory on this is that the Goro say did all exist at the void Century at once e existed then e neurona and then whenever happened to e and became Immortal or something or had these Powers uh over the centuries recruited the garos one at a time okay so each of the garos have titles um that indicate their status as the leader of a particular section of the world government like agriculture Justice uh environment stuff like that Saturn is scientific defense top man is justice okay so I assumed like okay after e became the ruler of the government maybe over the centuries e was like all right I need someone to handle the agricultural aspect of this I need someone to handle the economy of this okay I can't run an entire world government by myself even though I am I have magical powers and I'm Immortal I still need some people to help me out with this right and so over the centuries recruited each of the garos individually all right and the order in which I assumed that they were recruited I I was very very close Okay I assumed uh the first person to be recruited would have been and this might not be the case by the way they might have been all recruited at once it might just be given individual numbers but this gives me the idea that like okay garos say number one was recruited first and then Goro say number five Saturn was recruited last okay over the course of the last 800 something years that the world government has been in power okay so I assumed Venus joro Ethan Baron was the first one to be recruited because he's the minister or the godhead of the finance or like the economy so I was like oh control the money of the world might be the first thing to do it but then I also thought well maybe agriculture because that would also make sense well in the order that these summoning circles are showing up the order is number one would be jew Peter would be shepher jew Peter the minister the godhead of Agriculture then Ethan Baron Venus Juro Venus uh would be number two and then top man warre or uh Valkyrie or Mercury would be number three of godhead of justice and then four would be Marcus Mars of uh environment and then you would have uh St J Garcia Saturn number five of Science and defense okay so that was basically a side from those first too those were kind of the order I assumed it would go in so you have agriculture first which does also make a lot of sense control the world's food supply then the economy then Justice which is probably where the Marines came from and then I like to think there was a gap for a while and then the environment came a little later like conservation efforts and stuff and then science and defense came last because I think Saturn was recruited along the same time that the Iron Giant attacked marijua 200 years ago after the Iron Giant woke up and climbed the red line maybe they maybe e was like okay we need another G to manage science now all right because we don't want this happening again so then they recruited Saturn okay maybe something like that could be completely off but there are different numbers on the summoning Circle so each of the Guard would say do have a different number uh given to them like a designation all right so um their forms first appear silhouetted very much like the way that you know Sabo saw them at um you know marijua now when Sabo did see them I'm sure he saw their actual forms not the silhouette the silhouette's more for like being ominous I guess or Oda depicting them like oh okay or anything like that so Luffy's there and Witnesses this and Luffy and gear fifth still is like there's five of you monsters a man this is going to be tough he doesn't say that he's but he's just like there's five of you oh come on you know it's like and then we have Sanji running off with Vega Punk's corpse just like okay I don't know what's going on but I need to call Nami this is this is the end of the world all right so um we get the designation for each of the goros and their yo-kai that they represent and then we have the most metal double page spread I've ever seen in my life okay so we have first and foremost St J Garcia Saturn we're well acquainted with this guy and he is the guki guki is another name for an ioni all right and also I looked into it ioni by the way spider bodies cow heads yo-kai they also fight with poison which we did see that with um Saturn he uses like his spider appendages to like stab things and the poison melts I'm sure the poison is more acidic and more devastating than anything mellin could cook up you know maybe even stronger than Venom demon okay so I'm like that then we have Marcus Mars who is the godhead of the environment and he is an itsumade itsumade every time I've looked it up like every description I've seen of the ium mate describe it as an eerie bird so it's an eerie bird and I wrote I wrote some stuff down here so we'll do we'll do some references there um yeah Eerie it makes really creepy cries uh apparently its cries bring illness to like it goes on top of a mountain and you hear this bird screeching in the night and then a bunch of people down in the village will get sick um I also wrote down cuz they're written in Kani all except one of them and uh the kanji of the itsumade uh