Let's Get RICH With AI Video: 10 Profitable Side Hustles

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AI video tools are now able to create breathtaking videos like this with simple text prompts and with every new technology comes an opportunity for new ways to make money in this video I'm going to take my experience of 7 years selling digital Goods on the internet to explore all of the possible revenue streams that can be created with AI video so let's leverage AI video to make recurring income together let's take a look at the first way of making money with AI video and then is to create some assets that can be resold in various ways and one success I was having were creating some gradients so you can see here the type of animated gradients that I've been creating and I'll give you a little preview of how these appear you can see the morphing and changing in an organic and blending way and before this I had to design create and animate these entirely myself and now it's possible to do with AI and these can be used in a whole host of different situations everything from branding to web design to social media and even on works of fiction and films now before I had to make an animate these by hand but now we can do it easily with AI pabs is available in Discord right now you can simply come into the Discord chat once you've created an account go tocreate insert your prompt so I might put in something like animated gradient abstract art pastel colors a minimal greeny and pabs is absolutely smashing it at the moment when it comes to creating video from a text prompts and it is only getting better and better you can see from their display that you can easily get a realistic cow floating in space or a raccoon chasing something else the shots are pretty mesmeric and you get give the opportunity to adjust the images that you create by adding extra text prompts so you can put in an image and then animate it with a prompt for example here you can see Jesus at the Last Supper being animated with a dolly out which is a zooming out effect you can also expand videos very much like the out painting technique that you get in static images from stable diffusion or even adjust the elements in ins side of a video as you can see here this monkey has a pair of glasses so you can see here even with a simple prompt like this we get this very gentle abstract moving gradient which is a good starting point I would certainly work on this more I would look for some more fluid shapes and I would like a little bit more animation inside of that so what I would do is come to regenerate and then it will give me another version and at the same time I would type in another prompt now the key with a project like this is getting creative not only with the subject matter that you're creating making sure that you're targeting a type of uh look or style that's going to work in a circumstance that is popular for example you might create specific gradients for fashion content or for social media posts you want be thinking about the brand that these gradients might work well with so you could have one set of gradients that is targeting a bold vibrant perhaps a sports brand and another that would be perhaps more subtle perhaps darker perhaps slightly more dystopian that could Target a tech brand so only harnessing metallic colors and alternatively you might have a very soft color palette of human tones of Earth Shades which could work well for a more environmental based brand or a food brand based around organic produce so we've got our next version of the gradient here and let's have a look at how this comes out yeah this is getting much better look at at this very interesting abstract shapes starting to form now you can tell that it's only 3 seconds but what you can do here is interesting little trick is you can take the video you can then reverse it and pin that on the second half so you take this video you duplicate and then you reverse the second half and that way you then have a looping video which means it can be played over and over again seamlessly and this is actually quite a useful focal point to highlight when you're selling these are looping that they can be used infinitely so that you can leave it in the background and it will continue repeating without any jarring Cuts so it would look a little bit like this now let's look at a few creative ways that you might go about selling this as a product firstly we would be selling it on a site like creative Market where you'll be bundling it together into a pack showing it in different circumstances perhaps in a website perhaps on clothing I I don't know how you have animated gradients on clothing you have a t-shirt screen okay but you can show it on a business paraphernalia like business cards and really show how you can use these gradients across an entire brand to really make them an entire brand asset that's the important thing here now you can also explore the the pricing models are very important here you want to give people the personal offering which is the lowest tier of license uh an entry price something quite low but actually most people are going to want to be purchased the commercial license and with that you can put a much higher offering on I generally think it's best to push your boundaries with pricing aim to price things higher this is because people associate high price with higher quality and the higher price you put in the bigger potential you have at people perceiving your goods as a really premium asset but let's get creative in how we sell these so the other way to sell these is instead of bundling them together it's is separating them them and selling them individually so even on a site like creative Market they have stock images available you can purchase individually what you want to do is get creative with how you are selling these different assets so number one is you want to bundle them up number two is you want to under bu un under bundle unbundle them so you can see here that there are photographs available of just gradients and then you want to sell these on some websites like Adobe stock shutter stock I stock get images other stock sites and a really great tool for using these is to use wirestock and wirestock allows you to upload your stock photography and it will automatically submit it to a number of different websites at once and this works for video as well so you can quickly upload your assets to 20 different marketplaces and this not only gives you a huge number of selling points but also saves you a lot of time so that's the next way to be creative with with selling