The 20 Weakest Dragon Ball Techniques

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[Music] for every kamehameha and final flash and Dragonball there's a wolf bang fist or dynamite kick in other words while some of the techniques used throughout the franchise are powerful destructive and straight-up awesome there are just as many attacks moves or transformations that are weak useless or mostly ineffective so we're taking a look at the weakest techniques throughout all of Dragonball and ranking them from somewhat effective to completely useless starting us off we have a technique that some might not think is all that weak the spirit bomb the spirit bomb has been used all throughout Dragonball Z and even in Dragon Ball super and although it was used to completely obliterate Kid Buu it's actually not all that effective it consists of gathering energy from one surroundings then throwing said energy at an opponent in a massive ball of destruction sounds pretty badass right you're not wrong but think about how many times the spirit bomb has actually been effective it's been used five times in total including trunks of spirit sword with only two of these being effective enough to kill the target a statistic that combined with how long it takes to charge up the attack makes the spirit bomb one of the least effective techniques in all of Dragonball it's not the weakest attack by any means but it's not the strongest either another not quite weak but still ineffective technique is Super Saiyan third grade no we're not talking about trunks or Goten get it because they're little kids and go super saiyan yeah it was a pretty bad joke anyway we're talking about the form between Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 this form is what happens when a Super Saiyan pushes past Super Saiyan by inflating their muscles with energy in order to massively increase their strength sounds pretty effective right nope it's actually completely useless due to the fact that all that extra muscle lowers the user's mobility at speed making them an easy target for someone with superior agility Future Trunks learned this lesson the hard way when he beefed up two Super Saiyan third grade in his fight with Sal finding himself bested in speed by the bio Android this made trunks look rather dim-witted sense Goku and Vegeta quickly figured out the downside of the form has well a Cell who demonstrated the faults of inflated muscles to trunks first and like the spirit bomb the evil containment wave or mokuba hasn't had the best track record in terms of effectiveness it's been used a lot more than the spirit bomb so the average rate of success is a bit higher but overall the muhabba has only been effective less than half the time it's used this is especially true whenever it's used in a moment of life or death think back to Dragonball when Master Roshi attempted to use it on King Piccolo like his master had done successfully many years prior it failed and he died as a result tenshun Han failed as well the technique was forgotten until Dragon Ball super where it was attempted on zama soo but once again failed the only time it worked in the franchise was when master muta hito used it on King Piccolo and when Master Roshi used it to eliminate fighters in the tournament of power we had a bit of trouble ranking this one man's you can probably guess why the final explosion was the self destructive attack in the literal way not the psychological way that Vegeta used in an attempt to destroy majin buu before he could destroy the earth it had consisted of Vegeta unleashing all of his Super Saiyan 2 energy at once resulting in a massive explosion while this sounds incredibly effective on paper it's built to do anything to majin buu and Vegeta first to use the technique well boo was splattered into pieces but his regenerative abilities allowed him to reform meaning all the attack did was kill Vegeta it's a powerful attack indeed especially since it was used effectively and with the survival of Vegeta later on in the tournament of power but the risk involved and the 50% success rate makes the final explosion a relatively ineffective attack that probably shouldn't be used more than it already has Vegeta wasn't the first character in Dragon Ball to self-destruct as a last resort to defeat a powerful flow since ciaossu did it before him during the Saiyan saga it's actually kind of unfair Vegeta is thought of as a hero for his final explosion despite ending the lives of half the audience the World Martial Arts Tournament prior to his death bulb Chow sue is thought of as useless for doing the exact same thing we're of course referring to Chow Sue's attempt to kill nappa with a self-detonating technique one that ended up failing completely by latching himself onto Napa's back right on the spot that we all have double reaching when there's an itch to scratch making him hard to get rid of ciaossu turned himself into a living bomb exploding after saying goodbye to tension on via telekinesis unfortunately the attack was completely ineffective and Knapp emerged from the smoke unscathed making Xiao su sacrificial attack one of the weakest in all Dragonball next up we have a technique that many may have forgotten about or didn't know existed in the first place Master Roshi's Thunder shock surprise this technique involves shooting a lightning like energy blast that shocks opponents and keeps them trapped in an electric field this technique deserves some credit as it's capable of killing and makes it very difficult for opponents to escape from the electrical field but it's only been used a few times in the series and doesn't seem to be as effective against other superhuman opponents again not the weakest technique in the franchise but also nowhere near the strongest of all time and because it falls in the lower tier of attacks we're gonna rank it as number 15 on our list strangely enough Piccolo's used a version of this attack throughout the course of the franchise but even with his great power it's still not that effective being able to make clones yourself is definitely pretty useful but in relation to the other much stronger Dragonball techniques its power doesn't quite compare known as the multi form this technique