Can't Afford a Bug Out Location? Alternatives You Should Consider

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one of the common questions when i discuss evacuating to a bug out location is how can really anyone afford this option when making rent is hard enough owning a bug out location with a nice cabin in food stores is kind of a fantasy after all a landlord or deputies aren't likely to come and try to evict you from late rent during the active aftermath of a horrible disaster the reality is that most people may not ever be able to afford a bug out location of their own but they still need to bug out in an emergency when their survival depends on it in this video we'll look at several considerations you will have to make when planning to bug out after disaster in places you can go where you can survive if you know what the new location's dangers are please consider subscribing to our newsletter to give you updates and membership specific content visit forward slash newsletter or click on the link in the description and comment section below to subscribe today enjoy the video type of disaster the first consideration when thinking about bugging out is the type of disaster you're in and it's severely in reach if you're forced to evacuate from a natural disaster like a hurricane fires or flooding you may only need to bug out temporarily in a nearby region until the threat is passed these localized events allow you to simply bug out to a hotel in a nearby area often disaster funds are available from the government or your insurance company that would allow you to stay for an extended period in that hotel if hotels are not an option there are typically temporary shelters to accommodate these localized disasters however a disaster on a national or global level would not allow you to simply move temporarily to a nearby region disasters of this larger type require you to assess where you are starting from and where you can find the resources you need to sustain yourself the environment you are in at the time the disaster strikes may not contain the resources you need for long-term survival your long-term survival may require you to travel to a safer area if this isn't feasible you may have to bug out of your location but remain in the area somewhere any bug out location will have to have these basic requirements food water and shelter when it comes to food you'll need to consider if you can harvest and forage from nature or grow small quantities of food to sustain you when it comes to water you ideally want a replenishable natural supply that may require boiling to drink but it's plentiful regarding shelter you'll need to think of the tint or tarp or lean to structure you might build and whether you can defend your location if others try to rob you of your resources do you have a nice tint but no way to protect it likely in an shtf situation you will not have that tent for long will you need a structure or do you already know of one you can occupy with relative safety you may have to consider how you will get to that location if you have a vehicle your engine noise will let other people know that you're traveling through making you a target if you're on foot you can keep a lower profile even traveling by night if that is the safest means but you will expend thousands of calories and progress will be slow there are many coves and bins around the lakes and rivers and coastal regions almost entirely inaccessible by land if you travel by waterway and those sound travels further and clear across waterways large bodies of water provide a natural barrier between you and would-be thieves when it comes to traveling realize that fires the discharge of firearms for hunting and defense and vehicle noise all tip off residents that you're moving through their land or on their ground wherever your final destination is and all along the way you'll have to consider who owns the land thinks they own the land asserts their power over the land or who may be passing through like you conflicts could arise from any interactions with these people when laws cannot be enforced you may have to pay a toll to pass through these areas safely or it could cost you everything of value you have once you've considered all that you can turn to the locations here are the best bug out places when you can't afford a bug out location but you have to head out abandoned buildings from abandoned buildings in or near your town to old work sites mining sites drilling sites and logging sites there are many places far off the beaten path where you can provide yourself the basics of shelter one caveat to this is that there are probably many others who also know about it if you know about it if you're planning on hiding out beside the old abandoned quarry there's a good chance a dozen or more people given the same options to survive are also planning on doing that as well if you plan to take the old forest roads up to a long abandoned forest ranger shelter you might find it to be safer if you plan to bug out to an old barn it may still be on someone else's land in an abandoned building scenario you have to consider whether you can defend the structure you will either be practicing opsec by keeping fires low and smokeless and keeping silent or you're going to be part of a small group that can look out for one another off the road or under it after a disaster where thousands or millions of people are bugging out traveling on large highways may allow you to travel in groups smaller roads and county roads may allow you to dip off into wooded areas down creek beds or even under bridges roads that are even slightly maintained mean that someone else either lives in that area travels through the