your video assets and of course beyond that you also want to be selling on other design marketplaces some that I can recommend include UI 8.net for more UI focused elements so if you really want to Target these at UI web designers who are creating websites and apps so you could make sure that this is targeted as app backgrounds or a set of website now another way to Market these is to Target them in animators so if you have an animator who is creating some animations and they want perhaps some animated backgrounds that are already made up then that could be an option to package up an interesting set of scenes that you might sell on animation based websites such as invar which is another big one now let's get even more creative with how we're using our abstract liquefied gradients and what you can do is create an entire YouTube channel dedicated to creating background videos for example this video on YouTube has got more than five million views in just one year and that's going to equate to at least 20 to $30,000 depending on who is watching the videos and that's just from one video and if you think about this you can be creating playlists you can be really targeting a a certain Vibe so if there is a shop a hotel or some sort of event space that is looking to create a Vibe you can really curate your work to meet that that atmosphere and that's a very interesting way to take the exact same asset and turn it into something else that can be used you might then even cross promote your other products say if you want to download or use these yourself you can offer them in the description as well which is a great way to promote your works so it's not just gradients that you can be looking at in this topic you can also expand out and try to find something a little bit more original so gradients have been done quite a lot now and it still is possible to make a good good product and move into that Niche Niche Niche Niche nich or you can Target another type of approach so another popular model that I've seen recently are animated Shadows I had also created my own pack which are these ones and what happens with these is you have almost overlays that people can use to add subtle effects to either photos or other footage which is really great because you can even create a set of mockups that you can then overlay your animated AI videos onto and create very unique product sets with very particular Aesthetics so you can see here that I had these set of Shadows these are the ones that I created myself where you can really add a little bit of dynamism to static images and they give you quite a Whimsical and natural feel there are different styles that you can apply these are based on Botanical leaves and I actually created these by putting together actual scenes in my bedroom with plants and using natural lighting and filming the reflections on walls which obviously required time space real plants and took a lot longer than it would to do with AI so if you want to explore your own Niche if you want to do something completely original I say just two things one is to keep looking at design related social media sites and checking in for Trends any any new approaches that seem to be really capturing people's attentions so you might uh go to a site like dribble which is a design portfolio site where people put in their own works and look look through if you notice any new Styles emerging that you can use as inspiration I mean here you can see still that gradients are very popular right now but also I'm noticing there is something about this sort of Min minimalistic skew morphic UI components that seem to be popping up I saw that one and this one is also very beautiful and I'm wondering if there's some sort of way to take this style and turn it into an animated set yeah I suppose you could look into creating some technology related uh backgrounds that are using different components of computer hardware uh especially with this this very white clean as aesthetic I think that's a certainly an approach that is worth looking into so that's a challenge there I mean you might also look into yeah taking inspiration for certain color palettes for example even even these these two beautiful red and black Works they give great tones for potentially a gradient pack or even another type of abstract artwork like I know that I really like acrylic pouring uh videos sometimes I watch these for hours on YouTube and and this is a style that I particularly like and I think there is an opportunity to do something there you might also look into ink plotting so another way to inspiration just to see what is working well and it's popular is to type in animated into any type of design Marketplace and see what suggestions come up now you might only get a few and this is where it's important to go a step further and start typing in the first letter of other words and see if you get any suggestions come up here this is where you can get some slightly more detailed ideas your animated Christmas card now that's an interesting topic I think yeah creating a festive themed set of animated AI videos that would be really cool I can even imagine a of like a snow falling in the background or like a a homely warm living room scene with simply a Christmas tree and a fire roaring in the background almost like one of these low-fi backgrounds which I've seen are certainly very popular at the moment it's not just the actual type of music lowii music which people are gravitating toward but there's really an identity behind that that is capturing a lot of people's interests and it's not just P Labs that you might want to use for these projects there is now an open-source opportunity with a stable diffusion video that gives us a completely different opportunity to be creating these videos locally rather than paying for service and creating them online in the cloud we can do it locally with stable diffusion video you can see this is a really new model that's just been released and you can see that the outputs are pretty great I would say they're almost on par with pabs and and what's particularly interesting about this is that you can create these rotating three-dimensional renderings of certain objects now the stable video diffusion creates the type of images that fits in with the existing stable diffusion standard aesthetic which are more saturated higher contrast and with almost a high drama vibrant feel the other important thing to recognize is that St diff Fusion video has been released exclusively for research so that's something to bear in mind if you are planning to create and sell assets but