The 5 Actionable Steps To Becoming A Software Developer

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okay so our topic for today um we're going to take on the broad topic of basically kind of what we cover in the book which we'll talk about in a second but yeah um the five steps that we've talked about many times before we're gonna kind of reiterate them all in one video we haven't done it for a while so the five cool stuff the reason yeah the reason we're recovering this um is part of my thought process and i don't want to go into i don't want to throw anyone under the bus but i was on a twitter space i got in on a twitter space and they were talking about how to find a job and i wasn't one of the speakers and i you know so and i don't want to assume that i know everything but like these are well-known like twitter people they have youtube channels they're clearly talented creators and i don't want to put out any names on it but like they're just wrong man it's it's like i don't think they understand how they do it and so they're giving advice and it's like it's just like wow i mean like you do you don't even like really look at yourself and say how did i get this job or how do i win interviews or um and so like the five steps in the book is really how i sell things like and how i sell consulting projects or how i sell myself when i was interviewing and then i had to go back and look it's like why did i win that job like why am i am i special am i smarter than everyone else the answer is no i'm not smarter i mean i'm not a better programmer but um i'm actually a pretty decent interviewer as you'll see tomorrow i'm going to interview um in the video tomorrow so like uh but this isn't about me tuning my own horn it's about like all these people that want to learn how to code they a lot of people fail at it for various reasons and um we know some really big overarching ones and the reason why we see it and our experience comes from trying to get students that come through our boot camp to do the things we ask them to do so they can get a job and then they fail because of certain reasons sometimes you know even ones that come through our bootcamp fail because they don't follow the advice as they should right that's it so we're going to talk about these five steps that do it and like they're employed before the boot camp is over right which zachary came on yesterday and said exactly that um exactly that and he's followed the advice and he's doing the right things um so we're going to talk about those five steps um you can find the five steps in the book i do have the book as a promo here this is a break so it's part two of this book so just so you know it's not the only part in this book let me let me show you real quick it's the um it's like this uh what is it it's like this middle section right here so it's this section if you want to if i was to section off the book it's this bit right here that's the that's the five steps um so it's the core it's the core of the book so that's what we're going to be talking about today um i do want to do about one thing first asp sponsor coldest water um okay so yeah i promised that i would put um hot liquid in this and i've been testing it with hot liquid so here's the thing about this with these hot liquids i put tea in this over an hour ago it's still very very very hot i forgot i put the lid on it right so i put the lid on i left it for about 45 minutes and i picked it up thinking like oh man tea it's gonna be it was red hot like it was as hot as when i put it in so i will vouch for this thing working with hot drinks and it's still hot now even with the lid off it's still hot um so yeah check out coldest water there's a link in the description that they have a giveaway and you can also get 10 off um a um any of their products on their web page the code is down below it is uh cf10 all right cool check them out we appreciate so what's step one so step one obviously is um you've got to embark on the journey of learning to code okay so that seems obvious um so you got to pick something but inside that step is i think the one biggest mistake people are making and we see it over and over again is trying to figure out like what the stack is okay and they're trying to figure out like what do i learn there's a lot when i say learn to code and um a lot of this means of different things to a lot of people and so when you're just learning it is super confusing because there's so much stuff out there um and so like what do i need to learn what stack do i pick what language i pick what tools do i use and so like we've given this device over and over again and we do it inside the book which is number one figure out what you want to build which is it's either going to be mobile it's going to be web it's going to be maybe a data science solution or maybe you want to build something like embedded or want to work on devices things like that figure out that first now if your goal is i just want a software job i don't really care i don't have no i no idea what i want to build our advice is if you have no idea no direction you just want to be in the software development industry is pick web development that is by far and away the most in-demand job in the united states there are more people there's more jobs for that so it gives you more opportunities to win a role if there's more openings for that other roles are more specialized and smaller doesn't mean you can't break in but it just means that it's easier if you pick web development now inside of web development once you pick that now you can go oh how do people build websites and i think there's three primary ways that people are building websites you can go after the javascript spa route which is a single page application or you can go after what i call the postback type scenarios which is with nbc maybe a java with a spring boot or you can go after like the microservices type route or just the web api route and then you're putting javascript front ends on that so those are the three primary ways i think by far in a way still to this day the middle one i just told you about has the most opportunities specifically for junior developers but any of those ways will probably lead to employment and so we pick a stack now if you ask us kevin and you say i have no idea what i want to build i have no idea what the stack is we're going to give you a piece of advice that says do this which is with c-sharp build web full stack web development interview for those roles get a job after you interview those and then specialize later is they learn five or six or seven or nine different things and so they're picking the language based on what is easiest to learn you know and i go in the book like it's not about what's easy to learn it's about what gets you a job so that's kind of what that's step one learn to code yep so and that seems like it's a simple one but it's not really it's on the face of it it's just like learn the code and when we call it in the book it is pick pick the stack because it's not just the code it's being very specific and doing your research before you've even learned anything make sure that you're going down the right path yeah so i'll see comments on our youtube channel and they'll say you've inspired me i've and now i'm moving on to php but you're not working yet like you're not listening to me just stay with what you got learn that really well learn that as as fast as you can and then and then specialize and people that come to us and you know obviously