The 7 I AMS of Jesus in John

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welcome back again I'm Robert breaker it's good to be here with you again one blessing I mean that we can come together every week and study we're in the midst of what they call the corona virus here going around the world and we're already seeing people shutting down airports closing borders of countries I hate to announce but it looks like my trip to Israel might be canceled Israel has announced that hey you can come to our country we don't mind but if you do we will put you in 14 days of quarantine to check you for the corona virus so we had planned a trip to Israel in April I don't know if we'll be able to do that it looks like the way things are going we might not but then again what everything can change you never know and I might be able to go after all maybe just put it off for a couple of weeks we'll see so I ask you to keep that in prayer I really was looking forward to our trip to Israel in April of 2020 but we'll just do what the Lord of have us to do and I said all that to say this even some of your governments are closing churches and prohibiting people to meet together in large numbers and a lot of colleges are closing and they're saying we're gonna do online classes so the idea that the Lord gave me of online church coming to you and together we're having church by the internet seems to be looking like a good idea and as this coronavirus continues it appears that there might be even a day when they lock people up in their homes and you're not allowed to be out so I'm thankful to have this opportunity in this way to come to you and preach to you and give you what the Bible says and I enjoy these Bible studies a lot of people have emailed and said brother breaker we sure appreciate what you do every week and I try my best to do it every week there might be a week or two coming up here soon where I might have to take off for a week lots going on lots of things I need to do here behind the scenes but I want to try to at least do this every week and hopefully I don't have to take off for a week so today we're going to start on this message the seven IMS of Jesus in the book of John the seven IMS of Jesus in the book of John now who is Jesus Christ well the Bible tells us clearly who he is and we're going to look at that today there's a lot of people out there that claim to be Christian's that have a misconception of who Jesus is I get emails all the time people saying brother breaker I'm so thankful for your ministry because you helped me to understand what the Bible teaches I was in a cult and I was taught this or that and the other thing and I never read the Bible I just went by what they said but now I see the truth and I appreciate you brother breaker well that's that's what I'm here for I want to give you what the Bible says that's my desire so today we're going to look at what the Bible says we're gonna look at Jesus Christ and the seven im's of Jesus in the book of John and we've been going through the seven different things God always seems to use the number seven and years ago I taught on the 7 mysteries in the Bible and we looked at different messages on 7,000 years of human history and why the Daniels 70th week has to be a 7-year tribulation recently we looked at the seven baptisms the seven judgments the seven resurrections I believe it was last week I preached to you from my kitchen and we talked about the seven foods in the Bible that are like another scripture so today we're going to continue this idea of sevens and I have possibly a couple more messages coming up on 7 this or 7 that and God always seems to use the number 7 so let's begin today in Exodus chapter 3 and verse 14 Exodus 3:14 and this is the Old Testament and this is the god of the Old Testament who we would call Jehovah or the Lord speaking to Moses and Moses is basically saying know who do I tell the children of Israel that you are and this is how God describes himself in Exodus 3:14 and God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am hath sent me unto you so the way that God the creator of the universe refers to himself is I am that I am I find that so interesting because according to the Bible God is eternal he's an eternal immortal being and for our finite minds that's very very very hard to understand what is eternity and try to figure out that for a couple hundred years you cannot figure out how something could always be you see we have a beginning and an end the day were born the day we die but God was never born and God will never die now yes he came down in the form of a man and died on the cross for our sins and thank God for that and that was all part of his plan but he's a god that's incapable of lying and he's a God that's eternal that has always been how can something just always be that's very hard to figure out that's very hard for us to explain the idea of eternity and something that's eternal that always has been is very hard for us to grasp in our finite minds but this is always saying says I am that I am because that I am I am I have always been he doesn't say I was so and so he says I am that I am I am that I am that's what God says in the Old Testament now let's go to John chapter 8 and did you know Jesus Christ calls himself the I am in fact there are seven times in which Jesus says I am such and such but in John chapter 8 Jesus Christ is talking to the children of Israel and it's interesting what he says to the Pharisees he's telling them that he is God who is Jesus Christ God and we're gonna show that I'm gonna go through some scriptures with you on that because like I said there's some cults out there that don't believe that Jesus Christ is God and they teach you oh no Jesus is just a lesser God he's just the son of God or he's just a man or he's not know Jesus Christ is God according to the Bible and I want you to see that God manifest in the flesh John 8:58 notice what Jesus says now maybe I should back up a little bit and read a few verses before so go to John 8 verse 54 jesus answered if I owner myself my owner is nothing it is my father that honoureth me of whom you say that he is your God yet you have not known him but I know him I mean if I should say I know him not I shall be a liar like unto you but I know him and keep his saying your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad then said the Jews unto Him all right the Jews speaking to Jesus thou art not yet fifty years old and hast thou seen Abraham the Jews are like what Abraham saw you are you telling us that you existed in the time of Abraham yea