The 5 BIGGEST Changes To PvE In Cataclysm | Cataclysm Classic | Classic WoW

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from raap the Lich King to cataclysm a ton changes within all aspects of the game from PvP our classes raiding and more as we currently are at the moment time is pressing on for Raph of the Lich King the 30% ICC buff was finally pushed out the other week meaning we're very much on the home stretch to Classic's next destination a return to a revamped Eastern kingdoms and kendor with so much to look forwards to as for me I know I'm going to be playing CER for the most part for the raiding though as I pretty much always have done with classic so far and it is about time I got started with more videos on the topic because well I don't know if you saw the classic Ro map they put out a bit ago they did move the cata B to date on it from late winter to early spring but all indications show that it's going to be pretty soon of course I'll still be covering season of Discovery as the server progresses too this channel has always been about classic as a whole and that's evolved over time to mean several different things after all players literally have so much Choice from the game now between wrath which will soon be cater the seasonal servers hardcore and error surely I will not read comments about how CER is the worst thing ever from people who have no intention of playing it whilst also having three different versions of vanilla to choose from for if you want to count the self-found hardcore mode this will definitely not happen anyways today is about changes specific to PVE content from Wrath to cater for me this is an area of the game which I'm looking forward to the most from the upcoming expansion I played it a lot back in the day and really felt as though it delivered a challenging experience which we've only got to see now and again from the odd fighting classic thus far but with all that said let's make a start these for me are five of the biggest changes to come with the PVE scene moving into CER one of the most defining features in cataclysm is that it's one of the very few expansions in Well's history where 10man rating is a real possibility for a guild that has a smaller group but still wants to see some challenging content during RAF of the Lich King blizzard changed something about how raiding worked in every single tier from 10 and 25 mans in tier 7 hard modes in Udo heroics and attempts in togc and finally shared lockouts with heroics and staggered content releases in ic it was a roller coaster of changes so for cataclysm blizzard settled on a different format now you'll be able to run 10 or 25 heroic once per week and after a boss is defeated you will now be locked to that ID for the week it would still be possible to join multiple different normal runs however but you could only kill each boss once per week alongside this blizzard also took the ambitious step to make each different size of the raid very similar to one another in difficulty and since heroic mode would now sh lockouts between the two raid sizes you had to make a choice here now this Balancing Act between 10 and 25 was tough there were without a doubt some fights which were far more difficult on 10 player whilst being easier on 25 alha SW breaker the first boss of Bastion of Twilight comes to mind but it was always going to be a challenge to go down this path of trying to fix both raid sizes in 10 player raid you have less people so less worrying about that room space as often and sometimes things were tuned more favorably whereas in 25 you had straight up more defensive cooldowns to deal with high damage phases more interrupts a much easier time putting together a raid comp which covered all debuffs and Buffs three combat reses instead of the one you got in 10 man and a bunch more and 10 player heroic rating really could not afford any weak links that one guy that messes up often might just get by in 25 as perhaps they don't receive mechanics as often but there's no crowd to hide in in 10 man if you mess up early it can just straight up be a wipe another big change here is that raid sizes would now drop these same same loot they were also at the same power level between each different size and difficulty as we have it at the moment in Raph loot tables for 10 man have always been different and sometimes that means your abys is technically a lower item level piece but it just has some kind of effect which makes it especially good for your class and you can tell how popular 10 man's for abys was by the fact that eventually blizzard put all the oldo 10-man hard mode stuff on a vendor so people could finally get them but this won't be the case anymore in cata and I have a feeling that blizzard are going to keep 10 and 25 separated for lockouts because well otherwise your guild is going to have a very strong incentive to run both versions of the raid because they'll drop items as good as one another you remember having to do two olds because that one guy didn't get his run Stone yet as much as I enjoy raiding I don't know if I want to go back to doing that again but Kata will once again offer that 10man raiding experience so if you have a smaller group and you still want a challenge K will be be a good time for you Kata also did a ton to revamp dungeons too you know that thing when you port into a dungeon through the lfd and it just gives you quests at the start that's from CER some older dungeons also got big