you've seen me do this for quite a bit it's like i know php great should i switch to net do you have a job yet no okay try to find a php role and learn that really well don't start over it's going to take you another three to six to nine months to get right back into this in the c-sharp realm when you could get a php role get paid and then learn c sharp on the weekends or at night or whatever to enhance your skills further right yep i want you to get a job exactly that's the goal and the best way to get that job is before you've learned anything is to do your research like we said you figure out where the jobs are at for your market because it is different in different markets we see you guys come and comment all the time and like every time on one of our like why you should learn c sharp videos someone's gonna be like well c-sharp sucks here and like well okay that's that we're literally telling you do the research you've got to pick a language and framework that you can get a job in that's going to be your first i think in the us if you're if you're living inside the us c sharp is a really safe bet to go by it's a really it's strongest now if you're over in southeast asia you're in india you're in korea you're in china it may be java over there it may be that may be more relevant because i do see those comments coming in if that's the case then you have to learn java um if you're in africa i have no idea what they're what the what's going on in africa europe you know the possibilities we've definitely seen yeah they see a lot of net inside of europe london those kind of things um maybe that's because it's still like financial sectors banking has similar sectors to what's inside the um the u.s yeah and maybe southeast asia maybe that's more embedded that's happening over there or desktop that's happening over there because they're building different types of things and that's why maybe java or you'll see some some other stacks out there so so here's a question we get a lot we're talking about this too what about python i mean we get this question literally every day thank you thank you thanks for questions office we literally get this question every single time we come on here every single time here's what i what i think you should know about python if you're going to learn python and that's going to be the route you take see everyone asks they try to pick the language first and they never like think about like what am i trying to build yeah and so like if you're in python you need to know where's where are people primarily using python for what are they using to build it for and that is data science so you need to focus in on the data science arena with python and that's where you i think that's where you need to go and you need to go to work with that and i think do people build websites with python yes but it's smaller it's smaller than's like this big the python's down here there's smaller opportunities now if you live in a town where all the consulting companies and everyone around you and every company around there is building websites with python then learn python but i think you're going to find that majority of the work is in the data science arena and if that's what you want to do then go after that there's more to it than just learning the language so you though learn the library the tooling and like what kind of solutions right so shaquille is saying zone c right now for this reason for resisting the urge getting distracted by other languages um but then also says um any other south africans uh learning c-sharp noticing how high-paying c-sharp developer jobs oh that's interesting they are high-paying there that's cool um shaquille if you do want to link with anybody that's in here go join the discord server the link is below and then you guys can you can chat amongst yourself there about that stuff too if you want to link up with anybody there may be people in there already so yeah so that's step one so step two now you've chosen what um you want to learn now you have to choose how you want to learn it yeah exactly and so like this is where this is may sound a little self-certain for us and we don't want the channel to be like a commercial for coder foundry but in general we think there's three ways to learn we think you can you can go to college route the university route it's gonna take you four years probably the most expensive route there i would even debate that do you really learn to code in university in the us or not it's kind of depend on the program you don't really code a whole lot a lot of it's theory this that stuff's really good doesn't mean you can't break in with that it's just like the most expensive route and then it's like no i really learned a code there um right often from what we hear is not it's debatable you know and especially at the level at which you need to do to get a software job so like but cs degrees are valued and sometimes when you interview with just a cs degree they do give you the benefit of the doubt in order oh they got a cs degree let's pull them in they can learn it here's the thing about all of these things though too i will say for all three methods you're gonna be applying for the same job at the end of the day now whether the company only looks at the cs degree and they put some weight in that and they give it to somebody who has a cs degree the job that person is going to get is the same job you're going to get regardless of your learning method it doesn't give you uh you're not going to get a higher level because you have a cs degree you just save your job exactly now the cheaper way that's also in the university route that's very similar is what we call here in the us the community college route that's typically going to take you you get your associates in programming going to take you two years very um very affordable when compared to college very affordable that you can go to a community college and probably you'll do more programming hard course skill classes than you would at say a four-year css i would say especially in the u.s if you're in the u.s and you take an associates of applied science it's literally in the name it's it's applied right so your your your learning will be more job focused than academic which is great but here's here's the downside um to that route all right so com if you go to community college they're typically they're going to dictate to you to what what you learned so sometimes um you know like my son went through community college then he went to the boot camp here at cutter foundry they would some classes were in like yeah and it's not like you know it's like okay so like if you're gonna do something like concrete like that teach the thing that actually gets you a job and so you have to end up translating those kind of things because it's not always super cutting edge yep the backend language that i did in my course which i didn't do so i did a uh um interactive media degree that's what i that's what that's what my degree is in and the one elective that i chose uh was a back-end course it was php so a little bit more relevant but i guarantee they chose it not with a focus on it being job related just because the teacher knew php exactly that's why he was teaching it right and so sometimes when you're going through that two-year curriculum the instructors can change around and then the language that you learn will also vary and so you come out with okay you can say you have broad exposure but you don't really follow through a complete narrative and you're