because Jesus Christ was the age of the Lord in the Old Testament He is God everybody says here jesus said unto them verse 58 verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am now notice he doesn't say before Abraham it was before Abraham was alive before he existed I lived back then - I was he doesn't say I was he says I am so what does Jesus Christ saying he's saying I am the I am of your Testament so when you go back to Exodus 3 when when God is saying I am that I am who's speaking there the Lord Jehovah who is the Lord Jehovah it's Jesus and his father it's one guy in three but one three and one and one and three the one in the middle died for me that's what the Bible teaches about God now let's look at that I want to show you some more verses real quick but here Jesus is saying he is God he is gentle but he is the lord of the Old Testament he is the I am that I am that spoke to Moses now let's go to John chapter 10 John chapter 10 quickly did the Pharisees understand what Jesus was saying oh yeah yeah they understood clearly that Jesus was saying I am God and he is Jesus Christ is God so look what they tried to do go back to John chapter 10 verse 31 then the Jews took up stones again to stone him why would they want to stone Jesus verse 32 jesus answered them many good works I've showed you from My Father for which of these works do you stone me the Jews answered him saying for a good work we stone thee not but for blasphemy because thou being a man makest thyself God they said you're going around tell everybody you're the I am well that's the name of God of the Old Testament that's the God we serve the great I am and you say you're the I am NOT we're gonna kill you well either Jesus Christ was the greatest liar that ever lived or he was telling them the truth and they rejected the truth which one was it well it was clearly they rejected their God they rejected their Messiah now I want to quickly as fast as possible go through as many verses as I can I hope you stick with me today a lot of verses to go through and this will be for everybody I hope you study this but also sure is the world you're going to come across some of these people that will try to say Jesus Christ is a God I want you to write these verses down I want you to have these verses so that you can show them no no dude you're wrong you're wrong the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is God go to Matthew 1:23 here's the announcement that Jesus Christ will be born of Mary a virgin and look what it says in verse 23 behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son they shall call his name Emmanuel alright who's this it's Jesus and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us so who is Jesus Christ he's God born of a virgin God in the flesh with man with us Jesus Christ has got its gonna John chapter 1 I just want to give you these verses as quickly as possible and then we'll get into the seven I am gonna go to seven different places in the book of John where Jesus says I am something but the Bible teaches the deity of Jesus Christ the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is God and if you're a part of a denomination that claims to be Christian and they don't believe that Jesus is God let me say this plainly and clearly run because you are in a cult you are in a denominational setup that is not biblical and is denying what the Bible teaches because the Bible teaches Jesus Christ is God John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word notice that's a capital W so who is that that's how do we know that's Jesus verse 14 it says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth so who is dwelt among us Jesus Christ Immanuel interpreted is God with us so Jesus Christ is God back to verse 1 in the beginning was the word and Word was with God and the Word was God so the word in capital W is Jesus and what is that it's God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so God the Creator is Jesus Christ so let's put that up here now the word capital W is Jesus and Jesus is God that cannot be denied if you read your Bible let's go some more verses first John 5:7 now some people try to say well mr. breaker then you have two gods the father is God the Son is another God no there's not another God there's one God in three but these three are one Bible says God created man in His image what is man will you go to what Paul told us us and what Paul tells us in 1st Thessalonians 5:23 is God made us a soul spirit and body so we're a body soul spirit with three parts when you see me you see my body but you don't see what's inside of me what's inside of me is my soul that's me that's what's gonna live for all eternity my soul and inside of that is the spirit so I'm not three different robber breakers I'm one but I consists of three God says were made in His image so what does that make God one God that consists of three but these three are one first John 5:7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word capital W that's Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost now look what it says and these three are one there's your Godhead there's your if you want to use the word Trinity triune being God is a try be he's one god that consists of three but these three are one now a lot of people that I say well that verse shouldn't be in the Bible and you say oh really really why would you say that they said oh well the oldest text that we have available why you can't buy that you know what you can't bite alright so called all this texts are what they call the Vaticanus and city Atticus which are 400 to 600 years after Jesus and those two texts that they say are the oldest are also I don't know why they don't tell you this but they should the most corrupted texts that are extent if you will that exist in the world today they take out whole verses even whole chapters they are so perverted somebody took those texts and messed with them and started taking out verses and so people say well that's the oldest text we have and they don't have first John 5:7 so that shouldn't be in the Bible and you look at that you go wait a minute you know what we do have we do have a lot of the Church Fathers 100 200 300 400 years after Jesus writing and in their writings they're quoting scripture and you know we find 100 years 200 years 300 years after Jesus early church fathers quoting first John 5:7 which means it was in the Bible and 400 to 600 years later somebody took it out but you go to youtube they say well the King James Bible is an error because they add verses to the King James Bible why they and first