ROGUE in Cataclysm Classic: Was It Any Good Though?

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Rogue has been a high performer in both PVE and PVP content throughout every version of classic we have seen so far in raids it's been all about that consistent damage and Arena Cog Shadow stepping and laying down huge amounts of burst damage and CC and in cata there's still going to be plenty of spec diversity however the big changes that you're expected go to PVP spec subtlety should also Now find a place in raiding both new races in Goblin and wargan can rollers Rogue so you'll have plenty of options here but with that said let's make a start and check out the Rogue in cataclysm up first our Baseline changes in the assassination tree Ambush no longer requires daggers and exposed armor will reduce an enemy's armor by 12% this is consistent with all major armor reduction debuffs and the minor ones don't exist anymore in the combat tree shiv now can remove enrage effects if that's ever needed and fan of knives will require Throne weapons to be used new F combat is recuperate a finishing move that uses your combo points to restore Health this is very good in PvP and is also useful in PVE when you're specting to sub you get combat Readiness to which makes you take 10% less damage from weapon attacks stacking up to 50% over time if the Rog keeps getting hit this is kind of like a physical damage reduction counterpart to cloak of Shadows but it does also sh a coold down with cloak for subtlety stealth no longer reduces your movement speed and vanish guarantees 3 seconds of stealth after use even if you have dots ticking you'll still be in stealth cloak of Shadows in addition to its previous effects of removing all magical debuffs will now make you resist all incoming magical attacks for 5 seconds so there's no longer that RNG where you can still get hit new for subtlety is redirect which simply moves your combo points from one target to another on a one minute cool down and smoke bomb which creates a Zone around the Rogue that you cannot Target into or out of let's check out some talent trees now and see what else is changed we'll start with assassination mutilate is basically the same ability just does a bunch of damage needs two daggers to be used you get assassins resolved which when wielding two daggers you'll gain 20 maximum energy and 20% bonus physical damage you get improved poisons for a 20% bonus chance to apply deadly poison and 50% for instant poison and your Mastery simply increases your poison Damage Done in the talent Tre deadly momentum is a new great pickup while Ling it has these same effect as remorseless attacks in that after you defeat an enemy your next attack has bonus crit chance but now it also refreshes your slice and dice and recuperate to the original durations quickening has been moved up the talent tree so it's readily available to other specs but it increases healing effects on you now as well as your movement speed and easy two points for some great utility Cold Blood now grants 25 energy in addition to giving 100% crit chance meaning you can always fire off that Max combo point in venom vile poisons increases poison damage and makes it so fan of knives will now also apply poisons to enemies hit at the normal rate murderous intent is new and gives you a kind of execute phase where you swap from utilite to backstab when enemies are below 35% Health venomous wounds is new and is honestly one of the best talents in this tree for just about everything when rupture or G tick they have a chance to deal extra damage to a poisoned enemy and you gain 10 energy back and the big thing is if enemy dies with rupture on them you instantly gain a lot of energy back this Talent alone keeps your energy good while leveling and it makes Target swapping a bit easier as well finally assassination has a major cooldown Vendetta it's a 2-minute cooldown which grants true sight of an enemy and causes you to deal 20% bonus damage to them pretty simple to use you just send this with all cooldowns running but a nice damage increase all the same assassination uses some GFF such as mutilate to reduce its energy cost rupture for an increased duration and back stab for the execute phase spam next up is combat when you pick this talentry you get Blade flurry which has had big changes it's changed from a two-minute cooldown to an effect which you can toggle on and off with a 10c cooldown but it has an unlimited duration however your energy regeneration will be slowed by 30% whilst it's active ID dexterity increases off and damage and Throne weapon Effects by 75% and vitality gives you 25% % extra energy regeneration and 30% attack power your Mastery is mang go which makes it so main hand attacks have a chance to Grant an extra attack dealing 100% of a main hand attack in the talentry improved recuperate causes of this ability to Grant an extra 1% Max Health per tick and reduces all damage taken whilst it's active by 6% this can be nice to pick up for a whole variety of scenarios and the heal over time really does add up improve Sinister strike ads to this ability by increasing its damage by 30% as well