not building a portfolio you're definitely not building some types of projects a lot of times and so it's like you have a lot of disjointed learning experience and so that's the way i look at it so but it doesn't mean that you can't get an applied science and break into because people do and um it works okay the second route is um is the boot camp route that's what we do we're a boot camp we think boot camps are still the best way to do it um because typically you can pick the boot camp based on what you want to do you can go to a data science bootcamp you can go to a bootcamp like coder foundry you can go to a mern bootcamp out there i think there's a lot of javascript um boot camps out there that teach the merge stack and maybe there's some out there teach the mean stack like with angular or react so like there's you can really kind of dial in what you want to do typically boot camps should be and you should evaluate about what am i going to build at the end of the day do i have a portfolio when i walk out of there and most of them are a lot like coda foundry in that we teach project-based things and so i think boot camps and you have to go not all boot camps are created equal i'm not saying that every boot camp is great i mean you may have had a good or bad experience at where you're at um but um at coder foundry what we're gonna do is walk you through the process of building a portfolio and then building projects and that's our approach and so we think but boot camps are expensive when compared to the third option which is learned by on your own right you know so there but it's cheaper than definitely four-year college um so like um it's it's sort of in the middle in cost and so level of cost yep and as far as time to market it's the fastest three months typically um there's some other boot camps that have a longer time market maybe a 24 week time or you know a nine month time i'm typically not going full time or google day the reason we do three is because we're there every single day right yeah yep yep all right um i would also say there's no option sorry go ahead now let's say the final option was just learn on your own we can talk about that in a second right um i'm just going to say before we talk about learning your own is there's also a way that you could you could do this kind of using all of these methods too um which we talked about before and it's kind of it's the maybe it's the uh the hidden trick of taking and getting a two-year degree let's say it's that you do a little bit of self-learning on your own you go to community college you get a two-year degree you then know enough to get a job you take the job and then the company now pays you to get the four-year degree they often have tuition reimbursement um you're getting paid in the meantime so you could technically pay for it yourself but you're not going into debt over it um but often the companies will actually pay you to do that too so it's kind of like a hidden way of getting the four-year degree but also getting to market quick right so i think and finally there's the self the self-paced route which a lot of you may be watching this you may never come to cody foundry and so this is why we're making a self-paced course so that you can teach yourself and um you need to take a course and the same thing holds true in step one figure out what you want to build pick the stack and then pick your arrange your courses typically up until the point where our self-paced course comes out you had to go to udemy and kind of like assemble your own curriculum or you're going to free code camp trying to assemble your own curriculum and that's the hard part of it is trying to like stay focused staying focused and pick the right courses yeah it's it's what i would say a lot of people think that i can take one course from you to me and then get a job i don't think that's quite the case i think you need to think of it in terms of like all the things i need to know which i think if you're going after five of the full stack you need to know five things um this is why we give out the fluent five t-shirt when you graduate from cutter foundry is you need html css javascript you need to know server side language like c sharp and then a sql language you know sequel um either using sql or postgres or something like that i think those are the five things yeah and this is exactly true what paul's saying issue building on your own you have to find your own path and paul knows this very well he went down this path took him five years to figure this out um so listen to him when he's when he's talking about this um and dealing with the uncertainty they're learning the right thing and you'll find yourself chasing stuff especially over if it goes over a year two years you're gonna be like oh man that thing was hot last year now it's not maybe i've learned the wrong thing and i'm going to go learn this other thing and before you know it you've learned rust and dino and like yeah exactly you know and like you got to move on to something else so you got to be you got to be careful you just insulted a lot of the rust fans outside kevin you know so all three of them you have jobs i mean come on [Laughter] so one of the mistakes you can make is and it seems counterintuitive is you will ask another developer what should i be learning and typically these developers will tell you what they like but not necessarily what they they won't tell you what they're being paid to do and so like those are always two different things this is what i'm doing you know like i'm i'm like way into larval right now you know like you know like what's that it was a bunch of years there was a bunch of years that rust appeared like the number one like programming thing i'm like come on yeah look at the jobs man there's like three in the country like what are you doing three three people doing right i don't get it yeah three people didn't professionally but every developer was like working on it on the side because it was cool for some reason whatever right so like um so you need to focus in what's in demand and we think the best way to do that and i think this is our step three is um once you've learned the code um you've built your portfolio you built your project is work with the recruiter and um and so that recruiter is talking to companies and the company's saying hey i need a net guy or i need a php guy or i need a python guy um they're telling them what what they want and therefore they can tell you what's in demand in the marketplace yep so and they're easy to talk to they'll talk to you just find them on linkedin and that's that's technically our fifth step in the process we jumped a couple but i'll just skip it no but it's relevant to talk about at this point i think that's fine we're gonna talk about that in order um i think that's that's i think it's totally fine but that is kind of the fifth step in the process um but but it kind of like it is something you can it's like one of those it's like a floating point because you're gonna have to engage with the recruiter at some point so but step three is actually build the portfolio which good because you got to show them something right yeah that's true yeah so like um and i guess i kind of like meld these together because i talk about it so much but like during your learning process you should um you should definitely definitely definitely be building a portfolio with projects that you can demo that's what you want to do hey kevin we got a new member up there we should announce that