The 5 Immutable Prepper Laws for 2021

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hey youtube this is city prepping in this video i want to share with you five immutable principles that as preppers we're going to need to observe as this coming year the next five years the next 10 years i really personally believe the next decade is going to present a lot of challenges that if you don't position yourself now you are going to be in a very difficult situation i think 2021 is going to have a lot of challenges that we're erasing the signs of these things so what's going to probably be coming here shortly for example on december 26 of this year 12 million people will lose employment benefits that program is going to end rent forbearance programs have been ending inevitably foreclosures will start spiking if you live through the 0.708 crash you're i wouldn't say it's an exact one for one match but you're seeing similarities the economy is frustrating because you watch wall street and you you know you see the stock market keep climbing but main street people on you know everyday life are having a lot of challenges and you may ask well why is main street and you know wall street disconnected primarily it's because the government has been stimulating providing a lot of stimulus and you know uh money that they've been pouring into these different businesses and these businesses are begin to learn the pattern they're lining up when's the next round coming and when we see that stop i think we're going to see us you know a reverse in our markets and i think what we're going to really do is begin to ask questions and prepare and when i say ask questions of asking what can i do now to prepare myself for next year and the five points i'm going to share these are things i'm personally doing these are not abstract ideas of hey these are things that will help you as a prepper these are things that i'm personally doing right now and i'm lining up and projecting in the next six months i'll have completed them some of them are ambitious and i'll talk about that a little more so let me jump into the five laws that are immutable principle laws immutable prepping principles rather that are just as important today as they've ever been number one is the ability to produce your own food and we can talk a lot and i will over the next few months about long-term food storage but having the ability to garden at least developing that skill set now is going to be critical now i used to be guilty of this i used to say well i've got seeds that i've stored up and if things go bad i'll just plant them for those that have garden you know it's not always that easy things happen gardens don't go a certain way and this year i learned that lesson we put in a garden in march and one of the things that was really frustrating is that you know the lockdowns were beginning so i was really limited in my options for soil i went to a company the soil didn't look that great i was like i don't know if this is usable so i'll amend it put in some different things and you know the the plants they took off and then boom they just stopped all of a sudden we ended up bringing in a consultant here recently and he looked at our gardening explained the different issues and yeah one of the things he pointed out was soil uh soil deficiencies so over the christmas break we're going to take everything apart we're going to start all over again and it's frustrating because we just spent a whole year and a lot of money and a lot of time building this up but the point is is that we learned and so we're going to do it better next time we learn the mistakes and i'll share the mistakes probably on a video i'll do in the next couple of weeks but all that to say is you need to develop these skills now and again they take time to develop i wish they were just instantaneous but they're not so let me jump into the next point which is health now our culture here in america again i'll just be honest with you this is something that you know we tend to take an attitude of hey if i have a health problem there's probably a treatment or medicine that can solve my problem we often neglect our health i mean obesity in america is at an all-time high morbid obesity uh we've got a lot of problems and you know taking care of your health now is gonna be so critical during this pandemic i began to put on weight admittedly was it going out as much got a little frustrated i began to kind of eat more than i should have drink more than i should have i'll say it that way and i you know i started keto diet about a month ago i'm down 10 pounds my goal is to drop another 20 pounds over the next three months i want to get down to about 155 i know that's pretty light but you know i looked at the different charts and my size my age i need to be down at that weight now as you begin to pack on more weight the you know likelihood of you know cancer diabetes you know joint issues you name it they come into play and it is frustrating but you can have an impact now you can make decisions now how you diet specifically how you eat um you know i jog every day and it's frustrating because a lot of times people ask me well hey i've got this health condition you know what do i do let me just share a personal story i bought a home gym a few months ago you know and i thought hey i'll invest myself i'm going to buy some weights i'm going to start working out what ended up happening was i started working out had shoulder problems when i get x-ray turns out i've got arthritis they were kind of surprised for my age to have the advanced arthritis that i have um started doing squats i have an old injury it ended up getting flared up and they're like you can't do squats anymore it's just not not gonna it's not in the cards for you and there's a few other things but as a result of me working out apart from the gym and having to go to the hospital to get all this stuff it was expensive so i'm gonna sell the equipment off but i'm gonna continue to exercise run every day and continue to monitor what i eat drop calories having said that i don't know how and what our you know medical system is going to look like over the next five to ten years but suffice it to say the decisions you make today will impact your future and if things go sideways in our economy or in our world having your health already let's just put it this way taking preventative measures now to take care of your health it's going to be very important so take that for what it's worth the third point is self-sufficiency and getting an area with defensible space which is the concept or the discussion of land uh i brought that up on on this channel a lot you know a few years ago i bought five acres i was living on it ran into a lot of problems ended up selling it this spring and march luckily bought low sold high so i did all right so i'm rolling that extra you know money that i made off that into the next piece of land i get i am going to be looking for some land up in the mountains around me there's a few mountain communities big bear idol wild julian i'm trying to find something within an hour's driving time and it's interesting because i shared earlier about roman talking to him he's owner of mirror safety you know him telling me the stories of the soviet union those that had the ability to garden they were successful and he was sharing with me those that had plots of land outside of the town they fared better and