area or works in the area many long gravel roads are really driveways for some people as residents may live miles apart from each other in some areas traveling under bridges will allow you to access brooks creeks streams and riverbanks when you are ever directly under a bridge realize though that people may still be traveling on the bridge above you many abandoned bridges may provide a safer long-term environment going under a bridge can take you to the banks and animal trails you can traverse to reach more secluded areas free from others prying eyes and sometimes inaccessible but by the same path you traveled down or up river if road travel isn't feasible traveling along the river's banks nature's natural roads can be a safe means to travel game trails routinely run along and to and from waterways and there are many regular sineous curves bins loops and turns that roads don't allow the riverbanks rock structures exposed by water waves caves and small islands around and in rivers provide potential secluded and safe bug out locations rivers also offer running water and potential food sources your primary consideration when bugging out up or down rivers is that they are natural ways of travel people may be floating through to get to other locations as well it is doubtful that they will be traveling against a current without you knowing as they would require an engine if they are traveling down the river that would be coming from a particular direction and floating silently down the river if you found the spot because it had a nice bank where you could put in or you walked in and there's a nice beach or inlet where others could have come ashore make efforts to conceal it with brush or debris that blends in with the rest of the banks covering your trails and hiding your shores will provide you with a little extra security caves and mines we know of around 17 000 caves in the united states if you've ever been far off the typically travel pass you may have found a cave that is still undocumented they do exist after that the many deep nukes and rock structures that aren't in d caves and you have hundreds of thousands more natural rock structures that could provide you long-term shelter add to that the over 500 000 abandoned rock mines in the united states and there are plenty of potential bug out locations however the better known the site the more likely someone has already considered it or some local as a race set up camp there you have an added layer of safety concerns with any mine or cave that range from falling rocks to gases to wild animals still it worked for early man for thousands of years so it makes the list here for bug out locations when you can't afford or get to anywhere else into the woods now i think this is a favorite fantasy of minia prepper many claim they will just go off and into the woods and live off the land when the world turns south now i kind of call it fantasy because it is incredibly difficult to survive in the wild if you want a taste of it go for a week or more camping trip but leave the s'mores and hot dogs at home you'll find that living just surviving is more challenging than you imagine basics of food water and shelter have to be established relatively quickly if you're going to have a chance you will however have the added security of isolation since most won't be able to get to you in the deep woods or forest but genuinely being off-grid and ultimately providing the food you need from hunting and forging is a considerable challenge many find it easier to do with experience and practice but you will likely just find yourself in the border regions of wooded areas if you're new to it boats and caves if the land is too hostile you may find refuge in the water you can technically live on a raft boat or houseboat some inlets and coves provide significant protection from the hostile world living in southern california i know several people who plan on just loading up their sailboat and setting out to the sea in a shtf situation the challenges of food and water still exist but taking to the water can provide you a temporary bug out location until things get better or a more permanent location can be found yes pirates would probably be a thing after an shdf situation so be prepared to defend yourself if necessary even with that problem navigating waterways allows you to travel by floating five to seven miles per day that gives you an excellent opportunity to find the hidden spot perhaps up an unused tributary to set up a long-term camp and wait for safer times if things turn ugly where you're at you can always travel another five to seven miles the next day to find somewhere safer bugging out is never really a great option but sometimes we're out of options your survival is the most important thing when choosing a bug out location give credence to the considerations and locations discussed in this video i'd love to hear what some of your bug out locations will be please tell me about them in the comments section below if you can do so without of course revealing your site i read many of the comments and respond to them when i can that's usually within the first hour of releasing the video i can notify you when other videos become available if you subscribe to this channel if you found this video informative and helpful please feel free to like it and share it with your friends and family and help us build our community as always stay safe out there
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 369,067
Rating: 4.928153 out of 5
Keywords: bug out, preppers, prepper, doomsday prepper, emergency, bug out location
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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