right now we do i see that now i just saw that pop up so randy uh and i hope i pronounced your last name right bartels is bob bartels i hope that's great randy thank you so much we appreciate thank you for becoming a channel member um and thank you to our other ones who are up here too bk who i know ceo coming to the beginning and john and catherine and drew uh thank you for that yeah thank you for the over overlapping super chats from last time too i never thanked brian actually enough brian's here now i've seen him comment but he he super chatters that 20 bucks at the end of right at the end of one of our we'd already gone off and i saw it coming out there would have gone off i almost jumped back on just to thank you exactly i was jumping back on to thank him so uh you know thank you ryan now uh we appreciate it yeah brian quick spencer gobinoff and tech rally uh my friend alex from new york yeah i haven't seen him today i like to see it today he's probably busy working he got his gig at amazon so they're like driving him now to sell stuff or something i don't know what he's working on he's asking man he's working hard he's working hard so so um but anyway um so that's that's kind of what you do you you basically need to build a portfolio um that demonstrates skills and what we have to say in the book and a lot of things that we're talking about now is like the portfolio needs to be attractive people are visual buyers we go into that detail and then the projects need to solve a business problem so that it's easily recognizable when they see it and that's why we recommend building a bug tracker all over the place because we think the bug tracker is the perfect project that you can use to demonstrate skill but it has so much in it that anytime someone asks you an interview question you can typically relate that interview question to one of the features in the bug tracker so it's soft security solves a business problem it's immediately recognizable we talk about this in the terms of like when you meet someone for the first time and if they have like a sports um hat on that's your team like a cubs hat i see a cubs fan walking around i can talk to them about the cubs or the bulls or the raiders um you know as bk knows here one of our channeler's friend now he sends me stuff about the raiders and like you know we had five offensive linemen last year and all four of them are gone in free agency we have one guy left and it's like what are we doing i'm like i don't know bk i think i need to go talk to gruden i need to figure that out right but that gives you a bond when you have something that's in common so when you show a bug tracker immediately that interviewer kind of knows what it is and so there therefore they can look at it and judge it if it's good or bad you know what's the string about the uh bug tracker project now that video is up to i don't know what it's up to now 800 000 views something like that we're gonna get we're gonna get a million views on that video it'll be our first million view video i'm sure it's still doing very well you know you're now like bobby bug tracker davis right that's going to be your thing yeah what is this next book cover like right here is going to have that it's going to be like bobby dave bobby tracker davis junior oh thank you for uh super chatting is up 15 bucks thanks man that's awesome yes thank you so much i appreciate it so if you've got a question well um he doesn't he said what did you say no question i just want to say thanks for the live streams that's awesome no thank you appreciate it man thank you so much glad we're helping you out hopefully we do and uh yes we're good that'll give us tacos awesome okay um so yes that's portfolio we have a lot of videos about portfolio and things you should put on there um we're thinking this year we may come up with a new project too that sanifies the criteria we'll we're working on that at the minute too so that could be an extension to our self-paced course as well right but we're going to probably put out we'll do a youtube video for that too at some point so we're thinking that through um because it's kind of funny we had somebody at some point tell us like oh like you're the bug tracker guy like and it's like it's like oh the book tracker yeah i've heard of that bug tracker project it's become like this like everybody like oh these guys all show up to an interview with a bug tracker and we're sitting back like yes i like because we know it works i think um the one i think one of the most rewarding things that we have when we started the youtube channel is sometimes i will get in the mentions or i'll respond to people on youtube specifically what i really look for on youtube is i follow people that are learning to code and they've got problems or whatever issues and i'll respond back and and they they just like that's what they've that's where that came from that guy says oh you're that bug trucker guy i'm like yeah you need to build one like get after it you know like yeah we've we've communicated with some of the channels to be like oh you're the bug tracker channel like yeah i will claim it that's us look kevin says the book track is it's the new yelp camera i wish it was but like yeah we'll get there so we're going to make look fast we will get there dude i've looked at the yelp camp i think bug tracker is better than yelp camp because it solves a business problem that's that's our whole thing our whole trick to the method to our madness is when you show a buck tracker they're going to go wow that's cool because like they use one every single day very few people you have to explain to them what yelp camp is right you know a lot of people haven't been you know hiking or pitch a tent somewhere right right okay so portfolio stuff we've talked about that a lot if you want to see more portfolio stuff go to our channel um if you haven't watched a bunch of the photo stuff or the one coding project go to our channel look at our most popular videos you'll see that the most popular one there watch it it's worth watching we have a lot of other portfolio stuff on there on our channel too you can go check that out if you haven't checked it out before i'm sure most of you guys have yeah and if you want to ask a question just leave it in chat for kevin if you want to guarantee it just hit us on the super chat we'll um we'll try to answer your question live so i have cued up a bunch here or yeah i've queued up a bunch so we'll we'll get to that so yeah okay so the fourth one um a fourth tip within the book is learning to talk about your code and this is kind of we're going to have a hot video on this a hot take on this tomorrow we literally made the video about this tomorrow the reason the reason i'm bringing this up and i'm i'm back to that twitter spaces i remember i called you right away and i'm like yeah he's apparently what i've been saying for the last i guess week and a half now and um we're also training the current students in it and i remember talking to a current student right now in the on the in the boot camp so if you're watching i'm not going to out you you're doing the right thing but there um this guy named zachary came through our boot camp he's now working we're not even finished with the boot camp we end up next friday i think it was like week six you know he's already interviewing him um we had a guy reach out to me yesterday that said hey i demoed and like and he was telling me all about his stuff and he'd been looking for a while but this was the first