Why Hip-Hop Doesn't Respect Tyler, the Creator

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over the years Tyler the Creator has been fighting for respect from being rejected by radio stations award ceremonies and even being banned by an entire country to getting ignored by some of the biggest artists in the game it's taken well over a decade for Tyler to finally get the recognition he deserves it's your boy Lua and before I can explain how the world finally started treating Tyler like a superstar we got to talk about how both the pop and Hip-Hop worlds treated him in the past I'm hungry for greatness I want when I die I want people to cry and [ __ ] make posters and the F nation is like what the we just lost a hero that's what I'm hungry for I'm hungry for VMAs and Grammys that's my main goal you know F this underground [ __ ] this was Tyler the Creator way back in 2011 just 2 years after dropping his debut mixtape bastard the rebellious artist from Hawthorne California already had dreams of not only acceptance but greatness sadly he would need to wait a long time to get either despite proving to the world that he could Captivate an entire generation of kids when Odd Future came out the gate most of the music industry tried to keep their distance from Tyler to him this was the most frustrating thing imaginable and he delved into how much it enraged him during an interview with billboard from 2013 I've got so many beats and songs but no one's giving me a chance yet I want to take Justin Bieber for a month and just lock him up in a cage where we sit and make music he's one of the most successful people in the world but his music could be so much tighter when Tyler gazed out into the mainstream landscape he saw all the ways that he could improve it but as you'll see later in this video everyone from Justin Bieber to Nikki Minaj weren't really on the same page for Tyler the problem was that most of the mainstream figures he contacted from about 2013 onwards just completely wrote off his vision this was made clear in a tweet he posted way back in October of 2013 where he wrote I made a bet with Will I Am for a million bucks that I'll be making money 10 years from now doing what I love and not what makes the most he said then you make a decision on what to do to survive no that's not how it is for everyone I'm not going to make music I hate now let's set the record straight well I am definitely got it wrong here and if I were Tyler the Creator I'd be knocking on his door asking to cash in on that bet by now see Tyler was kind of stuck in a weird spot for a long time radio stations weren't playing his stuff and he got this label as an edgy rapper who only connected with kids in the suburbs not the ones in the streets basically he didn't quite fit into any box that the industry tried to put him in now a lot of r in Tyler shoes would probably feel the pressure and try to switch up their style to fit what the industry wants but Tyler instead opted to staying true to himself instead of molding into what others expected he would double down on being this weirdo that he was known to be not me cuz I got the heat if you Mother Mother Down Like lyrics on a beat get your ass beat he kept his unique Vibe his own brand of humor and he wasn't afraid to call out the hip-hop world stereotypes especially when he had the spotlight light on him so he really took the world Less Traveled and as you'll see later in this video it made all the difference when Odd Future were initially trying to create Buzz Tyler attempted to get them exposure on the influential rap blogs that were around in that era two of them that refused to put them on were two dope boys and not right at this point in time getting a cosign from one of these blogs was the equivalent to getting a viral song on Tik Tok or securing a spot on spotify's rap cavar playlist so you would think an internet Savvy group like Odd Future would be a perfect fit right well not necessarily in fact they would never give them the time of day to make matters worse they would actively shade the crew such as this blog post from 2010 where they referred to Casey Veggies as a loser obviously neither Tyler or odd Future's loyal fans were pleased about it when these blog posts turned their backs on Tyler it really lit a fire under him it wasn't just a personal blow but it would set the stage for how the whole industry was going to treat him these blogs basically told the world hey this guy's music isn't worth your your time and that message spread so Tyler wasn't just mad at the blogs he was frustrated with an entire industry that couldn't see his true potential that feeling of being underestimated became a huge driving force for him pushing him to prove everybody wrong from the jump he didn't take it lying down and used the opening of his bastard tape to take aim at them Yo Yo two dop boys and not writing any other [ __ ] blog that can't put a 18yearold making his own beats covers videos and all that for Tyler the indifference of these blogs would become fueled that would help him to work even harder on his craft because it wasn't just the opinions of blogs that he had to change