who would know what no I didn't hear anything either did you so you can either download the model and run it that way or you have the opportunity to run it online if you sell on Adobe stock you can really leverage the fact that adobe is recommending your assets inside of its own software so you can think about what situation designers animators or artists might be using your animated assets for now another great location to consider selling your assets is inside canva canva has 135 million users and has certainly taken a design software to the masses and it's particularly reliant on templates and assets so it's a great place to sell assets I've been selling a number of assets on canva for years and it's another one of my recurring income sources so what's particularly great about diversifying your income streams is that you're not overly reliant on one platform because it happens a lot that one suddenly they can change their listing algorithm so that your products no longer show up they can change their rates of payouts creative Market has consistently reduce their payouts over the years you might even get banned for unknown reasons on the platform and you are really dependent on these platforms for your income what you really can do is focus on diversifying and most importantly is building your own audience now this is a key factor in looking into making this a long-term viable business model is you have to explore different ways that you can take the sales you generate on all these platforms and turn these into customers for your own brand there are interesting ways you can do this you can consider offering people additional tutorials addition additional instructions additional assets if if they visit your website and this is known as a lead magnet what I might suggest is that you're able to send personalized messages on a lot of these platforms every time somebody makes a purchase and it's worthwhile investing time in this message to create some sort of additional free offering that will bring people to your website and get them to give you their email you can then in return give them something for free perhaps it's a guide a book additional assets and the key here is you're actually protecting yourself in the long term by giving yourself your own Marketplace and that's where you want to start building out your own brand so that you have an online shop that you completely own and what's great about this is that of course you will take 100% of the profits so on other platforms they take a considerable share anything from 10 to 50% and you can look through canva for what's working well you see there's a lot of abstract backgrounds with glowing flashy water-like images falling Le Le something a little bit relevant to the seasons and there's a lot of good inspiration to have a look through here what's available and you can also then consider targeting your sales for other specific design softwares so another app that's had an immense impact on the creative Industries in the last few years is procreate and there is a lot of opportunity to create assets for that especially now that they've just released a brand new animated procore version and what's great about this is it's a brand new software uh that has zero assets templates or guidance available for so it's really ripe actually for creating packs for that if I was going to dive in right now and create a new offering I would certainly be targeting procreate because it's a a fresh market you get the first mover advantage and there is no competition zero competition and that is a great place to be the key to having success in selling online digital products such as video is to be getting creative with finding a market and making sure that there is real demand and you're serving that and to do that it's almost it's almost like being a bit of a a detective you're exploring searching researching looking at different angles different ways to really create something that is original and serves a purpose so certainly consider looking into that if you're looking for ideas for certain product types now another one of the best available AI video creators is Runway Gen 2 and it particularly has this fantastic new feature called motion brush and what this allows you to do is to paint certain parts of the image to create animation so you can simply paint the water to get a Rippling effect or perhaps you're painting other aspects and this works really well for the alofi video that we talked about earlier now here is another creative way to think about taking what you've created and selling it in a new way is that if you are creating a set of assets that have a very particular approach theme or style you can actually sell the prompts that you've used to create these in the AI video generators there is this uh store on Etsy called fexel and they've had over 16,000 sales of their AI prompt offerings and they're selling everything from chat GPT prompts to a prompts for all different situations one of their most popular listings is an Etsy listing generator prompt but there's certainly now a market available for creating AI video prompts and that is a another interesting opportunity again it's a brand new sector there's a brand new opportunity there is no competition you can get the first product out there which is really important in these situations and beyond that there are also some prompt marketplaces so one is prompt base that you can look at selling individual prompts on so again they're taking that idea of bundling and unbundling selling individually send selling as a pack and another fact on that is that you can also partner up with promotional websites who already have an audience that you can leverage to sell your products to so you might look at contacting design bundled websites uh places like Mighty deals or design bundles and collaborating with these for offering uh big discounts on all of your products put together and this is where you can really make the most Revenue I've absolutely made my biggest sales have always come from offering huge collections of all of my products put together because you can also charge a higher price you can usually think about instead of selling one pack you can usually charge two to three times more for the entire bundle and as the technology evolves you want to be looking at leveraging the new releases so one thing that I think we're going to expect to see certainly in the new year is the ability to have video tech animated typography inside of our videos at the moment this is something that none of the AI video generators can do but that's going to be a