time that he had demoed during the interview and then as soon as he demoed you know he's on to the next step or he nailed it or whatever and so like i don't know why this is seemingly like advice that's not common i don't understand it like when i was in that twitter space and they were talking about all of these things how to win a tech interview and i'm like just demo your project and i think what it is is like most people don't have custom-built projects i think that's the problem right and so we know this is natural because we've looked at it yeah we know this is true because we've looked at a lot of people's portfolios we'll look at other like became grad portfolios or people in just general they'll tweet stuff out they'd be like oh check out my photo and we'll look at them sometimes and we'll sometimes talk about it if somebody stands out we'll be like man you check that portfolio like that was a great app or like you check that out like they only had like one team project on it like they you know that person is never gonna get hired with that on there so we do look at a lot of these and you guys have sent us portfolios before and we've looked at a lot of different portfolios so we understand whereas fit in the ecosystem yeah and i think what it is is like we interview for tech jobs like we were interviewing for random customer service or random office worker job we we put them in that same category and what i want you to start thinking about if you're here learning the code you want to break in you need to interview like a graphic designer does or some kind of content creator would so if you know for example when christopher nolan pitches a movie to them typically he's walking in with either he's mocking him something he's shot into something yeah he's made something he has a pitch that he has to do now maybe christian nolan is so good and so famous that he can just show inception and like i'm just going to make another movie what is it about and they're like i don't care christopher make what you want trust me his first one he didn't do that his first one he had to show something he had to he had to show what he's do what he's going to do and so um my famous the the most famous one that i remember uh but i saw a lot of pitch movies and um they just escaped me it doesn't really matter anyway so you gotta have a pitch movie that you come in and they're showing like here's what it is i think deadpool got made because ryan reynolds released the pitch on youtube yeah i know you got leaked by somebody who wasn't ryan reynolds ryan has like it out he knew what he was doing he's just what guy exactly and so like um but you gotta understand these people go out and make things and as the bigger you get and the more famous you get these pitch movies they're making are probably more and more elaborate and they may spend a lot of money trying to make them or whatever um because they know that the payoff is big so you know the more complex projects you can make the bigger the job is that you're going to be able to interview for and so like you have to be able to talk about your code now tomorrow i'm going to show you tomorrow on youtube if you if you're a subscriber please subscribe tomorrow i'm actually going to do a mock interview tomorrow with one of our teaching staff here to show you like when i talk about talking about your code answering questions how you do it and if you can do this naturally you'll get a job man like everyone that does it they they win every single time so just to clarify this is an instructor our instructor antonio um yeah uh uh who's director of education at code of foundry he's he's um playing a person at a company hiring bobby who's coming for the interview so it's it's great i watch this thing back and i'm editing and i'm like wow this is great i'm like i have to afterwards i watch this thing i was like you're really good at this like people can definitely get stuff from this this is uh this is great content and i think it is so yeah we put a little uh we put some like little tooltips around it and we put like you know there'll be a little intro part to it and yeah it's gonna be a good video it comes out tomorrow so look out for it but i think talking about your code or demoing answers to technical questions is the secret that is the secret sauce and if you if you looked at all the successful people that get tech jobs they either do this naturally or they practice it and what i'm saying since it's so uncommon you need to practice this i promise you the ones the the people that was in that twitter space that are giving some advice that get jobs and they're saying it's you know this is what you got to do but they're not talking about demoing i guarantee you they do that naturally yeah they did it unrealistically yeah yeah they talk about code without doing a demo but they can they have the code memorized or that's like one of their innate skills where they take an abstract answer and relate to a concrete thing they built and they can do that from memory most of us can we need we need help you know like we need slides we need like notes we need things like that and i'm saying use your source code as your notes and then show the source code and then walk them through the source code and it's super powerful and you watch me do it tomorrow and i'll you know and this is the same thing we're instructing coder foundry grads to do which i think is the most powerful thing that we do in the boot camp is trying to get them to believe to do this so i was interviewing a mock interviewed a lot of students i was talking to one and he goes you're no joke bobby this actually works because you know zach got a job and that's the best proof you ever need i'm like dude like just demo the stuff you know what i mean what zach did it's great like listen to me man just demo demo demo yeah you know and and you can win definitely all right cool okay so that leads us down to our last step which is recruiter which we kind of talked about a little bit already and we'll just talk about this real quick and then we'll do some questions yeah exactly and our last one is what we're career creators recruiter yeah yeah so working with recruiters is and basically go to linkedin i'm just going to give you a name here um look up in the us and i know they're international too you can look up tech systems and uh there's probably a recruiter if you're in the u.s in your state in your city that's local look them up reach out to them on linkedin and get on their radar make sure that you have and we're not affiliated with tech systems and um but i think if you work with them and you can get in on a recruiter and build a rapport with recruiter you can get a job a lot faster because they're talking to companies that that you're not going to get into so many of you guys are out there blindly submitting resumes and applying for jobs and putting them into the vacuum of an hr scanner and you're not getting results and so we see so many people laying and i i applied for 600 jobs and i didn't get one call back this this sucks no one hires junior devs and what they don't understand is that the sales people at these recruiting companies are already talking to the hiring manager and they're circumventing that whole process so if you have a recruiter working for you they're going to walk your resume and send it over to that person the next thing that you can do is make sure on the top of your resume that portfolio is like in like 18 point font at the top see my portfolio here so