has been used by both Tien and Sal but the former was the first to display the cloning ability by splitting himself into four clones Tien is able to overwhelm opponents and gain the upper hand useful yes but once you realize that each clone is only a quarter as strong as the fighter using it it's easy to see how weak a technique it is but we guess it does have the advantage of allowing one person to serve as an entire barbershop quartet hmm I think Tien is a good singing voice I'm getting off-topic here the point is that while having clones of oneself can be useful and quickly turning around to fight the multiform fails overall as a technique based on the name of this technique you might think that it involves magic or summoning witches or some kind of dark art with a powerful effect but that's not the case despite being called for witches this technique involves growing two extra arms yeah it doesn't really make sense to us either maybe the name is a translation error or maybe it's just part of Dragon Balls weird in conventions but there are no witches involved in this technique just two extra arms the four witches was first used by tension Hahn in his match against Goku during the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament this match also showed how completely ineffective of a technique it is since despite gathering up a ton of energy tiens forearms were easily combatted by goku simply moving his arm so fast that they functioned as six or eight yeah if your technique can be beaten by a kid flapping his arms maybe imagine Utley Boulder from Indiana Jones was a warrior that's pretty much Moana from universe for sense her ability to turn the bottom half of her body into a huge orb makes her a dangerous obstacle to deal with however while this technique known as expansion which seems like a bit of a rip off of Choji from Naruto is useful and able to hold its own against a Super Saiyan it's also a bit OneNote this is to say that expansion just lets mono roll that's it as long as someone knows how to combat against the giant rolling obstacle they're fine in fact if it weren't for the fact that the combatants of the tournament of power were forbidden from flying most opponents could easily dodge a big role in Boulder of a fighter even if Mona's power increases with her size there's no denying how useless this technique is against most warriors especially those who can fly somewhat similar to Mona's expansion is botamochi l-- which is less of a technique in more of universe six warrior blue tamos natural ability plátano who may or may not be a ripoff of Winnie the Pooh comes from a race of aliens with soft pliable bodies that can take an extensive amount of force without experiencing damage the simple act of letting his elastic body take all of the force dealt to him is known as the botom Oh she'll and while it can be effective the character's elimination in the tournament of powers showed just how useless it is against a very strong opponent initially botamo was depicted as being tough to beat since attacks couldn't do anything to him but in the tournament of power go on was able to knock him out by simply punching hard and fast enough to push botamo closer and closer to the edge before eliminating him with a Kamehameha we're not actually sure if you can classify tricking someone into taking a present disguised as a bomb as a technique but it's close enough and since the present for you attack was incorporated into a number of different Dragonball game we think it's worth looking at mr. Satan is the first and only person to use this trick originally utilizing it after failing to end boo with poisoned chocolate a task given to him by the people of earth who still believed he was the warrior who defeated sell the exploding present a handheld video game console wasn't very successful which is why it's in the top ten or rather the bottom ten and our ranking not only was the explosion ineffective and damaging boo but the villain also thought it was part of the game calling what normally would be a deadly experience spun huh we couldn't talk about the weakest techniques in Dragon Ball without including yarmulkes wolf bang fist although the rush attack has gotten Yamcha through some tough battles and it even managed to get the best of Goku once it's still just a series of fast physical attacks nothing more in fact the move was so useless that young just ceased use a kid after Dragon Ball Z only using it in the original series while it has made appearances in video games including Dragonball Fighters Z the wolf Fang fist has been defunct for quite some time as even its creator has found it to be completely useless in a world of energy attacks and Super Saiyans we don't think Yamcha is as weak as the means making out to be since the self-destructing Cyberman that cemented his weak status only did so because he couldn't defeat Yamcha fair and square but the wolf bang fist is definitely a dud of a technique as much as people may love Vidal mus included she's by experience alone on a lower power level than Yamcha or other lower tier superhuman warriors she knows how to fly has a decent grasp on energy control and is a highly skilled and normal martial artist but on the larger power scale of the franchise she's pretty low now that doesn't make her any less of a great character since she could probably kick his butt with nothing more than a glare since Vidal is mostly a normal martial artist her signature attack the Eagle kick isn't all that effective especially against the powered-up Spokeo who recovered from the attack like it was nothing though Vidal is able to give the Eagle kick a bit more oomph by adding her flight to it the move is ultimately one of the weaker techniques in the franchise of course it's still much stronger than the signature attack of her father there's no doubt that the dells much stronger than her father and as such his signature technique the dynamite kick ranks lower than her eagle kick first time we saw the dynamite kick was at the beginning of the cell games when mr. Satan stepped into the ring to prove himself a gift cell after legitimately winning the World Martial Arts Tournament fair and square mr. Satan had something of a big head