John 5:7 no he didn't they put it there because they saw clearly being quoted by the early church fathers a hundred two hundred years after Jesus that that is Scripture so we're going to make sure we put it in the Bible because someone came along and took it out now who took it out well as we go through this list of a couple more verses that I want to give you of Jesus being God I want to tell you something these so-called oldest texts they seem to be very consistent in one aspect they are consistent in changing key passages on the deity of Christ the greatest passage in the Bible on the the or the Godhead is first John 5:7 and many people today say but it shouldn't be in the Bible yes it should clearly we have many many testimonies and many many witnesses that first John 5:7 was in the originals because the early church fathers quoted but in these new versions of the Bible the new versions of Scripture the new Bibles they all follow those corrupt Vaticanus and Cindy advocates they do not go back to the original source pre these and these Vaticanus city advocates there full of errors and fuller mistakes and they always seem to attack the deity of Christ so if you have any other Bible than the King James Bible you're gonna have a Bible that takes away much of the Bible verses in the scripture that say Jesus is God it's almost like there's a conspiracy it's almost like someone doesn't want you to believe that Jesus is God so they go to the passages that say Jesus is God they say we got it we got to change this we got to change this we don't want to believe it and that's what we see so as I continue going through some verses about Jesus being God I'm going to show you how some of the new versions change it and they go back to Vaticanus and Sidney Atticus when they do and you cannot help but see Vaticanus and city Atticus is a corrupt version that was done by Gnostics and the Gnostics did not believe in the deity of Christ that Jesus was God the Gnostics believed that we can have a little spark of divinity in us and so they believed Jesus baby had a little spark of divinity in him but he wasn't God in the flesh so that's why the Vaticanus that Cindy Atticus are so messed up now quickly let's go to John chapter 20 and verse 28 is Jesus Christ God well Thomas the doubter said he was John chapter 20 verse 28 and Thomas answering and said unto him my Lord and my god this is the confession of doubting Thomas Thomas had all these doubts and he does I don't know who Jesus is I don't know if he's the Messiah and then Jesus raises from the dead and comes to him and says now look look at the holes in mine in my hands look at I am God and he says yea yea you are my lord and you are my god what a confession do you believe that do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and God do you believe he's the same Lord of the Old Testament Hughley believe that Jesus Christ is God the I am Acts chapter 20 verse 28 paul is speaking in acts 20:28 it says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which over the which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers to feed the Church of God , which he hath purchased with his own blood now what's the antecedent of he and his God so God purchased the church with his own blood who purchased with his blood the church Jesus so if God purchased with so Jesus is God because Jesus is the one who shed his blood so you go through and you look at Scripture and you see over and over and over to talk about Jesus being God Jesus is God let's go to another one Ephesians 3:9 Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 9 look at this Ephesians 3:9 says and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world have been hid in God , who created all things now watch this by Jesus Christ do you know new versions of the Bible take out by Jesus Christ why would they do that because they go to Vaticanus the city Atticus and they go well it's not in there so we'll just make sure we print our Bible translation without it why that scripture that proves that Jesus Christ is God the Creator he's part of the Godhead and he created why would you it's almost like there's a satanic conspiracy against the scriptures and the new Bible side with the perverted texts that are consistently attacking the deity of Christ and who Jesus is I don't want that I don't want a Bible that takes away from me and the fact that Jesus is God I'm gonna stick with the true version the King James Bible let's go to 1st Timothy 3:16 here's another one one of the great texts in the entire Bible to prove that Jesus Christ is God and what a new versions do they change it they change it they change the word God to just simply he but let's read the King James but let's read the Textus Receptus over 5000 witnesses that say no it ought to say God rather than to corrupt manuscripts that say man we can put heat if you want to what is first Timothy 3:16 say and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory who is this that was manifested in the flesh God what we see in John that it's Jesus so who is Jesus Christ God but if you have an ASP or an RSV or an NIV or some other version of the Bible it says he was manifest in the flesh who's he it doesn't say who he is no the original autographs as well as the majority text say God Theo's so why would you want a perversion of the scripture I don't understand how anybody can be anti King James because the King James Bible is the only one that stands firm on the deity of Christ while new versions change scriptures and literally attack the deity of Christ that's so sad let's go to 1st John chapter 5 and verse 20 no I'm not gonna throw out my King James for a new version because I see that they're not new versions they're / versions their perverted Bibles King James is correct 1st John chapter 5 and verse 20 and we know that the Son of God has come and have given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life who is the true God and eternal life Jesus Christ of the son so God the Father is God the Father Jesus Christ has got the son and then we have a God the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit that is not three gods that is one God these three are one is what our Bible says so Jesus is God now let's go to the book of John and I'm going to show you seven times the Jesus says I am something and I think it's very interesting I think it's really revealing I hope this will be a fun Bible study I'm gonna try to go quickly so keep up with me if you would and I'm just gonna simply uh give you the verses and hopefully you can write this as a note in your Bible