as reducing its cost this will still be your main spammed ability as combat reinforce leather is new makes you're a bit tankier versus physical attacks and you also get revealing strike this instantly deals damage and improves the effect of your next defensive finishing move by 35% adrenaline rush now increases attack speed as well as restoring energy faster Restless blades is new as well making it so your finishing moves reduce the remaining cool down on a number of your big other cooldowns such as adrenaline rush and killing spree Bandit scy gives you a buff as you hit the same Target increasing all damage by up to 30% this buff gradually builds up and then falls off of course you want to put as much damage as possible into the window when it's fully stacked and if you hit another Target the buff will reset and finally is killing spree which is the exact same as in Wrath you instantly attack several nearby Targets for bonus damage combat takes Prime glovs such as Sinister strike for the extra EXT ra combo points as well as adrenaline rush and S and dice just to buff their duration and of course for once in PBE we're going to be talking about subtlety when you pick this talentry you get Shadow step which increases the damage of only Gat Ambush by 30% still only usable on enemies with a 25 yard range master of subtlety makes attacks well stealthed and for 6 seconds afterwards do 10% more damage you also get Sinister calling for 30% more agility and this also increases the percentage damage bonus is on Hemorrhage and backstab by 40% and your Mastery is executioner increasing the damage of all finishing moves and the effectiveness of slice and dice in the talentry improved Ambush makes this ability have a very high crit chance and Buffs its damage by 15% to opportunity further Buffs pretty much all of your big damage dealing abilities by 30% energetic recovery is another important new Talent this makes it so when recuperate ticks you gain 12 energy find weakness also gets big Buffs in cat making it so your stealth attacks reduce the target's armor by 70% for 10 seconds honor among Thieves now gives a raid wide 5% crit buff and any crits from raid members will add combo points to your Target on a short coold down sanguinary vein is new as well increasing damage dealt to bleeding targets by 16% and making it so gouge won't break from your bleeds and sorter from the Shadows is a huge energy cost reduction for your main damage dealing abilities finally is the iconic Shadow dance which is the same as wrath you can use your stealth abilities whilst not in stealth for 6 seconds subt takes Prime glyph such as Hemorrhage for the bleed backstab for some energy and slice and dice to increase its duration so then how are we expecting Rogues to perform in PVE throughout this expansion well let's begin with combat its place in ra of the Lich King was often for that 4% physical damage taken debuff but now you're going to have people queuing up to play arms Warrior so that's not going to be much of a concern anymore so the main thing you're going to be bringing is damage because the rest of your utility is similar to other Rogue specs where combat does Excel over other Rogue specs however is specifically on encounters where you can get a lot of value out of Blade flurry since this ability is now a toggle you could leave it on for an entire fight if you wanted to and it's going to be super important that you do get value out of Blade flurry to make combat worth playing at the same time though you are quite adverse to actually swapping Target because of Bandit sky and you need a main target which you can continually cleave off of with cooldowns running and two Targets to hit for long enough combat can put out some good sustained burst and damage but that's kind of their Niche and C as such it's quite a fight dependent spec which will otherwise fall short when compared to some other choices assassination is going to feel real similar to wrath and if you want a pretty straightforward spec which can put out numbers it's going to be a good choice you do have a DPS cool down now in Vendetta as well as caring more about maintaining bleeds thanks to venomous wounds your fan of knives supplies poisons to which is a nice extra benefit and when enemies are low you get an execute phase two to mix up the game play a bit oh and also if an agility dagger drops you kind of just automatically get them which isn't a bad bonus for playing the spec either I think assassination will overall be the most represented Rogue specking cata and should be a good consistent pick from start to end and then there is subtlety perhaps the most anticipated Rogue spec for cata so it's going to work in PVE now right well more so than it's done in the past that's for sure for me this is a real wild card pick for the expansion I don't think it's going to properly take off and feel consistent until we're quite progressed into the expansion for sure though by the time you have your legendary daggers and we're in dragon soul for me it's objectively the most challenging Rogue spec to play by a very long way and if things go wrong your DPS suffers a lot you're