The 5.7x28 Bullpup for Everyone: FN PS90

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hello everybody this is hammer striker here got kind of a strange-looking thing on the table it's an FN ps90 and it's chambered in five seven by to eight this is the single action version or the sync semi-automatic version not single action semi-automatic version of the p90 with the 5.7 by 2a chambering gets a very light gun you can hold a lot of ammo in a very compact package a little bit later in the video I'll take that magazine off and show it to you show you how it works but the rifle itself is very short very compact it's 26 point to 3 inches long so it's barely a quarter inch over what it would be if it would be an SBR so this is just regular rifle you can buy go ahead and pick the thing off now to show you that this one is empty I'm going to have to remove the magazine so magazine is probably the strangest thing you've ever seen it's like this it rotates so the round will be in the magazine facing back this way and it rotates around and by the way sorry that it is unloaded so we have an empty chest ambidextrous operating rods and the magazine will release it's not really a magazine eject but a magazine release is ambidextrous as well either side you can pull it and I had my hand underneath that I pulled back on that to release the magazine flip the magazine up now these magazines come in three different varieties this one you see here holds 30 rounds there's also a ten round version if you're in one of the less free states and then there is a scary version that's too scared to talk about on YouTube that holds 50 rounds this particular one is one of the 30 round variants it comes with one magazine of whatever size it is that it's going to come with for your gun it comes with this rail trying to sit around where you can see it well it comes with this rail this was all pre-installed this is on all of them this assembly here has the sights in it this rail is actually an option you can buy to add to one that didn't have it but this one it came pre-installed but it's interestingly enough it came with the instructions to install the kit which this is what this ends up being came right in the box with a gun so effectively they took that option kit and just started pre installing them it does have if you look at the back that little hole in the back of the rail and it's going to be kind of hard to show you because it's basically a peep sight there you might actually be able to get it to focus so I'm looking through there and now of course it's not focusing but there's a site up at the front up underneath here up underneath here so if I can get where you can see it right there so it's basically a built-in backup sight it's an ar-15 style post in that peep hole so even without an optic you could shoot it day one out of the box and we did we shot a few routes with that and it's rather difficult to hit what you're aiming at with least of my eyes would that peep hole but you can take it out of the box take it to the ranch and use it that day we chose to put a vortex venom on this one which made the groups tighten up quite a bit though the intro that we shot was with this vortex venom on it now I'd already mentioned the overall length let's talk about the height of it at the smallest part and really what is most of the rifle right through here that length care is pretty much across from the magazines installed it's 4.7 inches tall when you get all the way to the front at this area without having added the site it ends up being about seven point eight inches tall so overall it's not a tall rifle especially if you don't consider this add-on part of here and it's not all that thick it's two inches thick at the narrowest basically at the back and when you get up front towards this area here puffs out to about 2.3 inches so it's relatively thin it's light it only comes in at six point two eight pounds so it's a very light weapon and it's really easy to work with you might look at it in the store and say well how you gonna use that thing that's not economic yeah how am I gonna actually learn how to use that I'm used to an AR or something else you'll notice when I picked it up my hand just ruined right there it's very ergonomic your thumb fits in this hole there's plenty of room now I've got Everett sized hands hammers got large hands has fit in there no problem if you get really large hands you might a little bit tight there I think most people are going to be fine and your hand closes comfortably on it and then you grab it up here and there's a little stop to keep your hands from going forward so it's really actually very easy to hold on to this thing a safety is kind of unique it clicks back and forth between safe and fire so that's in fire mode that's in safe mode and if this were a p90 there'd be another setting for the fun mode the only disadvantage to the safety is you are putting your finger around the trigger when you're going to safe mode but you'll notice I'm operating it outside the trigger guard so I'm not reaching into the trigger guard to operate it so you just kind of need to train with it to know how to operate it properly and it's actually quite easy and reliable to use overall they've spent a lot of time on the ergonomics of this and made the rifle overall quite economic the barrel is a 16 inch barrel the actual rifle part of it's only fourteen point eight inches long this flash hider slash muzzle break that they've added on is pinned there's a pin right there so you can't remove it and that makes it legal and avoids it being an SBR so this is delivered is just a rifle as I mentioned earlier there are companies that offer modifications that you can modify it to extend it and put a threaded barrel on and a half by 28 thread so you can use something like a sparrow as a suppressor but threaded barrels for this or not just to go out and buy a threaded barrel seems to