Why C# is Taking Over The World.

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what i wanted to talk about is like not only is it going to take over the world it's it's in the process i think of doing it and i think the first and foremost reason that i believe this is what they've done on net so when i talk about c sharp what i'm really talking about is dot net and net being the ecosystem around um the language c sharp and use c sharp to utilize the.net framework and the dotnet framework is a collection of libraries and and functionality that you can use in your app the biggest thing that they've done is now all of that's going to be unified under one umbrella which means there was one.net before what we called net5 it was kind of fragment we had a.net core we had a.net standard we had you know.net four five we had a lot of things and now uh microsoft has unified this under one umbrella called.net and that means that we can build all of these things on this um with one framework which is web obviously we'll talk about that desktop definitely mobile for sure and then you have things like smaller players like machine learning and up in azure and you also have iot um embedded you have a lot of things that you can build as well on top of a.net and that's the number one reason why we're doing it the second reason that i think you're doing it is because of microsoft in general so like when you look at microsoft the amount of money they are putting into net is it's it's kind of mind-boggling staggering and this is the tooling the language the frameworks making sure that it runs across the board in a cross-platform and it's also open source which means that net runs natively right now it runs in containers and so which means that you can take a website and push it to a linux host you can push it to you know an iss host or a windows-based host you can push it azure and push it aws you push it to roku you can push it wherever you want and that is one of the big myths around it being only for windows development that a lot of people didn't like and rightfully so i mean when you when you're if you go back five years ago or seven years ago um if you wanted to push your asp.net out you had to kind of push it to iss so that's more expensive than a linux host so that's my you get a lot of people sleeping on this stuff you really do because they're like oh man this is just like well firstly like i think the average the average person out there the average consumer believes microsoft as a brand is windows right like oh they make computers don't they they do this operating system thing i guarantee you start looking at microsoft financials windows is like this tiny little sliver a little bit um it's part of it it is strong but compared to their developer platform and the cloud it's it's like they could just do away with it like it's not it's not their core driver i don't think at the moment yeah but more than that though it's like how with the amount of money they have what do they choose to do with it right and so when you look at what they're doing is of and you take all the fang stocks you can take google you can take facebook you can take obviously netflix not development company but like let's say apple and microsoft and put those all in the same bucket who is most forward thinking in the terms of the development arena who's spending their capital their money their time and their expertise into building out um the development arena stuffs yes surely apple has tools that have a language to support their stuff right that's it if you want to write on ios you can do that you can absolutely you can take swift and you can build on ios that's it that's that's the that's the the scope of their vision now maybe that vision will change in one day and apple will say well we want to write things that run on linux i don't think that's ever going to change in apple's i don't know if anything they're going to get more they're going to pull more stuff in with their with their new chip technology they're going to put more stuff in they have people yeah we were talking about this other day you ever see apple taking their m1 chip which is gonna like it's dwarfing everything else as far as the speed compatibility are they ever gonna oem that and let you put that in a dell box a hundred percent i don't see that ever happening i would i would no they're not the only way that these other competitors are going to catch up amd and intel are they're going to copy the architecture type they're going to start putting everything on that one chip this is what we're talking about they're going to start putting apple wood revolutionary putting the ram and the graphics and everything on that single chip and intel and amd are going to do exactly the same it's a matter of time before we see that clearly it works if i can do it and so with with microsoft when you start looking at what microsoft's doing they're doing the same thing except they're they're trying to innovate across the platform why because they want you to sign up and use azure to host whatever app you're building that's what this is about and so like therefore if if you're into my tools and you're into my language and using my framework and i make azure the best for those tooling your framework and whatever you're more than likely to pick azure having said that they're very smart they're also allowing to make sure that this stuff runs on aws or heroku with techniques like containerization and c sharp being a first class citizen on all those platforms well maybe heroku not so much but definitely on azure and aws you can write your functions in c sharp um and so like they are pushing this into all of the big platforms and that's the second reason they're doing is the the innovation that they're doing um that the amount of time and effort they're spending on this as opposed to other companies so let's look at some other companies kevin i sent you an article yeah hold on one thing one thing first um yeah it's something to address jc says azure is freaking expensive azure and aws are both freaking expensive but there's a reason why they're expensive it's not for the individual jc it's for the company to build something on it so like um but they're bouncing that with freaking expensive versus freaking awesome and scalable and redundant exactly i mean like i mean if you're a company if you're a software as a service company like this is your thing expensive is like immaterial at that point because it's not right it's like to a brand that's