they can look at your code and you want that hiring manager to look at it the other thing you can use your portfolio to is use your portfolio with the recruiter to get them to believe that they should work with you say look at my portfolio look at my projects and they'll say okay now i have an artifact that i can sell you into a company with let's go to market and then work with five recruiters if you can so look at the national companies and just keep going down the list there's also if you're in the u.s i guarantee there's regional or local recruiting companies that you can also work with um maybe in you know like in kronersville tech capital world there's several local ones that you can work with that can also have um jobs that you can't get to they might even be posted other than that you're going to indeed and you're trying to find jobs on a deed and you're trying to post your resume now if you do post blindly through a job board or whatever it's up to you to go research that company find the hiring manager linkedin link into them directly and call them if you're going to be your own recruiter that's fine but you've got to do the follow-up just don't just blindly post resumes out there you're just not going to win yeah your recruiter is going to be your advocate um they're going to be the one that [Music] is also incentivized for you to get a job too you're not it's not for you exactly they don't get paid unless you get paid that's that's how it works it's a common myth that people think you go oh man a recruiter i can't afford a recruiter i gotta pay somebody ten thousand dollars to do that no you don't you pay them anything if the recruiter asked you for any money run it's not a recruiter right it's just not yeah it's not a good thing it's it's always gonna be free okay um if you want to read all the stuff about it um you can purchase the book breaking the code yep i have a couple if not we just gave you most of the information in there other than we didn't show you the sweet spider-man drawing in there which is on page what again um personally look at it i can't show it for copyright reasons um but uh it's on 95. it's it's 95. it's good stuff it's good stuff it's right here okay so let's do uh let's let's do some questions oh by the way there is a link to the book down in the description below if you want to uh if you're interested in buying you get the amazon link down there um yeah i think you can get it just about everywhere i'm not sure now there may be some places you can't and i apologize if you can't okay so some questions um we have under 10 minutes so but i have a few here do these so okay andreek has a question says i talked on the phone with a recruiter for a net on an aerospace manufacturing plant oh that's cool interesting um i won't graduate college until december should i take this job if they offer or stay in school to graduate good question so i'm probably going to give you the advice that if you're i'm assuming that you're kind of younger and your parents may hate me for this but if you get an offer i would take it and i would finish that grad i would finish that degree online uh 100 i i would say exactly the same thing yeah why are you going to college to learn or get a job is to get a job that's what you do it's the same thing when i when people complain about people leaving high school to go to the nba like they're somehow selling out like yeah like where are you gonna get a job like that and lebron didn't even go to college he must suck i know it's like why why what you know that's the whole point though you know so like the whole point is to work as a developer at a manufacturing plant airspace manufacturing that's awesome man you know we have several here around us you know honda jets around here um and so like um i think that's amazing if you're local that's probably where you're interviewing that if you're not it's boeing or if you're up in the northwest but i would definitely take that job and then i would just finish my degree online exactly so it seems like you're under you have less than a year to do in your degree i would totally and and like my advice earlier was take the job then have the take the tuition reimbursement from the company because i guarantee you an aerospace manufacturing company has tuition reimbursement take that and get that to pay for your the rest of your degree and do it on the side online 100 and that's what i would do and then um we also recommend in their book is take the first job offer you get don't try to be super picky unless you have special skills and talents and you think you're worth more than everything else the first job that you get the first offer you get maybe the only offer you get we you can't predict the future all you can do is look at what you currently have in front of you so take that job get experience and your whole goal is breaking into software developers get one year experience and once you have that one year on your resume um getting new gigs or new opportunities is a lot easier than breaking it with no experience so take the job dude if you get it yep definitely okay um just to talk about this real quick we talked about this earlier but we'll talk about it again real quick and he wants to know is the possibility of getting the virtual course outside the us yes it will be global you can buy it from wherever um i believe it's global it's on it's on so whatever i'm guessing it's hooked up with stripe eventually but like payment yeah type of thing so whatever wherever you can play with stripe i know there's some limitations on that but it's pretty i'm gonna say it's almost all of the world yeah so uh you know i haven't really thought about that i just assumed it was but if it's not if if they're blocking us urls then yeah maybe if that's the case we'll we'll sort something out in that we'll sort something out let us know and we'll figure it out we can we can we can figure it out somehow uh but yes and as of when we're hoping april at this point we're yeah we're working on it hard right now we're a little bit behind our original uh goal yeah it's it's just like hundreds and hundreds of hours of video and so um and then um a lot of documentation and typing and there's just a lot of work it's gonna be it's gonna be cool it's a lot of stuff uh hey look ej just bought a copy of the book thank you ej we super appreciate it and i know a couple of other you guys have have bought it previously too and i thank everyone who's ever bought it no better drawing than that drawing a spiderman that's funny that's funny so thank you uh thank you ej and thank you to everybody who's ever bought the book we we super appreciate it appreciate it okay our next question not really a question this is just a comment here so esko says after studying business information systems got a role as an it consultant uh joined a coding boot camp uh learned python and js it just should have ideally chose c-sharp as the company currently use it we see that comment a lot yeah and so here's the thing esko um what i think that is the other hidden secret um the why people win and people i don't know why again this is uncommon advice kevin i don't really understand why it seems very logical to me is if you're interviewing at a place that does c sharp show them c sharp things right it's got a stronger line when i hear like the advice i get on the twitter space is like uh what should i learn and then they're saying it doesn't matter i'm like of course it matters it's like they're i mean it doesn't mean that