not be very readily available the majority of this thing is polymer with the exception of the bolt the barrel of course and the upper supports for the barrel this front end is all is all alloy or steel but the majority of the housing is polymer and when you get it apart and we're running to take it apart I'm going to show you that really that this housing really just holds the parts together it doesn't really play a part in the operation so where is not going to be concern it has a sling slot here so that you can put a sling through it it goes all the way through to the other side so they're kind of almost thought of everything you might want to do with this now one interesting thing about this and I'm not going to try to go into a lot of the history on this because there's actually people out there that are really into these there's whole sites that talk about the history of these the various generations they can tell you everything about it including what the first thing that made their gun had for breakfast so I'm not going to try to compete with them but what I will say is the intent behind this was to have a pistol that was chambered in that round and this is the five-seven pistol magazine this five-seven pistol with this 30 round magazine far as the exact same round that you would put in this 30 round magazine now the this magazine they lay this way and get rotated at the last minute and drop straight into the barrel this magazine they load more like a conventional pistol but you'll also see that even on that I get it turned around they load basically straight in so I put the magazine in you'll see the follower right there it's kind of hard to see it but you'll see the follower lines up right there and they load basically straight in there's really not a feed ramp per se both the rifle and the pistol worked the same way so that they're very reliable these things tend to just work there's several different variations of the ammo that FM provides and then there's one or two companies that also make ammo for it one thing you want to know is that these are not particularly conducive to being reloaded there's the pressures on this are kind of critical so it's very difficult to reliably reload for this you can but you've really got to pay attention to it and one unique thing on this the mag on these pistols loads like an AR you push the rounds in basically push them down in and they click kind of like you would an ar-15 mag unlike a pistol where you know you put the rim in and then just drive it back it's kind of a unique setup and it does work quite well and even in the intro you saw me I fired a few rounds with the pistol and then switch to the FN ps90 we ran that dry and then then it could have probably reached my Glock 26 to finish up one last thing before I take it apart that I'll mention is it ejects from the bottom so the spent rounds drop out through here and didn't have any problem with them landing on me because as you see what I'm holding up my arms alongside of it the ports kind of open my other arm would be up here so there's really nothing down here in the way but instead of flying around flying in your face they drop straight down that actually makes this very well-suited as being a pure ambidextrous gun you know the safety can be operated from either side the charging handles are on both sides and if you're a lefty and you've got it over on this side most bullpup rifles you know the ejection port would be back in this area and it'd be right in front of your face so you'd be you're kind of kissing your lip but the objective rounds as they go by this won't do that to you because it ejects through the bottom the experience for a lefty and a righty is going to be virtually identical let's go ahead and disassemble this thing show you how the internals work so I want to put it unsafe just good practice and I'm going to cycle it that's important because number one you would check to make sure that it is unloaded but also it ensures that the hammer is cocked the hammer has to be in the cocked position or disassemble it so now let me get all the tools we need to take it apart no I got them right here there are no tools needed you push this button slide this forward the whole front end upper assembly comes off push it forward a little bit you got the bolt in your hand once the bolt is out you can slide the butt plate up and off this pin here on the back of the bolt sticks out and prevents the butt plate from sliding around when you're using it so you don't have to worry about how easy it was for me to do that when it's in operation properly assembled it's not going to do that and then the trigger pack is there at the back and probably the only thing on this entire rifle that gives me any feeling of potentially being delicate is this little lever you have to pull up you have to pull this lever all the way up until it compresses all the way and it's moving a arm you'll see it you may not be able to see it gets black on black there's a little arm down that I'll show you when I get it out but the best way to do it is to lift it up with one hand with a finger which are some on the top lift it up and pull it out and this is what I was referring to you have two contributors tracked the Hat this is the only thing now I haven't heard of these break-in so I'm not saying it is delicate but it's the only thing on here that isn't really robust and solid feeling is this this lover here but until they have a problem with it I'm not going to assume I'm going to have one this is your trigger pack yeah the hammer is polymer these things have been around for a very long time and I'm not aware of issues with these hammers cracking and breaking the the rounds are not centered they look kind of the caliber of a 22 but they are centerfire they're not rimfire so it doesn't have to hit it with you all the force of Ages to try to fire the round and ease hammers do tend to be pretty