actually this one is the most complex it includes four kanji and it's the first one is by means of or because like the Kani for the word because then you have the kanji for Haven or Port uh like a harbor then you have the kanji for truth then you have the kanji for heaven or Sky 10 okay so you have that then we have the third Goos top man the godhead of justice and he is a hokei hokei it's basically a giant boar okay it's a boar the kanji for seal and the kanji for boar uh very devastating animal I think it's actually more from Chinese mythology than Japanese mythology but that's what he represents giant boar with the tusks coming out we saw that his was one of the more obvious ones although I think I said Mammoth or something when uh they they saw the silhouette at marijua when Sabo was fighting them um I think I said yeah Mammoth or something because of the tusks but no or elephant maybe but no it's a boar giant boar um and then we have uh Ethan Baron Venus Juro who is a uh botu a botu is just a skeleton horse now this is honestly the most badass looking one I got to be honest with you because it's clearly like Undead like these other things are like animals like a bird a boar a spider and then a worm we're going to get to but then you have Ethan Baron who's just a skeleton horse like the horse of death the the literal like The Pale Rider okay just a skeleton horse and I'm sure this thing lets out a scream that's just like just chilling to the very bone okay oh my God Brooke needs to fight this thing actually Brooke needs to fight uh Ethan Baron for a few different reasons we're going to get in a second but I kind of want to see Brooke riding on the back of this skeleton horse all right but uh dude this thing scream have you ever seen that episode of um this this this note just keeps falling off I don't even care anymore um have you ever seen the episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog With The Windmill vandals and there's those skeleton vandals that are like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and then they have their skeleton horses yeah there's some of the sound effects used in that episode maybe that's kind of what these things sound like I don't know um but it's it's very terrifying and the kanji for the botu is literally just the kanji for skeleton and the kanji for horse that's it or like horse skeleton that's all okay so then we have the one that's honestly the outlier out of all of them and that's uh St shepher jupeter or Jupiter godhead of Agriculture and he is just a sandworm now the translation here says sand uh worm with like w yrm like Dragon uh I think the origin of that well by the way in case you're curious why worm sometimes means Dragon I think it comes from the term uh V and I don't know if it's German or something but it's German or something look I don't know a lot about this but I think it comes from a word called verm which means like Serpent and then then serpent kind of got lumped in with dragon because dragons are kind of serpents you know and that's where that comes from anyway um sandworm kind of looks like Dune the Dune sandworm you know what I mean like and uh maybe the sandworm from Beetlejuice remember that thing yeah so sandworms kind of pop up all over the place and uh in more works of media than you would imagine it's not just Dune but yeah so we have these like four mythical yo-kai kind of thing going on here like mythical spider with the head of a a cow and then a mythical Eerie bird and then a mythical giant boar with these huge tusks and then a skeleton horse and then just a sandworm and the sandworm is not written with kanji it's just a Katakana sandworm okay so maybe uh maybe Shephard is the first Goro to be recruited maybe they get to choose that would have been really funny if like all of the Goro like what for like e is like what form do you desire to take I can use my eldrich powers to Grant you any form you desire and then Saturn is like I wish to be a guki i the Venus Juro is like I want to be a cool skeleton horse of death I'm like oh that's cool and then you know St Shepherd JW Peter is just like I want to be a sandworm I just watched Dune last week seemed pretty cool all right you get to be a sandworm I mean it's not a bad choice it's the it's the biggest one I think out of all of them liit is huge so yeah all right sure why not right well they all appear and then we get the double page spread the five Elder planets um not the five Elder Stars cuz the way that it's Goro Goro SE the way that you know say is written sometimes can mean stars but in this case definitely planets because they're clearly you know based off of the planets um this is uh this is a season of Sailor Moon that I didn't know existed guys this is a little this is a little scary but my God this double page spread I need to get somebody to commission this and I'm getting this framed and I'm putting it somewhere in the office this just looks so damn cool also the idea that you have these like ancient yo-kai mythical beings appear on the future Island so you see like it it really looks like i' have seen like a Godzilla movie like the city is in Ruins and then these these Kaiju keep popping up you know