How to Make Money as a Developer

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confirmed but stormtroopers off they only use JavaScript because it's not type safe and they're always missing so you want to make money as a software developer but you haven't learned how to code just yet we think there's three ways that you can learn how to code you can go to a boot camp like code or foundry or you can take an online course I'll get you Dimity or you can go to traditional college or university we think boot camps are the best way because you get a teacher a coach or a mentor but however you've learned a code we're gonna sin for the rest of the video that you've already gone through that process but if you would like to learn how to code at Kota foundry go to Kota frantic comm slash job roadmap today we're going to talk about how to make money as a software developer and we're gonna cover three ways that you can do this the first thing that we're gonna talk about today is how to get that first traditional Suffern job we're gonna go over the mechanics for doing that after you've learned how to code we're also going to talk about freelancing and how can you get more freelance clients and where can you find work there and the third one that's most interesting to me I think is how do I start that company or even more than that how do I come up with an idea for an application that can make me money and we're gonna go through all three of those so stick around and let's talk about getting that first traditional software job like your mom said get a job unemployed out of work at your job now you may think that's completely obvious I don't think so I think that a lot of people don't realize that getting a job is for them and so therefore they don't even try they don't know how to get there I want to tell you today how we can get there now we talk a lot about this on our channel but as we approach a new year maybe for the first time you can embody that and say how do I get that first software job so I'm gonna assume that you're on how to code so the first step number one that I think everyone needs to do is figure out like what type of job am i going after now we still believe in 2020 that full stack web development is the job to go after because there's so much demand for that but if you want to go after a full stack web dev or you want to go after desktop development data science or mobile that's going to change your step two but first thing you got to do is decide what type of job I'm going to do and hopefully that you're learning that you've done you learn how to code has also been focused around the type of job you're pursuing so if you're looking for that first supper job I think you should go after full stack web dev but if you want to go after a mobile or data science or whatever let's do that now the second thing that you need to do is build a portfolio as you're breaking in you must have an artifact to show a potential employer or recruiter that is mission-critical because you've got to prove that you have the knowledge and the skills to complete the job now as you go further wrong in your career have you got five to ten years experience your CV or your resume may show that more readily but even then I feel like if you have always have your portfolio it gives you something to talk about an interview and it also showcases your skills and also keeps you sharp so inside that project that you're going to build whether that be a web development project a mobile project a data science project whatever it is I think that the techniques and the skills and the language and everything that you built that project in that's on your portfolio you should take that and interview for those types of roles for example if you're looking at full stack web dev roles c-sharp build your project in that and then go and look at an interview for c-sharp roles if you built a 10 PHP or using Python and data science the area you for roles that are using that stack so the stack you built your portfolio in needs to align with the stack that you're interviewing for to give you the best possible chance so get a job now a lot of people ask us what about contracts I think contracting is job so it doesn't have the same things like maybe not 401ks or health insurance or things like that but it is a paycheck and it can be quite lucrative if you know what you're doing so contracts are great to break in with as well as full-time roles now a lot of people ask us as my first-time job can I work remote and here's what I want to caution you on I think that if it's possible for you for example if you're in the u.s. I think you should get a full-time role that's in person in the office because not only will you be able to learn from other people you can build some critical skills like interpersonal relationships and learning how to communicate well with others and play nicely with others those types of like very kind of soft skills will serve you well as you go forward in your career if all you've done is worked remote you sometimes can become isolated and you're not as sometimes we can be turning to grumpy coder guy we don't want that happen to you we want you to be this kind of well-versed well well adapted individual that can work well with others because as you move up the chain maybe into management those skills will serve you well so get that first software job by building a portfolio and then look into working with a recruiter so once you have this portfolio take that to a recruiter allow the recruiter to do the legwork in finding you a job now you can submit directly for jobs like through but sometimes resume scanners can keep you out of the loop there because you don't have any kind of work history for there and so allow that recruiter to see your portfolio and then sell you into the organization and then finally when you get to the interview make sure that you demo your your portfolio your projects and talk about them at a detailed technical level so you can win the first software job so a full time job is not for you I totally get it and you want maybe more flexibility in your day you don't want to work 8:00 to 5:00 or you simply want to leave your current employer so you can like set your own schedule or maybe even make more money freelancing can be very lucrative but it also can be very sparse if you don't have a lot of customers customers know dr. Venkman but the question is how do I get my first customer how do I get these jobs so that can create a very lucrative freelancing career and sometimes your friend ice cream career can turn into a full black full-blown consulting company like I have started so how do I get that first customers well today there's a lot of websites that have sprung up that allow you to bid on open projects and these can be Fiverr freelancer comm or upwork and there's some others as well now I'm not recommending any of these sites per se I and your experience and your violin mileage may vary with each one of these sites but this is a way for you to attract customers and to bid on projects now let's talk about the unknown fact about freelancing the thing when you become a freelancer is it's more than just your raw coding ability