so here we are the seven I am s of Jesus let's see I make sure I'm on the picture the seven I Ames in John so we're gonna have one two three four five six seven make sure I'm still all right it's a little unclose to the edge there but I think you could still see it so the first one is found in John 648 so John chapter 6 and verse 48 and look at what it says in John 648 Jesus says I am the bread of life so Jesus says I am what he says I am like bread so you go to John chapter 6 in verse 48 it what we'll do we'll read verse 48 all the way down verse 51 48 jesus spent speaking he says I am that Bread of Life your father's did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead this is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die I am The Living bread which came down from heaven If any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world so Jesus Christ is saying just like you eat bread physical bread you know last week we looked at the different foods in the Bible that are like in the scripture well you take bread and you eat it and it goes into you well spiritually if you trust if you accept by faith Jesus as your Savior he comes into you and the Bible says we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise so when you get saved Jesus comes into you in the form of the Holy Spirit which by the way is God as well so when I'm saved I have God in me because the Holy Spirit of God is in me what an amazing thing what a wonderful thing and so Psalms 34 8 says Easton's see that the Lord is good so accepting Jesus by faith is like eating but how you don't eat Jesus you don't literally go ahead come here Jesus I don't take a bite out of them you taste him by accepting him through faith first peter 2:3 says if so be you have tasted that the Lord is gracious have you tasted Jesus in the sense that you have accepted him that you've trusted him he is the bread of life have you taken him Jesus is the word capital W but the Bible is the word lowercase W and it's interesting that the Bible lowercase W is like Fred - like we looked at last week the Bible is like another bread and what does the Bible say well Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God so that's Matthew 4:4 that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so we have the word Jesus God and then we have his words which is the Bible and he is like in the bread and the scripture is likened it's a brain so without Jesus you can't be saved without the Bible what Jesus said his word you can't be safe for example let's go to James 1:21 it talks about there well I won't read it and we just quote it it talks about the engrafted word which is able to save your soul is talking about the Bible you know this is something you need to know the capital W is Jesus lowercase W in the word word is the Bible I've met people that claim to be pastors they would even know that they talk about the Bible and they capitalized it they think they're doing respect to the Bible but they don't realize now in the Bible capital W word is Jesus and then the Bible itself the words that we have printed on paper that's the lowercase W the word and so the Bible talks about that and in 2nd timothy 3:15 it talks about how the scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation so it's through the words of the word Jesus God so it's the Word of God that we find salvation salvation is by Jesus the word first us loneliness 5/9 I have a bunch of list of verses here so I want to go to as many as I can but I'm have to go quickly through some of these but you need Jesus he's the one who spoke his word and who is Jesus he is the word and his words are eternal life Jesus is called the bread of life let's go to John chapter 6 where we are we just read verse 48 but now let's jump ahead to verse 63 verse 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth quickeneth means bring to life the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life and then a lot of people left Jesus verse 66 verse 68 then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal life in that interesting so Jesus is the word he is the bread of life and when Jesus speaks he speaks the words of God because He is God and what are they they are spiritual they are the words of life the words of eternal life so eternal life comes through Jesus and through his word not through anything else a lot of people in this world well they have a different religion and they think well ternal life is this way or that way or the other way no according to the Bible eternal life is only through Jesus the bread of life and through his word now let's go to another one the second one here is John 8 and I forgot let me look first what in John 8:12 jesus is called the light jesus calls himself the light now remember it each one of these passages Jesus says I am I such a thing so that's why I call these as seven IMS in the Bible Jesus says I am the bread of life let me put up there of life I forgot to put that he said I am the bread of life now he says I am the light 8:12 John 8:12 says then spake Jesus again of them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of now look at verse 5 of chapter 9 so John nine five as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world now let's go back to chapter 1 of John and look at what it says there in John 1:4 speaking of Jesus which is who God verse 1 the creator verse 3 he made all things but it says the verse for in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shine it than darkness and the darkness comprehended it not now skip down to verse 9 that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world so what is the light the light is Jesus now go to John chapter 12 so Jesus is the light and it's like the world is in darkness in utter darkness and the only light is Christ and his word and we'll see that here in a second but in John 12:46 I this is John 12:46 I am come alight unto the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness and if any man to hear my words and believe not I judge him not before I came not to judge the world but to save the world but then he says in verse 48 he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words have one that judges him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day so Jesus is saying that he is light but he's also talking about his word and how important his word is and it's like he's saying his word has to do with light what does that mean well there's what we call the light of the gospel let's go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 10 second Timothy chapter 1 in verse 10 if you