what I mean like and Destroy All Monsters or something like that right it's just like this giant bird thing with like a neck that's like the giant claw like and they have this bard it's like and then you have a spider that's just like and then you have this skeleton horse that's like and then you have a sandw that's like I don't know what a sand worm sounds like she's like okay um damn that's cool and then Luffy's right there bouncing up on the ground in front of them all like oh man he's tiny Luffy and gear fi is Tiny now he can make himself bigger I don't know how Luffy's going to get out of this one Luffy I I kind of want to see what Luffy first reaction's going to be to this like how to take out all five giant monsters at once huh all right well how about I turn into a giant move my arms over and then just pick up the ground and just just just crush them all at once so you could try that I don't know um what if Luffy like picks up the ground and starts bending it like a carpet like you're ringing out a carpet or something and it's all wavy and the g say I'll get Knocked Up what okay well the gor say get knocked around and they're like whoa what what's going on and it's like that I mean that would be funny that would be cool yeah all right garus are all business here ladies and gentlemen I'm telling you what there's no there's no moment where they show up and they're like ah so this is the one you spoke about Saturn this is the Sun God there is no like ah Saturn you have failed us you are the runt of the litter we your older brothers will handle it there's none of that okay now maybe it might be because they're telepathic so maybe they are having maybe they're having that whole conversation right now and we just don't know about it they show up they get to business all right they just start moving they don't talk to each other they don't look around they show up in their they're all in their full animal forms and they get moving first thing Ethan Baron in the skeleton horse uses some kind of Clairvoyance ability some kind of power to detect things around him and he senses where the py feas are he runs off from the battlefield immediately just bolts off turns into his hybrid form which is a skeleton horse Centaur uh I guess I didn't need to clarify horse there skeleton Centaur the lower half is the skeleton the top half is still Ethan Baron he takes out his sword which could very well be the Shai ketsu hocky that son of a up and then just starts slashing through the paci Feasta Mark 3s all right just cutting them apart uh actually not even not even slicing them multiple times just taking out the showy hockey it up slicing one of them and that's all it takes freezing power probably similar to the freezing power of the underworld because he's an undead horse we already know that with Brook Brook's power the Yom yomi confirms that there is an underworld that exists in one piece Brook's soul is Tethered to the Mortal plane and he channels the power in the icy grip of the underworld in our mortal realm Brooke is an Abomination but Ethan Baron seems to be on that same level or even more of an Abomination all right cuz he's clearly like an undead being right at least his form is so he takes that sword and he just slices the pacifista it just freezes solid messes up its circuitry and just critical error has occurred and then just collapses immediately all right um and so the pacifista goes down um meanwhile we have Marcus Mars who's the itsumade the giant bird flies up to the labo phase which I assumed was going to happen because he was the one we saw we clearly saw he was some kind of bird creature so I was like oh yeah Mars is just going to fly right up to the labo phase so as Mars is flying up to the labo phase we get a shot like a bird's eyye view down of Egghead now Egghead is shaped roughly like a circle like the entire island is very circular we just see Ethan Baron running cuz all the pacifistas were on the shore they were at the shores firing you know in kind of an order at the battle ships Ethan Baron's just running them down just boom boom boom boom boom boom just one shotting passy fistas as he's running by you know just just Galloping on his mighty skeletal Steed legs okay um so Sanji meanwhile is relaying all this to Nami like I don't know how to describe this you need to get out of here like now like if there's an opportunity for you to get the hell off this island you need to go don't worry about us don't worry about me don't worry about Luffy we'll get the hell out of here we'll figure something out but you need to go because there is a actual literal monster God devil thing heading straight for you okay so just focus on escaping don't worry about us get out of there okay so Marcus Mars flies up to the labo phase right where the frontier Dome is and seems to just fly right into the Dome and it explodes but doesn't it doesn't seem like the barrier um you know is is breached or anything like that we like we don't see the bird go through it it seems like it just charges the barrier and then just boom just explodes now that's obviously not going to kill Marcus Mars because we've seen the regenerative powers of the Goro um so maybe it's like blast