making a millions of dollars on this thing it's not expensive it feels expensive to a consumer because it's not targeted to a consumer it's not it's targeted to um enterprise and and so let's talk about this if microsoft is targeting enterprise where are most of the jobs at in the enterprise like when you start looking at the breakdown of jobs companies that can afford to put things on azure also can afford to have their own development staff and when they have their own development set to hire coders and then when you walk into that company the code the guy says all our stuff's on azure we're using c-sharp to build our web apis out guess what you're doing you're coding in c sharp at that point and you can love react and you can love these other things and but it's like where you work always dictates the platform that which you're using right now you may be the the dev manager and in charge of that too yeah it's super stable yeah yep and that's again what you're paying for that's right that's it that's it um and there you go shooby says it's expensive and worth it to people uh and people do pay for amazing services that goes for anything right it's like any service that's yeah i promise you right now aws and azure if you start looking at the the per price or the per computing unit um azure and amazon have the exact same pricing they are identical they just they put it in different logical units once per hour once per minute and it's kind of funny when you start doing the math they're like oh these things cost exactly the same yes trust me when they're going after the same corporate customer they're not going to lose to amazon on price and amazon's not going to lose to azure on price they're going gonna be they're almost colluded it's it's it's kind of ironic maybe somebody will accuse them of that at some point and there'll be some weird class action um yeah knows now aws is a larger cloud platform right now but when you look at the amount of growth i think it was 50 or 60 percent quarter over quarter growth for azure it tells you that companies are moving from one to the other or they're getting brand new new customers as well but people are leaving one over the other and eventually they're both behemoths and they're both going to be large but um yep um i think it's going to take i think the dominant cloud platform for sure but it's going to be both of them are going to be there for a while there needs to be competition for sure right there needs to be at least two in the market yeah yeah if you think about it it is really good on azure from from the enterprise perspective and if you think about it they built their cloud and yeah they're number two but they also built google out they beat google out google tried to do this right they've built stealth force out they tried to build theirs i mean they've they've beat them all and they're gaining on amazon so i think that's why when i say this is if that's going to be the the dominant cloud platform then the first class citizen of that is c sharp that's what that's their goal is to make everything um you can do everything you want on azure with c-sharp and that's their goal right which means you're going to do that let's talk about this question then you feel it's important to learn azure fundamentals breaking in i don't know about breaking in today but it's definitely something you should know how to push things up to here's the cool part eric is they're making the fundamental of it stupidly easy to do like it's built into visual studio far as like pushing your crap to azure now it may not be optimized it may not be the best way that you would do it but you absolutely it's built into the tooling and that's the other thing my third point is the tooling so like when you talk about building applications whether it be web desktop or whatever you got to build it with something and by way by far and away vs code and visual studio are the best tooling out there now it can be debated but when you ask people people absolutely love vs code and they really really like visual studio and those tooling is what makes it simpler and easier to do so when you see net 5 and now soon to be in less than a year this november.net 6 comes out a lot of those improvements are in the tooling themselves to make you more productive as a developer to make you easier to build things and so all of that stuff is comes down the pipe so they own the tooling and they own the language they own the framework and they're going to own the dominant cloud platform you see where i'm going with this guys yeah yeah and then they have the enterprise sales group that's trying to sell the companies on azure and guess what they're saying and it's easy to do people you can use c sharp and build stuff out it's very easy to do so here's another t-shirt microsoft needs to make pusher crap to azure [Laughter] i like it oh that's funny yeah that's that's very funny um okay so let's talk about oh actually before we before we jump over to talk about another company um i can't talk about another company before we do that though let's talk about you asked people what what else is going to take over instead okay yeah let's get through and see what they're doing so let's go through some of the some of the suggestions here so first one or whatever i'm guessing this is a troll you know we're all always with the dino we love we love the dino yeah um v-hulk says amazon with a with a rolling as we kind of talked about that a little bit yeah um okay first person to say javascript was kaylee okay so javascript is interesting and what i would say about javascript kaylee is right now it is one of the way what is the language of the web in other words like if you build a website you have to use javascript today okay and i want to save what i'm going to say about javascript in a second with with our advancement into facebook but in general i want you to think about well i'll say that javascript is the language of today but when you talk about the enterprise stuff the things to make it run on the back end because every website can't be fronted only every website pretty much when you get into enterprise is a full stack website which means code runs on the server in order to have any kind of security you have to have a server-side's code now you can do that with node.js and you can you can do it that way but when you start really looking at what people are doing um they're building that with rest apis and the one of the best platforms out there is web api from with c-sharp it