Most common interview question everyone gets WRONG

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hey everybody Don Georgevich here with job interview tools and today i want to talk to you about the most common interview question that everyone gets wrong and your answer to this one single question can determine whether you move on in the interview process or you get cut whether you get the offer or you don't your answer is so critical to this one single question and in this video i'm going to tell you what that question is and i'm going to tell you why answers that you may have given in the past were wrong and how you can give answers that are going to make you stand out and move you on in the interview process now before we get started if you like this channel you like the kinds of videos that i'm doing please subscribe that way you'll get notifications every time i release a new video and if you really like this video i would appreciate it if you give it a thumbs up this will help me understand the type of content that you enjoy and that you like to consume so i can make more of it so let's dive right in and i'm not going to make you wait till the end of the video to find out what this one question is this one question is why do you want to work here and your answer to this question is so critical and fundamental to your success but most people come up with an answer that's all about me and they think it's an opportunity to just talk about them and what their goals are and what they want to do and where they want to go and what this job is going to do for them it's oh you know i want this job because you know it's going to give me more money it's going to help me better my skills it's going to help me do this it's going to help me do that those are all the me me me answers and those are the worst answers that you can give so if you've been answering this question like this in your interviews and you haven't been hearing back from employers you haven't been going any farther it could be because of your answer to that one single question now the type of answer that you want to give is something about me and it's something about them you have to think about it you have to think about it from the interviewer's perspective they're asking you why do you want to work here so it's okay to say you know what i want to do this because i like doing this kind of work you know and you have to fill in the blanks there whatever whatever kind of work that is but your answer also needs to include them so you should add into your answer what you feel your contribution to the job or the company is going to be so let's think about this for a second if they ask you why do you want to work here you might say because this job is going to help me grow you might also want to add in what it is you admire about this company i mean is this company involved in some type of noble cause are they helping stop hunger in the world are they helping clean up the oceans are they about a greener planet are they about creating products that are helping certain kinds of people you know what is it specifically what is this company's mission what is their goal for their whole company you need to think about that and understand what that really is so if you look at some of the big companies you know like google you know what's important to google well they're looking for people who are you know technologically savvy and you know want to help fulfill google's mission and google's mission i believe is something along the lines of making information available across the world in one click so your answer should not only reflect you know what you like about the job but it should reflect about what's important to google and you can find out but any an easy way to do this is to find out what the mission statement is of the company that you're interviewing with and this is so easy i mean if you want to know facebook's mission statement you just google you know facebook mission statement or facebook or not facebook but um tesla mission statement or amazon mission statement you know whatever the company is now some companies you know they might be if they're really tiny they may not have a public mission statement but i think a lot of them do i think if you're interviewing with companies with maybe 50 or more people i bet you that on their website they have a mission statement that says you know what they are aiming to do so your answer to tell me about yourself should incorporate how you see yourself being aligned with what their overall mission is and when you can give an answer that kind of bridges the gap between you know why you want to work there and how you feel or what contribution you feel you can make to them their mission or their projects or you know whatever it is wherever they're going that's the key to answering this question i also want to tell you that this question comes in different forms they might ask you what interests you in this position that's kind of the same thing is why do you want to work here so i don't want you to be caught off guard by looking and waiting for them to say you know why do you want to work here because don gave me this really cool way to to express myself and to tell you why i want to work here so they might ask you you know what interests you in this position they might also ask you you know some sub questions that kind of get to the same point where they say what did you enjoy doing most at your last job now if you enjoyed doing you know acts at your last job and now they're saying you know you know what interests you in this position or and you tell them something completely different than what really interested you in your last job you know then you're kind of splitting apart you're not consistent because you know whatever you did at your last job usually most people i think want to do more of that or they want to do the next step so you have to think about that that consistency in all of your answers so that they all kind of tie back to the central reason of you know what you enjoy doing and you know why you want to do those things and the type of company that you want to be doing those things for so when you incorporate all of those different facets into your answer when they say why do you want to work here now you're giving them a response that is not only aligned with what you feel and what you believe in but it's aligned with what they believe in and where they're going and when you can give a response like that that is going