revamps too to be more in theme with the post shattering World notably the iconic deadmines was given a huge revamp as well as the elusive Shadow Fang keep oh and also kind of a side note but the adventure Guide was also added during CER so you could see what items drop were well in advance as well as check out the boss mechanics I always enjoyed reading the differences between normal and heroic rid boss mechanics and trying to imagine how they would actually play and practice but blizzard giving us the mechanics did not make things easy in fact it was the total opposite the dungeon content in cata was designed at least on heroic mode to be worthy of the word heroic players have come from ra of the Lich King where dungeon content consisted of gathering stuff up in a big ball and then pressing AOE we abilities and running straight through everything which was fun enough for a bit but it was otherwise very lacking cat heroics on launch were brutal there were super dangerous Trash Packs abilities that needed to be interrupted and plenty of ways to basically get one shot if you weren't paying attention these days I don't think they're going to be as difficult as people remembered because we've just improved as a whole as a player base in fact with good CC rolling cooldowns and understanding what's dangerous I think you'll be surprised how many Trash Packs even early in the expansion you can just ball up an AOE down though it's going to need a lot more finesse to pull off successfully than what you need to do in Wrath because for real some of the damage output of mobs in cata is no joke but back in the day these dungeons were swiftly given the Nerf hammer for the main reason that well you could c as a random group into these heroics with suboptimal gear and more often than not it was a complete disaster I have to say though with a proper group the cat dungeons will be some of the most fun y have had in fiveman content in classic so far and are well worth trying out also blizzard basically confirmed the Titan Rune dungeon system will be ported forwards to cata 2 so these dungeons are going to be kept relevant as we progress through the expansion in cataclysm as well there are also the reworked zolam man and Zar rub raids made into dungeons as well as the 3-hour of Twilight dungeons right at the end of the expansion so there should be a good amount of fiveman content to do and it's not just the dungeon which have a jump up in difficulty either I'd say I've enjoyed Rafa the Lich King raids as a whole but the difficulty of them is just absolutely all over the place did you remember that they buffed tier 7 raids by 20% and you could still just walk in them as soon as they're open in a straight line one shotting everything no problem or what about Trial of the grand Crusader then on the other hand we had fights like pren Nerf yog Zero algalon The Observer and above all lch King 25 heroic if you're a progression raiding in joyer where gear and upgrades mean more than just a bit of a faster boss kill then Kata may be the experience you're after in fact if you cleared ICC 25 heroic pretty early on and want to see more of that I think you're going to like kataar raing a lot and if you don't believe me on it being harder well here's a few words from a member of paragon after claiming world first tier 11 back in 2010 he says all in all this tier of raiding in my opinion has been the hardest tier of raiding overall there haven't been many push over bosses on heroic difficulty there hasn't been any gating there haven't been any achievements and such it's just been one big absolutely brutal grind and this should remain true today I do wonder whether blizz will delay the opening of The Raid by one week similar to what they did with ref of the Lich King though the idea here is to allow players time to enjoy their leveling journey and not feel pressed to level as soon as possible so not to miss the first lockout then again I think tons of guilds would have been capable of clearing that x 25 no problem in mostly just the sunwell gear whereas doing cater heroic raids a few days in would prove a significant challenge back then it took 42 days from expansion launch to tier 11 being clear these days would it be possible in under seven I want to say yes because topend guilds will be able to class stack super hard and there wouldn't be any bugs encounters and it could also make for the first race to world first in classic which is actually kind of interesting on last say few days I guess we'll see what blizzard decides to do here in terms of locking the raid or not but either way it'll be one to look forward to next thing to bring up is the currency rework from wrath to CER so in Wrath there are a lot of currencies there are emblems of heroism Valor Conquest Triumph Frost stonekeeper shards honor arena points and so on there's even a bunch more than that it all started to get a bit much so in cater blizzard went to simplify this system down now in PVE there's basically two currencies justice points and Valor points justice points are from repeatable or daily activities and are used to either buy heroic dungeon level gear at the start of the expansion or old raid gear as new tiers are released whereas Valor points will be used to buy raid equivalent gear for the current tier and in PvP there is honor and Conquest points and they're kind of similar to how the PVE currencies work honor is for your starter gear or older Arena sets as