allows you to have security built in it allows you to host it anywhere or run anywhere it runs in a container which means you can run a heroku it can run in aws and it also runs obviously on azure you can run them locally in the tooling and so that you can test these locally so the tooling and the whole round trip experience allows you to build rest apis that can be consumed by a javascript front end all right so so let's say that um javascript's gonna take over and we do it on the front end i'm still telling you right now that that back end is gonna be mostly powered by c sharp because of of where microsoft's doing okay so have you said that sorry go on yeah because python is simpler and people are simple that could be true i mean but i i don't know that people are always looking for simpler no people yeah you might be looking for a simple way to learn um programming and it might be a good way to learn but it's not necessarily the best way to build a complex large-scale web application right even though you then you're also um i wouldn't say that python's necessarily simpler yeah that depends i think it's like once you learn how to do it once you learn how to do a web api or learn how to build a something nvc it's pretty simple there is a learning curve but once you get there it's you know right uh so footage is java language javascript yeah i mean those are two different things i guess he's putting his bet on both yeah so i don't think java if you had to look at it and you had to take a bet and you had to pick one or the other c sharp and java are very similar javascript's a whole different that's the front end piece um c sharp by far and away has been more inventive over the last five years than java hats so like you're going to see a lot of migration from that to c sharp and then a lot of the java usage has been built in and around android development rightfully so but google has sin moved on to other they're going to do it in other ways and so that could put it in overall java usage as well because it doesn't necessarily run on android phones when they talk about billions of devices java runs on a billion devices set tops and it's phones and that's that's kind of where it runs and so if that falls out of favor in lieu of something else which seemingly what google wants to do then you could see its usage drop not next week should you quit your java job today no keep getting paid you'll probably get paid for the next five years but if you want to be forward thinking and looking at the future start learning c sharp because i think it's gonna um it will definitely supplant it in usage java may never ever die yes you've got the right choice eventually so paul was a stack switcher those of you that haven't heard the story here before right so let's talk about like when people talk about javascript kevin what are they actually talking about usually i think people in general are talking about either two things they even talk about angular or they're talking about react and let's just take react so like when you guys talk to me and you're saying um javascript of the world a lot of people really are talking about um react as development and it's true you can build you can you can build mobile apps with react native and you also can build on websites with react but let's be clear what react is it's a framework net is an ecosystem on the scale and scope of what you can do with react is dwarfed by what you can do with um net and c sharp and they're just they're in two different classes of things here because i'm really talking about.net.net allows us to build anything we can build mobile we can build desktop we can build you know iot we can build websites obviously um there's a lot of things that we can build that you can't do with just um react or javascript and so that's why the the frameworks can come and go and it's funny that our first uh example kevin you showed me was dino right which is the you know the react killer and so like um let's let's show you the article i'll put you in a facebook and i just want people to understand it doesn't mean you shouldn't learn react at this point it just tells you what facebook is thinking so if you didn't know this facebook's developed by react a fifth of the facebook employees 10 000 are now working on ar vr which is their oculus line your oculus line and the quest or whatever that thing is called yep 10 000 people meanwhile microsoft is pushing all of their development talents and expertise into building.net and dot net is on now on this annual release schedule so you have net six coming out in in 12 in less than 12 months november of this year you had net five last year and it's going to come out on an annual basis every year with improvements in speed stability tooling where you can run it how it runs and that's what microsoft thinks about each and every day and how that interacts with the cloud whereas facebook clearly is putting most of their eggs into the social media company and into um the hardware development of ar and nvidia art which is a good bet it's a good bet that just means that react isn't the biggest thing on their mind read the quote from zuckerberg in that article oh let me see him put it back up again it's at the last line of it so today most of what facebook does is we're building on top of other people's platforms i think it really makes sense for us to invest deeply to help shape what i think is going to be the next major computing platform this combination of augmented and virtual reality to make sure that it develops in this way that is fundamentally about people being present with each other and coming together right that's they're not concerned with like the next generation of web development i promise you that's not what that's not what keeps mark zuckerberg at light mark zuckerberg wants to make the next computing device the next mobile phone he he's looking at what apple did when they released the first mobile phone he wants to be there doing that he wants to walk out on stage and go now everyone's going to wear this on their face yeah that's what he wants to do with the black turtleneck and everything um that he wants to build a brand new ecosystem around it and he just might achieve that but guess what we're going to write code on that platform probably with c sharp well look here you go look at what uh look at what paul said he started making simple things for my quest with unity in c-sharp oh there you go that's it yeah and that's what i'm talking about and you've been strong on this