The "3-Point Curve" Formula to Exact-Match Colors! - Photoshop Tutorial

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hi there this is umish and welcome to another pixim perfect original original you might ask well today we're going to talk about curves that's why of course the one in photoshop don't get too excited now the only other curve that i'm interested in from you is the curve of your smile anyway in this video i'm going to share with you the three point curve technique to exactly absolutely match the color of one object to the other object using some specific numbers this is going to be exciting i'm excited to share this with you so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back in the mathematical world of photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download this for unfollow along you already know what to do check the links in the description now before we begin i just wanted to quickly thank you from the bottom of my heart because i remember in the last video i asked you guys to subscribe those of you who are watching the video and a lot of you guys did i cannot express how grateful i am to you for subscribing to this channel and helping these videos reach more people and help more people so thank you so much again let's say these two are sisters and we want to match the jacket that she's wearing the lady in green to the sweater of the lady in the right how do we do that well first we need to sample the color that she is wearing in different areas one for the highlights one for the midtones fun for the shadows and then we'll sample the same for the green jacket and then we'll try to match it using a specific number first of all let's create two layers all right the top one is always the layer for reference the bottom one is always the layer for the sample that we're gonna target so let's name it target instead okay now with the target layer selected select the brush tool you can select a regular hard round brush just like this and then take a sample of the bright area of her jacket so i'm just going to take a sample of this particular area also when you're taking a sample just make sure with the eyedropper selected you have three by three or five by five average so i'm gonna go with three by three it's gonna simply create a box of three by three pixels and take the average color of that it is essential so that you don't take a point sample so if you choose point sample if you click somewhere it can accidentally sample some other color or maybe even sample a noise we don't want that so make sure it is three by three average so that the colors are consistent you can even go higher if you want to but in this case we have lots of patterns and my new details here so we do not want to take an average of a larger area so three by three or five by five seems all right for the first one let's go for a five by five and take a sample from right here select the brush hold the alt k the option key click to take a sample of the bright areas i'm going to go with this color so let's just paint right over here make the brush a little larger so this is for the highlights okay for the mid-tones take a mid-tone color just like this this works and this is for the tones and for the shadow areas we're just going to go somewhere here and take a sample and this is for the shadows all right we have all three colors there for the reference select the reference layer first and now with her sweater first let's change the average to three by three because the details are just kind of my nude here take the brush i feel like this is a good highlight standard so let's go with that one just overlap the highlights midtones and shadows of the target and paint over there now the mid tones i feel this would be a good candidate let's paint it right over here and for the shadows we can go somewhere here and paint right over here so now my dear friend we have it all set on the left hand side we have the target and on the right hand side we have the reference so we want to make the target the same as the reference so you want to dial in some numbers change some properties and settings so that the highlights of the target merge with that of the reference the midtones of the target merges with that of the midtones of the reference and so on for the shadow areas now to make that happen if you watch bricks and perfect you've already guessed what we will do so just above the target layer we're going to create a curves adjustment layer but before we do so we need to make a selection of this jacket because we only want to target that jacket area so to do that you can start making a selection with whatever tool you like you can use the quick selection tool you can use the magic wand too whatever you like i would recommend using the pen tool now this is not a selection class so i've already made a selection for you if you want to learn more about making selections and if you want to master masking do watch this amazing playlist right over here i'm just going to load the selection by going to select load selection and i have it right here check it hit okay so that loads that after that we're going to create a curves adjustment layer so that it comes with a mask which is created from the active selection select the symbol of the curves adjustment layer now we're going to go here and we will look at the rgb values of these reference colors and how can we do that well you can open up the color picker and then just click here and note down the rgb values in a piece of paper one other way is that you can make a copy of the reference and you have to actually place it under the curve for this to work and then let's open up the curves properties again select the hand right over there hold the shift key and the alt key together you should see the eyedropper with a little crosshair next to it now click here that's info or the color number one let's place it right over there click here and click here here you have the rgb values of all of these three colors let's place the info right over here so it's convenient for us to see now let's get back to the properties of the curves adjustment layer all right now here's what we will do we'll select the hand again and according to the rgb values of the target colors we're gonna create anchor points for different channels so we need to see where does each of these colors fall so if you go to the red channel right now if i hover over it it clearly shows you all right that's the position of that particular color and here's for the second one and this one is for the third one so to do it go back to the rgb channel hold the shift key and the control key and then click on the first color alright now if you go to the red channel see it'll already make a point for you i prefer sampling all of them together so let's get back to the rgb channel we have already clicked on this one again hold the shift key and the control key keep on holding that click on the second one and click on the third one as well all right make sure it's nicely sampled of course it will be nicely sampled if you click once but habits from the times when computers needed to be tamed anyway let's go to the red channel let's start with the first one select the first one the output is 122. we need to set it to the first sample right here the first sample value is 212. so from 122 we need to take it to 212. all right let's select the second one what is the value of red for the second example 136 so let's set it to 1 30 6. all right let's select the third one what is the value of red for the third color 61. cannot see any change here because the mask is on so if you want to see the change hold the shift key and click on the mask and you will see the change right over here let's get back to the properties and this time let's go with the greens so for the first one the value is 87 similarly let's dial down the values of all of these points have a look both of them are now magic now if you turn off this reference right over there have a look both of them are now so nicely matching we don't need the info so this is what we exactly wanted didn't we the highlights of the target matches with that of the reference so does the midtones and the shadows so now let's zoom out and let's turn off the references and also turn on the mask by holding the shift key and clicking on the mask and there you have it my friend the exact match right over there and if you're concerned about these samples just select the eyedropper to hold the shift key and the alt key again hover over those a scissor icon is going to show up click on that click on the second one click on the third one all of them are now gone so that's how you exactly match the color of one object to the other using a specific number inside curves and that is the three point curve technique i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials i would love to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting pixem perfect on patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching thank you for giving me your time i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 224,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: match color phptoshop, curves, apply exact color photoshop, replace color, change color, photoshop tutorial, adobe, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: zV6peLaJ0tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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