or your skills you do have to become a salesperson because you're selling you through these potential customers and even if you're just bidding on something on that pitch right there must be well written it must be well received and motivate the customer to look at your your bid or your picture like that and then hire you now how else could you attract customers well you need to go back to that portfolio in step one you need to have one of those I think you need a professional domain name that that portfolio is attached to and that's just my personal belief that you can also hang your email address as well monster coder @ isn't a professional email address but on your first name last name is and that can still be on Gmail but if you had a domain that gives you extra points I think your LinkedIn profile needs to be legit professional and well-maintained so that when you do get a pitch and they go look you up they can say okay this is a real person and they're a serious individual it's not a scam or it's not a fake or anything like that so I think you need to maintain your portfolio your LinkedIn presence and create a professional business cards and things like that that you can hand out to people so there's a lot of sales involved but as you start out hey there's a lot of websites that make it a lot easier than it used to be but to truly make freelancing into a lucrative gig you're gonna have to find some people locally and nationally in your area to see if you can find work so when you learn to code we always have these romantic notions where I want to build the next Twitter the next Facebook be the next tech billionaire or maybe I want to change the world with my software application or idea and so there's these kind of tech giants that we look to that we aspire to most like I would like to be that person or that guy or on that company or built that the question is how does that happen how can we do that and we'll give you one tip today we're gonna go through the genesis of ideas so you need to be mindful of your surroundings now what I mean by that is if you don't have an idea for an app but you know how to code look around for ideas in your everyday life as you walk around carry a notebook and start paying attention to everything you come across and you're looking for two main things the first thing that you can look for in your everyday walk of life as you're looking around is look for something that's very manual that could be automated for example and our office here we had someone deliver a pallet of stuff to us the bill of lading came to us on paper it was handwritten in three part carbon paper now if you're in the u.s. you're like really someone gave you the yellow pink and white copies yes and I know it's 20 almost 20 20 and so that tells you that there's a lot of industries that have not yet automated so not everything has been written and not every service has been invented or widely adopted yet so look for something that could be that is manual that could be automated the second thing you can do is look for pain now what I describe for pain is not someone that stubbed their toe but for a service on industry that's not well used or has a lot of problems for example when you look at uber and how uber was invented these guys were waiting for a cab and they had a hard time hell on a cab in Paris they invented uber right after that because they thought man it'd be really cool if I could get them an app and tell the cab to come to me and they got their own drivers and the rest is history and you have who burned you have lift the same thing holds true for Facebook or Twitter they all have these similar stories where there was a pain or a thing they wanted to solve and they solved that with technology so look for pain now let's say that you went through your you every day and you've wrote through wrote down a lot of ideas and you saw a manual processor you figured out you saw something where you could solve the pain or whatever the second thing you do is ask yourself this question I've identified a problem is it worth solving and sometimes the manual process is perfectly acceptable and sometimes the pain isn't really that big and people wouldn't take onto the service so the problem isn't worth solving so how do you figure out if it's worth solving look at the number of people or companies or potential customers for this particular service and count that up if there's a lot of those it's probably worth solving if the pain you found is only your brothers it's probably not worth solving so like you have to find a problem that is broad enough adoption where it has a lot of potential customers the third thing that you have to do is now that you've done this you can figure out like how do I find these customers so this is goes into customer acquisition so you've identified a problem you've figured out the problem is pretty big and so now you need to figure out answer two questions who is the customer who would buy this and how do I find them do I have to call them on the phone can I email them can I build a website can I run a marketing campaign you have to do all of the above now what you want to do is get to your first 10 to 100 customers to launch this to prove this out and the fourth thing you want to do is like how do i monetize this how would they pay for this and so that can be a subscription it can be a one-time purchase and then fifth and finally want you to identify these things you said I found a problem it's pretty big I think I know who would buy it and how to find them and I think I know what I'm gonna cost is go look at the competition is there another company out there that has already solved this problem and if they have that doesn't mean you shouldn't built it that means that the market has actually been validated so now you can go look at that company and see kind of the hurdles they've already overcome the problems they faced and solved so that your launch can be that much Luther to sum up what we talked about today you can get a traditional just software-development job now we think that's the best route for you today especially if you're early on in your career but you also can become a freelancer maybe start your own consulting company and the third and the most exciting thing is maybe you can build a new app or service and launch that into the marketplace if you're enjoying our content do three things for us give us a like subscribe and hit the little bell to get notifications so I hope this helps you out leave some comments and just we'd love to interact with you there but good luck and keep going [Music] [Music]
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 16,510
Rating: 4.9423771 out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, web development, how to make money as a programmer, make money programming, how to make money, software development, make money programming online, how to make money programming, make money online, web development 2020, how to make money as a programmer from home, how to make money as a freelance programmer, ways to make money coding
Id: KXu_NSgaTdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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