Seasons progress and Conquest points are for the current Arena season gear so the very simple version is conquest and Valor is for the new stuff and you can earn up to a certain cap each week and Justice and honor points are for the old stuff you can earn these from repeatable activities and grind as much as you want both justice points and honor points had a cap of 4,000 and each patch your remaining Valor points and Conquest points would be converted into the respective lower-end curreny however points exceeding the cap would be converted into gold now when we went from raft to C originally there were some conversions done with wrath currencies which might be of interest to you these days first up is the emblems of heroism Valor conquest and badges of Justice from TBC were all just converted into gold at the rate shown here probably worth investing these into either gems ear looms rains of the woly mammoth something of the like personally I go for the Looms as the cost and embl now is way better than it would be post conversion for example a blooded arenite Reaper in C is 32,000 justice points that's equivalent to trading down just over 300 Badges of trium 4 Frost whereas now you can get it for 65 badges however I wouldn't go trading away all your emblems if you do want to get a head start when CER drops so if Triumph and frost emblems are still converted to justice points at a rate of 1 to 11.58 that means if you have a total of 346 Badges of frost or Triumph combined that when the conversion happens you'll hit the Justice point cap of 4,000 meaning you can go and get two pieces of heroic item level 346 gear instantly from a vendor there shouldn't be any point having more badges than that though as they'll be converted to gold as for your current PVP currencies they will also be converted into just honor at the rate shown here the new honor points will also have a cap of 4,000 as well so similar to PV e it may be possible to prepare for this now as well word of warning here of course we don't know what blizzard are going to be doing here yet I just wanted to show you what you can do with excess emblems at the moment to get the most out of them but at the same time I don't want you feeling as though you've wasted them either for me on my main I'm going to have about 350 Frost and Triumph emblems for the Justice point cap and I'm going to trade down the rest to emblems of heroism and pretty much just buy out every heirloom and the final big point I want to bring up here is how blizzard really commited to creating a bit more of a divide between casual and hardcore content this is something that they've been experimenting with throughout the duration of RAF of the Lich King to see what worked best iterating through hard modes heroics attempts staggered releases and more back in the day when the harder content hit it was a surprise and a change of pace for the game for many yet difficult heroic and later Mythic raids have become an absolute Cornerstone of World of Warcraft over the years they made appeal to a smaller crowd than easier and more accessible content but the people who like them tend to really like them and by today's standards the average Player is taking on way harder content than they would have back in the day check this out for example while progress shows between the first clear of ICC 25 Hero by Paragon on March 26 2010 and the day before C's release on December 6th 20110 that there were 1,1 guilds that had cleared the raid fully on heroic whereas Warcraft log shows just under 3,800 full clears of ICC 25 heroic that have been completed as of doing this video this number is going to be above 4,000 easily before cater drops reminder that back in the day during this patch run now in RAF of the Lich King that World of Warcraft was around 12 million Subs so yeah I'm pretty confident in saying a lot more people actually do enjoy the challenging content and are playing the game for that I reckon you'll start to see more of a crossover from high-end retail Raiders coming to Classic as well as kind of a middle ground between vanilla content which is kind of just chill and Mythic which is extremely difficult heroing Kata is somewhere in the middle of those two points I'd say also similar to raap the Lich King Kata rating is pretty low maintenance once you have everything set up on your main so if raiding is the thing you want to be doing a lot of Kata should be a great experience for that too and given the more experienced nature of the average player I think that K's PVE content will stand the test of time when we finally get stuck into it once again but that is all for today let me know your thoughts on C PVE whether you did it back in the day or whether it's going to be your first time giving it a go as a new player to Classic in the comments down below and thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you on the next one very soon [Music]
Channel: WillE
Views: 107,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cataclysm classic, cataclysm, cata classic, wille, tier 11, tier 11 guide, tier 11 heroic, cata dps, cata heal, wotlk best dps, cata pve, cata leveling guide, cata leveling, cata pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2024, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2024, mmo 2024, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc
Id: aSW7DUwfiRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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