you can't cross over into another language but as a junior and you want to give yourself the best chance and you know php interview for a php role but yeah if you're working at a company that's doing dot net c sharp that's good that's what you should be studying because you're going to be more valuable to that company you know unless they're going to break into data science with python so but um that's not bad you already have a job so yeah my advice in the book is once you get a job then expand later and if you're doing that that's great so definitely okay uh nick says hey bobby uh do you think that the future is in remote work or do you think after this pandemic it will business as usual work in office i wonder if my hometown in croatia does not offer many jobs in c sharp okay interesting um in the u.s i'm going to talk about the us i have no idea what's going on in croatia i mean like so far as like what are they doing and what are they coding in um in the u.s i think there's going to be a lot more remote opportunities but i've told this if you can get on with a company and you're a junior and you can work in the same room with other developers i think it helps your career starting out as you get more and more senior you need less and less interaction with other programmers so i don't think that um that's necessary i'm talking about you as developing as a programmer it's it's better to work in the office with other programmers um i think every company is going to vary what they're going to do i have no idea what's going to happen i think remote work will be way more accepted because we've been doing it for a year now and companies had to say okay this kind of works but yeah you know like my favorite company not my favorite company the game i play destiny they have a tech blog now which is very fascinating when they talk about the the the very deep dive into like what they do yeah but they talked about how cohen impacted their schedules and like to me that sounds like in some cases when you have to have a high degree of like it's like interactivity between employees it's probably better in person you know because sometimes you just need to yell at the cube hey what you're doing and it's harder to get on a zoom call or on a teams call um at a drop of a hat when you have you know 450 people pulling together to build the same thing exactly so i think it's going to be a mixture i mean i really do i mean i don't know but the thing is what i want to caution people especially as junior working from home isn't or should never be considered that's the nirvana of programming because it can get boring and very lonely and you can get depressed because you don't talk to humans right so um second getting up getting ready putting on your work clothes driving to work or walking to work or riding your bike to work that function alone um also helps the middle aspect of your life yeah so i think there's some benefits and i understand like yeah i can go there and get covered and die i get that too you know but like um hopefully um i guess fixed assumption exactly get less risky exactly we're at one o'clock i'm gonna do another one here um actually another couple other couple good ones so um as she says they are 18 years old been programming uh for two years currently learning react and wondering about their learning curve you please guide me how to be a master in react you you had a hot take off react the other day oh i did uh so reactive it's a um you know look at the punisher logo that's kind of cool but like um so if you're 18 to be a master in reaction it's going to take time um and so like i think um what you should be focusing on is building full stack web applications so react being your front-end framework that allows you to do bonding from the back end i think what you should be learning is react plus something like web api with c sharp on the back end that communicates to a database that's the thing that you need to know how to do now can you do it node absolutely you do it node that's called the merge stat and you go react node you can do that i just think that you're going to be more useful um now i'm not say useful in demand with web api and something like sql but either way i think what you need to do is build full stack and the full stack project so you've been doing this for two years you should be well on your way enough to where you can build your own project so go and build a bug tracker go build a stock tracking app go build a mortgage loan app do all of those things something that solves a business problem that implements security and it hits a database and that's what you need to be doing next if you've been doing this for two years and you're 18 that's kind of cool um so you should be able to break in pretty soon here let's do one last question the other end of the spectrum so so jess says 51 i'm not too old no you're not i'm 53 so like you know i'm still learning stuff so but i mean i get it i got you know 30 years of experience on it but like uh we've seen people from um as high as 59 go to my boot camp get a job walking out of here so it's it's really individually how do you feel at 51 are you are you willing to say okay for the next 10 or 15 years i'm gonna um i want to go on a learning journey and i'll constantly be learning new things you know or at 51 are you saying i wanna i've learned everything i need to know and i'm just gonna sit here and just trying to trade on what i want and you're not really interested or have the energy to like learn new things and that's i think that's the difference um i think um i've got a guy on my staff here that's above 60 that's just like brilliant constantly learning new things brilliant so like um so i think it just matters on you just know that being a programmer being a software developer is a constant learning journey and that there is an effort or a certain amount of energy that you have to expel to convince yourself okay i'm going to go down this learning path again you know so like so me i had to 5 last year and that was like i had to you know yes i have stuff walking but there's a lot of changes a lot of things and you just gotta um you've either you gotta like to do it or you don't and a lot of people do age out because they don't want to like go through that grind again right you know because you're right because it is a constant grind it's constant you do we talk about this a lot but you you become a forever learner because you have forever and if you don't like being a forever learner it may not be the right career choice for you okay and that's okay look kevin it's 105. why don't we do this why don't we let's go overtime here because i feel like i talk too much i want to ask see if there's any other good questions out there maybe i got i got a couple more hold on um let me see here big says i can confirm that the linkedin recruiter is the best way i applied to hundreds of jobs i did get a lot of interviews but the recruiter got me a next day interview and i got hired the next day so there you go literally just yeah hundreds of you don't understand that yes to go to one that's what you need to be doing that's it if you don't listen to me listen to the big goose the big goose went out there and did it there you go so that's it that's it um let's look here let's do i didn't queue up too many let me do one let's do let's do one more um i'll since oh austin just says um feeling actually been wondering i've had enough experience enough going to software dev i have one year three months of