even rappers were throwing shade his way take Hopson for example another underground artist at the time who was blowing up when Tyler's video for Yonkers was going viral and made him a name to watch out for Hopson decided it was a good time to take a few Jabs at him you FG got me cussing and only reason you probably buzzing is cuz you slave as an Illuminati puppet y'all really are one beat it you're gone done it was like Tyler was this 17-year-old kid who had just scored a touchdown and then someone tried to tackle him during his Victory lap so Tyler wasn't just up against blogs in the industry he also had to prove himself to his fellow artists but this disc from Hopson definitely aged like milk and any hip-hop head knows it one user wrote looking back this is hilarious who would have thought that this man would be working and producing for top tier Legends while Hopson is getting called corny next to logic except for a few Exceptions there was a long time where no one else in the industry so the value in what Tyler was doing and viewed him in a similar way as Hopson instead they focused on the Brash button pushing image that he had at the beginning of his career and as I'll explain later in this video this basically created a stigma around him that had been almost impossible to shake because of that stigma his attempts to get artists to trust working with him of any kind of value often ended in rejection just look at what happened when Tyler the Creator tried to get Nicki Minaj on I ain't got time for his 2017 album Flower Boy man on the second version Nicki Minaj's voice would be [ __ ] perfect for this yeah we sent it to her she's like all we we'll hear out we'll hear out like a month later it was like she couldn't come up with nothing and I'm like damn this don't evoke nothing this is Nicki Minaj were're talking about a woman who has jumped on a feature with just about anyone that's ever been popping for approximately 2 minutes pop smoke qua Ray even tekashi 69 they all got the Nikki cosign within less than a year but for not even 8 years of soldout shows cultural impact and consistent album releases that dropped to sales of upwards of 100K was enough for him to be given a chance instead Tyler basically got ghosted as if there was no upside for her as Tyler told Zay low he saw a differently I'm like Nicki Minaj playing me right now if Nikki got on that it would not only bring me to a newer audience but it would bring her to an audience of people who don't think she's tight and that's no shade to her Kanye who had previously worked with Tyler and Lil Wayne on buckers from Cherry Bomb also passed on the beat even if he was trying to be diplomatic about it it's obvious that not being seen as a viable collaborator cut Tyler deep unfortunately even as Flower Boy made it to number two on the charts he had still run into roadblocks with mainstream artists at the moment see you again from Flower Boy is one of Tyler's biggest ever tracks with over 125 million views and what's crazy is Tyler The Creator had claimed that this song was originally something he wrote for former One Direction member Zayn but that he chose to hold on to it cuz that [ __ ] flaked on studio time twice originally recorded in 2017 with his vocals put in as a placeholder Tyler Creator earthquake was another track that was never intended to be his own amazingly he wanted to give his highest charting song ever to Rihanna and once again Justin Bieber who also rejected the song glitter from Flower Boy or to be more accurate he didn't even return the call I wrote that for Bieber oh really I wanted Justin to have that song I thought he would be so cool doing that but didn't ever never return a call in another interview with GQ Tyler spoke about how much he struggled with the rejections and how they led to songs becoming his own I wanted them to have it and it didn't work out and then I asked him to do background vocals but nothing I hit up Rihanna's people like hey I got this song I would love for her to sing the hook I think it'll be big I just want to write pop songs honestly I didn't hear back from them so I left my reference vocals in considering how strong a track like earthquake is it really goes to show how people assumed Tyler's work had a ceiling on it so even when Tyler finally broke through the barriers by scoring a number one album with 2019s eigor some people saw it as some kind of Injustice whether or not he knew it at the time DJ khid who found himself in a Char battle with Tyler for the Billboard top spot was about to retreat everything that people had said about the former Odd Future leader for his whole career I make album so people can play it and you actually hear it you know driveing your car you hear another car playing it you know go to the barber shop you hear them playing it you know turn the radio on on and you hear them playing it it's called great music it's called albums that you actually hear the songs not no mysterious and you never hear it so DJ khard wasn't too thrilled when his album father of Assad took second place to Tyler's Igor he went on a viral video rant basically saying Tyler didn't deserve to be