a huge Revolution to suddenly be able to generate animated captions and Motion Graphics of text and offering these as templates and also assets I started selling digital products more than seven years ago and one of my all-time bestselling Creations was a set of editable quotes which are type graphic quotes that you can edit so I created individual quote packs based on a theme so we have vegan quotes then we had empowering girl boss quotes all those girl buses out there you go girl short quotes travel quotes and then the key fact here was to put them all together and I had a a pack of 1350 quotes all combined together in the Last 5 Years this has made more than $2,000 and I don't do anything to this anymore I haven't touched it since 2018 and it still sells now and that's for the combined pack each individual pack has also made good amounts of money over the years so it's entirely possible to make a full-time living doing this and not just to get by till the end of the week on a loaf of bread but to make very good money and this is this is just from One Marketplace so I certainly think uh getting ready for that to come along is a great opportunity that there is the opportunity to make 10x of that you can make hundreds of thousands if you are preparing yourself for the coming opportunity to make animated text quotes with AI and you can put yourself in a good position let me know if you'd like me to go into a full video about doing this below so let's move in to a couple of other ideas from a completely other neck of the woods one is to look at creating personalized content for people so you can set up an Etsy shop and look at making personalized animated videos for people for example this shop is doing really well in creating Pixar style portraits and you can see that they take a photo and turn it into a Pixar style portrait now what you can do is simply this and then turn it into a video as well and you're suddenly setting yourself apart and beyond that a couple of approaches you can do for this is marketing it as Christmas digital cards so you might say that people can send digital Christmas festive emails to their friends and family with these unique personalized AI videos another approach might be to uh create Tinder profile videos so you're taking people's images making them look just that tad bit more attractive than they actually are and animating those uh to give them something a little bit different for their dating profiles another of course is for personal branding for anyone who's looking to build a personal brand you can be looking at offering a service of creating AI generated videos that really resemble these people in perhaps High status situation so you might be able to create videos of people like on stage with a microphone to a huge crowd yeah and make it look realistic and real H and yet actually they didn't do that and I suppose you have to then explore the ethical implications of this but that's uh for another video for me to decide upon the ethical wisdom of creating AI but I did see this recent uh video of somebody creating these Tik Tock Style videos of attractive ladies dancing a Tik Tok dance and then creating these creating an account creating a lot of different dancing videos of an attractive Ai influencer and that being yeah a real opportunity right now to basically take what's been going on in the static AI influen space especially with this very successful attiana Lopez who has 200,000 followers and she is simply an AI generated influencer very attractive one of that it seems her bosom changes sizes quite a lot interestingly enough that attiana Lopez also has the premium addition so if you want to waste your dollars on some fake some what some AI generated illicit content well that opportunity too but obviously I mean this is not something I'm going to explore but the other big Market here is to create video content adult video content using these tools especially for obscure fetishes fetishes fetish fetishy fetish sholo but this is another interesting tool that I want to introduce you to and give you a business idea around and that is a video translator so what happens is is you can take a video download it upload it onto this tool and it will change the language and AI generate the lips to match the new language and it will even keep the tonality of the speaker's voice what can you do with this type of tool well the most interesting thing you can do is to start to offer a service for doing this for YouTubers to relaunch their channels in other languages so you can say I'm willing to completely relaunch your channel in Portuguese Spanish or German or Chinese and offer them a complete service where you then take a revenue share of any Revenue you generate now this is a win-win situation if you want to go down this route you because you are offering to these YouTubers a service that they would not do they would not create this extra Revenue stream and so you're basically just giving them free money and the technology is there now but this is completely possible I'm curious though about how successful these will be I think it's a an evolving space and understanding how open audiences are to watching listening and relating to AI clones is something that's going to evolve over time another one of my favorite AI video generators is kyber and it does a number of interesting things firstly you can upload music and it synchronizes the animations with the music you can take an existing video and overlay a new style onto it this is a lot of fun you can check out uh this video that I've been playing around with and they also have a mobile app which gives you a lot of opportunity for fun thank you for watching and I am in the middle of creating a new course about how to make money with AI video now let me know which are the case studies you're most interested in and I'll make sure to include those also if you want to stay updated on when that's going to be released make sure to join my email newsletter below where you also get a tantalizing free ebook on AI side hustles which goes through a number of other AI side hustles related to other types of content thanks a lot for watching it's been a pleasure to have you here and most of all I wish you a delightful day
Channel: Samson - Delightful Design
Views: 8,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, samson vowles, ai video, make money, make money with ai, make money online, passive income, how to make money online, making money online
Id: o7Yam9X60RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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