for like a couple years now couple years back you started delving into this when you you bought a hololens when it first came out yeah knowing this was gonna be a thing and looking at it yeah so i think unity and c sharp being and unity being one of the premier um gaming um platforms out there where you can build games it's it's really powerful and then so you're gonna use c sharp to do that so if arm vr takes over like i think it might we're going to go from web programmers to game programmers and game programmers going to be using things like unity and c-sharp or maybe unreal engine or something else as well but in general these ar vr headsets pretty much have settled in and around deploying to these headsets using unity and that's super powerful and the the language behind that is c sharp right so here's the other thing i want people to think about so finally the other thing that's really big in in dot net six is something called net maui which is multiple application ui which means that you'll be able to write code and push it to a desktop you can push it to a mobile device or you can push it to web this will cause us to rename things like xamarin.net bowie and it's going to consume the blazertech and the xamarin cross-platform formstack all of that is being pushed into.net 6. we'll see the previews are just coming out will they hit the deadlines this november um they hit it for asp.net.5 so i have no doubt that they will get there which means that we can now turn around and write code that can run anywhere in a cross-platform native way and that's kind of cool which means i can run a desktop app that will run on mac os and windows i don't believe linux is a target and i don't know if it ever will be but it is open source which means that someone else can port that to links if they want to and that's cool definitely okay somebody's asking let's talk about this real quick yeah he's asking are we talking about other other languages someone's asking about php what do you think php yes so like what about php so like php is used a lot in in and around wordpress development is the primary usage of php and that's the thing is if you're going to be building wordpress sites plugins in and around wordpress marketing companies it's used for a different thing it doesn't mean you can't carve a career out with it i would never fault anyone saying i'm not going to call you a less than a programmer because you rock out php i don't use php i don't know much about wordpress i mean i could learn it if i wanted to but that's not where i want to live um so but it's not going to be the dominant platform it's it's used in a certain segment of of what we do and we're c-sharp we're building websites with c-sharp we're already doing that here's the thing that i think is that people don't think about let's think about react for a second kevin react is a framework angular is a framework and microsoft being like this centric company that decided to build certain things they decided that javascript wasn't really good enough because it wasn't type safe i mean we all know the problems when you're writing javascript so they come out with something called typescript they revolutionize javascript development by by pushing out typescript so much so now that react is rewritten with typescript that's how it's being used so if microsoft thought that angular and react was going to rule the world they would have built a react competitor right they would have built javascript front end framework but what did they do no they they put templates inside of visual studio that allows you to use the react binding framework just the front end it's just a ui layer in fact people don't know this when you get the ui layer you also have to include other libraries to get things like routing and then you gotta include node.js if you want anything to run on the server so there's a lot of things that you gotta kind of cobble together to get react to really be a whole full stack thing they said well we're just going to use react on that front end we like it it's a nice binding framework we want you to couple that with web api so that you can build this kind of like javascripty frame framework but having said all of that kevin they could have built a binding framework if they wanted to they have to start up it and raise their pages they could have absolutely did that what did they do though they built blazer right that's what they did because when you start looking through like the things that they're trying to do they're like oh that angular thing that's been done like so we think the next iteration of that the next logical leap is webassembly and so like let's put our money time and effort there and they've spent lots of time and resources devoted to building that platform out because they think that is really the future of mod when they call it modern web development which is they're putting angular and react in that class and then blazer does the same thing it does the same thing a different way there's a different bonding framework there's a different way of doing in achieving the same thing but it does the same thing only thing microsoft have to do is build um all they have to do is build a bonding framework yeah it's nine years old it's not like they made it last week and that's the thing too but you'll find that it's a hot topic right now even though it is nine years old and it seems right it is about it they play a long game it's about patience it's about seeing where the market's going um and that's and it's also really if you think about it it's about improving the lives and the productivity of developers they don't put things out just to do it they're trying to make this thing better because guess what they also write code they're also trying to write code to make things and do things inside of microsoft and like man javascript sucks we all know that let's make that better like we're microsoft can we make that better and i'm sure that's that was can we can we do something about this we're you know we're microsoft and that's they probably have meetings and that's how typescript was born um they all thought about the things that they wanted to push and and no you can i'm sure we'll get a thousand um examples of like well these this thing sucked by microsoft bill gates did this wrong it's not like they're a perfect company okay i get it i use chrome every day they've kind of lost the browser war right that's that's that's ship sales no changing the name not gonna make it yeah exactly it's still it's