going to have to maintain recuperate for the energy regen a bleed for sanguinary vein sice and dice for the attack speed buff and weaving eviscerate to and then you have Shadow dance coming up once per minute which will enable find weakness and a 70% armor debuff during this time it's vital that you've planned ahead and you're not refreshing your maintenance Buffs and you're spamming as much damage as possible oh and also subtlety AOE is just non-existent compared to other Rogue specs this is really a single Target spec I think this spec will be an option for well practiced players on certain fights but for the majority of Kata I think assassination is going to do just fine and not wanting to play sub shouldn't have you missing out next up is PVP and whilst there's a bit of variety in PVE there's really only one spec which stands out for this area of content and that is without a doubt subtlety as one of the top Melly picks for PVP in C the sub Rogue packs a huge amount of utility and damage notable changes from wrath are that redirect allows the road to move their combo points from one target to another for some really quick Target switching Shadow step and then redirecting into kidney shot is a sixc stun kind of out of nowhere and that can apply a lot of pressure in PvP you also have more room to ralth leading to more openings with find weakness on different targets and of course Shadow dance gives you a huge amount of both burst and utility through St and silences but perhaps your biggest toour this expansion is the iconic smoke bomb once you've got someone's trinket out and they can't escape a hard CC smoke bomb can feel impossible to recover from it's an instant ability which basically creates your own line of sight field around you for 5 seconds meaning opposing healers and casters can do very little to help and the crazy thing is you can even glyph preparation to make it reset the cool down on smoke bomb as well Rogues can also get improved recuperation rate an energetic recovery which means you passively take 6% less damage and you gain 4% of your max health and 12 energy every 3 seconds this is just a ton of stats for free so yeah sub Rogue is pretty nuts in cata if you're a melee PVP enjoyer this is a spec to consider for sure on to tier sets next starting in tier 11 with the wind dancers regalia the two set is a simple 5% bonus crit chance to backstab mutilate and Sinister strike and the force that makes it so Auto attacks have a 1% chance to make your next eviscerate or in venom a Critical Strike I mean Rogues do attack a lot whichever spec you're playing so with some decent RNG you might get a few procs of this per fight tier 12 is the dark Phoenix set from the fire lands the two set make sure melee Crites deal an additional 6% fire damage over 4 seconds and the fouret make sure tricks of the tray give a 25% buff to one of your combat ratings for 30 seconds the ratings affected our crit haste and Mastery so you press tricks on cool down and you get a massive 25% buff to one of your secondary stats this is a huge tier set bonus but I imagine rolling the right stat will create quite a bit of variance on how much damage you can do last of course we have tier 13 from dragon soul the two set makes abilities cost 20% less energy for 6 seconds after having used tricks of the trade it seems like blizzard really wanted you to feel good about pressing tricks in cata and the forer increases the duration of your your big cool Downs for each spec proportional to how often you can have them active and for shadow dance in particular here if you were to glyph it and had the foret it would go up to a 10c duration maybe that and the legendary daggers would help the spec out a lot in PVE and that is the Rogue in cataclysm it keeps a spot as an absolute top tier PVP pick whilst also getting a few more options in PVE I think for the most part it'll be assassination as the go-to spec but combat may have the odd fight where its ability to cleave can put it ahead subtlety in PVE is a high skill cap pick which takes practice to get to grips with and also needs an encounter where basically you can just single Target something I think this is one of the more difficult specs to judge as for how well it's going to do but just know that it should be an option either way let me know your thoughts on everything I have covered here today are you going to be giving the Rogue a go and is there anything else worth bringing up drop it down in the comments below and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you all on the next one very soon [Music]
Channel: WillE
Views: 49,253
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Keywords: cataclysm classic, cataclysm, cata classic, wille, tier 11, tier 11 guide, tier 11 heroic, cata dps, cata heal, wotlk best dps, cata pve, cata leveling guide, cata leveling, cata pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2024, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2024, mmo 2024, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc
Id: oi79iMAOHv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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