are not saved you're stumbling around like a drunkard in darkness and you just don't see you don't see what this life is all about you're dead in trespasses and sins then along comes a preacher Ernie says hey let me tell you about eternal life and how to get it how to go to heaven and what the Bible said and y'all say you go wow I never thought about it there is life after death and now how what is it well it's simple either go to hell burn oh that sounds horrible yeah or you come to the light you come to Jesus the great I am your Creator and he'll take you to heaven if you receive him as your Savior well I want that so yeah that's what we're supposed to do as Christians were supposed to go preach the light shine the light give people the truth so that they can be saved 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 10 second Timothy 1:10 says this speaking of Christ Jesus in verse 9 verse 10 says but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and it brought life and immortality to light through the gospel you want some light well the way to get light is through the gospel what is the gospel I'll put it up here in a minute I want to get ahead of myself but the gospel is like light and look at 2nd Corinthians 4 for those who aren't saved they don't see the light so what are we supposed to do jesus said to Christians you're the light of the world why because we have the light of Christ shining in us when we're saved so we're supposed to go into the dark dark world and shine the light and say come on to the light come to Jesus 2nd Corinthians 4:4 well let's start at verse 3 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them so the gospel is like light that shines verse 5 where we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servant for his sake verse 6 if I go read verse 6 to 4 God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to get the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ so we've got the Bible likening the gospel unto light so what is the gospel well the gospel is found in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and the gospel is first Corinthians 15 one through four that's the gospel and the gospel is all about how Christ died for our sins but how did he do it well he had to shed his blood now I'm gonna tell you the rest of the gospel here in a minute so I'm not gonna draw the rest of it here but the gospel is like a light and what we're supposed to do is go to the world and say hey world guess what Jesus did for you he died in your place for your sins look look what he did you don't have to go to hell he made a way to heaven what will you do come to the light look for Jesus because he is the light so Jesus is the light of the gospel is all about how Christ died for our sins and then something else and I'll get to something else here because Jesus says it and we'll have to spoil it the resurrection I'll give you to that here in a minute but the gospel is like light so the gospel is like light now let's go to the next one here and the next one is number three John 10:9 and this one would be Jesus Christ is the door now this one might offend some people you know what I'm sorry but I can't help but teach the truth and I hope you don't get offended a lot of people in this world today they walk around with a chip on their shoulder they they're just looking to hear something they don't want to hear so they can lash out at someone and attack thing well I can't help but tell what the Bible says so you either accept it or you don't but the Bible is very dogmatic 'el book and the Bible is very clear that the only way of salvation is through Jesus and what he did you know what that means that means there's no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ the great I am you might not like that there's people out there that say well I belong to this religion and we think we can get enlightenment by such-and-such our oh we belong to this religion and we believe that we're going to go to paradise through this or or we believe in this religion we believe that through our works we can work our way to heaven I have bad news for you you're all wrong you say how long earth can you say that Robert breaker because God creator told me so in this book so I have to go walk by what he says not what I say remember the verse we just read in 2nd Corinthians where he says we preach not ourselves but the Lord Jesus Christ I'm not telling you what I think I'm not a philosopher standing up here saying well according to my opinion I think that the reason that we're here and I think that no it doesn't matter what I think the only thing that matters is what does the Creator who made us say to us well he says he came out and he died for us in our place and now if you want to get to heaven with him there's only one way it's through what he did not what we do other religions are not salvation the only way is through Christ so let's go to John chapter 10 verse 9 Jesus says in John 10:9 I am the door okay by me If any man enter in he shall be saved and go in and out and find pasture so Jesus says look I am the one who saves I am the door the door to heaven if you want to say it that way and the only way to get into heaven mister Jesus you can't come in any other way look what it says there verse 10 the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and destroy I have come that they might have life and they might have it more abundantly Jesus came to die to give you eternal life if you want to live forever you need Jesus and what do you mean by live forever I mean in heaven with him the other alternative is go spend eternity in another place where you perpetually die over and over and over the Bible calls it the second death burning in the lake of fire you either take that and the way to take that is just reject Jesus or you say you know I don't think I want that for all eternity how do I get up there to have it well the door is Jesus so you want to get to heaven you come through Jesus Christ there's that means there's only salvation in Jesus and in none other go to Acts chapter 4 he said why you think you're so dogmatic no I don't I'm just telling you what the Bible says you can believe whatever you want but I'm gonna believe what the kree Gator said if God made me and he made this whole big planet he told me through the Bible now I did all this for a reason and it was so you could come to me because I want to fellowship with you and let me give you a little light on the situation let me give you a way to stay alive you know let me give you the door the key how to get to heaven and the key is