experience but i mentioned earlier you're only one year i feel pretty good you should you should feel pretty good that's what it comes down to yeah build a project show that project say you got a year and three months you're gonna get hired man i mean like that's that's enough you don't you're not interviewing for you know senior level jobs you're just interviewing for a job where you get a paycheck i mean that's the whole goal one year three months is great that's awesome right um i feel pretty good ben says do you have to learn every rendition of net i don't think so i think um we're just five right now um and then next going forward you will right because it's been it's been a little bit different in the past like you never you you've never looked back and retroactively learned something but you've certainly learned everything new as it's come out yeah right yeah i guess moving together a lot of being right there's a lot of what we call dotnet framework four five projects out there um that are trying to move over to the new dot net five so hopefully microsoft in their annual releases will um they're trying to get rid of that kind of legacy stuff i mean but i was in on a project bin that was like asp legacy man like asb classic asp that was just like painful painful it's when you get something like that and you look back and then you realize like how far it's come and like you're thankful for all this extra stuff that you didn't realize was so good that's that's the same with anything because the same with video editing stuff you find you get this whole project in something you look at old software and you're like man how did i do without like content aware phil and like like it you know yeah exactly so i would say ben the cool thing about it is once you're a developer and you get on a project and it's in f45 and you've been five or six or seven or something like that and you go back and do some old stuff they're gonna pay you to learn it and that's that's the cool part that you sit there and just figure out what it is that they want to do and what they're doing and they pay you to learn that new thing but you don't have to know everything so that's it um okay so we'll be back on um tuesday with another live other video coming out tomorrow with the mock interview um i think it's going to be a good one we recorded the sort of the the extra bits for that so i'm going to work on anything this afternoon that's going to be out tomorrow um so please go paul that's not what what he missed my hot take yesterday or tuesday i wanted to know what no he didn't he was there um what did he say i missed my take what you did i just want to redo it because i think it's a good a good hot take and i think people are interested in i'm going to solo you there you go how about it that's solo so paul my take yesterday was i want you to think about this if facebook is putting um 20 of the workforce some 10 000 people over to ar and vr do you believe that um react is their primary thing and when you compare their primary thing which is obviously ar and vr and then social media it's not react what do you think the longevity of react is going to be now the other part of this other half of this uptake is when you go over and look at microsoft what is microsoft's primary thing they're building tooling c-sharp azure they're more of a developer focused company they i'm sure they had a meeting when react and angular came out and they had a meeting and they said you know this react thing is kind of cool this annual thing is kind of cool what should we do and i'm sure they batted around should we make a javascript front-end framework i mean is that what we should do what do they do nah they built blazer and so like when they build blazer that's their response to react could they have built a react angular type clone on microsoft 100 they could have did that they decided not to they just included them as templates inside a visual studio so they can use them because they said oh that's a nice front-end framework but we believe the future is blazer and that's where it's going to go and then that was my high take on it and so i think react is well it's very cool ultimately it's a front-end binding framework it's not an ecosystem anyway that's my high-tech kevin look hold on look he says i remember now he's in denial that's funny i'm not saying uh and you will find i'm not saying react's going out of their facebook is killing react don't that's not what i'm saying at all i'm just saying that when you're basing your career on something just just look around and see kind of like okay microsoft's kind of maybe that's where i should be looking at maybe i should like take one of my eyes and look over there and see what they're doing because that's that's kind of where it's going to go that's it no i aft after we talked about that on tuesday i was like wow i love that take on the on on that it's like it because it makes sense i think that's that's because it makes sense it's it's logical like you just think it's i mean we could have like purchased the view source code and just called view you know ms view and just right i mean they have billions and billions of dollars yep they did none of those things and that's what's that's what should like i wonder why because when they set out to improve javascript they made typescript they're like okay yeah javascript sucks we need to make it better yeah we'll make typescript yep oh i didn't even know this did you know this process there was a react vr i think they might have given up on it i didn't even know that was a thing that's interesting because no you do everything in javascript man hold on you can upset people saying that you can't i mean like well no there's some things you can do but the question is should you do it like in other words should you go through the pain and the effort of trying to make javascript be something that it's not you know like and that's right that's where other languages are better suited for doing things so c plus if you're riding a game engine obviously that's where you need to be if you're writing a high level game engine and unity has that built in c sharp's a better language for that same with that vr platform that's going to be unity man i mean like it's that's that's what's all those vr glasses are gonna run on for right now and there'll be some other players that'll come out they have a um so i know they have a uh what is it called um oculus has a new thing that actually got a beta invite too i didn't even ask for it but they have a new kind of space thing where it's like a virtual like you show up as a virtual person in a space it's a vr like community space and that has developer tools i'm actually going to look at that because there has developer tools where you can build stuff in it i don't know what language they're learning um i'll look at that for next time i'll i'll bring that back okay next time we'll check it out yeah all right well it's time to eat tacos kevin appreciate it um stopping by and uh we'll look out for the video tomorrow and we'll see you guys tuesday good luck and just keep coding guys see you later see you guys later
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 3,242
Rating: 4.9756098 out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, software developer career, c sharp, learn c#, microsoft, javascript, react, facebook, web development, web dev, azure
Id: BfH2epW9GaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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