still internet explorer with a little like uh what is it like little wolf's a little sheep's mask on isn't it still yeah it's still the it's still the wolf it's still at the explorer but they can't make a phone we get that it's okay you know they're not gonna win on the they've tried a couple of times to make a phone they still got the with the surface duo i mean i don't know if that thing ever will get into a store but yeah did it even come out you know i don't know if they announced it didn't come out so like um yeah but uh you know so but that's not my point my point is about the language and the toolings the of which we build things of which us coders and that's where we all are coders whether you're a you're a junior a mid or a senior you make your living writing code and it's definitely more beneficial to you to use the thing that's most in demand because guess what when you're more in demand you make more money you have more options or you can just decide i'm just going to be a linux administrator and go off to that corner of the world and like i only do things in in the script or at the console level and you can make a living doing that but it's way better if you're a dot net full stack asp.net developer that can be a web apis and things like that you'll you'll work on more interesting things you work on bigger things and you'll have more career options you know and so what i caution people on yeah we use chromium and edge now but even then it's just not really and actually man here's a new a new thing that you may not know who is the biggest contributor to the open source chromium project microsoft they're actually making chromium better so that edge they have an interest in it don't they sound better they've just given up and they said fine we're just going to contribute to this and so that is the um and i'm not saying that they're the perfect company i don't work for them but like that's the good uh the good side of microsoft where they contribute to these open source things and try to help the community along you know because why they want edge and chrome to both be good so that when you build a website with asp.net it actually works right right they have a definite interest in it so yeah they have a vested interest in making sure this particular platform works and functions well and they might as well have their hand in it so they do push in changes into the chromium project and it's you know self-centered you can say whatever you want they want edge to be better i get it but it you know it helps chrome as well that's fine they're good with that they've given up they'll let google have the have them have it i like it okay um before we do some questions and some other stuff too then um one thing first i did push out a new uh t-shirt yesterday i'm just gonna put this up real quick if you're interested uh i pushed out this cool branded shirt yesterday that you can get um you get the premium tee you can get in a regular tee that goes up to 5xl i like this premium tee if you can get this one um it's super good quality oh should uh have uh this cool zip idea that i thought was cool too yeah i think i've even seen this yet buddy with uh simply with that logo and then the regular hoodie which i have on now i don't have the that logo and i have the matte black one on uh but i'm gonna grab this one i think this one's cool yeah so yeah so that's out there links in the description for all of our merch we'll tell them our strategy kevin our merch has dropped a foundry name because coder founder is the bootcamp but we want you to be proud of being just a coder in general whether you come to our boot camp or not and so we've rebranded our merch to just use the word coder so even if you're not attending our boot camp um that's intended to identify you as a coder so that's it and so um if you if you if you're coding for a living just put it on there i noticed too when i wear coat of foundry t-shirts all the time people would would just say coder yeah because you don't see the boundary tucked under there at the bottom but yeah yeah they don't see the boundary plug so we just dropped that for the merch you don't have to rock our boot camp brand necessarily but um you can definitely um make it known that you write code for living your coder and i think that's a i think it's a great brand and there's a link down below in the description if you guys are interested the merch links down there and that's up there now i'm gonna leave the old merch up there for now but i'll probably take that down eventually too so it's gonna be gone so if you do want a cf t-shirt yeah that matte black hoodie then i'm gonna go grab it now okay you wanna do some questions okay absolutely let's do some questions i might even have some more grants on c chart we have to extend this into another day yeah exactly okay um let me see so uh nagia i hope i pronounce your name correctly you want to know how much js html css is necessary to be hireable as a net web dev good question so in general web page is html css and javascript so you need how to build web pages with those three technologies the server side of your web application will run in dot-net or c-sharp so i think you need to know html css pretty well and you need to know javascript you need to kind of if you like the dom in javascript you need to know how to do all of those things how to call rest api services with javascript there's a lot you need to know but you don't have to know everything about it you know so if you look at something like asp.net mvc that is going to be a post-bac framework that is very kind of beneficial to a lot of projects still to this day and it uses less javascript versus something like a react which is completely a javascript front end for binding so look at asp.net nbc today and then that may lessen the amount of things you need to know html css to get going so but you're gonna have to know all all of those so and that's because when we talk about being full stack that means all of those technologies and the back end part right is it is it common at a company that that is split well that's more common that's together these days i think you're seeing like um a lot of companies are still using nvc um which is that full stack project but then there's a lot of companies and like paul from coding up to 30 he is doing is like a js front end with react and then a dot net c sharp backend on the server side with web api and then react is calling into those apis to get the information to implement security to hit