it's by Jesus not by what you do it's not your religion it's whether or not you come to the Savior acts 4:12 x4 tl12 says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved that means you don't find it heaven through Buddha that means Muhammad does not save you that means you're not saved through the Pope that means it's not what you do or some religion that they teach well if you'll do this then you'll find enlightenment and eventually you'll arrive in paradise or whatever the Bible is a dogmatic ik but it can afford to be because who is speaking the great judge of all things the great creator the one that made us all says this is it take it or leave it I am the door now let's go to Matthew and see what else Jesus says Matthew chapter 7 so I have to go by what he says amen Jesus is the one in charge he is the creator he is God so I got to hear what he says and he tells me you want to get to heaven no other way but through me okay Jesus I'm going to the door thank you for giving me the light I'm gonna go now and find the door and I'm gonna go through it through you not by my works it's by what you said now here's what the Bible says Matthew 7:13 Matthew 7:13 Jesus is speaking and he says enter ye in at the strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat what is the destruction well it's as hell many people are going to hell because they're in darkness they don't see the light they don't see the truth in that sad that's why it falls upon us preachers to try to tell people the truth and the truth is the only way is through Jesus Christ now verse 14 because Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it well that's sad isn't it but if you want to find the gate you want to find the way then you got to come through Christ so he's the door he's the gate and the only way to be saved I just read you acts 4:12 you must come through Jesus Christ there's no other name given under heaven whereby you must be saved the only Savior is Jesus Christ and that's just what the Bible says so either you accept it or you reject it I accept it and I'm excited because I know that I have the truth and I'm going to heaven and I'll get to that here in a minute because that's the truth Jesus how do you know Jesus is the truth well I'm glad you asked where to get to that when we get down to verse number 7 but let's go to the next one here Jesus Christ is also in John 10:11 the shepherd so he is the shepherd now let's look at that John chapter 10 verse 11 John 10:11 Jesus is speaking and he says in John chapter 10 verse 11 I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the Sheep so what is Jesus he is a shepherd what is a shepherd let's continue reading all the way down verse 18 verse 12 but he that is in hireling and not the Shepherd who's whose own the sheep are not seeth the wolf coming and leave it the sheep and flee it and the wolf catcheth them and scatter if the Sheep can you imagine a Shepherd's job is to protect the Sheep and Jesus says what a horrible Shepherd that if he sees a wolf coming he goes it runs away and the wolf gets to eat whichever one he wants that's awful Jesus isn't like that Jesus cares what's a Shepherd supposed to do supposed to care for the Sheep verse 13 the hiring fleeth because he is a hireling and careth not for the Sheep verse 14 I am The Good Shepherd and know my sheep and am known of mine as the father knows me even so I know the father or no I the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep he died for you so that you could be a part of his fold the only thing you need to do is verse 16 and other sheep I have which are not of this fold why would Jesus say this well he went only to the Jews in his earthly ministry but he is alluding to the fact that now when they don't want me I'll go save Gentiles too and he does so I believe that the fold would be the Gentiles he's alluding to the fact that you know I'm gonna go save some Gentiles to which also I must bring and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd so the body of Christ is one made up of both Jews and Gentiles I mean they're not two bodies like some people teach and then continuing their verse 17 therefore doth my father love me because I lay down my life that I may take it again no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of myself I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again this commandment have I received of my father so what did Jesus do he lay down his life what does that mean that means he died he died for you Bible says greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend well Jesus lay down his life for sinners what a great love what a great love let's look at the Romans I believe that's where I want to go yeah Romans chapter 5 you see God is a shepherd and the picture of a shepherd is sheep are valuable and so the Shepherd will do anything he can to save the Sheep to protect them because he cares about them what a loving God Romans chapter 5 verse 6 for what for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly what did he do he died for you he laid down his life for you verse 8 but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so this is Jesus Christ he died for us in the world today they go around they lie about Jesus they say oh Jesus is just a bigoted and hateful person and the God of the Bible is just an evil person why all throughout the Old Testament he just wanted you to kill people and oh what a horrible God there's still love he's a horrible hateful god that's someone who has never read the Bible especially the New Testament when I read this book and I've read it through over and over and over again I see a great and wonderful caring God that loved me enough and loved you enough that he died in your place for your sins what love what a caring Shepherd who wants us as his sheep what is love love is caring go back to a John 10 verse 13 John 10:13 LaBrie says there he says the harlot cleans because he is a hireling and careth not for a sheep but then she Jesus says but I am The Good Shepherd and I know my sheep what is he saying he's inferring there I care about my sheep what a great and loving God to care about you and me 1st John chapter 5 verses 4 through 7 my first John I'm sorry 1st Peter 1st Peter 5 4 through 7 Peter is speaking about our Savior Jesus Christ and in 1st Peter 5 4 he says and when the chief Shepherd shall appear who's that Jesus ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away likewise ye younger submit yourselves to the elder yea all of you be subject one to another be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time