durable they do have a nice nice design they're nicely well manufactured and smooth and one thing too this is the operating arm which I'm just going to touch but I'm not going to push to fire it there's a bar that comes back that pushes on that the trigger comes straight back so it actually has a nice trigger I'll show you that when I get it back together but don't accidentally discharge this you know drop the hammer forward while you got it out you could damage it now I had mentioned earlier on that I wasn't concerned that this was all polymer from a ware perspective because there's no guides in it it's just an empty shelf I get where I can turn it it's just an empty shell and it has a few springs in it for operating things but what ends up happening is the bolt sits simply turn this the correct way this way and rides back and forth on these two bars and the only thing that happens here is this pin at the back that I talked that keeps the nut plate from coming off keeps the whole thing level so over the where is metal-to-metal do you all it properly in it it's going to wear well but at no point is the housing that that polymer housing that I just set aside actually involved in the cycling and one unique thing about this is its blowback it's one of the you know not very common to have a centerfire rifle that's blowback but this one is and it works quite well it actually also stays relatively clean reassembling it is just as easy as disassembling it's kind of basically just do it reverse like this you pull up on the arm slide it in and go all the way in place you put the bolt in now the way you put the bolt in is with this weight on the left side but don't worry if it goes backwards that this won't go together now before you put the bolt in I almost made a mistake you want to put the left plate on because if you don't this the single protrusion get my hand on it enough to push it out and it'll block putting the buck light on so you put the butt plate on properly first line it up drop it in then put the bolt in then take this whole assembly wire go push the button and it's back together now it may have looked slightly cumbersome because I'm trying to turn things for the camera I'm sitting in a chair and trying to make it where you can see it when you're just standing up and just doing this it's easy to do and putting the magazine on it it is also easy to do I'll show it to you with the magazine already on you just take the magazine set it through the slots and you can either just push down on it but for a little bit less wear pull back on the mag release drop it in place and it's ready to go cycling it is relatively easy and it has actually a nice trigger the trigger comes in around seven and a half pounds ball pops are notorious for being considered to have bad triggers but this one does up so put it on fire that was the whole trigger pull reset is basically all the way out but it's such a short trigger pull there's just a hair if I'm going real slow there's just a hammer creep and then it breaks so it's a very nice short trigger that's really easy to get on target and stay on target and one note this is centerfire dry firing it as part of the decocking procedure if you want to decock it obviously of course without a yo round in the chamber this so you can dry fire these like anything I wouldn't sit there and use this as a dry fire practice trainer but what I'm doing here or if you were wanting to check the trigger at yourself on one isn't going to harm it one thing that you will note on these there's almost no recoil when firing they're kind of loud surprisingly the pistol is louder than the rifle but from a recoil perspective it's almost non-existent it's not that it's not a effective round those these tiny little rounds tend to be a little on the nasty side they tend to go through things and when they get into something they kind of explore around and bounce around and mess things up I would not want to be in the way of one of them so you've got a highly effective round that is easy to control that's light that allows you to have quite a bit of capacity that you can use in a pistol it's pretty interesting combination so then of course the question comes up okay I want one I got to have one you know what's it take to get one of these well it kind of varies the MSRP on these is 1589 so basically 1600 from a availability standpoint it kinds of codes and cycles it's almost like they make certain amount of them ship them over here they're everywhere the prices get driven down you can buy one you know at your convenience and when they're gone they're gone prices go up near the end of that cycle and then they're gone unavailable until another shipment comes over so with the MSRP s 1600 I've seen them over 1600 and I've seen him as low as 1350 depending on where you are in that availability cycle this one was easy to get around thirteen Hyundai t13 90 because we're in a cycle at the moment where they're available but I expect to watch the prices creep back up availability go out and start seeing them out of stock so if this is something you want just keep your eyes open don't buy it on the high side it will cycle back down another shipment will come in or whatever it is that's driving that cycle you'll be able to get your paws on one at a reasonable price but if you do see one at a reasonable price and you want one do it because it's not going to stay that way it'll it'll cycle back up again beyond that if you like our video space give us a thumbs up share subscribe click the bell to be notified if you do check us out on Facebook patreon Twitter Instagram kind of all over the place thank you you
Channel: Hammer Striker
Views: 27,356
Rating: 4.8998075 out of 5
Keywords: FN, FNH, PS90, PS-90, PS 90, 5.7, 5.7x28, Five-seveN, Ruger 57, DBX, CMMG, P90
Id: llUVSEZ9i0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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