the database those kind of things so there's both ways that this is being built microsoft allows you to build all of those things with visual studio so react an angular supporter right inside of visual studio and then you um can also build out what i what we teach in the boot camp here is asp.nec which doesn't use a pure js front-end it's an html and the forms are rendered on the server and then serve back up as a web page as an html page to you okay um this is not a the next one is not a question but hold on you don't know if you saw this in chat but look zac who is currently enrolled in the boot camp accepted address he's in some paperwork at orientation right now zach let us know uh that is no west send us the team's message i'm interested yeah man zach sent us zach is in our boot camp and got a job that's cool we still have two weeks left in this current cohort so he's done a great job of of um pushing his stuff out there on twitter um devfto medium yep linkedin um building out of stuff in the school that's awesome i can see you starting a youtube channel zack when you gotta get on that next i think you'd be good at it yeah that's awesome congrats that's very very cool um okay uh nikia which also had a question but i think it's similar to before what's the minimal stack necessary to be employable using c-sharp we can't talk about asp.net just look at asp.net with nbc i think that's the thing that um that you need to be searching into okay okafor teddy says just recently started learning.net that's awesome best experience ever i was working with java springboot prior to learning.net you guys made me look into it's totally worth it awesome yeah i think i think and i say this with all the love in the world of people that are writing java but when you start looking at the tooling and you're just objective and you look at java spring boot i guess you're using eclipse maybe netbeans or whatever that sweetest stuff has been left behind when you start really looking into like what microsoft's building with visual studio you're like wow okay this this is different the tooling is that much better um you're more productive i think it's easier to do um and then they are constantly innovating on these platforms and that's the other thing i wanted to bring up was the innovation is constant so it's not that react doesn't come out that i think it just went out to version 17. it's not that they're kind of like pushing the envelope with um react or but who who is maintaining who is the in charge of java and the tooling and things like that so when those platforms come together it's a collection of like a lot of things to make it work and microsoft is saying here's our answer to these problems and we're evolving on this in an open source way we're involving on this and and with our own internal resources as we push this out in the marketplace and we're committed to open source we're committed to cross-platform we're committed to speed security and having the best tooling on the planet and it's really hard to up for other companies to catch them because the amount of time and effort they're putting into it and that's when you when you really get down and you start using uh visual studio it's amazing i remember when i did a thing for the uh the group out there in memphis with danny thompson's group and i was showing them model first or code first development yeah and like i don't know if you were there when that happened so i type up my model and then i hit you know update database right from visual studio and it created a sql database yeah and everyone in there says it's not that easy you can't possibly do that i remember someone was saying somebody's saying i need to see that again like what is this black magic that he does you know it's so like and then we're saying no that's what microsoft does man like you know i had a database up in minutes and then i'm on to building my app and so those are the types of things i believe that okafor is talking about he's like man okay this is cool you know that's it's easier to do yeah okay osama uh says and thank you for the question says how can someone overcome nervousness and confusion in front of an interviewer any tips for people i think we talk about this quite a bit and um it's not easy and a lot of people do it but here's what you have to do to to be better in an interview number one you need a portfolio of projects second whatever you're interviewing for let's just assume that that's dot net right now or c sharp but it let's it could be react it could be angular it could be anything look at the top 30 questions in the stack that you're interviewing for relate each and one of those questions to your project so that when someone asks you what is nvc you can simply say model view controller but i built a blog in nbc and let me show you how i implemented one of my models on that project boom and then suddenly you're demoing and so when you can take an interview and turn it into a demo of your projects you'll have less nervousness because you know what you're talking about less confusing because you're going to take them to the places you understand very well and you'll perform better in interviews hope that helps i think we've done a lot of videos on that yep kevin yeah yep definitely definitely um let me see so neil says in the uk a lot of job posts on linkedin slash indeed just use c-sharp software developer as the job title no mention of junior in the description or title how do i know the job post is aimed at juniors um just look and see what years of experience you're looking for if it's two and under or three and under apply especially if you've already built projects in c sharp yeah if you have a portfolio and it says years of a year of experience apply anyway yeah and then the other thing is if they're paying um less than a certain wage and it's low pay then they're going to get juniors even though they want seniors in mids right we've definitely seen that be like oh we want somebody five years experience for 35 dollars you're like hold on a minute that's that's this happening yeah you're never gonna you're never ever gonna fill that job so right yeah so that way that if you apply with a developer portfolio that has c-sharp projects on it you're you're you may be one of the few that actually applied with experience even though you haven't worked in the industry yet you can show that on your resume and because of the price they've priced them out of the market for everyone else with experience and you may get that job