which combined with his love of theatrics and crowd-pleasing made him think he could take on the likes of sell after showing off a bit mr. Satan began attacking cell with a flurry of kicks which became known as his dynamite kick but as we all know these are just normal kicks and as such they really didn't do much aside from annoying sound of course mr. Satan's news crew thought they were doing something only to be shocked when the moustached martial artist was swatted away like a fly oh it was this was another tough one to ring because while biting an opponent has never really done all that much damage in history of Dragon Ball it has actually served a purpose in a number of fights Goku has never finished off an opponent with a bite but he has managed to get the upper hand or get out of a tough situation by way of fighting becky's even used it just to show he wasn't going to give up so easily like when he bit King Piccolo after his limbs had been crippled but at the end of the day despite how useful biting has been to Goku like when he decided to have a taste of freezes tail it hasn't ever really done enough damage to be ranked on the same level as say Destructo disc or the masane ko because of how useful it can be biting is not in the bottom five but it's pretty close one of Goku's earliest signature attacks was rocked scissors and paper a three part rush attack that was invented by his adoptive grandfather grandpa Gohan's technique actually lives up to its name as it consists of a rock like fist a scissor like poke to both eyes and a paper like palm strike the attack worked for the early comedy focus days of Dragon Ball since its wonderfully slapstick but as the franchise shifted more toward intense battles the technique was done away with and good riddens we say since wallet was wanting to see Goku pull the Dragon Ball equivalent to the three stooges bit the attack isn't all that effective compared to other techniques of Goku's but it would be funny to see Goku pull this on free zone just to see if he could remember that time Krillin pragati didn't have a nose and almost lost to his super smelly opponent because his lack of hygiene made him too fowl to attack yeah early Dragon Ball kind of weird with brillance fight against bacteria being one of the weirder parts so what does this smelly fighter have to do with the weakest techniques in Dragon Ball well bacteria and smelliness was technically his main battle tactic so his deliberate lack of bathing could be considered a technique and a weak one of that although the smell was so incredibly pungent that everyone around bacterium became sick to their stomachs the tactic has no effect on opponents like Crillon who have no nose additionally a more seasoned fighter would likely be able to push past the smell to finish the fight not to mention that being so unclean probably left bacteria with a shorter lifespan so we wouldn't call smelliness an effective or smart battle tactic speaking a Crillon the character is considered by many to be the strongest human in the Dragon Ball franchise mainly because he developed the Destructo discs and has held his own against some of the toughest villains throughout Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z and super that said Crillon also has one very weird and rather weak technique in his repertoire that was only used once and comes in as number three in our ranking of weakest techniques the technique in question is his balloon technique the active inflating his body with air as a means of slowing his descent which is very strange for a lot of reasons well anything is technically possible in the world of Dragon Ball world's leader is a talking dog after all this part of Colin's match with Goku has always seemed a bit strange and out of place and aside from helping Crillon slow his fall to the ground the balloon technique is pretty much useless there's one other technique of Crill ins that unfortunately makes the list of weakest techniques however unlike his other attacks this one was more of an empty-headed misguided accident we're of course talking about the time that Crillon threw a rock at Goku's head to see how strong and fast he was this was after Goku had mastered holding his Super Saiyan form for a long period of time staying transformed the days leading up to the Cell Games in an attempt to see just how strong Goku was Crillon chucked a rock at his head and though it was pretty painful Goku stating as much with angry yelling this technique is still one of the weakest attacks in Dragonball history which is why it baffles us that the rock throw became part of Colin's arsenal and Dragon Ball fighters II maybe we're just meant to properly utilize the moon but the rock throw maybe the game's worst attack last and literally least we have a technique that's been presented in the Dragon Ball franchise as long as there have been flashy fighters who love to put on a show posing we're not talking about battle stances that's a legitimate way of readying oneself for battle nope we're talking about any time a warrior has done a pose or a series of poses in order to pump themselves up for battle or in an attempt to intimidate their enemies everyone from the ginyu force to go hannes great say a man persona has used poses to enhance their fighting though it hardly if ever succeeds in doing anything more than making them look like a fool Gohan especially since nobody nobody in the world of Dragon Ball thinks is cool but we kind of like it because of how little posing manages to do in a fight we decided to rank it as the weakest technique in all of Dragon Ball and those are some of the weakest techniques in all a Dragon Ball do you agree with our choices are any of these techniques actually super strong did we leave out any useless attacks let us know in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more Dragon Ball videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,423,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Attack, Technique, Weak, Useless, Ineffective, Super Saiyan, Goku, Vegeta, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Anime
Id: 64-rwk9kO80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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