to clearly separate you from all of the other people who are interviewing interviewing for that job because a lot of people when they get asked you know why do you want to work here they say well you know i need the money or you know i like what you guys are doing yeah real vague answers and those are the worst and that's why that's why everybody really gets this question wrong so when they ask you why do you want to work here say well you know let me tell you why i want to work here here's why i want to be here and here's the contribution that i feel that i can make to your team to your company to your mission and you tie it all in like that then they're going to be like you're going to the next round or hey you know you're hired you know at least we hope that they're going to say that now another thing just popped into my mind while i'm making this for you they might also ask you what did you least enjoy at your last job and if what you enjoyed least at your last job you know if some of those things same types of things are part of this new job you know they might question whether you know you're going to be happy in this role or not so keep that in mind as well and and as i'm telling you these things about you know what to say and how to say them and how to present yourself i'm not telling you in any way to to be dishonest with them or to lie to them you know if you're not really interested in you know bluer oceans and a greener planet or you know whatever their mission statement is you know don't lie to them and tell them that you are you want to be as genuine and upfront with them as you can possibly be now i mean for me um those those are great things you know greener planet um you know bluer oceans cleaner landfills all those kinds of things those are those are you know all important to me i don't know if i would put them at the top of my list as to why i'm looking for a job with a company in you know who's in that type of industry but everybody's different and everybody's looking for something a little bit different where they can make the biggest impact and that's another element that you can throw in to your answer why do you want to work here is because you know i enjoy doing these things and i know these things are important to you and i really feel that i can make the biggest impact in this role and help you know further you know my own goals as well as you know being aligned with what you guys are trying to do as well so there's a lot of there's a lot of content there for you to to go back and listen to again and and stitch it all together in a way that kind of creates your story now i didn't tell you this part but your answer to why do you want to work here is it's a variable answer it's dynamic so when you're interviewing at you know company a you're going to give them one version of why you want to work there when you go to interview at another company you're going to give them a slightly different version that's aligned with their needs and their vision and when you interview another company your answer is going to be slightly different you're always fine-tuning and adjusting your response so that you know one it's it's still you but it's also you're making your response part of them so that it suits their needs so there's a lot of content there for you to go back and decompress but those those are the fundamentals for building your answer to you know why do you want to work here and like i said when you can nail that answer especially especially if they call you up on the phone and they're like you know hey you know we have a position here and you know we're looking for some people who are interested in doing this you know you know what are you interested in and when you can start telling them the things that uh you're interested in that are aligned with what they're interested in that's going to help you get the interview that's going to help you go to the next round and the next round and then it's going to separate you from the competition at the end and they are going to want to hire you all right does that does that make sense is that helpful to you guys um let me know in the comments you know what you think and let me know why you feel that you want to work there you know write me out a sample answer of what you feel is or some of your best qualities and you know why someone should hire you all right my friend that is all i have for you but i got one more thing here for you head on over to want to help you out before your next interview head on over to job interview slash top 10. put in your name and email address and i will send you this top 10 interview questions guy this actually has the answer of why do you want to work here i think it takes a couple of pages for me to get through all the content but i want to give you that for free and this actually has the top 10 most common questions scott tell me about yourself but more importantly you know why do you want to work here and it's going to walk you through the process that's going to help you break it down so that you can create an answer that's genuinely reflects you know why you want to be there why you want to help somebody why you want to help them grow and it's going to help you go so much farther in your interview process so like i said job top ten put your name email email address in there tell me where to send this i will send it out to you instantly you know in a couple of minutes even if it's 2am all right my friend that is all i have for you and i wish you the very best in your next interview and as always if you like this channel please subscribe and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up i would very much appreciate it and if you don't let me know in the comments what you didn't like about it so that um i can make some adjustments next time all right take care good luck on your next interview we'll see you in the next video bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 99,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why do you want to work here, job interview questions, job interview tips, interview answers, interview tips, interview mistakes, interview questions and answers, tell me about yourself, interview tips and techniques, where do you see yourself in 5 years, interview tips and tricks, job interview questions and answers, how to answer job interview questions, interview mistakes to avoid
Id: 9sz6u_yb1eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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