in that spot pointing out how Tyler was too weird too loud and too unconventional to mess with someone like khid who had the kind of features list that Tyler could only dream of and as you will see this whole Feud would become a major turning point for Tyler when it came to him finally getting his due respect and a lot of it had to do with how different he was from khid you see Tyler had always been the odd one out way back in 2011 he talked about it in an interview saying nobody got my sense of humor I was a black skater kid I was such a leader that I just went around by myself so while khid was busy assembling his All-Star team Tyler was marching to the beat of his own drum and that made all the difference it wasn't until he met some like-minded in individuals in Lera California that he would finally be able to put those leadership skills to use the result was the now legendary rap Collective called Odd Future Wolf game killed them all or odd future for sure if you're watching this I'm going to assume you're already familiar with the crew and their famous members people like Earl sweatshir Frank Ocean and Sid the Kid from the internet among others from the outset O looked at Social and musical Norms as something to be destroyed their slogan was kill people burn [ __ ] [ __ ] School LED with their graphic images and occasional use of satanic imagery all the headlines when these hyperactive Rebels came onto the scene was about how controversial they were and in interviews it was all people wanted to talk about okay now what about your lyrics what about them what do you saying in your lyrics nothing to piss old white people off like you in the early days with odd future the media and the public seemed to only focus on one aspect of Tyler and his crew how controversial they were this was the story whether they were getting called out by lgbtq rights organizations or racking up sales with their unique merchandise but even as Tyler was riding high on this wave of attention he started to sense the limitations that came with being pigeon hole in a 2011 conversation with interview magazine he made it clear that he didn't want to be confined to anyone category saying quote I don't like being put into a box I just make music you know when you're put in a box people have a set mind state of what your music could sound like before they even look into it so if no one ever heard of me but I'm hip-hop metal Rock then they are already going to have an expectation of what the music will sound like then when they go and finally listen to it it might sound different from what they thought and they could automatically hate it because they already had expectations Tyler realized that being labeled could not only limit how people perceived him but also how they experienced his music this is something that popular rappers have to deal with too just look at how Tyler the Creator hated some of emm later projects when he switched up his style after the release of relapse in 2009 so the the fans that didn't really like it you got to doing I want the old him I want the Marshall M's LPM I want the old M SN I and I don't know but it feels like he read that and was like damn you know what [ __ ] let me go back and try to rehash a moment and when people go back that is the grossest [ __ ] thing move forward get what you're into for real and if you want to find out about how that beef went down I link it at the end of the video for Tyler the real problem was that his early reputation full of edgy humor and gritty beats kind of set the stage for how people saw him because of that many people who decided that he wasn't their cup of tea Early on missed out on seeing how much he grew as an artist later they checked out before getting a chance to see him evolve and show off different sides of his talent in a read a post discussing this topic from 2013 one user made it clear this was the case when he wrote his entire gimmick is acting like an edgy teenager you mean to tell me the guy who can't go one song without saying f or making a rap joke didn't offend anyone I still wonder why Indie hype [ __ ] like Odd Future and especially Tyler are relevant in the first place the problem about the hype that surrounded Odd Future and Tyler was that it came long before they were fully developed as artists they were still experimenting and sometimes just playing around and having a good time take Tyler's song Yonkers as an example this song became a huge viral hit in 2011 and really helped put him on the map but what's crazy is that Tyler literally said he made the track in just 8 minutes as a sort of joke to poke fun at New York hip hop I was trying to make a sh New York beat and we was just rapping like we was from New York that's so nuts cuz that was actually a [ __ ] joke I made that beat in literally 8 minutes up until recently if you said the name Tyler the Creator to someone who's a casual rap fan Yonkers was probably the first track that had come to their mind so in some ways Tyler is to blame for the skewed perception of his Artistry because if you don't even take everything you put out seriously how can anyone else this was kind of the case