and that's why you apply especially if you have a portfolio of projects yeah and just remember don't be afraid to apply if they put junior in it it just means they're paying less so that's all it means right you want to pay less right and don't be afraid of applying either the worst thing that's going to happen is you get no answer or a no i mean okay the other thing that could happen kevin in a real way is that you applied for one job but you didn't see the other posts for the for the junior job right or that oh that joke wasn't posted exactly yeah they're like ooh yeah you come on in how much do you cost and they just put you in because they can get you cheaper they'll do it so definitely don't self assess yourself out of a job by not applying yep now if it says 20 years and it's got senior and you can't do any of that stuff then i get it don't apply for those but if you're like man i can build those apps then by all means apply to it you're not gonna get hurt they're not gonna yell at you for applying no no the worst thing is gonna happen is you just get nothing back yeah exactly okay um nuke doom wants to know is c sharp a good alternative for data science here's what i've been saying for two years now kevin that data science without a doubt is going to get easier to do i promise you right now that the the innovation around data science is to make it easier to do now the cloud platforms have a lot of to do with that in order that you can literally load your data train your data you can do a lot of things a lot of the out-of-the-box things right up in azure um so they're also building ml.net now if you're out there and you're working in data science today it's still python because a lot of those early libraries were built in python and that's why you have to know python to do it microsoft is trying to do that with ml.net and c sharp will they get there i don't know but it's a good alternative for sure and uh building things will get easier to do now once it gets easier to do you may not have the need for python any longer that a lot of these workloads are are already done for you and it becomes more more low code not initially all low code but like more options where if i just need to train my data and here's some pre-built models i can do that but if you need to write code ml.net is definitely an option but probably python is still the predominant way to do it today but i don't think it's going to stay that way that's what i keep i'm saying is like they're working on it yep it's going to change why because they want you to come to azure to run all your training and your models on to build your data science centric solution they want that's where they want it to happen and then they want to build the framework and the tooling to make it easier for you to do that so they're not going to rely on someone building tensorflow to to innovate for them they're going to take control of that and innovate themselves so they can make it easier for the developer it's all developer centric view that microsoft has and while when you look at today right now today okay python that's the way you that's what you're going to be learning that's what you're going to be doing or maybe r or maybe other things i mean there may be other languages that happen and then but microsoft's gonna try to make it easier to do by far for sure okay here's a good um this is really a question but let's talk about something you were talking about earlier i think but wouldn't it be boring to do web development after 30 years is that is i think that's 30 years or 30 years well i mean it's like i mean think about anything right if you think about web development from when it started to now it's very very very different it's not like you're doing the same thing for 30 years it's not like you're you know spinning the wheel for 30 years and it's just like you just they're doing the same thing that's not what it is it's it's a constant learning curve right yeah so i've been doing this for about 30 years i'm not bored nah i think it's still pretty fun so but it's so different now surely than it was 30 years ago too yeah and but you know what though let's say that you can only stomach it for the next 10 years but you carved out a good career for 10 years and then in the 11th year you said do something different okay you should still do it because you're gonna make money while you're doing it but um if if you want to go do something different i get that that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it today right you don't have to stay with the one thing you know how to do forever you can do something else you know if you want to go be a graphic designer or you know painter or build ships i don't know i mean like you could find something else to do okay but um i don't think it's boring jc has a question and thank you for the question says can you comment on c sharp in the bitcoin space anything about c-sharp and bitcoin you looked into this at all so ethereum has c-sharp libraries for sure so that you can build things on ethereum what if they're doing anything i wonder if um those new nft things have anything to do with you do anything with those with c-sharp i've been i've been researching that how to build my own nft i haven't found a good resource yet but i think it's because it's brand free probably it's exactly exactly if anybody knows anything about c-sharp and nfts uh on the blockchain uh throw it in chat i'll send us an email he sends an email info at codafoundry.com we're looking to do something with that so yeah i do know there's um ethereum and c sharp for sure in the um you know kind of the blockchain space yeah but you've never built anything with it right you know actually you know at this point okay okay let me see uh i'm gonna assume that's loki i hope i'm getting it lochie i'm going to just go with loki um picked up samurai last month now on to blazer so go see sharp so loki's all in on this okay uh let me see jose says what about micro services using c-sharp distributed network apps and such it's built-in you have that right it's ready to roll it's it's a it's a top flavor if you go to um.net on the webpage and then you'll see the microservices which is really just a design pattern but it's built into building out your microsoft architecture on azure for sure well thought out well established here we go right there there it is so you click there learn everything you want to know but um runs in containers or docker so it's it's all ready to go that's that's been well thought