now look at verse 7 casting all your care upon him for he careth for you you know this world there's a lot of people that go around saying ah who cares who cares my grandpa was like that unfortunately my grandpa was a pretty bitter person and he'd been through a lot in his life he went through World War two and thankfully he didn't have to go to any operational theater but he did have to here in America train troops and new things like that and he went through some things a lot of times by my grandfather I think his favorite word was push a lot of times I'd say hey pops how you doing we called it pops he goes push push I think his favorite saying was life stinks and then you die unfortunately that was my grandpa and a lot of times my grandpa I'd say you know this that or the other thing he'd say who cares who cares like he just didn't care he felt like life gave him a raw deal and it did it really did way back there in Houston we used to be part owners of a business and well his his uncle I guess it was totally screwed us out of the business it was over a million dollar business sold for over a million dollars we didn't get a dime okay and so my grandpa felt like Oh life stinks and unfortunately my grandpa he was not a very nice person okay I love them to death he was great but he just he had just given up on life I guess you could say and so he walking around all who cares life stinks and then you die Hirsch whose you know that was Krabs that was pops but I'll tell you what after I got saved and I talked to my grandpa he'd say who cares I'd say Jesus does they say well yeah and I don't know to this day of my grandpa was saved I won't tell you his testimony or lack of one thereof but he did finally think about Jesus his last words were I'm thinking about Jesus now did he trust Jesus as a savior or was he just thinking about it and then he died without trusting him I'll never know till I get to heaven if he was saved or not and I find that really sad but I do know that Jesus did care enough about Robert breaker senior my grandpa to get him saved that's why he died when Jesus died on the cross he was thinking about Robert breaker senior he shed his blood for Robert breaker senior my grandfather just as he shed his blood for you and you and you he cared enough about you that he didn't want you to go to hell he'd rather die that see you go to hell and he did just that as he died on the cross for your sins now what would you do with Jesus what a loving caring God let's go to verse 25 of chapter 11 John 11:25 will be our fifth I am in the book of John and this is where Jesus says I am the resurrection in the life some Jesus says I am the resurrection John chapter 11 verse 24 Martha saith unto him I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believe it's out of this and she saved an MVA Lord I believe that thou art the Christ the Son of God which had come into the world so jesus said I am the resurrection and the life what did Jesus Christ do he died for our sins cuz he cared for us he cared for you he cared enough to die for you on the cross do you care enough to accept him as your savior he cared for you he was buried but thank God he rose again a third day according to the scriptures so the only question is do you accept him he said I am the resurrection and the life he said if you will believe in him if you will accept him by faith believe then what do you get while you get salvation as well and you get resurrection from the dead so if you come to Jesus well over here would be the rapture and the resurrection from the dead would be if you were to die before the rapture and you were saved yes what would happen well you would go up at the rapture you'd have a resurrection of your body now there are other people that will live in the Tribulation Period that missed the rapture and they'll get into this Millennial Kingdom and then they'll die and when they die well after the Millenium is the great white throne of judgment God will resurrect them but the only way to have a resurrection of your body and go to heaven is through Christ otherwise you end up in the other place so jesus said he is the resurrection let's go to John chapter 6 in verse 38 John 6:38 John 6:38 says before I'm come down from and not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me and this is the Father's will which has sent me that of all which he has given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see it the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day Jesus is the resurrection you don't have to fear death if you're saved because you know that Jesus is the resurrection and the life and there's eternal life offered through Christ and that's what Jesus offers us he offers us eternal life that's what I want don't you don't you want to live forever in heaven with Jesus Christ in a mansion of pure gold what kind of person wouldn't want that and that's what Jesus offers that's what Jesus offers well let's look again at another one let's go to the next one this is a 14-6 john 14:6 and john 14:6 Jesus Christ is the way but that's not all he's also the truth and the life well he already said he was the life right here in that interesting he says it twice you can have life in this life through Christ and then you can have eternal life the next life through him as well and that's a wonderful thing let's go to John 14:6 and in John 14:6 one of the best-known verses in the Bible for Christians or at least it should be jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me so Jesus is the way there's no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ that means every single religion that claims to be the right religion is false if they're leaving out Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven I mean does it get any more simpler than that how do you get to heaven through Jesus Christ you can't get to heaven through somebody else Jesus is the way proverbs chapter 14 and verse 12 the Bible says this proverbs 14:12 there's a way but I don't want to quote it without reading it I want to quote it correctly proverbs 14:12 there's a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof is the way of death see a lot of people in this world to think well I think the way to heaven is through this way or through that way or this teacher or through this guy or through this religion or through and they think that their way is the right way but it's not the Bible Cleese's teaches us clearly that the only way is through Jesus Christ proverbs 12 in verse 15 the way of a fool is right in his own eyes but he that hearken Thunder counsel is wise