for ugly God who I did a video on recently who claimed all his music was [ __ ] trash You' said that you feel your music is trash Oh was trash terrible so you're you're saying your own music is trash trash this became a problem down the line when he wanted to actually create music with some substance and Tyler the Creator would constantly downplay his Artistry in various interviews as well listen Taco Jasper Tyler the Creator April second if you want to buy a really album with horrible production it has like no features on it even spark you you produced the whole thing yeah that's why it's horrible he wouldn't even try when he would do freestyles which back then was a main way that rappers Drew in viewers to Showcase their talent y'all got a little n started on some G who that that look swag out that's me it didn't help that when he did attempt to take his art to the corporate world that cloud of controversy followed him back in 2013 Tyler directed an ad campaign for Mountain Dew which featured the character Felicia the goat straight away the ads were accused of perpetuating racial stereotypes and were immediately pulled from television it's me you should have gave it some more I'm nasty I don't think I can do this it's easy just point to him you better not snitch on a player no he's wearing the do- ride snitches get stitches Bo for the first time Tyler found that his reputation had gotten in the way of him trying to Branch out out because he had built his career on being juvenile and offensive that's the only way that the general public could perceive this commercial for Tyler this was just typical of what he had been experiencing for his whole career in a billboard interview from 2013 Tyler elaborated on the mountain de controversy claiming it wouldn't change him you're never going to understand what you don't understand the same thing can go with religion or anything if you don't understand it and you're quick to judge I've had people come up to me and say at first I didn't like your music because of 666 and the word swag but they say I actually looked into it and I really get it I mean it's not going to change my art in any way I just hope that somehow if it gets bigger or if it disappears tomorrow that it just opens people's minds but Tyler was wrong because as he matured Not only would his art change but his priorities would too while he still thought that the chaos that came with odd future was a selling point there had come a point where he had realized that if he ever wanted to be taken seriously that had to take a backseat suffering from poor reviews of 2015's Cherry Bomb and now almost 10 years into his career Tyler realized it was time to switch up and allow his real talents to shine through for starters he changed his Twitter Handle from @ [ __ ] Tyler to Tyler the Creator I know it's a small thing but rather than it just being a case of removing a curse word from his username the decision was more symbolic of where he wanted to be and everything he wanted to leave behind as Tyler the Creator 3 years ago but why why my stock just went up cuz of that name change and only idiots won't understand that dude you could just Google my name in the first stuff that comes up is not flowers and pretty stuff it is some gnarly sh so I got to work my way up I was just over it it's not that crazy it was just I just had a bunch of gnarly tweets under that name so I just putting that that air of the rest are you're smart hoping to undo the image that he had created for himself the post Cherry Bomb period of Tyler's career has been all about letting his talent speak for itself people online tend to focus on what goes viral it takes all their attention if I'm doing stupid stuff on social media it will be more emphasized than my talent then when I'll go out for a walk I'll hear hey you are the guy who ate dog I don't want to be known for that in 2017 I decided to stop my [ __ ] and make sure my music would come first and it changed everything i' rather have people think I'm the super talented guy who cracks a joke than the super funny guy who makes music within 2 years he had gotten a number one album a Grammy and steadily began getting the respect he craved but none of that happens without a reality check from his very own hero make something undeniable and make it equally as infectious why are you doing music is it just because you just want to look cool cuz that will burn out when it becomes purpose oriented it could be as cool as the flashy [ __ ] but it will be much more meaningful oh okay no more being silly no more music first and at that moment we went home I just wanted to change everything I just wanted to switch and the switch happened with this pep talk from the nerd leader forel everything changed for Tyler by putting the music first and sidelining the shenanigans some of those people who hated earlier work like Goblin wolf or Cherry Bomb finally had a potential to see Tyler's actual musical ability still as Flower Boy dropped Tyler still felt like he was unfairly marginalized despite the massive steps forward that he had made it's a lot of things that I was doing and people were like what is he