out well traveled so if that's how you're constructing your app then they have a lot of resources up there and um c sharp being your your primary language for doing it okay another question oh yeah yeah i'm jumping around a little bit here but kaylee has another question um she graduated this may with a cs degree when should i start applying for dev jobs a lot of the places that i found want someone to start right away it's a blessing and a curse right yeah well you're so close i would finish my cs degree and then start applying right when you get a little bit closer maybe in which is only two weeks away from april um you also can negotiate a start date too um so like if if they're right away and you can't start right away i get that too um depending on your course load yeah but like um just finishing up practice it's in a march here here's what i would say i would say apply now and if you can negotiate the stock rate um and it's afterwards um if you can't and it's like no we need somebody right now you're not gonna get it but you weren't gonna get it anyway because they were gonna hire somebody else anyway so it's like you can't really lose um and if you do and if you do get the job and they insist on a start straight away you don't have to take it um right you know and they can't negotiate just move on you know that you've you've gone through the experience of going through the interview process and all that kind of good stuff so it's that's kind of what i would do i'd apply right now because a lot of times um it's going to take you several weeks to get through the process anyway yeah they may they may say start right away but you're not going to interview on a wednesday and say can you start tomorrow morning right you know that could happen but typically they've got to go decide they'll be your resume maybe go through two or three person per interview process takes two three weeks usually so i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't worry about that depending on the company if you have to do a background check and that kind of stuff to add another week or so to it [Music] okay uh let me see heal up kaylee i hope you get a job tell us if you get hired let us know yeah yeah we're interested let us know what you want to do too it's interesting yeah exactly it's interesting it's cool um let's see i like this one someone wants to know where do you see csharp or and.net after five years worth learning for a complete beginner yeah i think it's gonna take over the planet in five years so i think that's where we're going it's the it's gonna be the dominant um development platform in five to ten years for sure it's definitely worth doing um what i what i always tell for beginners is learn the thing that's going to get you a job not learn the thing that's easiest to learn so go ahead and learn the thing that people want you to do so that you can actually get employed doing it and don't learn i just it graceful nerves when people say well that i learned python because it's beautiful syntax and it's easy to learn for the beginner right and we do hear that yeah okay hire me to do that that's the problem as a junior you know like wow what is going to get you hired what is relevant right now and what has a future if you can get those three things you're golden yeah i don't think you need to learn the easiest you need to learn to get your job and so it's absolutely worth learning for a complete beginner so if you think about it um is it some is that it's i've seen it from a long ways away they are releasing.net six in november of this year and dot net seven of the next year and the year after that dot nine eight that is the the road map the current foreseeable road map for for net for microsoft c sharp's a big player in that and so like in other words when you look at a behemoth like microsoft it's not like they're gonna switch next week i mean like these these take um discernible steps moving forward now microsoft's had some some missteps in the past where suddenly they ended support for silverlight and it really wasn't at the end of support for silverlight it's more like that plugins are going away from the browser anyway so it was decided for them and they adopted html5 which the rest of the industry did which was a good thing for the industry um it just the way they did it was bad i think microsoft has learned from that mistake and now they're saying here's where we're going for the next three to five years and you can count on this for the next three to five years this is what we're doing and um and i think that should give you a lot of comfort and that they're gonna spend a lot of money a lot of time a lot of resources making sure that this development ecosystem.net is um worth to base your career around yep one last thing here then we wrap up here and kieran says alexi sharp then java but surrounded companies don't hire c-sharp programmers that goes back to our previous advice you've got to pick something that you can get hired for in your area that's java just look around man so i don't know where you live um so just look around yep what are they hiring for and that's what you want to learn if that's java then stick with java yeah if that is so okay we're a little bit after that u.s market um c-sharp is high in demand and you can get a job doing it right very cool all right well i think we're up today it's taco time we are um it's taco time we'll be back on thursday with another interesting topic maybe i'll make another uh contentious topic to talk about on thursday well leave a comment give us a like there's a lot of you here how many people are here there's oh there are over 100 here right now we've got 62 likes give us a little like and if you liked the topic let us know um if you didn't let us know and we'll we'll talk about it and if you've got any ideas of other topics we'll we'll see in the comments and interact with you there yep thursday's video is going to be javascript and why it sucks would that work but hey if i do that you guys are going to show off aren't you so [Laughter] but yeah we won't do that all right good luck guys keep coding we'll see you thursday we'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 4,812
Rating: 4.9163179 out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, software developer career, c sharp, learn c#, microsoft, javascript, react, facebook, web development, web dev, azure
Id: LbKra7yCobI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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