I'm giving you counsel today I'm giving you the words of Jesus Christ and Jesus says he's the only way to heaven will you accept that Jesus Christ is the way and he's the only way there's no other way to get to heaven than Jesus Christ Jesus is the way last one here is in 15:1 let's go to the last one John 15 and verse 1 Jesus Christ says he is the true fine the True Vine what truth Jesus Christ is truth so he's the True Vine while he already said he's the way the truth and the life you know a lot of people say I don't know if you're telling me the truth or not okay the Bible says God cannot lie the Bible says that He is God and that he did this as the way to heaven how do you know that's truth because the man who is truth who cannot lie who is actually God actually says because this is the way I don't doubt it I believe it because the Bible says it do you you say well I don't believe it okay I'll see you the other side the boy wouldn't it be awful if you were wrong where would you end up you say well you're wrong Robert breaker okay well then leave me alone because I'm happy I'm happy knowing that I'm going to heaven do you have happiness are you a happy person are you excited about dying because you know what's gonna happen the other side no you don't you don't if you're lost you're scared to death I don't know what's gonna happen I don't want to die okay well if you come to Christ who is the way and the truth and the life you don't have to fear death because he's the way to heaven you go to a better place when you die so why are you so afraid of Jesus Christ this whole world a lot of people in this world are scared to death of Jesus in the Bible and the reason is they're afraid that what if it's true then there really is a hell and there really is a judgement they really will have to give account to God for everything they've done in this life oh there really is sin you know what an awful thought to have to give account to God for all the evil things you've ever done so a lot of people that you see no no no no no I can't accept that I get I don't I don't even want to think about that that's up we have to because Jesus is the way and he's the only one that cares about you he cared enough about you to lay down his life for you died for your sins now will you come to him for salvation John 15 and verse 1 Jesus says I am The True Vine and my father is the husbandman verse 2 every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he taketh away in every branch that bears fruit he purchased it that it may bring forth more fruit so the picture is a tree and Jesus is like a tree I guess we'll call it the Jesus tree now you might say but it doesn't say a tree it says I'm vining well in the Bible there's what they call the vine tree so I'm gonna say a tree okay cuz a vine can get so big that actually becomes a tree in the Bible but Jesus is like a tree and here's me here's Robert breaker I'll just look my initials are v3 because I'm the third and I'm one of these branches and I am rooted in Christ Jesus because I'm saved and I'm so thankful that I'm in him now what does Jesus want from me well now that I've come to Jesus for salvation do you know what Jesus wants for me he wants free so what am I supposed to do as a Christian well I'm supposed to live for him to probably try to bring fruit and what is fruit well it's living right doing right pointing people to Jesus trying to get more people saved trying to tell people the gospel and taking people to heaven with me because I certainly don't want anyone to go to hell and I'm sure Jesus didn't want anyone to go to hell that's why he died for their sins amen do you want to go to hell you know I don't even want my worst enemy to go to hell I mean there's some people in this world that I guess I might not like very much but I wouldn't want them to end up in hell for all eternity I wanted to be saved I want to see them go to heaven I want everyone to find the way of salvation and Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the light in Jesus Christ through him you can bring through forth fruit to God if you're safe are you saved have you come to Jesus for the cleansing power are you washed in the blood of the Lamb or your garments spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Jesus died he shed his blood and he can cleanse you from all your sins the question is will you receive him as your Savior look at verse 5 first John 5 15 5 Jesus says I am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit without me you can do nothing well you come to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Savior and then do your best to be a good Christian and bring forth fruit first question I have three questions and I'm done and I hope this has been a blessing to you three questions are you saved are you saved if you say yes Robert breaker I've come to Jesus and I've trusted him as my Savior I say praise God alright second question are you serving if you are saved are you living for Jesus are you serving Jesus are you praying are you reading your Bible are you taking light of the gospel are you telling other people this message you say well yeah okay my final question is this are you bringing forth fruit what do you mean Robert breaker well have you ever won someone to Jesus is there anyone that can say I'm going to heaven because so-and-so told me how to get saved and it's you have you ever won a soul to Jesus Christ we are very very very very close to the rapture of the church and Jesus is coming very soon and what Jesus wants is fruit he wants to take as many people as he can to heaven because he paid it all and he did everything to take them there but people are not going to get saved unless they hear the gospel preached it's not just Robert breaker preaching the gospel it's you if you're saved now if you're not saved why don't you come to Jesus and trust him as your Savior much much more I'd love to say but I'm gonna stop there we'll see you next week thank you for watching my videos please look up videos on the gospel and salvation if you're not safe if you are saved look up videos on how to win souls to Jesus by Robert breaker and other things and try to break some fruit to Jesus because of what he's done for you thank you for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 12,891
Rating: 4.9440994 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Breaker, 7 I AMS of Jesus, Diety of Jesus Christ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 6sec (3666 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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