into it and then again and again and again just keeps healing over and over and over again until finally he's able to breach the frontier Dome Luffy was able to breach it just by running through it so I think enough times just through sheer force of will um the itsumade cannot turn intangible like Marcus Martis is not a loia can't turn intangible like keer would move through it but just push it enough times it's going to break through that barrier okay okay Luffy is still fighting Saturn like Saturn really doesn't miss a beat with this he's still using his uh stretchy appendages to like stab Luffy with poison Luffy's jumping around dodging everything and then we have uh shepher jup Peter as the sandworm diving into the ground next to Luffy and Luffy's like whoa It's digging down like a worm that's weird okay then we immediately cut to the labo phase yeah I know there's a lot of stuff moving around in this chapter we cut up to the lavoo phase now where Usopp receives sanji's message and it's like yeah don't worry about this Sanji we'll be sure to run you don't have to tell us tce we're going to get out of here don't worry about it right um they had stopped the Sunny the sunny was riding on the ice Trail uh Usopp used his bamboo shoot ability with his pop greens uh which I guess those work on island Cloud so that's pretty good so he shoots a pop into the island Cloud comes out with a little bamboo shoots and that kind of like stops the sunny so it doesn't skid off the side there so there's that they're going to be okay uh Lilith is like in the background like kicking Brooke just like how dare you we almost died Brook's like it's okay we didn't plus I've already died once my skeleton sense is tingling I sense another that' be cool Brook's like I sense another Skeleton on the island I am the only one actually that would be okay that would be okay if Brooke could sense that because Brooke has the powers of the underworld Ethan Baron might have the same thing ice powers we've seen it so maybe Brook and sents like another weird Soul that's bound to The Living World or something like that I don't know um jebe's there jebe's like the situation does sound kind of dire I should really find Zoro and drag him back by force if necessary and sanji's like yeah jebe I'm sorry man I wish we could help you but you're all on your own up there you're the one that's going to have to handle this right and so then jebe finally arrives at where Zoro and Luchi are fighting and then jebe's like oh yeah I see them finally yeah they're still going at it and sanji's like oh my God that damn Moss head what a burden he is and they's still a ways away like like jebe is a little bit of ways away from the fight with the comms like hearing sanji's message but Zoro still hears it we see zoro's ear like flexing when Sanji calls him a burden so the fight wraps up in one panel here uh finally between Zoro and Luchi okay so Zoro had the enma knocked out of his hand like Luchi I guess hocked up his claw and went to go hit Zoro and Zoro was only using the enma and the saai the W was still on his back and so it hits one a zoro's hand the uh enma goes flying up into the air then he hears Sanji calling him a burden and then we have Luchi about to use um Shon Madara it's a technique like spots it's the same technique that who's who used against jebe at wano and it was also a technique that he was about to use to finish Luffy off way back at any's Lobby uh remember Luffy was in that chibi form and Luchi kind of like you know stuck him in a wall and Luffy couldn't move cuz he was a chibi remember the chibi Luffy form that was yeah that just kind of ended kind kind of cool if you that comes back every now and then but anyway uh now we just have shriveled up Luffy whenever he deactivates gear fif well anyway so um yeah Luchi was about to finish him off there but then his legs gave out from the third gear attack and so he couldn't use it and then Zoro also Dodges it here so the only person to land this sheon spots ability it's just like a multi multi fired ability of shon it's like if you have the uh the claws of a Zone you just like do this like Gatling uh but who's who was able to do it I guess Luchi just doesn't have enough luck so in one panel basically Zoro grabs the enma takes out the w santoru three sword style spotted leopard hunt so it's like an upgraded form of a tiger hunt or tiger trap where he takes all of his three swords hocky them up and slices down Luchi and that's kind of it we also see the lightning shootout so Armament hockey conqueror hockey whatever kind of hockey you prefer and uh yeah that's that's the end of the fight there so um just to talk about that really quick look I'm I'm just going to State the facts ladies and gentlemen I'm just stating the facts here okay Zoro used two sword style this entire fight and then the moment he's like all right I got to end this three sword style finishes it immediately all right I'm not saying this is a good thing that Zoro did but it seems to me very apparently he could have finished this a little earlier Zoro is one of the straw hats that I think understands the status of yonko more than the others like Luffy does as well they don't take