that's really my objective is i want to be able to get a space that i may not be living on anytime soon something that's a little remote that if you know off the kind of beaten path out of the main city centers that will serve two purposes it's going to be a bug out location if things go sideways and it can be an area that i develop you know food obviously finding something with water out here in southern california is a challenge for me but it's something i'm going to begin to look for now getting to bug out locations is will lead me to the next point where i live we are kind of in a locked-in area where the inland empire of southern california and we've got the 15 the 215 freeway and those on a on a good day are pretty busy and they're pretty jammed so if anything happens if there's a disaster being able to quickly go on those freeways is all but impossible so my strategy is to build a bug out vehicle for off-roading purposes uh i'm gonna be you know i already shared a video last week about that i'll be doing a lot of videos as i begin to build a bug out vehicle you know building con comms on it navigation self-recovery system there are a lot of different mountains out here with a lot of trails that you can get to certain locations but you really need a solid off-roading vehicle so part of my strategy is to build that out part of it is i just want to get out and have some fun do some camping with my with my kids built into an over landing vehicle and i'm pretty excited about that but at the back of my mind the main goal when i look at that is having mobility because if i do get a community that's far away um you know get something in the mountains i'll need that so keep in mind whatever your situation is have a plan and a strategy in place be mobile whether that's a bug out bag with a bike whether that's your you know car whatever it is you need to really have a plan in place and we saw that this year with civil unrest and other things that happen it doesn't take much for a community to get flared up and if you get stuck in it you'll be in a position you may not want to be so take that for what it's worth and the last point is looking to the future which is you know the concept of investing now this one's not discussed a lot in the prepping community i think a lot of times the reasoning maybe behind it is we sometimes admittedly have kind of a you know kind of a mad max mindset of hey everything's going to go to hell in the handbasket in the next six months and we tend to be myopic admittedly we tend to look at what's in front of us what's the problem we're facing right now and everything kind of consumes us on that single problem but the thing that i would feel bad for people is if they don't make simple investments now and prepare that in five 10 15 years whatever your horizon is for retirement that you end up getting to that point having nothing no assets and you're stuck in a position where you have to work and you may not be able to do to your age so my encouragement to you is find a strategy that works for you to invest if things don't play out where you know investing or you know everything you invest is lost well that is a possibility we all take that risk as an investor but the thing that i've learned and i've read a lot of robert kiyosaki's books here lately and i'll just kind of share a little nugget of truth that i've learned it's his whole thing that i took away because i used to read dave ramsey's material i love dave but the only thing i don't like about dave is it's kind of a conservative risk-taking mindset and you may say well he's not risky but if you look at what he teaches it kind of is his model is you know you go out build a roth ira 401k whatever you you get these vehicles for investing if you've seen the stock market when it goes up or down you go with it especially if you have a roth ira so my model right now is to build cash flow i am investing in little things that can produce money back and my overall strategy and this is just my strategy you may have a different one but one of the things i learned from robert's books is you find an investment that someone else pays for that you own the best one the best example in a simple example is real estate and so i'm going to begin to look here in the spring i've kind of set a deadline for myself march 1st to get my first investment property i'm going to go out of state i'm looking at either arizona nevada phoenix or vegas i know a lot of people are probably in the comment sections you're going to tell me don't go there but i'm looking for something within a drivable four to five hour driving distance so those two areas appeal to me again i want to get out of california my goal and my dream and i have a big dream i want to build a real estate empire in the next 20 years i want to build a large cash flow model of properties assets that i own that someone else is paying for that i can eventually roll over and pass on to my children you know using things like the 10 is it 1034 exchange i believe or 1031 always getting backwards but i want to be able to pass that down to my children is there risk yeah of course there's risk but i've invested in you know the stock market in the past and it's frustrating because when it crashes you go with it uh one other thing i decided to start investing in i think it's still a good time to do it if you're you know somewhat risky and uh is you know crypto i got into it about three months ago and it has served me really well i'll put it that way crypto is volatile if you don't have a stomach for you know highs and lows and probably not your best bet but i'm looking and i've invested in different ethereum or rather in ethereum and link in bitcoin obviously as well but i like those two the bitcoin or i'm sorry ethereum and link because you can build cash flow off staking and that's one thing that i'm always looking at things that produce a cash flow i'm not always worried about speculating on you know what may increase in value over time but i'm always looking at what will eventually produce cash flow for me so i'll do a video here pretty soon sharing my own experience with that but let me summarize this last point is look to the future and invest and prepare because again as i talked about the beginning of this video i think those that can look a little further down the road and try to map out and build a plan they're going to be in a much better position than those that stand back and say well it's all going to go you know sideways in five you know five months it's just gonna fall apart you know if this president gets elected and he's puts it on you know put in the office on the 20th and you know this is gonna i mean look politics aside who is the president whoever's in the president you know whoever is the president rather next year has zero bearing on my life i live my own life and that's why i love the prepper community is that this community affords me the opportunity through education to say look how can you get your own ducks and road no matter what happens so anyway i'd love to get your feedback and thoughts post those in the comments section and as always stay safe out there
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 143,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prepper, preppers, immutable laws, doomsday preppers
Id: c-WcKumKp-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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