doing and then 2 years later it's what everyone's doing I was doing that and no one ever puts me on any of these list or even respects me that I wanted thankfully for Tyler that Arrow would also give him a little hit of validation he had craved when see you again became his first song ever to get played on the radio when see again played on the radio two years ago which it wasn't a bunch it literally it was the LA radio station they was looking out and they looked out and played it a couple times but that meant so much because this [ __ ] is brand new to me like come out the gate number one album popping song private jets like it's been a steady slope for me this might not seem like a big deal for rappers like Gunna and Lil Baby or some other artists who's always had a major label machine behind them but it was everything to Tyler who was always independent it even reduced him to tears I'm so Happ so why did this matter to him so much well that's because it finally meant that he was being treated on an even ke heal with other artists if his music was catchy it had a fair chance of being Hur alongside all of those other artists this brings us back to the whole eigor ordeal with DJ colled remember when Mr we the best lost his mind about being the second best to Tyler well here was a man who had spent years basically sticking to a set template for Success being defeated by an alternative artist in a blond wig it disgusted colid and for Tyler that made it all the sweeter it was fun it was just watching a man die inside the weirdo was I was moonwalking in a wig everyone on his album everyone don't do but I didn't say nothing I just let that number one speak ego had to deal with that cuz his whole identity is being number one and when he didn't get that that sat with him longer in real lifetime than that moment by making such a fuss about losing to Tyler Ked accidentally put a spotlight on Tyler's work which was all about pushing boundaries and being different with that everything changed for Tyler suddenly he wasn't willing to hear apologies that you didn't see his potential because it was always in front of everyone's faces it was his resilience that meant over time he couldn't be ignored any longer it's like all right cool I'm just do my sh and they try to push you to the side and keep doing that and it's like 10 years later I'm still here bro my career has only been doing this only up this the hotest 2012 where the they at right now push me to the side weird all I'm here right now 14 years on from bastard dropping Tyler has been having the time of his life after winning a Grammy for best rap album with eigor he repeated the feat with 2021s call me if you get lost a DJ Drama hosted gangster Grill's inspired project that was made not only as a love letter to rap music but to prove that he could spit it was like oh bro he was never a good of a rapper anyway that's why he had to pitch his voice and sing oh really okay gave a whole a whole rap project when that album succeeded Tyler couldn't hide his his happiness and even allowed himself a little shot at khed in his Instagram acceptance speech and I know you're seething and angry and H no one listens to that album these Arena tours that are selling out says different and if you put that much energy into something maybe everyone will be proud of you too almost a decade and a half on from where he started Tyler is able to accept that his journey had ups and downs he's even acknowledged that if his career started a little later he wouldn't have had to fight and Claw for every ounce of respect the way that he did if I started at Flower Boy and then this bro I would be a God I didn't realize I should stop yelling on songs till I was 24 still Tyler's Journey to the top wasn't a quick or easy one it was a long grind filled with challenges and moments where it looked like the mainstream might never give him the recognition he deserved but through all of it Tyler stayed true to himself in his Unique Style and now he's not just a big name in the game he's actually had a hand in Reviving an iconic brand in hip-hop bringing it back into the cultural Spotlight I saw someone say like of all people who would have thought Tyler Creator who people have called a weirdo for thus long would bring gangster Girls Back to Life come on you can't you can't deny like Tyler had a lot to do with it his journey shows that sticking to your own path even when it's tough can eventually lead you to incredible places respect isn't always given sometimes it's earned and for Tyler he had to earn every every single ounce of it whether you've been rocking with him since bastard or you weren't checking him until later no one would argue that he isn't right where he belongs right now I just 32 years old he's got a lot of time to keep reclaiming his legacy to the point that those days where he was overlooked might be hard for future generations to even understand
Channel: Louaista
Views: 603,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hip hop, canvas, canvas man, louaista
Id: e0e7IMBY8k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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