that title lightly but Zoro definitely understands like what it means to be a yongo crew I'm a Yono Commander now so I don't know man maybe it was a thing where zoro's going up against Luchi and he's like dude I'm a Yono Commander if I go 100% against Luchi the leader of Cipher pole zero like my captain was able to finish off Luchi like that I'm not going you know three sword style Ashera Dead Man's game against Luchi you know I got to beat him with two swords now is that a good decision no it isn't cuz we're on a timetable here I'm thinking it has something to do with zoro's pride something to do with Zoro being like you know I I want to prove that I can beat him with two swords cuz he didn't use three until right this moment and then boom instantly takes him out so it seems to imply he could have done this five minutes ago 10 minutes ago however long this fight was going on for right and he just didn't so I don't know I think Zoro I think I I think he was like hard moding a video game or something like I could beat this boss with only using a dagger sure we could do that I'm not going to use my final ultimate overdrive attack I'm just going to use this you know is it a good idea and you might be sitting there like oh tching he was struggling fine whatever he was struggling I just like I the second he busts out the three swords he wins why couldn't he have done that five minutes ago it seems like he could have he just personally chose not to and this might lead into something I kind of hope it does I hope after this is all over and the straw hats are safe and they're leaving Egghead I hope Sanji goes up to Zoro and like what the were you doing up there you know what were you doing up there you could have taking that guy out so quick and you decided not to and zoro's like shut up you think we could go 110% against any small opponent we're a Yono crew now we have standards like screw your standards I was down there on Ground Zero when that happened you know so I hope I hope it leads to an argument I hope they talk about this I really do anyway Zoro beats Luchi there it is okay final double page spread of the chapter all right Luchi goes down uh there was also Luchi Zoro kind of talked a little bit about the hockey downstairs and the fabrication phase they were like hey don't you want to go check out what's going on down there it's like yeah there's a lot of strong hockey popping up and then the whole thing happened where he cut him down um so Luchi goes down Luffy's there and uh he's in the air and then shepher jup Peter appears out of the ground as a sandworm and just just eats Luffy Luffy's like what and then eats him and then you have Dorian brogy arriving on the scene charging straight toward the sandworm it's like ah did you see him Dory ah G I did broy inside of a sandworm is no place for the likes of the sun god let's go and they use a technique called child of the sawing son or just uh other Tao NOCO which is Sun saw is like the literal translation there uh but there could be like a double meaning so they go and they just like and they use a a two-pronged attack with their sword and their axe respectively and they just slice the worm in a very similar way when Luffy was eaten by the brachiosaur at little garden and was falling down the brachiosaur throat and then broggy cut the throat out and then Luffy fell out of it like a giant slide very similar to that so Luffy pops out and he's like yeah I'm out yay that was a close one and then you just have broggy and Dory there like G it's been too long Straw Hat G we had to come to see you we were getting it was getting unbearable and then that's it that's the end of the chapter so Luffy got eat by a giant worm but it's okay Dorian Bry are there um once again oh actually I'm I'm seeing this now it wasn't even the same area they cut the sandworm it's like so the sandworm is like a worm right and so brogy cut it like here and then Dory cut it down lower so like this whole section of worm just fell out kind of curious what happens to the sections of the body that get separated he's a worm so I'm wondering if the worm is going to like replicate itself so now there's two worms or something or that big chunk of they just cut out is that just going to hit the ground and just like dissolve like a Titan or something just like you know or and then it's the other the main body is going to heal back you know how what are the rules here I I don't really know um but holy man I mean like Oda didn't need to go that hard but he did we could have just had the chapter being like the the big final is just the goros showing up all five of them double page spread I would have been satisfied with that and then some other going on in the background but he not only did all five goros in their Transformations but he also was like all right no they get to work Ethan Baron starts eliminating all the freaking passive feasts we have a a scene here I skipped over it but there is a scene where um one of the Marines is like like one of their mechs or their not mechs they're like Engineers or something there is actually a scene where um one of the Marines like Engineers I guess or like one of their mechanics is like looking at the pacifistas and like oh yeah their circuits were all Frozen to the core so they're like paralyzed they're not going to be able to fight anymore and all the Marines are just like oh whoever this is is on our side they don't even know who it is they have no idea who this being is who you know the Goro say have arrived but holy on a biscuit okay um a lot of people thought it was going to be the gods Knights I I saw that people like oh it might not be the Goro it might be the gods Knights showing up I was like no it's definitely the Goro honestly I I don't know what Oda has planned for the gods Knights I have no idea well actually I do maybe it was like man there's going to be a lot of characters at the end of this battle like this Final War when we get to that like we're going to have like yeah the Marines and the cipher poles and stuff uh in the Goro say but like there's going to be a lot of allies that are going to need to fight everybody like the grand fleet's going to be there a bunch of other characters are going to be there too maybe Odo was just like I I need I need more enemies I need more enemies for people to fight sure we'll do the gods Knights all right the gods Knights really do seem like an 11th hour edition that was like maybe not originally planned but whatever so for right now I wouldn't Focus too much on the gods Knights okay maybe the strats all fight the gods Knights but I feel like in some final war scenario straw hats are going to go up against the Blackbeard Pirates that's going to be their final opponents and maybe the fleet will go up the gods Knights or maybe some other characters maybe doof Flamingo will fight like a Garling or something like that who knows but you know maybe just to increase the number of enemies that exist okay but man so Dory and broggy are on the scene uh who else oh uh top man hasn't done anything top man the boore is just hanging out like just hanging out being a being a boar I guess uh he is a boar but no he's there so um we have him and we have Saturn and we have Shepherd after he regenerates so we have three of the Goro say but it's okay CU we got three on three now we got Luffy Dory and broggy I mean like it would be interesting if like um you know not Saturn but like a top man like charges at the Giants and then Dory just takes out his sword and just and it just like slices the barar straight in half and just like yeah what the hell was that and then just pce itself back together and rushes back at him I mean honestly they could just do a war of attrition because Luffy's gear fif does not last forever the Giants might have a a massive Viking amount of stamina but that's not going to last forever if they could just keep regenerating over and over again Luffy's going to go back into his base form he's going to be exhausted and Dorian brogy might start getting like oh man matter how many times we cut these guys Dory they don't stay down yeah oh brogy what do we do and just like yeah they just keep coming back over and over again you could just win the fight that way right I don't know but anyway yeah crazy um got to make a video we're going to break down all the different individual garus forms and all that stuff so don't worry um yeah I think the smart move would just be for Usopp Brook Chopper Lilith and Nami to just get out of there now I don't know what Zoro is going to do now if Zoro is like okay well Zoro can fight against Mars that's probably what's going to happen there so we can see Zoro battling Mars Mars is probably going to break through the barrier get into the labo phase and then Zoro and maybe je B will have to hold off this giant bird while Nami and the others get away okay so then we can see Zoro now we can see Zoro really trying he's like all right giant bird okay bandana check three swords check asera check you good jebe jebe's like you know shark skin like charges up his hockey like let's go Zoro like dude that would be fun to see so yeah Dory brogy Luffy fights against three of the Goro Jean Bez Zoro fight against Marcus Mars and then Ethan Baron is just running around the island just you know one-shotting all the passy feast is that might take him a couple of seconds uh but after he's done with that he'll probably just come back to the battlefield or whatever try to stop the message try to help Marcus out or something I don't know oh my God so much crap to unpack here all right well anyway that's the video hope you all enjoyed and uh yeah no break next week so we're just going to keep it rolling keep it rolling let him cook ladies and gentlemen let him cook and then this is insane when the Goro say show up when those Yong Cooks finally make their appearance it's going to be game over strs are done this is the final Arc right here you thought it was the final Saga nope final Arc right here they all die planets fall everybody dies there it is all right later [Music] everyone oh
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 172,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, oda, chapter, 1110, review, zoro, lucci, gorosei, mars, saturn, jupiter, mercury, venus
Id: BODgd07DZlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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